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Ace Has Me Scared

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Please, let me second Jane: no chiropractic until you have good spinal x-rays. Chiro will hurt like nothing you've seen yet, and it might actually do harm if there's a problem. There could be a slipped disk or something along those lines... (The only time Sam ever came close to biting someone was the chiropractor at our last visit. And then he was in enormous pain again just two weeks later, which is when we went to muscle relaxers.)


Sam (65 pounds) gets 500mg methocarbamol 3x a day. He's also taking gabapentin (100mg/6x a day) and 1/2 of a teeny (7.5mg) meloxicam daily. The methocarbamol and meloxicam are for his spinal arthritis. When that flares up, Sam will scream when trying to lie down or trying to stand up--even when he's lying down and just tries to raise his head. (Then he'll go to the vet's office, lie on the floor without a whimper, wag his tail, and make a liar out of me when I'm standing there sleepless and nearly in tears because he's been hurting so bad.) The gabapentin has been added because of his lung cancer, but I swear it's helping with the arthritis stuff. (He also has a slightly herniated disk at L5. He's got a couple of bad spots on his spine, so he doesn't react the same way every time.)


Can you get Ace on gabapentin?


Meanwhile, harness rather than collar. Leash-walks. As little stairs or furniture-climbing as you can manage. And a raised food dish and water dish so she doesn't have to bend her head down.

Kathy and Q (CRT Qadeer from Fuzzy's Cannon and CRT Bonnie) and
Jane (WW's Aunt Jane from Trent Lee and Aunt M); photos to come.

Missing Silver (5.19.2005-10.27.2016), Tigger (4.5.2007-3.18.2016),
darling Sam (5.10.2000-8.8.2013), Jacey-Kasey (5.19.2003-8.22.2011), and Oreo (1997-3.30.2006)

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When I hear back from Dr. Taylor I'll ask if she can X-ray her before we do anything. If we do anything though, it will be acupuncture, not chiropractic. There's no way she can be manipulated like that right now or she'd have an absolute meltdown.


She's currently naked and she meanders around in our little segregated yard for potty time. If I take her anywhere she is harnessed and I have been her elevator for furniture use. She won't even attempt to get up on anything without my help, but she also won't lay on any of the beds on the floor. Her place is on the pillow next to mine in bed and that's been the only place she will really rest.

Kristin in Moline, IL USA with Ozzie (MRL Crusin Clem), Clarice (Clarice McBones), Latte and Sage the IGs, and the kitties: Violet and Rose
Lovingly Remembered: Sutra (Fliowa Sutra) 12/02/97-10/12/10, Pinky (Pick Me) 04/20/03-11/19/12, Fritz (Fritz Fire) 02/05/01 - 05/20/13, Ace (Fantastic Ace) 02/05/01 - 07/05/13, and Carrie (Takin the Crumbs) 05/08/99 - 09/04/13.

A cure for cancer can't come soon enough.--

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Ugh my phone messed things up and it posted before I was ready for it to.


Thank you all for your good thoughts and prayers. This has been an overwhelming few days and it's not over yet, but I hope we're on the right track.

Kristin in Moline, IL USA with Ozzie (MRL Crusin Clem), Clarice (Clarice McBones), Latte and Sage the IGs, and the kitties: Violet and Rose
Lovingly Remembered: Sutra (Fliowa Sutra) 12/02/97-10/12/10, Pinky (Pick Me) 04/20/03-11/19/12, Fritz (Fritz Fire) 02/05/01 - 05/20/13, Ace (Fantastic Ace) 02/05/01 - 07/05/13, and Carrie (Takin the Crumbs) 05/08/99 - 09/04/13.

A cure for cancer can't come soon enough.--

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Oh, this is so stressful for all of you.


In addition to acupuncture, maybe massage therapy?


At least, you've got good results on everything that has been looked at, but these mystery ailments have to be the most stressful of all, I think.


I hope you can get some answers, and that Ace can get some relief from her obvious pain!

Wendy with Twiggy, fosterless while Twiggy's fighting the good fight, and Donnie & Aiden the kitties

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our friends Rich and Jerrie (Nettles on GT) had the same issue with their girl a couple months ago -- terrible!!! I'll ask what they did, she's 100% back to normal now -- it was in her neck too, IIRC.


sending healing prayers! :hope

Kim and Bruce - with Rick (Rick Roufus 6/30/16) and missing my sweet greyhound Angels Rainey (LG's Rainey 10/4/2000 - 3/8/2011), Anubis (RJ's Saint Nick 12/25/2001 - 9/12/12) and Zeke (Hey Who Whiz It 4/6/2009 - 7/20/2020) and Larry (PTL Laroach 2/24/2007 - 8/2/2020) -- and Chester (Lab) (8/31/1990 - 5/3/2005), Captain (Schipperke) (10/12/1992 - 6/13/2005) and Remy (GSP) (?/?/1998 - 1/6/2005) at the bridge
"Always do sober what you said you'd do drunk. That will teach you to keep your mouth shut." -- Ernest Hemmingway

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She has been letting me rub her neck a little bit tonight...I'm very cautious though, don't want to get too deep with it and make the problem worse. I'm going to see if she'll tolerate ice too.


Only problem is that she's SO ticklish that her leg gets going when I rub her neck :lol

Kristin in Moline, IL USA with Ozzie (MRL Crusin Clem), Clarice (Clarice McBones), Latte and Sage the IGs, and the kitties: Violet and Rose
Lovingly Remembered: Sutra (Fliowa Sutra) 12/02/97-10/12/10, Pinky (Pick Me) 04/20/03-11/19/12, Fritz (Fritz Fire) 02/05/01 - 05/20/13, Ace (Fantastic Ace) 02/05/01 - 07/05/13, and Carrie (Takin the Crumbs) 05/08/99 - 09/04/13.

A cure for cancer can't come soon enough.--

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Hi -- asked Rich -- Sasha got Prednisone and Tramadol, no chiro or accupuncture. It took a couple weeks IIRC but she's 100% back to normal. They were EXTREMELY worried when this happened, it was that bad.


hoping things get better quickly for Ace too! :hope :hope

Kim and Bruce - with Rick (Rick Roufus 6/30/16) and missing my sweet greyhound Angels Rainey (LG's Rainey 10/4/2000 - 3/8/2011), Anubis (RJ's Saint Nick 12/25/2001 - 9/12/12) and Zeke (Hey Who Whiz It 4/6/2009 - 7/20/2020) and Larry (PTL Laroach 2/24/2007 - 8/2/2020) -- and Chester (Lab) (8/31/1990 - 5/3/2005), Captain (Schipperke) (10/12/1992 - 6/13/2005) and Remy (GSP) (?/?/1998 - 1/6/2005) at the bridge
"Always do sober what you said you'd do drunk. That will teach you to keep your mouth shut." -- Ernest Hemmingway

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Just wanted to update on Ace. She's doing okay...I gave her her morning muscle relaxers and tramadol about 30 minutes before we had to get out of bed. She had a much easier time of getting up then. She went out to potty and ate her breakfast just fine and I got her situated in bed before I left for work.


The acupuncture/Chiro is out of town until February 6th. So we're giving this a few more days. I did increase her Robaxin to 750mg and that seems to be making a big difference for her.

Kristin in Moline, IL USA with Ozzie (MRL Crusin Clem), Clarice (Clarice McBones), Latte and Sage the IGs, and the kitties: Violet and Rose
Lovingly Remembered: Sutra (Fliowa Sutra) 12/02/97-10/12/10, Pinky (Pick Me) 04/20/03-11/19/12, Fritz (Fritz Fire) 02/05/01 - 05/20/13, Ace (Fantastic Ace) 02/05/01 - 07/05/13, and Carrie (Takin the Crumbs) 05/08/99 - 09/04/13.

A cure for cancer can't come soon enough.--

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I have time for a CT blocked off on Monday if we end up needing it. She was a little bit trembly when I got home, but she wagged her tail at me :wub: and ate her dinner. She's resting with an ice pack right now.


If we see improvement by Monday morning, I can cancel the CT.

Kristin in Moline, IL USA with Ozzie (MRL Crusin Clem), Clarice (Clarice McBones), Latte and Sage the IGs, and the kitties: Violet and Rose
Lovingly Remembered: Sutra (Fliowa Sutra) 12/02/97-10/12/10, Pinky (Pick Me) 04/20/03-11/19/12, Fritz (Fritz Fire) 02/05/01 - 05/20/13, Ace (Fantastic Ace) 02/05/01 - 07/05/13, and Carrie (Takin the Crumbs) 05/08/99 - 09/04/13.

A cure for cancer can't come soon enough.--

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Well, my poor peanut is not feeling much better today - she is able to get up and get around, but she is just shaking like a leaf anytime she's not laying in bed. And when she lays back down after being up shaking, it takes her about 30 minutes to quit shaking. I'm looking forward to getting home and cuddling her.

Kristin in Moline, IL USA with Ozzie (MRL Crusin Clem), Clarice (Clarice McBones), Latte and Sage the IGs, and the kitties: Violet and Rose
Lovingly Remembered: Sutra (Fliowa Sutra) 12/02/97-10/12/10, Pinky (Pick Me) 04/20/03-11/19/12, Fritz (Fritz Fire) 02/05/01 - 05/20/13, Ace (Fantastic Ace) 02/05/01 - 07/05/13, and Carrie (Takin the Crumbs) 05/08/99 - 09/04/13.

A cure for cancer can't come soon enough.--

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Slight improvement tonight when I got home from work...she did well going outside and then coming in to eat. After that, she got a little bit agitated and shaky, so I put her to bed. We're watching a movie together and she's resting quietly.

Kristin in Moline, IL USA with Ozzie (MRL Crusin Clem), Clarice (Clarice McBones), Latte and Sage the IGs, and the kitties: Violet and Rose
Lovingly Remembered: Sutra (Fliowa Sutra) 12/02/97-10/12/10, Pinky (Pick Me) 04/20/03-11/19/12, Fritz (Fritz Fire) 02/05/01 - 05/20/13, Ace (Fantastic Ace) 02/05/01 - 07/05/13, and Carrie (Takin the Crumbs) 05/08/99 - 09/04/13.

A cure for cancer can't come soon enough.--

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I find myself watching her breathe, just hoping to look over and see that she's breathing slowly and deeply like they do when they're TRULY relaxed and sleeping. It's still a little too quick to qualify, but, it's much better than it was the other day.


I just keep telling myself BABY STEPS...

Kristin in Moline, IL USA with Ozzie (MRL Crusin Clem), Clarice (Clarice McBones), Latte and Sage the IGs, and the kitties: Violet and Rose
Lovingly Remembered: Sutra (Fliowa Sutra) 12/02/97-10/12/10, Pinky (Pick Me) 04/20/03-11/19/12, Fritz (Fritz Fire) 02/05/01 - 05/20/13, Ace (Fantastic Ace) 02/05/01 - 07/05/13, and Carrie (Takin the Crumbs) 05/08/99 - 09/04/13.

A cure for cancer can't come soon enough.--

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Today's update:


She is a little bit more lively today...she greeted me after work with a waggy tail and was prancing around in the snow.


She still much prefers to rest in the bedroom on the bed. I am spending some time in the living room this evening, but I've got her settled in the bedroom for the time being. We'll have bedtime potty time in a bit and then we'll all get into bed :)

Kristin in Moline, IL USA with Ozzie (MRL Crusin Clem), Clarice (Clarice McBones), Latte and Sage the IGs, and the kitties: Violet and Rose
Lovingly Remembered: Sutra (Fliowa Sutra) 12/02/97-10/12/10, Pinky (Pick Me) 04/20/03-11/19/12, Fritz (Fritz Fire) 02/05/01 - 05/20/13, Ace (Fantastic Ace) 02/05/01 - 07/05/13, and Carrie (Takin the Crumbs) 05/08/99 - 09/04/13.

A cure for cancer can't come soon enough.--

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She got up a few times throughout the night, which is much more normal behavior for her. Of course then she comes back to bed but can't get up onto it, so I would wake up and notice she was gone, and would find her standing next to my side of the bed wagging her tail :wub: I'm guessing she just got up to get a drink. :dunno

Kristin in Moline, IL USA with Ozzie (MRL Crusin Clem), Clarice (Clarice McBones), Latte and Sage the IGs, and the kitties: Violet and Rose
Lovingly Remembered: Sutra (Fliowa Sutra) 12/02/97-10/12/10, Pinky (Pick Me) 04/20/03-11/19/12, Fritz (Fritz Fire) 02/05/01 - 05/20/13, Ace (Fantastic Ace) 02/05/01 - 07/05/13, and Carrie (Takin the Crumbs) 05/08/99 - 09/04/13.

A cure for cancer can't come soon enough.--

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At this point I don't think we'll be doing the CT on Monday. She was flipping a stuffy around earlier and having fun. I can tell she is a little bit stiff yet, but, I think with continued care and some acupuncture, she will be just fine.

Kristin in Moline, IL USA with Ozzie (MRL Crusin Clem), Clarice (Clarice McBones), Latte and Sage the IGs, and the kitties: Violet and Rose
Lovingly Remembered: Sutra (Fliowa Sutra) 12/02/97-10/12/10, Pinky (Pick Me) 04/20/03-11/19/12, Fritz (Fritz Fire) 02/05/01 - 05/20/13, Ace (Fantastic Ace) 02/05/01 - 07/05/13, and Carrie (Takin the Crumbs) 05/08/99 - 09/04/13.

A cure for cancer can't come soon enough.--

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