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Bizarre Sunshine Behavior...


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If you have two dogs and two cats and only one dog is reacting, I'm thinking it may not be mice or other varmints. Your other dog might not growl at strange noises, but surely there'd be some sort of reaction; and I'd expect cats to be particularly intrigued by noises in the walls.


Same thing for ghosts: only one dog reacts?


I'm glad you have the vet appointment.

Kathy and Q (CRT Qadeer from Fuzzy's Cannon and CRT Bonnie) and
Jane (WW's Aunt Jane from Trent Lee and Aunt M); photos to come.

Missing Silver (5.19.2005-10.27.2016), Tigger (4.5.2007-3.18.2016),
darling Sam (5.10.2000-8.8.2013), Jacey-Kasey (5.19.2003-8.22.2011), and Oreo (1997-3.30.2006)

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I didn't know so many people believe in ghosts. blink.gif


I'm currently dealing with the annual mice invasion & my dogs don't notice it anymore. The kittehs are my early warning devices. lol.gif


You said you just moved into a new house. Is there new carpeting or some other items that may be off-gassing & it's somehow affecting her/her medication? Some kind of allergy? Maybe it's the meds themselves, building up in her system? Good idea to get her into the vet. Tell them all these things & don't think you're crazy. This behavior is different for her so something is going on. Best case, it's the mice. Or ghosts.unknown2a.gif


Deirdre with Conor (Daring Pocobueno), Keeva (Kiowa Mimi Mona), & kittehs Gemma & robthomas.

Our beloved angels Faolin & Liath, & kittehs Mona & Caesar. Remembering Bobby, Doc McCoy, & Chip McGrath.

"He feeds you, pets you, adores you, collects your poop in a bag. There's only one explanation: you are a hairy little god." Nick Galifinakis

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Guest mbfilby

I think the ghosts have it. Funny, but that was also my first thought, and it would freak me out.


Since ghosts don't exist (I hope :unsure), My next first thought would be the anxiety meds. Are they absolutely necessary? Compounded with the move, the meds could be causing a disorder.



Cy once came into the living room and started growling and snarling at DW who was sitting on the couch across the room. He then charged her full on, and only stopped when she screamed in terror. We both thought he was going to rip her apart. He was definitely in attack mode. Cy is a super spook but has never shown any type of aggression other then barking at people who walk past the house (only when he is safely inside :rolleyes:). We think that when he walked into the room he didn't recognize DW in the dim light and was caught by surprise..

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I just want to jump in here to update my going out-on-a-limb comment (thank you, fellow limb sitters :) ) to say that Sunshine telling you something about the house may also mean she's telling you about a plumbing problem, or electrical, or something physical about the house that she has become aware of.


Example: For a couple of weeks one of mine would look at a certain spot on the living room floor, which is above the basement. This room had the same carpet, same furniture orientation, nothing was changed, yet he continued to "investigate" that piece of floor. Finally, I got down to his level, putting my ear to the floor, and OMG, there was a subtle noise, right there. Investigation of the basement discovered a DOORBELL mechanism that was short circuiting :yikes. Only one of five hounds picked up on this. Just something to consider.

Old Dogs are the Best Dogs. :heartThank you, campers. Current enrollees:  Punkin. AnnIE Oooh M, Ebbie, HollyBeeBop (Betty Crocker).

Angels: Pal :heart. Segugio. Sorella (TPGIT). LadyBug. Zeke-aroni. MiMi Sizzle Pants. Gracie. Seamie :heart:brokenheart. (Foster)Sweet. Andy. PaddyALVIN!Mayhem. Bosco. Bruno. Dottie B. Trevor Double-Heart. Bea. Cletus, KLTO. Aiden 1-4.

:paw Upon reflection, our lives are often referenced in parts defined by the all-too-short lives of our dogs.

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hmmm... The doorbell doesn't work so maybe there is an issue with that electrical connection? I'll try to get it on video. For the past month I've been using an older cell phone that didn't have the video option. I'm back into the tech world with a nifty new phone now.


I think the ghosts have it. Funny, but that was also my first thought, and it would freak me out.


Since ghosts don't exist (I hope :unsure), My next first thought would be the anxiety meds. Are they absolutely necessary? Compounded with the move, the meds could be causing a disorder.



Cy once came into the living room and started growling and snarling at DW who was sitting on the couch across the room. He then charged her full on, and only stopped when she screamed in terror. We both thought he was going to rip her apart. He was definitely in attack mode. Cy is a super spook but has never shown any type of aggression other then barking at people who walk past the house (only when he is safely inside :rolleyes:). We think that when he walked into the room he didn't recognize DW in the dim light and was caught by surprise..


Oh yes she absolutely needs the meds. I'm going to be pretty hesitant to wean her off them again. I'd rather she be comfortable in her own skin. Maybe they are building up? Maybe it's a spooky shy dog thing! Trying to eat your DW, silly pup! Sunshine will bark at us if she doesn't recognize us but hasn't in this new house. It's pretty well lit




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Guest BrianRke

Frank sometimes gets freaked out over something I cant see. He looks up at the ceiling while cowering, lets out low growly barks, and leaves the room and wont go back in that room for several days. My house was built in 1889 so I attribute it to some sort of unexplained presence or "ghost".


In your case, I would first rule out anything medical. If that all checks out ok, I would contact Gail Lubrant, she is an animal communicator and this seems like something that is right up her alley. I have used her services a couple different times and she is alway scary accurate. The director of my group has enlisted her help for different things and she ALWAYS had the answer. She helped someone in our group find their lost hound after she was ejected during a car accident. Go to her website and you can read some things people have written about her.


Good luck to you!

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But I'm also going to go out on a limb here (probably alone) and suggest that he may be trying to tell you something about the new house.

:nod You aren't alone here, my first thought was medical issue, my second thought was ghost(s) in the new house.



Nope, not alone. My FIRST thought was ghosties.



Yup, I'm with the ghosties group :eek

But, if you don't want to go with the supernatural (I have heard that dogs/animals can sense them - but don't worry I doubt the ghosties can harm you), then I think all the newness has gotten to your grey. I have had hounds that were not happy if their dog bed was moved or their bowl put in another place.



Does your hound seem okay when going for a walk, etc., and is it only in the house that you see this behaviour? Might just be new/strange that is causing confusion. I would still go to the vet for a checkup, just to be sure. I don't think the vet would think it is strange that you want to find out what is the problem.


Good luck!

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Well.... Just got off the phone with Jackie Weaver, our AC lady... It's the flipping electrical socket!


The spare bedroom's socket 'sings' which google said it needed to be tightened. Well we haven't fixed it yet. We just turned the light switch off which stops the whining/singing sound. It's either singing so low with it off that she can still hear it or she knows we haven't fixed it and she's worried about it.


Sunshine always volunteers all the questions I want answers too before I can even give them to Jackie to ask. Her eyes are fine, she can ear perfectly, and she would never eat the kitties. They talk in pictures so she showed Jackie a picture of Murdoc jumping on her and Sunshine just going "eh it's a kitty"


She kept giving Jackie the phrase Psychic energy. It's not a phrase Jackie ever uses so she thinks we do have some activity in the house. A man to be exact. But she says Sunshine is not projecting a fearful or concerned reaction. Jackie told me to just be thankful someone is 'watching' over us.


She kept telling Jackie that she is no longer scared to go on walks and they are zooooming around inside with all the room in the house. Sunshine also kept saying we had a great vacation! I'm assuming she means Thanksgiving at Mimi's


Then Jackie says "BF really likes these dogs, doesn't he?" Sunshine was sending a picture of white happy light while a big hand was petting her. Along with a "pet me pet me" dialog.


So I'm supposed to make sure BF tightens the electrical socket tonight and then show her that it's fixed and thank her for keeping us safe. A friend last night told me to go into each room of the house with Sunshine and claim that this is OUR home now and nothing else is welcome. She said to also to to all corners of the property. I'll do that today, just in case...


Darn dog growling at me in the middle of the night because of a signing electrical socket.... If it's not that electrical socket, I have no idea what else it could be... Jackie imitated the singing sound exactly.


Hopefully this will stop her bizarre growling, if not we will be off to the vet for needle pricks!




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Guest Energy11

These two incidents are what jumped out at me. First you have a new house and now there is a tree in the house that probably has blinky lights and decorations on it. That might be confuzzling enough. Then if you have a cat that may or may not have been under the tree, moved to the couch than back to the tree, there is another confuzzling thing. Perhaps on the second incident (for a dog that is already confuzzled) the laptop made a bleep or a tweet that caused yet another confuzzlement? It seems like most incidents revolve around the couch and may or may not be related to one another but a combination of things that happen in that area. Is there any way the cat could be 'messing' with her in addition to the new home and the Christmas tree?


Actually those would be two different couches. Sunshine has her own couch in the bedroom to sleep on. :blush The laptop does beep when closed but that would be a normal sound... Maybe she is just confused. Although we've been here almost 2 months. It was Mid Nov when we moved in. Seems like we've been here shorter though! I would normally agree with the cat messing with her, only it seems to revolve around Murdoc and he's not the brightest crayon. Frizzle is the evil one!


I definitely would do a complete exam and bloodwork to rule out the physical, then, worry about behavioral. As was previously mentioned, physical problems can definitely cause behavioral.


I have heard of haunted houses, so who knows! Dogs, cats and children do see things we don't.


But, having been in human and veterinary medicine, I would rule out possible physical causes (*I am also thinking focal seizures), then, go from there. '


Is your dog a senior? Our Goldie, 11, has "episodes" like that nightly. She will cry, look at the ceiling, bark, growl, and sometimes, come at me (never DH). She has Canine Cognitive Disease (Doggie Alzheimers). She does this for a while and then, goes to sleep. She sometimes needs a Valium to chill. We are used to it.


Sending good thoughts your way!


She's only 4 yrs old. When Goldie has seizures is she "out of it" or does she seem very cognitively with it?

Goldie is "sort of" with it. She will whine and stare blankly sometimes, but she WILL and always responds, to my husband. He is the only one who can handle her when she is like this. Your problem certainly could be neurological, though.


Again, Good Luck!

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Goldie is "sort of" with it. She will whine and stare blankly sometimes, but she WILL and always responds, to my husband. He is the only one who can handle her when she is like this. Your problem certainly could be neurological, though.


Again, Good Luck!



Hopefully it won't happen again but if it does I'll try to video and make that vet app. Thanks for all the input! B)




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Guest verthib

Medical check up of course, but I'd also look for mice. She might hear them in the wall, etc.



Well.... Just got off the phone with Jackie Weaver, our AC lady... It's the flipping electrical socket!


The spare bedroom's socket 'sings' which google said it needed to be tightened. Well we haven't fixed it yet. We just turned the light switch off which stops the whining/singing sound. It's either singing so low with it off that she can still hear it or she knows we haven't fixed it and she's worried about it.


Sunshine always volunteers all the questions I want answers too before I can even give them to Jackie to ask. Her eyes are fine, she can ear perfectly, and she would never eat the kitties. They talk in pictures so she showed Jackie a picture of Murdoc jumping on her and Sunshine just going "eh it's a kitty"


She kept giving Jackie the phrase Psychic energy. It's not a phrase Jackie ever uses so she thinks we do have some activity in the house. A man to be exact. But she says Sunshine is not projecting a fearful or concerned reaction. Jackie told me to just be thankful someone is 'watching' over us.


She kept telling Jackie that she is no longer scared to go on walks and they are zooooming around inside with all the room in the house. Sunshine also kept saying we had a great vacation! I'm assuming she means Thanksgiving at Mimi's


Then Jackie says "BF really likes these dogs, doesn't he?" Sunshine was sending a picture of white happy light while a big hand was petting her. Along with a "pet me pet me" dialog.


So I'm supposed to make sure BF tightens the electrical socket tonight and then show her that it's fixed and thank her for keeping us safe. A friend last night told me to go into each room of the house with Sunshine and claim that this is OUR home now and nothing else is welcome. She said to also to to all corners of the property. I'll do that today, just in case...


Darn dog growling at me in the middle of the night because of a signing electrical socket.... If it's not that electrical socket, I have no idea what else it could be... Jackie imitated the singing sound exactly.


Hopefully this will stop her bizarre growling, if not we will be off to the vet for needle pricks!


That explains the bedroom incident, but what about the living room incident with the couch??

(Mice is the first thing I thought of !)

One of my greys is afraid of strangers, but we don't medicate her. Could you try taking her off the meds? Dogs don't typically need to be medicated unless it's extremely serious.

Edited by verthib
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That explains the bedroom incident, but what about the living room incident with the couch??

(Mice is the first thing I thought of !)

One of my greys is afraid of strangers, but we don't medicate her. Could you try taking her off the meds? Dogs don't typically need to be medicated unless it's extremely serious.



Jackie was saying that it's a sound she hears all the time all over the house. Maybe she thought the laptop was making the sound? It actually makes sense since she growled at me until I woke up and looked at her, paused, then growled at the bedroom doorway (across the hall is the spare bedroom) Hopefully this is it!


Her "fear of strangers" is a nice candy coated way of summing her up currently. Thanks for the input but I will not take her off the meds. She does need them. When we initially brought her home she would fear poop/pee (all at the same fun time) anytime she saw a stranger no matter how far away they were. I have been though hell and back potty training this pup! :lol She would be too scared to potty outside then have an accident as soon as she got back into her home. she spent the first months in a crate. Going outside, then back to the crate, rinse and repeat. :rolleyes: We have worked reeeeally hard on a daily basis for years and now no one even believes how bad she was. She's a normal shy dog now. She evened out and I tried to take her off meds and she was functional for about a year before I had to admit that she was getting worse and worse. We were very close to being directly back to where we started. Then the previous anxiety drugs weren't working and we played try a new drug each month until we found the one we are on now.


We travel every weekend 3/4 of the year. Take walks in public, go to Meet n Greets, visit friends houses, take them shopping when we can, have kids pet her if they ask, etc. She gets scared but recovers like a normal shy pup would. I refuse to let her shyness stop us from doing anything ;) I would rather keep her on the meds and have her die 3 years earlier than ever spend 1 day in that state of terror again. Someone else may not feel the same, but that is the decision I have made for my pups. Trust me I have researched and learned so much about so many different conditioning/socialization methods, schools of thoughts, what other have had success with... I now know more than I ever thought I would! :lol


*If* it is her medicine causing this than we will find a different one. :colgate


Now hoe to explain this to the BF who needs to fix that outlet tonight and why... :lol:lol :lol Good thing he already has accepted that I am nuts




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But I'm also going to go out on a limb here (probably alone) and suggest that he may be trying to tell you something about the new house.

:nod You aren't alone here, my first thought was medical issue, my second thought was ghost(s) in the new house.



Nope, not alone. My FIRST thought was ghosties.

Ghosts was my second thought, but I was too chicken to say so! :lol

Mary with Jumper Jack (2/17/11) and angels Shane (PA's Busta Rime, 12/10/02 - 10/14/16) and Spencer (Dutch Laser, 11/25/00 - 3/29/13).

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Well.... Just got off the phone with Jackie Weaver, our AC lady... It's the flipping electrical socket!


The spare bedroom's socket 'sings' which google said it needed to be tightened. Well we haven't fixed it yet. We just turned the light switch off which stops the whining/singing sound. It's either singing so low with it off that she can still hear it or she knows we haven't fixed it and she's worried about it.

:clap So, pretty close??!!! (post #30). Gosh, I will soo be wanting to hear how this goes. :thumbs-up

Old Dogs are the Best Dogs. :heartThank you, campers. Current enrollees:  Punkin. AnnIE Oooh M, Ebbie, HollyBeeBop (Betty Crocker).

Angels: Pal :heart. Segugio. Sorella (TPGIT). LadyBug. Zeke-aroni. MiMi Sizzle Pants. Gracie. Seamie :heart:brokenheart. (Foster)Sweet. Andy. PaddyALVIN!Mayhem. Bosco. Bruno. Dottie B. Trevor Double-Heart. Bea. Cletus, KLTO. Aiden 1-4.

:paw Upon reflection, our lives are often referenced in parts defined by the all-too-short lives of our dogs.

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Actually it wasn't the socket! BF pulled that out of the wall, tightened it, etc We were still getting that noise. Turned out it was the lamp that was plugged into that socket. :rolleyes: I threw the lamp away and so far we have had zero growling episodes. She's back to whining nicely to wake me up. :lol


So 1 week and we so far have success. Crazy puppy...




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Love it!

Old Dogs are the Best Dogs. :heartThank you, campers. Current enrollees:  Punkin. AnnIE Oooh M, Ebbie, HollyBeeBop (Betty Crocker).

Angels: Pal :heart. Segugio. Sorella (TPGIT). LadyBug. Zeke-aroni. MiMi Sizzle Pants. Gracie. Seamie :heart:brokenheart. (Foster)Sweet. Andy. PaddyALVIN!Mayhem. Bosco. Bruno. Dottie B. Trevor Double-Heart. Bea. Cletus, KLTO. Aiden 1-4.

:paw Upon reflection, our lives are often referenced in parts defined by the all-too-short lives of our dogs.

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