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Back To The Crate?

Guest stacy6344

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Guest stacy6344

Well...last night I did several sessions with Tripp. Leaving him muzzled in the house loose in the living area. He did fine. One was 10 minutes and two were around 20 minutes. Same this morning. Did fine. I drove around the block and came back. Fine. Then I decided to try going to the grocery store. I was gone about an hour. Came home and he had taken all my covers off my bed, climbed up on the end table and scratched it, and somehow (with the muzzle on) managed to eat the bottom of the baby gate that keeps Sadie (my Chiweenie) in the kitchen!!! :eek :eek He was panting and drooling. So obviously that was too long. But now we're back to the crate issue. I'm going to dinner tonight and I'm not leaving him out obviously. So all afternoon I've been doing the crate game. Throwing a treat in and having him go get it. Put him in the crate and read a magazine (he laid down), and gave him about 1/2 cup of kibble in the crate. So of course now I'm stressed about leaving him tonight. I guess I will continue with daycare for now and crate training on the weekends and at night.


Sometimes I feel like I got in way over my head. I want him to be happy. And I want to be able to leave the house and not worry about him. I hope that it gets better. I'm so frustrated right now. :( :(

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Okay I just read what you wrote in the other thread. Would it hurt to leave your little guy in his crate with the gate down? Maybe your new boy needs to be where the little one is to feel secure.

Edited by JillysFullHouse

Judy, mom to Darth Vader, Bandita, And Angel

Forever in our hearts, DeeYoGee, Dani, Emmy, Andy, Heart, Saint, Valentino, Arrow, Gee, Bebe, Jilly Bean, Bullitt, Pistol, Junior, Sammie, Joey, Gizmo, Do Bee

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Guest stacy6344

It will get better, it's obviously going to take a little more time. Some of mine still sleep in crates 6 and 7 years later because that's what they want. They are happier in the crate. Hopefully making the crate a nice place to be will make him happier in the crate for long periods of time. I don't know if you've tried a stuffed kong to keep him occupied or not but that might help. If he's not a stuffy killer you can put some of those in there too, if he is, I wouldn't just in case he decides to eat the stuffing.


I don't know how you do it with all yours! You must have a lot of patience!! :colgate


I have tried the Kong...but when he goes in the crate he gets so nervous that he doesn't touch it or his big bone thing that I also put peanut butter inside of. He shreds anything I put in there so I can't put any bedding in there. I know he hates it, but I can't having tearing up the house either. And it's a studio apartment so there is no other "room" for him to be gated into.


He doesn't (or hasn't) tried to chew his way out of the crate or anything. He just gets nervous, drools, pants, etc. But his foster mom crated him at night and when she left (which wasn't often because she works from home). And even when I crated him at night for the first few nights he did fine. Slept all night in it...it's just when I leave. :(

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Have you tried putting your little guys crate next to his crate? Maybe the security of knowing your little one is right next to him will help. My thought is with the little one baby gated off into the kitchen, he's feeling left alone again, especially since he tried to chew the gate up to get in there. With both dogs crated everyone should be safe.

Judy, mom to Darth Vader, Bandita, And Angel

Forever in our hearts, DeeYoGee, Dani, Emmy, Andy, Heart, Saint, Valentino, Arrow, Gee, Bebe, Jilly Bean, Bullitt, Pistol, Junior, Sammie, Joey, Gizmo, Do Bee

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Guest stacy6344

Have you tried putting your little guys crate next to his crate? Maybe the security of knowing your little one is right next to him will help. My thought is with the little one baby gated off into the kitchen, he's feeling left alone again, especially since he tried to chew the gate up to get in there. With both dogs crated everyone should be safe.

I would do that, but this is a studio guesthouse/apartment and with Tripp's crate being so big I can't fit them both in the same area. Scrappy's is in the kitchen and then Sadie is left out in the kitchen and then I put the gate across that. Tripp is in the living area. I would love to have it where they could see each other, but it's really not feasible. I thought he might be better out of the crate where he could at least see Sadie through the gate...guess not.

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Gosh, I don't know what else to tell you. I've not had to deal with SA because I got my first two greyhounds within just a couple of months of each other and we already had Jilly Bean here when we got our first. Our first was also a very independent female which helped a lot. I know with time and patience he will get better, it's just hard going through it. I wish you the best.

Judy, mom to Darth Vader, Bandita, And Angel

Forever in our hearts, DeeYoGee, Dani, Emmy, Andy, Heart, Saint, Valentino, Arrow, Gee, Bebe, Jilly Bean, Bullitt, Pistol, Junior, Sammie, Joey, Gizmo, Do Bee

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Guest stacy6344

Gosh, I don't know what else to tell you. I've not had to deal with SA because I got my first two greyhounds within just a couple of months of each other and we already had Jilly Bean here when we got our first. Our first was also a very independent female which helped a lot. I know with time and patience he will get better, it's just hard going through it. I wish you the best.

Thank you. I hope it gets better too, I really do love him.

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Are you leaving the TV or Radio on when you leave? Most of the racing kennels have the radio or TV on to keep some noise going. This might help a great deal if it is "too quiet" for him when you're gone. He is new to everything that is going on, he will get better once he has the routine down.


Camp Broodie. The current home of Mark Kay Mark Jack and Gracie Kiowa Safe Joan.  Always missing my boy Rocket Hi Noon Rocket,  Allie  Phoenix Dynamite, Kate Miss Kate, Starz Under Da Starz, Petunia MW Neptunia, Diva Astar Dashindiva, and LaVida I've Got Life


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Guest stacy6344

Are you leaving the TV or Radio on when you leave? Most of the racing kennels have the radio or TV on to keep some noise going. This might help a great deal if it is "too quiet" for him when you're gone. He is new to everything that is going on, he will get better once he has the routine down.


Yup I leave the TV on and I got a DAP diffuser too. But I guess what I will do for now is doggy day care a few days a week and then the crate a couple of days. I just gave him his bone with peanut butter in it and put him in the crate and took a shower. When I got out he was laying down. It's just he hates it in there when I leave. I even ran next door after the shower and came back in about five minutes and he was panting and drooling.

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Guest stacy6344

Have you tried putting him in the crate, reading a magazine, then leaving once he's already laying down and quiet?


Yup. I put him in there and sat up here and read and he laid down. As soon as I got up and went next door when I came back he was pacing, panting and drooling.

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Is your Dad going to come over for him at some point? Or if you feel better about going out can your Dad stay at your house until you come home from dinner. After all, you should be able to enjoy yourself. good luck, it is hard but he should be ok soon.

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Guest stacy6344

Is your Dad going to come over for him at some point? Or if you feel better about going out can your Dad stay at your house until you come home from dinner. After all, you should be able to enjoy yourself. good luck, it is hard but he should be ok soon.


Well I will only be gone about three hours...he should be able to make it that long in the crate. My dad can come over and check on him, but then I'm afraid that would just upset him. I just hope he gets better about his crate soon.

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Guest jbbuzby

You said the first few minutes you left, he was fine. How do you know for sure? Did you find him laying down sleeping, or was he right at the door to greet you?


I highly recommend video taping what happens when you leave the house for at least 5-10 minutes. Chances are, he's probably not fine, as the reaction he had to 1 hours sounds like SA. I know I recommended it to you before, but you really, REALLY need "I'll Be Home Soon!" That book saved my life, and I still use its tactics every day with my hound who is still recovering. If you watch a recording and find that he is pacing, panting, drooling, staring at the door, etc. then it is indeed likely SA, and can take months to work with. As I might have mentioned, I've gone through h*ll and back again trying everything anyone could possibly think of or recommend with treating Ferguson's SA and what worked was that book, fluoxetine, and having another grey around. Even with all of this, he still will pace a bit pending on the day, but it's manageable and is not him screaming, hurting himself, or destroying things.


I so sympathize with you if this is Tripp's problem, and suggest you get a handle on it as soon as you can to spare him any further panic. I really really hope he just got bored and did that because he could. Poor guy, and poor you! Hang in there!

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Guest stacy6344

You said the first few minutes you left, he was fine. How do you know for sure? Did you find him laying down sleeping, or was he right at the door to greet you?


I highly recommend video taping what happens when you leave the house for at least 5-10 minutes. Chances are, he's probably not fine, as the reaction he had to 1 hours sounds like SA. I know I recommended it to you before, but you really, REALLY need "I'll Be Home Soon!" That book saved my life, and I still use its tactics every day with my hound who is still recovering. If you watch a recording and find that he is pacing, panting, drooling, staring at the door, etc. then it is indeed likely SA, and can take months to work with. As I might have mentioned, I've gone through h*ll and back again trying everything anyone could possibly think of or recommend with treating Ferguson's SA and what worked was that book, fluoxetine, and having another grey around. Even with all of this, he still will pace a bit pending on the day, but it's manageable and is not him screaming, hurting himself, or destroying things.


I so sympathize with you if this is Tripp's problem, and suggest you get a handle on it as soon as you can to spare him any further panic. I really really hope he just got bored and did that because he could. Poor guy, and poor you! Hang in there!



When I left for just a few minutes to go next door he was on my bed laying down when I came in. I bought "I'll Be Home Soon" on my Nook. I have started doing some of the things suggested. But how do you do that and work all day?? What do you do while you're at work?? I have to work. Doggy Day Care works for now, but it can't be a permanent solution. He is SO calm and laid back otherwise. I love him and this is just so frustrating.

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Guest jbbuzby

You said the first few minutes you left, he was fine. How do you know for sure? Did you find him laying down sleeping, or was he right at the door to greet you?


I highly recommend video taping what happens when you leave the house for at least 5-10 minutes. Chances are, he's probably not fine, as the reaction he had to 1 hours sounds like SA. I know I recommended it to you before, but you really, REALLY need "I'll Be Home Soon!" That book saved my life, and I still use its tactics every day with my hound who is still recovering. If you watch a recording and find that he is pacing, panting, drooling, staring at the door, etc. then it is indeed likely SA, and can take months to work with. As I might have mentioned, I've gone through h*ll and back again trying everything anyone could possibly think of or recommend with treating Ferguson's SA and what worked was that book, fluoxetine, and having another grey around. Even with all of this, he still will pace a bit pending on the day, but it's manageable and is not him screaming, hurting himself, or destroying things.


I so sympathize with you if this is Tripp's problem, and suggest you get a handle on it as soon as you can to spare him any further panic. I really really hope he just got bored and did that because he could. Poor guy, and poor you! Hang in there!



When I left for just a few minutes to go next door he was on my bed laying down when I came in. I bought "I'll Be Home Soon" on my Nook. I have started doing some of the things suggested. But how do you do that and work all day?? What do you do while you're at work?? I have to work. Doggy Day Care works for now, but it can't be a permanent solution. He is SO calm and laid back otherwise. I love him and this is just so frustrating.


I believe she highlights other options that work for people, as you aren't supposed to leave the dog alone any longer than what they can handle. She suggests doggy daycare, having a pet sitter or other person home with the dog, leaving the dog somewhere else in your home that is not where you are training them, etc. while you work on slowly increasing the time up until your full work day. I know this is very challenging and trying; I worked somewhere where I could take my dog, and it was still ridiculously stressful. As long as you keep up on the training, doggy daycare will not be a permanent solution. Keep reading the book...and get to the part about greyhounds being the kings (or queens) of that one kind of separation anxiety.

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Continued good thoughts....Several peole here have worked through SA and I know it's not easy...but it does take a while for some hounds. Cheering you on...




Robin, EZ (Tribal Track), JJ (What a Story), Dustin (E's Full House) and our beautiful Jack (Mana Black Jack) and Lily (Chip's Little Miss Lily) both at the Bridge
The WFUBCC honors our beautiful friends at the bridge. Godspeed sweet angels.

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Guest stacy6344

Continued good thoughts....Several peole here have worked through SA and I know it's not easy...but it does take a while for some hounds. Cheering you on...




Thanks Robin. It is very challenging. Especially working full time. I'm going to continue with day care and work on crate training in the evening and on weekends. I put him in his crate tonight and went to dinner and when I got home he was laying down in there so that's a good thing. And I have started to feed him in his crate...maybe that will help.

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  • 3 weeks later...
Guest stacy6344

How is Tripp doing now with the crate??


Well we are still doing daycare during the day and working on crating in the evenings and weekends when I leave. He seems much better for the time he is in there though. Each time I have come back to him just laying down in his crate. I got his Primo Pad and he hasn't tore that up so that's good. We are going to start tapering off daycare and see how he does for a workday in the crate with a potty break at noon. He enjoys daycare...Dana really loves him and I feel good that he is getting to play as well as get his rest too. And he's always happy to see her and goes in to daycare great. If it wasn't so expensive I would probably just continue that. But I want him to be comfortable in the crate as well. Just going to take it slow and keep working with the crate bits at a time. I also put him in the crate at random times when we are home too just so he doesn't always associate it with me leaving.

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Guest tore140

I know what you are going through. My dog is having terrible SA all of a sudden. He used to be so fantastic with his crate- I would be so proud of how both of my dogs rested when new people would come into my house instead of going wild and barking. But now if I just leave for even 15 minutes he's in a panic when I get home. Fluoxetine worked once, but doesn't seem to anymore. He gets plenty of exercise...I'm at a loss too.


Good luck to you, let me know if you find the answer :)

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Guest stacy6344

I know what you are going through. My dog is having terrible SA all of a sudden. He used to be so fantastic with his crate- I would be so proud of how both of my dogs rested when new people would come into my house instead of going wild and barking. But now if I just leave for even 15 minutes he's in a panic when I get home. Fluoxetine worked once, but doesn't seem to anymore. He gets plenty of exercise...I'm at a loss too.


Good luck to you, let me know if you find the answer :)


Thanks. He's getting better. Just a little at a time. Daycare seems to help some...but I don't want to rely on that. I want him to be comfortable in his crate. I've been putting him in there at random times in the evening. He does great. Lays down and chews his bone. I guess time will tell. It is frustrating, but he is so perfect other than that...:(

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He's getting better. Just a little at a time. Daycare seems to help some...but I don't want to rely on that. I want him to be comfortable in his crate. I've been putting him in there at random times in the evening. He does great. Lays down and chews his bone. I guess time will tell. It is frustrating, but he is so perfect other than that...:(




Glad to hear he is making progress. Keep up the good work!


Nancy...Mom to Sid (Peteles Tiger), Kibo (112 Carlota Galgos) and Joshi.  Missing Casey, Gomer, Mona, Penelope, BillieJean, Bandit, Nixon (Starz Sammie),  Ruby (Watch Me Dash) Nigel (Nigel), and especially little Mario, waiting at the Bridge.




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Guest Geostar

I would introduce him back to the crate and use a muzzle to keep him from trying to get out..should that happen. The 'crate' is also his 'cave'..there are dog trainers who do recommend this strongly. I use both on all our fosters for the first week. When I go anywhere after that, the dogs are crated and muzzled. I know what can happen IF I don't do this..


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