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Osu Question

Guest peacehound

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Guest peacehound

I live just two hours from OSU greyhound program. My grey has been limping on and off three years and each time she is xrayed, my vet can't seem to find anything. I am trying to get answers, Peace is holding her right leg/paw off the ground now for several minutes until she warms up and she falls sometimes if she tries to go up or down stairs. My question, is the best first step to send the xrays or should I just make an appointment and take her to OSU? any suggestions? Also, we go on vacation to the beach every year and always take our grey. Does anyone know of a good place I could purchase a harness or something to help with stairs? here at home, we just sleep downstairs with her; she will have to go up and down the stairs at least three times a day at the beach. My husband is willing to just stay home with her but she so loves to vacation with the family and if I take the my children by myself it would be too hard worrying about Peace. She does love her walks once her leg loosens up, I really would like to take her. My husband has a bad back and can't pick her up and I have a hard time because she is 70 pds.

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If you live 2 hours from OSU, make an appointment & take her there. It's worth it. Best wishes for your beautiful girl. kiss1.gif


Deirdre with Conor (Daring Pocobueno), Keeva (Kiowa Mimi Mona), & kittehs Gemma & robthomas.

Our beloved angels Faolin & Liath, & kittehs Mona & Caesar. Remembering Bobby, Doc McCoy, & Chip McGrath.

"He feeds you, pets you, adores you, collects your poop in a bag. There's only one explanation: you are a hairy little god." Nick Galifinakis

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May I suggest you take Peace directly to OSU for x-rays and an exam thru the Greyhound Health and Wellness Program. I live in Memphis, Tn and drive our greyhounds up to OSU if we have a limping problem. We tried going thru the local vet and they just don't know about the greyhounds like OSU does.


You can call the main desk at the clinic 614-292-3551 and ask to make and appointment for a limping greyhound thru the Greyhound Health and Wellness Program.


I have a greyhound that had a broken hock (now looks like a hockey stick) that I take up every year for a check up. They are watching for any change in the bone.



Edited by Tallgreydogmom


Then God sent the Greyhound to live among man and remember. And when the Day comes,

God will call the Greyhound to give Testament, and God will pass judgment on man.

(Persian Proverb)

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I love the Ruff Wear Harness that Summer posted. It seems to fit well, and is quite sturdy and well made. It also has a handle at the top that acts like a suitcase handle if you need to pick up your dog, or help steady her. My biggest problem was that my dog was too tall for me to pick up!


Hope your girl will be OK!

Chris - Mom to: Felicity (DeLand), and Andi (Braska Pandora)

52592535884_69debcd9b4.jpgsiggy by Chris Harper, on Flickr

Angels: Libby (Everlast), Dorie (Dog Gone Holly), Dude (TNJ VooDoo), Copper (Kid's Copper), Cash (GSI Payncash), Toni (LPH Cry Baby), Whiskey (KT's Phys Ed), Atom, Lilly

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Guest peacehound

You have a greyhound named Peace, so do I!!! How cool is that. I have no advice but I hope that you get some answers soon on your hound. Janice, Luka and Peace from the south side of Chicago.

my girl was disturbthepeace when she raced and we just call her Peace..yes cool, I love the name! thanks for the kind words

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Guest peacehound


Peace has an appointment at OSU this Tuesday..I have her complete records and all of her xrays on a disk..keep your fingers crossed we get some answers, this girl is in pain.

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Peace has an appointment at OSU this Tuesday..I have her complete records and all of her xrays on a disk..keep your fingers crossed we get some answers, this girl is in pain.


Great decision to go to OSU. Just a warning, you will likely be there all day. So it would be best if you make arrangements to have someone else let any other dogs out while you are gone. Also, bring a book or something to do while you wait. Here is the typical routine:


A vet student will take a complete history from you.

The student will take your dog to the "back" while you remain in the waiting room. During this time:

- the vet student will do a complete exam

- the vet student will present to the resident

- the resident will do a complete exam

- the resident and student may then present to the overseeing faculty member who may also do an exam

- if they feel it is necessary, they will consult with other departments (no additional charge to you)

- they will formulate a plan for any additional tests that may be needed

They will then meet with you and discuss what they have found and if further tests might be needed. If you agree to further testing, your dog will then be put in a "line" waiting for the testing facility (i.e. radiology, blood lab, etc.)

Once the first test(s) are back, they will meet with you again and discuss whether additional testing is warranted given the results of the preliminary tests. If so and you agree, your dog is placed in "line" again.

Once any needed tests are completed, they will formulate potential treatment plans

They will meet with you to discuss these plans and determine how you want to proceed.

If you decide on a treatment and it is possible to start it that day, they will do so.


So don't worry if there are long waits between consultations with the vets. There is an excellent used book store (Half price books) on Lane Avenue. There is a good, inexpensive asian restaurant called Tai's Asian Bistro (also on Lane Avenue). For dessert you could stop at Graeter's ice cream (if you've never had it, it is incredibly good).


Good luck with your visit.

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Guest peacehound


Peace has an appointment at OSU this Tuesday..I have her complete records and all of her xrays on a disk..keep your fingers crossed we get some answers, this girl is in pain.


Great decision to go to OSU. Just a warning, you will likely be there all day. So it would be best if you make arrangements to have someone else let any other dogs out while you are gone. Also, bring a book or something to do while you wait. Here is the typical routine:


A vet student will take a complete history from you.

The student will take your dog to the "back" while you remain in the waiting room. During this time:

- the vet student will do a complete exam

- the vet student will present to the resident

- the resident will do a complete exam

- the resident and student may then present to the overseeing faculty member who may also do an exam

- if they feel it is necessary, they will consult with other departments (no additional charge to you)

- they will formulate a plan for any additional tests that may be needed

They will then meet with you and discuss what they have found and if further tests might be needed. If you agree to further testing, your dog will then be put in a "line" waiting for the testing facility (i.e. radiology, blood lab, etc.)

Once the first test(s) are back, they will meet with you again and discuss whether additional testing is warranted given the results of the preliminary tests. If so and you agree, your dog is placed in "line" again.

Once any needed tests are completed, they will formulate potential treatment plans

They will meet with you to discuss these plans and determine how you want to proceed.

If you decide on a treatment and it is possible to start it that day, they will do so.


So don't worry if there are long waits between consultations with the vets. There is an excellent used book store (Half price books) on Lane Avenue. There is a good, inexpensive asian restaurant called Tai's Asian Bistro (also on Lane Avenue). For dessert you could stop at Graeter's ice cream (if you've never had it, it is incredibly good).


Good luck with your visit.


Thank you so much with this information..its good to know what to expect, however I hate the idea of leaving her, I thought I would get to go back and be with her all day..my hubby and I both plan to take the day off to go. Also, could you tell me what to expect expensewise? is OSU a lot more expensive then a regular vet??

Edited by peacehound
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OSU is more expensive than a regular vet but not as expensive as similar specialists in the Columbus area. There is a $25 "chart" fee that applies for all visits. Then there is the fee for the consult. I am guessing here, but I think the greyhound health and wellness consult is about $60. I know that an oncology consult ranges from $55 to $140, depending on how much is involved (my visits have mainly been with oncology :( ). Any tests would be additional. Most tests cost about the same or slightly higher than my regular (although not cheap) vet.



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