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A One-Two Punch

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Nadir has had recurring stomach/digestive tract problems for a few years now. Lately as you know I mentioned I've had a lot of success with Manuka honey. This time however it wasn't doing the trick so I've had him on Flagyl. He's been on it for 5 days now and I'm not seeing any improvement. He has gone from very slowly finishing his food to not eating at all. I've prepared some Tilapia and potato stew for him tonight. I've got my fingers crossed he'll eat that. I've got an appointment for him tomorrow at the holistic vet I've used in the past. I'm hoping she can do something for him.

As if that's not enough Beanie starts limping yesterday morning. It's a very slight limp so I don't get overly excited. She doesn't eat her breakfast though. When I come home from work I hurry to let everyone out and feed them so I can go over to help Ozzy's mom feed him. When I return home Beanie's hock is swollen and she is in a lot of pain. I usually don't jump to such conclusions, but the pain is so severe my mind goes immediately to osteo. I give her a Tramadol which seems to do little for her. I had to go into work this morning, but called and arranged for an afternoon appointment. When I returned home from work the entire leg was red and swollen enormously from foot to groin. Her temp was 104.2 and her WBC was 10.9, normal for greyhound is 3.5-6.5. The vet diagnosed it as cellulitis. I'm very thankful it is not osteo, but what I've read about this stuff scares the crap out of me. Please if you have any advice or experience as to aid healing I'd appreciate your sharing it. That and maybe sending a few healing thoughts and white light in their general direction.

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No experience, just sending many, many prayers, hugs and healing white light.

Linda, Mom to Fuzz, Barkley, and the felines Miss Kitty, Simon and Joseph.Waiting at The Bridge: Alex, Josh, Harley, Nikki, Beemer, Anna, Frank, Rachel, my heart & soul, Suze and the best boy ever, Dalton.<p>

:candle ....for all those hounds that are sick, hurt, lost or waiting for their forever homes. SENIORS ROCK :rivethead

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Poor babies at your house!


No advice - though very glad it's not cancer! Lots of hugs and Power Ranger light coming from our house to yours! :grouphug

Chris - Mom to: Felicity (DeLand), and Andi (Braska Pandora)

52592535884_69debcd9b4.jpgsiggy by Chris Harper, on Flickr

Angels: Libby (Everlast), Dorie (Dog Gone Holly), Dude (TNJ VooDoo), Copper (Kid's Copper), Cash (GSI Payncash), Toni (LPH Cry Baby), Whiskey (KT's Phys Ed), Atom, Lilly

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Wow, that leg looks awful. Poor pups - what a time you're having!


We are sending lots of white light & healing wishes to you & your pups. Hope something can be found to help Nadir. And hope the vet is right about the cellulitis and it responds to treatment.


Barb, Mom to Grey's Tickertape & Grey's McCarthy.
Always missing: Wizzie and Desi

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Nadir has had recurring stomach/digestive tract problems for a few years now. Lately as you know I mentioned I've had a lot of success with Manuka honey. This time however it wasn't doing the trick so I've had him on Flagyl. He's been on it for 5 days now and I'm not seeing any improvement. He has gone from very slowly finishing his food to not eating at all. I've prepared some Tilapia and potato stew for him tonight. I've got my fingers crossed he'll eat that. I've got an appointment for him tomorrow at the holistic vet I've used in the past. I'm hoping she can do something for him.

As if that's not enough Beanie starts limping yesterday morning. It's a very slight limp so I don't get overly excited. She doesn't eat her breakfast though. When I come home from work I hurry to let everyone out and feed them so I can go over to help Ozzy's mom feed him. When I return home Beanie's hock is swollen and she is in a lot of pain. I usually don't jump to such conclusions, but the pain is so severe my mind goes immediately to osteo. I give her a Tramadol which seems to do little for her. I had to go into work this morning, but called and arranged for an afternoon appointment. When I returned home from work the entire leg was red and swollen enormously from foot to groin. Her temp was 104.2 and her WBC was 10.9, normal for greyhound is 3.5-6.5. The vet diagnosed it as cellulitis. I'm very thankful it is not osteo, but what I've read about this stuff scares the crap out of me. Please if you have any advice or experience as to aid healing I'd appreciate your sharing it. That and maybe sending a few healing thoughts and white light in their general direction.



Looks like what was termed in Indiana as "track rot" As far as I know from the friend who had a dog with this, the treatment was rest, fluid and some sort of drug that is usually used on horses. I hope it heals up for you.


We had to go to what in Indianapolis is one of the few grey savvy vets, I can't for the life of me think of what the meds were called tho. I am so sorry...

Edited by Katy_3131

Katy....Mom to Retired Racers Hinder, John Carter, Hobsen, and Kodama, Galgo Espanol Gichin, and the Village Idiot...Teko
Missing terribly my fawn dog with the pretty ears Chance (Ale Seeyoulater) 6/21/05-6/23/15 Gotcha day 4/6/08 and my fuzzy baby boy Snacker (Tyville Snacker) 7/4/04-10/23/15, and all three of my IG babies, Isen, Tien, and Java.

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Thanks Chris, for once I feel I really know what those of you who are dealing with osteo are going through. The pain she was in when I took her in this afternoon made me think I would be lucky to have her through the weekend.

Luvhounds2 the problem with cellulitis is that it often doesn't respond to antibiotics or is resistant to them. One of the dangers is the infection getting into the bloodstream and causing sepsis.

The vet and I did pinpoint an area of origination and I and along with the medications the vet prescribed I am applying Manuka honey to this area. Manuka honey has proven effective in fighting MRSA and other antiobiotic strains of bacteria.

Katy3131 she is on prednisone and doxycyclene for infection and tramadol for pain.

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