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20+ Teeth Removed

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My sweetie, Ginger, just had 20 teeth pulled today, she has her canines and a few teeth left behind. How long will her mouth keep bleeding and what would be most comforting for her? I already some postings about what to feed them, but don't know what to do about the bleeding.


Many thanks.



worried mom

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Yes, the vet had warned me that many of her molars were going to come out but I didn't think she would lose that many. I felt so bad for her when I picked her up at the vet's office, you could see how miserable she was feeling. I guess I'll just comfort her as best as I can. Thanks for your concern.

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Poor baby! Didn't the vet give instructions for post-operative care? That's really weird that he wouldn't. If you like the ice idea, you could freeze broth and then crush the cubes -- she'd be getting both the cooling effect plus some nutrition.


Lisa B.

My beautiful Summer - to her forever home May 1, 2010 Summer

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Lately, when my dogs have had multiple teeth pulled, they have been kept overnight. In Paul's case, after losing 27, they kept him three days. Is she swollen? She is probably exhausted.


Unless she seems hungry, why not let the feeding go for tonight. You can try some chicken broth, baby food, or cottage cheese. Tomorrow you can give her canned dog food. Idol just had five teeth and is on a soft food diet for two weeks. I soak her kibble, which I learned here.


Did you get antibiotics for her, too? Poor little girl. She will probably feel fine in a few days. For what it's worth; Paul, only has five teeth now and eats just about everything.

Irene Ullmann w/Flying Odin and Mama Mia in Lower Delaware
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No not much in the way of post-operative information. I was too busy asking for pain killers and antibiotics once I heard that 20 teeth had come out. The vet tech said her mouth will bleed just like a human and will heal just fine. I was kind of freaked out with worry that I just took her to my car and sopped up the bleeding before I drove off. She's resting comfortably now, but may stay home tomorrow to monitor her. The broth idea is good. She's hungry and thirsty but her mouth hurts.

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So sorry to hear about your girlie. One of mine had 23 teeth pulled but she was mostly healed up when she came to me although her mouth was still tender. You might also try meat baby food if she is hungry but in pain.

Sending healing thoughts.


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Thanks for the kind words folks. She is tired, and I am sure that she will be fine. I have antibiotics and Tramadol and will monitor her closely. I will definitely follow the food ideas. I took some wet food and mushed it up with some shredded cheddar cheese (her favorite) and put the Tramadol in it. She licked a little bit of it from my hand, but her mouth hurts too much for now.


You all know how it is to see them hurting and they can't say anything. If anyone else has ideas, please post, many thanks.

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Sounds like you are doing all the right things...just keep the pain meds and antibiotics up and she should be just fine.


I can totally feel both yours and her pain, though...my heart goes out to both of you! Hang in there and keep her comfortable.

Doe's Bruciebaby Doe's Bumper


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Sterling had 12 teeth out last August. Didn't feel like eating when I brought him home so I just let him sleep with a towel under his head. He did have bloody drool for a day or two but was fine after that. For the blood around his mouth I used peroxide to clean him up - works well. :colgate


Hugs and gentle skritches to your girl.



Mimi- mom to Burdette (KB's Burdette), Sophie (LL's Stupid Is) and bridge babies Kelsey (Kelso's Logo), Sterling (Cold B Tiger), Fritz, Tasha, Chloe and Molly

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Update on Ginger. Her mouth has stopped bleeding. She seems to be perking up. She drank some chicken broth and "ate" some shredded cheese. Thanks for all of your comments. I will post again if anything else comes up that is worrisome.

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Update on Ginger. Her mouth has stopped bleeding. She seems to be perking up. She drank some chicken broth and "ate" some shredded cheese. Thanks for all of your comments. I will post again if anything else comes up that is worrisome.


YAY!!! :yay

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Guest crazy4greys

Glad to hear she is doing better. :)


My girl Skylar has no more teeth. The last of her teeth, about 17 plus canines came out a few years ago. My vet gave her a weeks worth of Clavamox before the dental to help reduce the bleeding post surgery. It worked very well, just some drooling with a bit of blood. If she has to get more out in the future, ask your vet about that.

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Oh poor Ginger....I'm sorry she has had to go through this, and you too for that matter. When they pulled a bunch of Gustopher P's teeth, he really liked the low sodium Campbells Chicken Noodle soup made with only half the water mixed with his regular canned food. Made it pretty soft for him and didn't bother his stomach. Give her a hug from her buddies in Miami. Hope you and Ginger are doing well otherwise.

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Missing my Bridge Angels Ryce, Bo, Jim, Miss Millie, Miss Rose, Gustopher P Jones (Pimpmaster G), Miss Isabella and Miss Star

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Thanks for the posting Leslie. It's good to hear from you. Her mouth is looking pretty good now except that it looks like some of the teeth on one side of her mouth on the bottom were not actually removed but "filed" or "cut" down to the gums. Has anyone heard of this? Otherwise, all the other teeth were completely removed. I'll put in a call to the vet tomorrow to find out but I figured this greyhound forum seems to have seen it all....


Many thanks again.

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