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Giselle Again

Guest Giselle

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I know you're working with your vets and trust them, so perhaps the additional feedback is not wanted at this point, but Giselle's signs remind me so much of my girl Willow that I can't stop thinking about her. Does she still have edema/joint pain/active inflammation now? I am a conventional 'Western' vet, but I also feel that there are cases where conventional medicine does not have all the answers and alternative or holistic approaches can help.


I wouldn't abandon mainstream medicine but would consider alternative therapies in conjunction. In Willow's case, we still used antibiotics and steroids, but I truly believe that the acupuncture and Chinese herbs also contributed to her recovery. Each case is different, and especially since neither Willow nor Giselle have a definite diagnosis, and Giselle's problem is much more chronic, I have no idea if any of these things would help. But it might be worth looking into and probably won't hurt at this point.

Jennifer &

Willow (Wilma Waggle), Wiki (Wiki Hard Ten), Carter (Let's Get It On),

Ollie (whippet), Gracie (whippet x), & Terra (whippet) + Just Saying + Just Alice


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I know you're working with your vets and trust them, so perhaps the additional feedback is not wanted at this point, but Giselle's signs remind me so much of my girl Willow that I can't stop thinking about her. Does she still have edema/joint pain/active inflammation now? I am a conventional 'Western' vet, but I also feel that there are cases where conventional medicine does not have all the answers and alternative or holistic approaches can help.


I wouldn't abandon mainstream medicine but would consider alternative therapies in conjunction. In Willow's case, we still used antibiotics and steroids, but I truly believe that the acupuncture and Chinese herbs also contributed to her recovery. Each case is different, and especially since neither Willow nor Giselle have a definite diagnosis, and Giselle's problem is much more chronic, I have no idea if any of these things would help. But it might be worth looking into and probably won't hurt at this point.


Your the kind of vet I would want for my dogs.

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Guest Giselle

We discussed additional tests for TBD and bacterial infections, but he said that her symptoms are so severe that it points strongly to cancer (particularly, GI lymphoma) at this point. That's not to say that her symptoms before weren't indicative of a less malignant disease, such as IBD or TBD or bacterial infections or what-have-you, but it is undeniable that what is causing her rapid weight loss (basically, continued starvation) now is something much more aggressive and likely irreversible. I understand the need to explain what is going on with her, but the past few years of unanswered questions and now this incredible spiral downwards is beyond what either of us can handle. She may very well have had some chronic infection in the past and I do believe that that is the case, but it has progressed beyond the point of help and I can't justify prolonging her life unnecessarily. I've discussed home euthanasia with our vet, and he will be coming out to our home next Saturday. I just hope that Giselle won't have lost even more weight and can stay relatively comfortable for now. Thanks for all the thoughts everyone.

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Guest Giselle

FYI: Tests are back - nothing. No pancreatic insufficiency. Blood all normal. Levels all normal. No real significant clue. Next step would be endoscopy, which would be the only definitive way of determining whether or not she has lymphoma. But considering all the risks, I just don't think it's fair. Her pressure sores broke open again today and it probably won't heal nicely what with the Prednisone. We're all treasuring our last moments together and trying to make her as comfortable as possible. Thanks again for all the thoughts everyone. She's so stoic =/ She's such a wonderful girl..

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