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Number Of Potty Breaks Per Day?

Guest 7ct5

Potty-breaks per day   

127 members have voted

  1. 1. How many for each of your dogs?

    • 2
    • 3
    • 4
    • 5
    • 6
    • doggie door! :)

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Guest oldNELLIE

When we go out of town for a couple of days we have someone stop by to walk Nellie. If it is longer than 3 nights we kennel her. When we have a pet sitter / my parents taking her out she gets a 30 min walk at 7am (and breakfast), a 30-40 min walk at 4-5 (first dinner), an "out to pee" at 8 (and second dinner, don't ask :rolleyes: ) and a late night "out to pee" at 11-12. We have a neighbor do this late night trip so my parents don't have to come over so late.


The last time we went away my dad called at the 8pm walk time and said he could NOT get Nellie off the couch. Turns out my neighbor, who is a bachelor and really loves Nellie, was also taking her out for fun all day. By 8 she had already been out 6 times. She was not walking any more! :lol

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Guest hattiepumpkin

Wow, I take Hattie out WAY too much! LOL. On a regular school day, it's:

5:15 am

7:15 am

11:00 am

3:00 pm

6:00 pm

9-10 pm


During the weekends, it's fewer walks, but they're longer:

8:00 am

12:00 pm

3-4 pm

6:00 pm

10:00 pm


If I skip the gym right after work on school days, then she goes for a super long walk at 3 and skips the 6 pm post dinner walk.

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When we go on vacation, our pet sitter stops by 3 times a day, about 8 hours apart. She comes in the morning between 6 and 6, at noon between 12 and 2 and at night between 9 and 10. The dogs go out in the yard and she takes care of the cats, the dogs and whatever else the house needs. She seldom has potty accidents or other issues with the schedule.

Wendy and The Whole Wherd. American by birth, Southern by choice.
"Do not meddle in the affairs of dragons, for you are crunchy and taste good with ketchup!"
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Another update:


Phoebe spent last night with her new sitter, just to get used to her and her house. The girl is very nice and has a easy going personality- absolutely ideal dog sitter! She said everything went well and there were no problems. Phoebe seems perfectly normal today, probably enjoyed her little vacation and extra attention wink.gif.


I'm flying out Saturday morning so Phoebe will go back there for the following 2 weeks. I think it'll work out well, I'm sooo glad I found someone trustworthy! It definitely is one less thing to worry about! :)

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You're lucky to have a good dog sitter!


I voted 5 in the poll, but it has been a lot more lately. Lila has recently learned that she can ask to go even if she doesn't have to go potty. :P It's like the boy who cried wolf, the one time I think she is just playing me she really will have to go. I don't want her to ruin her 100% perfect housebreaking record, so out we go!

Lila Football
Jerilyn, missing Lila (Good Looking), new Mistress to Wiki (PJ Wicked).



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  • 2 weeks later...

Right now my girls go out about 6 times day and that is only because I am not working at the moment, but when I am working or gone for the day then it is 4 times a day and they do fine.

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Guest bluefawn

Agree regarding the college student - greyt idea! Mine go out first thing in the morning, followed by their breakfast, then another quick turnout before I leave for work. Then another turnout when I come home, followed by their supper, then another turnout before bedtime. I have a fenced yard, so this works well. I also add some playtime time out in the yard with them where I stay and play with them. If you could work out a trade with another greyhound person, that's even better, as Phoebe would have playmates clap.gif and it would help with the money situation with the economy the way it is.

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Guest Ashleigh

I voted 3, but it's mostly 2. Hank will hole his business until he absolutely HAS to go outside. Otherwise, he's only interested in his bed. He also only marks on walks and will do his big #2 when we get home in his "spot".

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Guest chimni

I'm trying to figure this out, too. It sounds like healthy adult greyhounds can wait up to 8 hours before they absolutely have to go. So, let's say if you take them out every 6 or so hours, they'll be ready to go but not feeling uncomfortable.


Here's what I've been trying: I feed Sofia at 6am, she'll be ready to go at noon. I give her lunch at noon and she's ready to go again at 6pm. I give her dinner at 6pm and she's ready to go at midnight. At 6am the next day she doesn't need to go, she just wants breakfast.


The only problem with this is... I'm falling asleep by 10. So that means around 1am she wakes me up to go out... which throws my sleep off. So, I'm trying to figure out some kind of compromise. It doesn't make sense to feed her at 4pm since that's would mean not eating again until 14 hours later. Not sure what to try.

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  • 8 months later...

I voted 3 but that's the minimum, typically on a work day. Out for our morning walk (usually a long walk and they really empty out), out again right after I get home from work (can be just a poop and pee walk or a longer walk again) and then out before bed. But I often take them out extra times, especially if I'm home for a while after our morning walk and before I head out, in which case they're out for a quick pee.


I can't fathom doing less than 3 times per day. You could be risking a UTI at that point (12+ hours at a time).


Jen, CPDT-KA with Zuri, lab in a greyhound suit, Violet, formerly known as Faith, Skye, the permanent puppy, Cisco, resident cat, and my baby girl Neyla, forever in my heart

"The great thing about science is that you're free to disagree with it, but you'll be wrong."

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Guest greyers

I voted 5. But realistically it is more like 6 most often. For me its not so much the number of times they need potty, but living in a condo, I feel it is my duty to provide my guys with enough stimulation and exercise since we do not have a yard. As it is, only 2 hours or so a day is really spent outside of the home, and I personally feel that 22 hours is way more than enough time to be cooped up. Even with my older guys I feel they need to get out and stretch their joints and muscles a bit and I really feel it helps with their arthritis and aches and pains. So 5-6 would be my answer and its only 4 if the weather is crappy or I am sick or something.


Glad it seems you found someone!

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My guys do 3 well sometimes 4.


I'm a pet sitter/dog walker so I'll give my opinion in that regards. For the most part I hate when clients ask for only 2 walks per day. I feel even if I run 30 minutes late that I'll get there to an accident and sometimes do even if I'm not late. Most dogs just don't do it well. Of course some do just fine with that. Most dogs do very well with 3 walks a day. I do feed meals when I walk the dogs. Which walks I feed should be discussed beforehand. It's usually the AM and dinner walks, but sometimes the AM and bedtime walk. If I know the person and I'm comfortable at the house I will sometimes watch some TV, eat, read or even take a nap on the couch at clients house so the dog has some extra company during the day. I do tell clients ahead of time if I may do that because I'd be weirded out if someone did that at my house without telling me. So far everyone I've made that offer to has been thrilled.

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I voted 5 but that includes the walks we take each day, which we do at least twice a day and sometimes there's a 3rd if the stars line up and I'm in the mood. :blush (There was always a 3rd walk when it was warmer and not dark at 5 PM.)


I feel for your concern and need. I live alone but since I'm retired, I don't have obligations that require me to go away for any length of time. I take Annie with me when I visit friends and family for a few days. They know we're a pair and that I don't leave her for more than 5 hours.

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I'm trying to figure this out, too. It sounds like healthy adult greyhounds can wait up to 8 hours before they absolutely have to go. So, let's say if you take them out every 6 or so hours, they'll be ready to go but not feeling uncomfortable.


Here's what I've been trying: I feed Sofia at 6am, she'll be ready to go at noon. I give her lunch at noon and she's ready to go again at 6pm. I give her dinner at 6pm and she's ready to go at midnight. At 6am the next day she doesn't need to go, she just wants breakfast.


The only problem with this is... I'm falling asleep by 10. So that means around 1am she wakes me up to go out... which throws my sleep off. So, I'm trying to figure out some kind of compromise. It doesn't make sense to feed her at 4pm since that's would mean not eating again until 14 hours later. Not sure what to try.


This is interesting. I take it you work and come home on lunch to take her out? I too am falling asleep by 10, if not sooner, or at least I'm all cozied up and under a throw reading or watching TV.


Annie Bella usually goes 11 hours overnight without peeing. She goes out about 5:30 AM (on a leash because I don't have a fenced yard), then gets breakfast. We take a walk about 8 AM, and she always does something (usually both P&P). I take her out about noon into the woods (I have 11 acres) to stretch her legs, and while there, she pees (I've told her a woman never passes up the opportunity... :lol ). We take another long walk about 2, and she usually manages to tinkle a little something to announce she was there. She has supper at 4:30 and then goes out for a final P&P at 6:30. Any later than 6:30, and she does not want to go out. So she goes from 6:30 PM to 5:30 AM (sometimes 6 AM) without going. She's real happy to see me in the morning.. :P but she patiently waits while I do "my thing" and put on shoes and a jacket.

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Guest KennelMom

We do a LOT of turnouts b/c we work from home and that's just what we do when we need a break during the workday. But, we pay our pet sitter per visit, so they get either 3 or 4 turnouts if we're out of town. If it's just a day or two, we'll have her do three turnouts, if we're gone a week or so, we'll pay for 4 so they don't get cabin fever to badly.


When I was single and lived in an apartment, I walked my two girls three times a day and that was sufficient for them.

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Guest BrianRke

I checked doggie door even though I dont have one. I am the doggie door. I probably go in and out 20+/x per day and sometimes the dogs follow me and sometimes they dont. My outside area is used as an extension of the house during 3 seasons. I also smoke outside, not in my house, so in the winter I go out quite often too.

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