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Gsod And Limping

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Lucy let out a horrible GSOD about a half hour ago, I was in my office and she was in the family room right next to my office...I ran in immediately and she was standing on her bed, shaking, her back right leg off the ground. I bent down, calmed her down, petted her for a few minutes, waiting to see if she'd put the foot down - she did, but was limping. I took a step back and she followed me, limping a little - we walked around a little more, she seems to be bearing weight but is moving a little funny. She took treats happily but is choosing to stay in her bed. She'll come if I call her, but she's choosing to stay put otherwise. I gently bent all the toes, the "ankle" (?), she seemed ok but nervous, if I pick up that leg (while she's laying down) it shakes. It just occurred to me that when the vet did her general physical when we bought pet insurance, that when she picked up and bent that leg, Lucy yelped, but we thought maybe the vet had pinched skin or something because she was completely fine afterward, wasn't limping or anything. She sometimes seems nervous when we pick up that foot to wipe off mud, etc, but has never yelped or limped before now.


I am freaking out. Should I rush her to the vet, or watch it for a few more hours, since she's bearing weight? Could she have pulled a muscle? When she did the GSOD, I think she had been playing a little and was pouncing on a toy. Now I am wondering if she has a racing injury that we didn't know about -- she was retired at ~2 years old, no data for races.


Ok, as I was typing I decided she is going to the vet, now I have to decide if she needs to go as an emergency visit right away or wait until they have an opening at 5.

Edited by RedFawnMom

Always missing our angel Lucy, a four year osteo survivor.

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Guest Energy11

Sorry Lucy isn't feeling well.


Sounds like she could have hurt something playing, and, as you mentioned, there might be a previous injury there.


When I worked for my vet, he always used to tell me to give something like this a few days, before panicking. If she were mine, I'd give a Deramaxx or Rimadyl if you any and watch her. I'd also keep her quiet, and if she has a place to run, maybe leash walk. If, say ... by Monday, she is still limping, then, I'd definitely go to the vet.


IF, of course, anything changes, and there is swelling, more pronounced limping, crying, etc., then, by all means, see the vet.


Sending healing thoughts your way!

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I was once told about the "three day" rule. Watch it for three days, unless it gets seriously worse, then take her to the vet. If you have something like deramaxx, or tramadol in the house, give her one. Don't have her on anything if you do decide to take her to the vet; they won't be able to determine anything if her pain is masked. Good luck and I hope it is just one of those transient things.

Irene Ullmann w/Flying Odin and Mama Mia in Lower Delaware
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it is so hard to make a judgement call when one can not see the leg :unsure , but I go with the 3 day thing (unless there is a bad bloody injury, that I know needs sutures,, or vomiting for more than 24 hours) like Engegy11,,, just last Friday,,, I went through this same sort of thing with the setter,,,, and told him "if you are not better by Monday,,, to the vet you go",,,, by Sunday he was better,,, but by all means,,, if you feel uncomfortable see the vet,,, each dog is different but I've told greys can be sort of "babies" for even minor issues,,, :blink: don't go by me this is my first grey,,, I have always lived with "hunters" the they will drag a broken leg and not compalin :eek

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Guest mirthlesstroll

Maybe it was a muscle pull that stiffened up while she was laying down, or a "Charlie Horse". I wouldn't take her in as an emergency unless she gets much worse in a short time.

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She is walking a bit - followed me to the bathroom - but she's keeping that foot/leg turned out a little, her toes are pointing out a bit to the side. She tried to stretch but stopped halfway through.


I just want to get an X-ray and some meds if she's in pain (I don't have any Rimadyl or anything), I am just too worried about her to wait. I made an appt for 5. I am having major ankle surgery myself on Wednesday so I'd rather know sooner than later what's going on. But it makes me feel better to know that you would just watch it and your vet recommends that...so thank you.

Always missing our angel Lucy, a four year osteo survivor.

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Guest Energy11

The x ray will give you peace of mind for the weekend, and as you said, you will have the pain meds, too.


Lots of love coming your way, and yes, do, keep us posted!



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It wasn't good. There is a spot on the Xray where the bone is not normal. Vet thinks bone cyst (benign but painful) or osteo. We will get an MRI. Just trying to figure out if we can get it before my surgery on Wednesday. We are in CT, he recommended Tufts.


Please keep Lucy in your thoughts. I am devastated. She's only 4. Thank god I took her in and asked for an X-ray.

Always missing our angel Lucy, a four year osteo survivor.

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Sending positive thoughts to you and Lucy. Try not to get upset until you know what's going on, ok? :grouphug

Xavi the galgo and Peter the cat. Missing Iker the galgo ?-Feb.9/19, Treasure (USS Treasure) April 12/01-May 6/13, Phoenix (Hallo Top Son) Dec.14/99-June 4/11 and Loca (Reko Swahili) Oct.9/95 - June 1/09, Allen the boss cat, died late November, 2021, age 19.

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Sending positive thoughts to you and Lucy. Try not to get upset until you know what's going on, ok? :grouphug


Easier said than done. I have not stopped crying for four hours. I am supposed to have surgery on Wednesday (ironically enough, to correct a subchondral bone cyst) which will leave me on crutches for 6 weeks...and I am thinking, it's an elective surgery, maybe I should cancel it. If she's sick, I want to be able to take care of her. I just don't know what to do with myself. I am reading up on past osteo threads and more and more am getting the sense that a spot on the bone in a greyhound that is limping = osteo. I don't think the vet we saw is familiar with it, at all. I am trying to find someone who will review the X-rays over the weekend...I can't just wait.


I sent an Email to Dr. Couto and to the main Email for his team. Does anyone know how quickly they get back to you? Is anyone available on the weekends?

Always missing our angel Lucy, a four year osteo survivor.

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Guest MorganKonaAlex

An MRI is going to cost a lot of money and I'm not sure it will get you the answers you need. I agree with Trudy. A second set of xrays or at least get OSU to read the current xrays. Are they digital xrays?

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An MRI is going to cost a lot of money and I'm not sure it will get you the answers you need. I agree with Trudy. A second set of xrays or at least get OSU to read the current xrays. Are they digital xrays?


They are not digital. I don't know what to do to get OSU to read them, I guess I would have to mail them. I did send them an Email but of course it's Friday night. What would a second set of Xrays show that this set didn't (they sedated her, so I don't think there were any images they weren't able to get)? The vet suggested MRI because it could differentiate between cyst and osteo. We have insurance for her, I don't know if it covers MRI, but if the MRI will be beneficial we will pay for it. I am not opposed to a second set of Xrays, but I don't want to put her through the sedation for Xrays again if it's not going to be enough for a diagnosis.

Always missing our angel Lucy, a four year osteo survivor.

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I'm sorry to hear about the problem but glad you opted to get her xrayed when you did.


I don't think I've heard of anyone getting an MRI for a diagnosis, to be honest. I'm wondering if it would be better to get someone more experienced to look at the current xrays (whilst you wait to hear from Dr Coutos team). As has been mentined, an MRI is VERY expensive (here in the UK it costs us - or rather our insurance company - nearly £1500 UK pounds) and if god forbid there is *anything* that needs big treatment, you might want to save whatever money is in your insurance pot for this year, for the treatment if you see what I mean.

Deerhounds Darcy, Duffy, Grace & Wellington, Mutts Sprout & Buddy, Lurchers Ned & Jake plus Ella the Westie + cats. Remembering Del, Jessie, Maddison, Flo, Sally, Stanley, Wallace, Radar, Mokka, Oki cat, Tetley, Poppy & Striker.


Please visit our web store at http://www.dogsndubs.com for our own range of Greyhound related clothing for humans!

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Please have Dr. Couto's team look at the xrays. My bridge angel Loca was once diagnosed with bone cancer (not osteo but chrondrosarcoma). I had the xrays sent to Dr. Couto and he said that they were normal. Sent a second set, they were normal.

Xavi the galgo and Peter the cat. Missing Iker the galgo ?-Feb.9/19, Treasure (USS Treasure) April 12/01-May 6/13, Phoenix (Hallo Top Son) Dec.14/99-June 4/11 and Loca (Reko Swahili) Oct.9/95 - June 1/09, Allen the boss cat, died late November, 2021, age 19.

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Is your girl comfortable right now? Hopefully, the Dr started her a a pain management protocol.

Do you hve a digital camera? If you do you can place the x-rays on the view box at your vets clinic and take pictures of them. Get a cloae up of the bone lesion - you can e-mail the images to Dr Couto. Usually, the team won't respond over the weekend but, they will start responding on Monday. So long as her pain is controlled it will be ok- I know you want to get treatment for her asap but another 48 will not determine the future course of action.

I would hold off on the MRI for now-- you might get more info from an FNA. Sit tight and wait to see what Dr Couto reccomends.

If this was me (and I'm not saying I'm normal!) I would re- schedule my own elective surgery. Personally, I think you'll have to much on your mind. How is your pain control?

Please keep us posted as I know we are all concerned.

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Wanted to add-- if your not opposed to driving and your pup's pain is controlled you might consider taking her right to Ohio State. I have been there many times (I'm from NJ). It's actually an easy drive. They can do what needs to be done-properly. Anyway- just a thought. If you decide to go please pm me or joejoesmom and we can give you the details.

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Jess, I know the panic having recently gone through this in July. The best thing to do as already recommended is try to get another x-ray (digital). Sometimes these things can be difficult to diagnose on an x-ray and if there is not an obvious tumour, then you're likely in the early stages of whatever it is. Getting the x-ray to Dr. Coutu's team is a great help as they can provide a second/third opinion which is what we did. It does sometimes take persistence in getting a hold of them as they are very busy. An e-mail may get answered in 1-2 days, our orthopedic surgeon had one of his assistants calling multiple times the same day and finally was able to get a response. Driving there is another option but what about Tufts as recommended by your vet?

Edited by Charlies_Dad

Kyle with Stewie ('Super C Ledoux, Super C Sampson x Sing It Blondie) and forever missing my three angels, Jack ('Roy Jack', Greys Flambeau x Miss Cobblepot) and Charlie ('CTR Midas Touch', Leo's Midas x Hallo Argentina) and Shelby ('Shari's Hooty', Flying Viper x Shari Carusi) running free across the bridge.

Gus an coinnich sinn a'rithist my boys and little girl.

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I am so sorry your pup is having a problem,,, I too agree with a second set of x-rays,,, as a old nurse,,, my theory has always been,,,,, check and check again before anything is diagnoised,,, never trust one opinion,, never,,,, as for your surgery,,, if you are in pain,,, don't delay,,,, :)

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