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Bad News Times 3

Guest Diablo

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Went to the vets again yesterday with my girls, pft :(


On the 8th of september the vet removed a massive tumor (baseball size) in Ziganes neck, which turned out to be an hemangiosarcoma. She also had a bacterial skin infection we couldn't get rid off. a month later she also had X-rays taken with contrast, which showed herniated discs in her neck. When I got home Tuesday from work and was greeted by my houndies, I felt a new bump in her neck. Panic! :o


Yesterday I went to the vet with my golden oldies and these are the results:


Ziganes hemangiosarcoma is back in full force and spreading thru out her body :(


Sabrosa has renal failure, but now additional x-rays showed she also has heart failure. Her heart is TOO big and is crushing her lungs, which makes it difficult for her to breath. Her bloodpressure is 22 (healthy dog bp should 12) her blood vessels are HUGE. The vet told me she is a walking time bomb, she could either die of asfictiation (not sure if it's the correct spelling) or bleed to death from a ruptured arterie or blood vessels.

He gave me 1 more medicine, to see if we can make her bp drop, if this doesn't help in a few days, I have to double the dose, if this doesn't help ....


Xolotl was diagnosed with liver problems, pftt and first aditional tests results are also going in the direction of Cushings diseas and diabetis insipidus


they are oldies (11, 12 and 13), ok but pft 3 at the time is a bit much to cope with.


sorry if my grammar is not what it should be, but I'm a bit out of it.



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{{{{Isa}}}} I'm so sorry you and your three are in this state. And I so wish I had something to offer beyond sympathy. Sending lots of prayers and good thoughts to bring Sabrosa's BP down, get a handle on Xolotl's liver situation, and have some peaceful, pain-controlled time with Ziganes.

:grouphug :grouphug :grouphug

Mary with Jumper Jack (2/17/11) and angels Shane (PA's Busta Rime, 12/10/02 - 10/14/16) and Spencer (Dutch Laser, 11/25/00 - 3/29/13).

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Guest Sallysmom

I'm so sorry that you're having to go thru that all at once... Good thoughts & lots of prayers coming your way for quick resolution and peace to help you deal with it all. :hope:bighug

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Oh, this is just heartbreaking. It's breaking my heart & I don't even know you or your dogs. In TCM there are supposed to be five seasons with different elements, organs, emotions, etc related to those seasons. As I understand it Winter represents water. The organs are kidney, bladder & adrenals. The emotions are fear & depression. That certainly fits with my experiences. We were in a similar position around this time of year five years ago. We had one with Cushing's & CHF, another with renal failure & the third, who was supposedly my healthy dog, had yet to be diagnosed hemangio. That period of time was a struggle, a labor of love & worth every bit of stress & pain.


Hemangio is a demon. I am so very sorry it has struck your girl. Where others fear osteo, I fear hemangio. (rational or not, that's how it is) It does not usually carry the same pain burden of osteo though. The blessing & curse is that it is a rapid disease. Some dogs do not suffer but pass quickly before anyone knows they are sick. For others, any suffering is quite brief. That's the blessing part. The curse is that it most often broadsides you, leaving you feeling helpless & torn.


For many dogs renal failure can be manageable with good quality for some time. Renal failure contributes to heart problems and CHF contributes to CRF. Treating one can improve the other but it is a delicate balancing act to treat both simultaneously. Hopefully you can get the BP down quickly & improve the heart condition. What meds were prescribed? Is Vetmedin (pimobendan) one of them? I've not had a dog on it. Our one CHF pup was just in early stages when let her go for other age related health reasons. Vetmedin was just starting to be imported to USA as an experimental drug then but has been in Europe for much longer. Perhaps there better meds available now? Vetmedin has most definitely been a life extender for quite a few dogs who appeared to be at the end stage of CHF. If it is the right med for a particular dog, Vetmedin seems to work quickly. This is not to give you false hope. Was just wishing a possible quality of life improvement for your girl thus giving you a little room to breath while you gather your resources to deal with all this at once.


Sounds like Xolotl has the possibility of Cushing's. If that is it, get the Cushing's controlled & you will likely see the liver & diabetes improve. I hate to wish Cushing's on a dog but there have been many advancements in treating Cushing's in even just the last 5 years. If that is it, Xolotl can have a very good outcome. All the testing ahead of time is a PITA.


You will all be in my thoughts. Will be watching for updates. I hope things improve significantly & quickly.

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Oh no, how heartbreaking. I hope Sabrosa's and Xolotl's can be managed :grouphug

Xavi the galgo and Peter the cat. Missing Iker the galgo ?-Feb.9/19, Treasure (USS Treasure) April 12/01-May 6/13, Phoenix (Hallo Top Son) Dec.14/99-June 4/11 and Loca (Reko Swahili) Oct.9/95 - June 1/09, Allen the boss cat, died late November, 2021, age 19.

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Guest happygrey

What a difficult situation to deal with! So heartbreaking that all three would be very sick at once. I am so sorry. :grouphug It is so hard for us humans as our hounds age.

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My heart goes out to you. :cry1 Haven't dealt with any of those problems... so very sorry your girlies are ill. Holding all of you in my prayers. :hope

Jeanne with Remington & Scooter the cat
....and Beloved Bridge Angels Sandee, Shari, Wells, Derby, Phoenix, Jerry Lee and Finnian.....
If tears could build a stairway, and memories a lane, I'd walk right up to heaven
and bring you home again.

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Guest Energy11

THIS is too much for ANY ONE PERSON to take all at once!


I would do ANYTHING to take this away, if only I could! I CAN offer you, support, advice, and many, many prayers! Feel free to PM me anytime.


I am going through something similar, but NOT to the EXTREME as you. My Goldie (*now pretty much confirmed by Dr. Couto) has a primary brain tumor, and it is getting worse ... I already talked to the vet about coming to our home when the "time," comes.


When our loving friends age, it seems to hit all at once. ... it is NOT FAIR!!!!!


Just know, that there are a lot of people here on this board who have been down your road, and THEY DO understand!


We love you! Sending you love, hugs, and prayers from here in the most beautiful ... North Georgia Mountains! Dee and my Five.

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Oh, this is just heartbreaking. It's breaking my heart & I don't even know you or your dogs. In TCM there are supposed to be five seasons with different elements, organs, emotions, etc related to those seasons. As I understand it Winter represents water. The organs are kidney, bladder & adrenals. The emotions are fear & depression. That certainly fits with my experiences. We were in a similar position around this time of year five years ago. We had one with Cushing's & CHF, another with renal failure & the third, who was supposedly my healthy dog, had yet to be diagnosed hemangio. That period of time was a struggle, a labor of love & worth every bit of stress & pain.


Hemangio is a demon. I am so very sorry it has struck your girl. Where others fear osteo, I fear hemangio. (rational or not, that's how it is) It does not usually carry the same pain burden of osteo though. The blessing & curse is that it is a rapid disease. Some dogs do not suffer but pass quickly before anyone knows they are sick. For others, any suffering is quite brief. That's the blessing part. The curse is that it most often broadsides you, leaving you feeling helpless & torn.


For many dogs renal failure can be manageable with good quality for some time. Renal failure contributes to heart problems and CHF contributes to CRF. Treating one can improve the other but it is a delicate balancing act to treat both simultaneously. Hopefully you can get the BP down quickly & improve the heart condition. What meds were prescribed? Is Vetmedin (pimobendan) one of them? I've not had a dog on it. Our one CHF pup was just in early stages when let her go for other age related health reasons. Vetmedin was just starting to be imported to USA as an experimental drug then but has been in Europe for much longer. Perhaps there better meds available now? Vetmedin has most definitely been a life extender for quite a few dogs who appeared to be at the end stage of CHF. If it is the right med for a particular dog, Vetmedin seems to work quickly. This is not to give you false hope. Was just wishing a possible quality of life improvement for your girl thus giving you a little room to breath while you gather your resources to deal with all this at once.


Sounds like Xolotl has the possibility of Cushing's. If that is it, get the Cushing's controlled & you will likely see the liver & diabetes improve. I hate to wish Cushing's on a dog but there have been many advancements in treating Cushing's in even just the last 5 years. If that is it, Xolotl can have a very good outcome. All the testing ahead of time is a PITA.


You will all be in my thoughts. Will be watching for updates. I hope things improve significantly & quickly.


The meds I got for Sabrosa is Atenolol, this should get her bp down hopefully.

When my vet told me about her heart failure, I immediatly asked him if she should go on Vetmedin, but she can't cause Vetmedin raises the bp and it would be thru the roof in no time. so that's a big no, no.

I've had good results with vetmedin, my Galgo Enya (RIP) was on it for her heart failure for several years and it worked well and you could see the results quickly. I think it's worth every penny (isn't cheap), I had to let her go for no heart related problems.


Sabrosa's overal condition is very poor, she only weighs 19 kg, and she eats like a horse. Her liver and kidneys don't get enough blood. She has been to the vet every month since it started in june. She gets all the medical attention she needs. But I still feel so helpless :cry1 . Even though it's hard financialy with all the test, meds etc. but she gets what she needs, no matter what it costs.


Zigane, my crazy little girl. :cry1 pfft it's so hard to see her get so bad in such a short time. She's on cortisone and prednisolone. To keep her comfortable. My vet explained me that this is all he can do, and that it is paliative care. so I know the outcome :sad1


Xolotl has to go back to the vets to do some kind of blood test, where they inject something in her and than draw blood every 2 hours, to see how her blood respondes. I'm scared to do it, I'm so afraid to get some more bad news.


I've got the feeling that my pack of 5 will soon be reduced to only 3, or maybe 2 I don't know how I'm going to cope with losing 2 or 3 in a short time.


This is going to be a crappy holiday season


Thanks for all the support


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Guest Gingergrey

This is unbearable for one person to manage alone. I hope you have some support with this situation. So very sorry that all 3 are sick at once.


Sending hugs, support, and understanding. :bighug

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Thursday night Sabrosa's condition got worse.

She didn't greet me at the door, wasn't interested in her food and didn't come to take her pill (normaly as soon as she hears me open the paté, she was their).


She was very nervous, laid down for a few minutes and got back up on all fours.

At 11 PM I called the vet to ask if it was a reaction on her meds to get her BP down. The answer was NO.

He told me to try and keep her calm and comfert her. If she didn't get better thru the night, I had to make THE decision :sad1


I was up with her the whole night, she was very nervous, her breathing labored.

She was so tired, after a few minutes laying down she had to get up again, to be able to breath with a bit more ease

Early in the morning I called my vet :cry1


At 10.15 friday morning, Sabrosa went to the Bridge, joining Diablo, Sjeik, Yarken and Enya, my other bridge kids

Today at 12.45 she was cremated :cry1 :cry1

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