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Bald Butt

Guest needlenosemom

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Guest needlenosemom


I rescued my sweet greyhound 2 1/2 years ago and she was in perfect condition. Over the last 4 months, her but is bald on both sides. For the last 2 mos., I have been giving her a Tablespoon of Flax Oil in her food. It has not helped at all. Just ordered The Missing Link and have been using it for a few days now in lieu of the Cold Pressed Flax Oil. Any other ideas. She is eating, drinking, and acting her usual self otherwise.

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Guest FastDogsOwnMe

A lot of us have had success with 3mg of Melatonin (available at any drug store or grocery, human sleep aid) once per day for a few weeks.

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Melatonin for a few months will get the hair growing in nicely in no time. It available at Walmart, about $4.00 for 90 in a jar. Someone people use the .3 mg once a day with awesome results.

Wendy and The Whole Wherd. American by birth, Southern by choice.
"Do not meddle in the affairs of dragons, for you are crunchy and taste good with ketchup!"
****OxyFresh Vendor ID is 180672239.****

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Guest Greyt_dog_lover

Has your girl told you that her bald butt is bothering her? Just wondering as I have three that all have bald butts and couldnt care less myself.

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Guest Lovey_Hounds

Vegas came to me with a very fuzzy bum and it went bald along with his chest and neck, we use dried sea kelp and it has worked wonders most of his hair has grown back so far. i was told to use it by a greyhound breeder i know and his dogs are super fuzzy.

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Has your girl told you that her bald butt is bothering her? Just wondering as I have three that all have bald butts and couldnt care less myself.


Bald doesn't bother me either. But since I use melatonin in an attempt to sleep, I thought I would try it. And guess what, it works awesome. One of the few products that I can honestly say works well for hair growth. If you are happy with bald, don't try it.

Wendy and The Whole Wherd. American by birth, Southern by choice.
"Do not meddle in the affairs of dragons, for you are crunchy and taste good with ketchup!"
****OxyFresh Vendor ID is 180672239.****

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Guest needlenosemom

Has your girl told you that her bald butt is bothering her? Just wondering as I have three that all have bald butts and couldnt care less myself.

Since there was a change, I thought something was wrong. Flax oil worked for my other greyhound. Plus, at our Annual Greyhound Picnic, she won the "Bald Butt" award "Hands Down". She did get a gift bag of toys and treats!! It doesn't bother her.

Edited by needlenosemom
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Guest needlenosemom

Has your girl told you that her bald butt is bothering her? Just wondering as I have three that all have bald butts and couldnt care less myself.


Bald doesn't bother me either. But since I use melatonin in an attempt to sleep, I thought I would try it. And guess what, it works awesome. One of the few products that I can honestly say works well for hair growth. If you are happy with bald, don't try it.

It's ironic about the melatonin. I have used it before for myself for sleep. But, my hound is already such a couch potato-sleeping all the time. Did you notice any difference in your hound sleeping more with giving the melatonin? I am also am thinking it could be a thyroid issue. Used to work for a veterinarian so am thinking other possibilities, too. thanks!

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Guest needlenosemom

Missing Link is what I give Nike - and all his fur has grown back on his butt and on his tummy... good luck!

About how long did it take to grow back??

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When I started to include oatmeal in my dog's "home-made diet" my fawn at the time grew hair on his butt and chest and the white cowdog grew it on the sides of his chest. I also recommended the oatmeal to a fellow greyhound owner that also had a white cowdog and after a few months the change in that dog was also very apparent.


Note, the oatmeal works best when there might be some "allergies involved" in the hair loss.

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I had no luck with Missing Link or Grizzly Salmon Oil, they did nothing for Carl's coat or baldness. Carl's ophthalmologist was sort of fixated on his baldness and suggested melatonin. I didn't pursue the matter until she mentioned it for about the 3rd time and I realized it might help take the edge off his SA. I use it for Claire, too, but it doesn't do much for her in terms of baldness as she isn't bald like her brother is. Our vet gave it the thumbs up, too.


Can't use anything w/seaweed for Carl as the vet said it could cause problems w/Carl's thyroid. He's hypothyroid and it is well controlled w/Soloxine.

Sunsands Doodles: Doodles aka Claire, Bella Run Softly: Softy aka Bowie (the Diamond Dog)

Missing my beautiful boy Sunsands Carl 2.25.2003 - 4.1.2014

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  • 4 weeks later...
Guest strwberrys645

I love my half naked hound...but without melatonin she would be 75% naked (not an exaggeration). I had been giving her melatonin 3mg/day and didn't feel like it was doing anything so I stopped. She started losing fur like crazy, along her sides, her neck, moving towards her back. At the same time I switched vets and found out that a truly therapeutic level of melatonin is closer to 9mg 2x/day. I started her back on melatonin and all the newly missing fur grew back. She's still half naked but that is fine with me. Her activity level is not affected either. She is now 11 years old and still acts like a 4 yr old!

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Guest 4dogscrazy

I have Jesse on Melatonin now, it's been about 3 or 4 weeks. I am just now starting to see some peach fuzz growing in, I think ? I should have taken pics! I actually have a different reason, I wanted to grow hair on him to protect his extremely paper thin skin. He has no hair on his legs really, and gets minor scrapes once in a while. Nothing major has happened, but I thought it might be better for him with a nice coat of hair on his spindles. Oh and also the cold!! haha He's pretty hairless, almost none on his neck and very very little on his legs, completely bald tummy, and of course a big shiney bald butt! I do like how he looks now, he's all spotty on his skin and very handsome, but I just wanted to try to protect him. I think it will work, I know it takes time to grow, and have not seen any change in his personality. He is still a puppy, just turned 3 (in my book) so he's still pretty active. Good luck!

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I started Summer on melatonin a few weeks ago (Aug.6), 3mg/once a day. This was because her butt was getting a bit balder and she lost a lot of hair from the front of her neck. However... I have now stopped it and put her on human-grade fish oil, 1 tsp. per day. The melatonin made her very, very lazy and I didn't like it. So... either the hair grows back or it doesn't! What will be, will be.

Edited by OwnedBySummer


Lisa B.

My beautiful Summer - to her forever home May 1, 2010 Summer

Certified therapy dog team with St. John Ambulance

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Guest 4dogscrazy

I give mine in the morning before I go to work, so maybe it makes him sleepy during the day. That's okay with me since I'm at work anyway. He's always wide awake and alert when I come home for lunch, barking at me for his biscuit and running around outside, so I don't think it's effecting him that way (at least not very much). I don't notice him being very sleepy on the weekends either. Probably like people, some dogs just feel the effects more than others. I wouldn't give it to him though if it made him dopey!

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