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Why Won't He Settle?

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So for the past 4 hours or so, Robin has refused to settle in one place for more than 5 minutes. By now, I'm sure that something is up, but I can't tell what. We've been away at my mom's house for over a week, but he's been fine and normal all afternoon since we got home. Until I took him for a short walk at 8:00. At first I figured he didn't want his bed--he wanted the couch (which mom lets him sleep on nonstop), but I offered him the couch and he won't take it. I've tried different combinations of bed and blanket (usually, it's just that something isn't perfectly the way he wants it), but he won't lay down. Now he's panting a bit, but it could be that it's hot in here. So I just put him in the bedroom with the AC to see if that helps. But that's usually not his normal behavior when he's hot.


I've been trying and considering everything. Poops were normal, I think. He's not dehydrated--I checked his gums and its all normal. He isn't hungry. No throwing up or other odd behavior that might indicate bloat. I've taken him out, and all he did is lay in the yard (which is a really strange thing for him to do at night). I can't see any signs of pain (I know panting is a sign of pain, but he's not doing much--it doesn't compare to other times when he's been sore after running, for example).


It could very easily be emotional. Maybe he misses my mom's house? Maybe coming home has made him realize/remember that Chris, his daddy, is out of town, and has been for two weeks? I'm going through a lot right now and am easily weepy. Maybe he's picking something up from me, even though I've been mostly fine this evening.


Well, I started this post in the hopes that I'd realize something I missed by typing it out. I can't think of anything obvious.

Is there anything else I could consider? I liked the checking the gums trick, but that's the only one I knew. He's just acting like he's trying to tell me something. I wish I spoke greyhound...

Cathy & Calvin (DOB 9/18/13). Always missing my angel Robin (Abdo Bullard).
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Guest kydie

I know this is crazy,,,, but when I have one that won't settle, and I know there is nothing physically wrong,,,,, I yawn,,,, and close my eyes,,, I don't verbally try to console them,,, just keep yawning :)

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When he laid in the yard, did he eat any grass? That might indicate an upset stomach. And if that's the problem, you'll find out. :(


Really, he might be battling a bit of gas. Offer him a dog biscuit or a bit of kibble and see if he'll eat enough to settle his stomach.


Then go to sleep. Make sure you're someplace where you'll know if he actually gets sick, but lie down and try to relax and sleep. If he's taking his cues from you, the sooner you relax the sooner he'll relax.

Kathy and Q (CRT Qadeer from Fuzzy's Cannon and CRT Bonnie) and
Jane (WW's Aunt Jane from Trent Lee and Aunt M); photos to come.

Missing Silver (5.19.2005-10.27.2016), Tigger (4.5.2007-3.18.2016),
darling Sam (5.10.2000-8.8.2013), Jacey-Kasey (5.19.2003-8.22.2011), and Oreo (1997-3.30.2006)

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He did eat a bit of grass, but that's normal for my little cow-doggy :rolleyes:, so it's hard to tell. I was starting to think it had something to do with an upset stomach as well, because that would explain some discomfort that's not GSOD-worth. I tried to find my pepcid, but I think I sent it with DBF to Taiwan (don't ask). So I stopped my movie, which I had only gotten through half of in all that time anyway, took him out one more time, and went through our bedtime ritual. He wanted his nigh-night cookies, but I only gave him a couple, and it convinced him to get in bed. And he didn't pop up after the cookies were gone, so that's a good sign. He seems to be settling now, along with me. Thank goodness. We BOTH need a good night's sleep.


I hope he's not sick tonight.... :(



Edited by Robin1017
Cathy & Calvin (DOB 9/18/13). Always missing my angel Robin (Abdo Bullard).
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If he's not puking and you hear tummy rumbles, try giving him a Phazyme or Gas-X.


Freshy (Droopys Fresh), NoAh the podenco orito, Howie the portuguese podengo maneto
Angels: Rita the podenco maneta, Lila, the podenco, Mr X aka Denali, Lulu the podenco andaluz, Hada the podenco maneta, Georgie Girl (UMR Cordella),  Charlie the iggy,  Mazy (CBR Crazy Girl), Potato, my mystery ibizan girl, Allen (M's Pretty Boy), Percy (Fast But True), Mikey (Doray's Patuti), Pudge le mutt, Tessa the iggy, Possum (Apostle), Gracie (Dusty Lady), Harold (Slatex Harold), "Cousin" Simon our step-iggy, Little Dude the iggy ,Bandit (Bb Blue Jay), Niña the galgo, Wally (Allen Hogg), Thane (Pog Mo Thoine), Oliver (JJ Special Agent), Comet, & Rosie our original mutt.

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Mayhem acts like that when he needs to go out and potty. He doesn't go to the door like our other dog or anything, just walks around pacing. If he's really desperate he will whine a bit.

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At 2:30, I got desperate and read online that I could give a little bit of pepto bismol, to try to give the poor guy some relief. Of course, he didn't like the flavor, so I had to soak it in some bread and trick him into eating it :rolleyes: . I think it worked, though, because he did settle for a bit.


Unfortunately, he still couldn't get comfortable most of the night, but this time I think it was the bed--he kept getting up, turning around, and nesting ALL NIGHT LONG!!! He kept me awake all night. The last was at 6:30, after which he must have settled, or I must have crashed, because I slept from then until 9:00 without even hearing my phone :lol Thank goodness I'm off for the summer and had that luxury.


He's had breakfast and is now sleeping in the living room. He seems better. Though I'm now awake for the day. Ugh...

Cathy & Calvin (DOB 9/18/13). Always missing my angel Robin (Abdo Bullard).
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If this happens again, thump on his tummy and see if it's tight and echo-y like a drumhead. A build up of gas in the stomach is technically "bloat" and it can resolve itself, as you've seen, in a very fragrat fashion, but sometimes the dog will need a tube in his stomach to release the gas. A stomach distended for a long period of time can press on all the internal organs (particularly the heart) and cause stress on them. Extreme cases can cause damage to the organs.


Glad to hear he's doing better!

Chris - Mom to: Felicity (DeLand), and Andi (Braska Pandora)

52592535884_69debcd9b4.jpgsiggy by Chris Harper, on Flickr

Angels: Libby (Everlast), Dorie (Dog Gone Holly), Dude (TNJ VooDoo), Copper (Kid's Copper), Cash (GSI Payncash), Toni (LPH Cry Baby), Whiskey (KT's Phys Ed), Atom, Lilly

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He was better this morning, and even appeared to get some sleep. Then I left for an appointment and a few errands for a while, and when I got home, I could tell he had been up pacing while I was gone. He ate fine, and even had a normal poop, but he's still "off" this evening. At 5:00 I called the vet, and the tech seemed to think that it sounded like he's in some pain...whether from his arthritis, a swollen joint from a lyme disease flare-up, an upset tummy, or something else...and he can't get comfortable. They recommended that I bring him in so that the doctor can try to figure out what's hurting him. Unfortunately, though they were open until 8 tonight (which I knew when they called), they can't see him until tomorrow at 3:40. :( So I booked it, and we'll wait and see. There's a 24-hour evet near me if I get really worried overnight.


What's weird about this incident is that he's not doing the usual "I'm in pain" behavior. No crying or squeaking or even panting, really. He just paces around, stares at me, puts his head in my lap, tries to lay down, gets up, and starts the whole thing again. Hopefully this means that if he is in pain, it's minor. I don't want to keep him in pain, after all. I will keep watching for changes.


The good news is that, as I sat here typing this out, he just laid down and had his eyes closed. He seems to have found a comfortable position. I hope it lasts! :goodluck The poor boy is tired, I think.


Oh, and I did thump his tummy. Doesn't sound like a drum, and doesn't feel tight. Thanks for the tip! I couldn't figure out how to tell if it was distended or not. :)



Cathy & Calvin (DOB 9/18/13). Always missing my angel Robin (Abdo Bullard).
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Hope he is better. In future, if his tummy is off, give pepcid rather than pepto as pepto contains a salicylate which is similar to aspirin / or what is found in aspirin which means - be careful how much your dog gets as they may not be able to tolerate the amount of 'aspirin' in the pepto.


It's just safer.

Edited by RobinM



ROBIN ~ Mom to: Beau Think It Aint, Chloe JC Allthewayhome, Teddy ICU Drunk Sailor, Elsie N Fracine , Ollie RG's Travertine, Ponch A's Jupiter~ Yoshi, Zoobie & Belle, the kitties.

Waiting at the bridge Angel Polli Bohemian Ocean , Rocky, Blue,Sasha & Zoobie & Bobbi

Greyhound Angels Adoption (GAA) The Lexus Project

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Hope he is better. In future, if his tummy is off, give pepcid rather than pepto as pepto contains a salicylate which is similar to aspirin / or what is found in aspirin which means - be careful how much your dog gets as they may not be able to tolerate the amount of 'aspirin' in the pepto.


It's just safer.


Thanks. I did read about that, but since I was out of pepcid and these episodes are so rare for him, I decided to try just a little of the pepto as a last resort. I did go out and stock up on pepcid today, though, so that I'm not in that situation again.


Shhhhhhh...... He's sleeping...... :wub:

Cathy & Calvin (DOB 9/18/13). Always missing my angel Robin (Abdo Bullard).
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The good news: I got a decent night's sleep! Yay! :yay


Which I think means Robin must have slept most of the night, too. Yay! :yay


Unfortunately, I woke up at 6:00 to poop all over the bedroom and a very startled and worried-looking greyhound. :(


Some was solid, but the rest was not. :puke


We went outside, where he took a pee and then did some liquid and some straining. He then wanted to eat grass with a vengeance, which I only allowed for a minute, since I didn't want him to eat too much. Then I came back in, cleaned up the poop, almost threw up, and put his blankets in the washer. Now he's standing around again and pacing, which wouldn't surprise me anyway because I had to take his bed and blankets away, so he has nothing to lay on, even if he would settle. (He usually has two beds, but one died recently and I haven't decided what to replace it with. I just drag his one from room to room.) I feel bad because when he's had the occasional accident in the past, which usually involved him holding it too long because he wouldn't go in the bad weather, he feels really bad and seems to need reassurance that he's a good dog. Which I've been trying to do. I just had to stop typing and go pet him because he was smelling the "accident area" and looked sad. :(


I suspect more is to come, given the straining. We'll see. I'm glad we have a vet appt later...

Maybe this is running its course....

Cathy & Calvin (DOB 9/18/13). Always missing my angel Robin (Abdo Bullard).
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Guest ChasesMum

oh poo. :lol ok sorry, its not funny. I have been there. i was, oh 3 months pregnant and had a toddler as well and Chase threw up 3 puddles of poo-barf. DH walked in the door to me crying, the toddler running around and poo-barf on the floor. 'um why are you sitting so close to it?" he says :rolleyes: because the steam cleaner was in the basement and I couldnt take the toddler down with me, carry them both back up, nor leave her up while I went to get it because she would touch/play/step in it, and I am hormonal and pregnant and nauseous thankyouverymuchhusband.


so... lots of sympathy to you both! I am glad you have an appt today too, poor dude and POOR YOU!!!

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He actually seems to feel a little bit better now that he's gotten whatever it was out of his system. At least, he's laying down, and I think he took a nap while I was out this morning. We went outside and he laid down, full out, to bake in the sun, and he seemed happier. Just had more liquid messiness a few minutes ago, but it was outside, at least. And now I'm home and can hang out and keep an eye on him until our appt. I think I'll probably still bring him in, but hopefully it'll cost less now that he's improving...


Hopefully we're already on our way to recovery :goodluck



Cathy & Calvin (DOB 9/18/13). Always missing my angel Robin (Abdo Bullard).
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Okay. Final, I hope, update.


Went to the vet after a couple more bouts of explosive liquid. Turns out, as I was starting to suspect, I caused this myself. <_< Idiot. When I was out of town I ran out of his food the night before we left, and I gave him my mom's dog's food for dinner and then breakfast. That did it. I know you're not supposed to change their food quickly, but he's eaten this food before and I figured it would be okay. Nope. Apparently he had never had enough to matter before, but it did matter this time. The doctor called it "bacterial colitis" and sent us home with some flagyl.


Totally avoidable. But also, totally harmless in terms of long-term, so I'm okay with that, I guess. And I won't forget this lesson anytime soon!


On the plus side, Robin now has all-clean beds and blankets. He has been sleeping almost non-stop since he started feeling well enough to settle down to sleep earlier today. How's this for a much happier hound?






Thanks for the advice and support. It's been a while since we've gone through this kind of episode, and DBF is out of town, so it was all on me. We will be sleeping well tonight!


Cathy & Calvin (DOB 9/18/13). Always missing my angel Robin (Abdo Bullard).
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