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Do Your Hounds Love Water?

Guest NeroAmber


117 members have voted

  1. 1. How much love does your hound have for the wet stuff?

    • Loves it! Can't get enough!
    • Will go in water if it's a hot day, but not normally otherwise
    • will tolerate a bath but will not voluntarily go in water
    • Won't even go out in the rain and avoids puddles!

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Guest NeroAmber

Mine will tolerate a bath and walks in the rain but have a healthy disdain for water all the same! :lol I'm in the south east of the uk, I'm guessing hounds in the hotter parts of America might be more likely to use a pool on a hot day?

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Guest kydie

I live in the mountains ov western Pa/ My boy came from Palm Beach. Fla./ and loves water,

I think of everything, this shocked me the most, :eek we live near a stream, and while out walking, right after he came to live with me, he walked right in and laid down in it , any where he can find water he is in it, we bought a kiddy pool for him, the others just stand around it and watch him, look at me :blink: as to say "is he nuts, there is no reason to go in there,, there are no birds to retreive" :lol

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Guest fandogs

My older girl hates "water" like in a pool.. but loves snow and rain.

My younger boy LOVES the pool.. lays in it all the time. Doesn't matter if it isn't hot out. If the pool has water in it.. he's in it.

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Guest greybookends

I checked all of them, because depending on which hound you are talking about, you will get a different reaction.

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Guest mowreyAZ

Amber our tuxedo loves the water, we are thinking of getting a wadding pool for her to sit in. Blair is the opposite, does not like baths, likes to cool her feet but the whole turn turn splash concept is beyond her. Amber will literally take a nap in the pool if the weather conditions are right.

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Guest KansasGrey

Magnus loves water and especially puddles. I used to run through the puddles with him until I hit one on concrete and a thin layer of mud in the bottom. I felt myself start to slide and the next thing I knew I was laying in the muddy puddle. There are not many lakes or streams in Wichita so he doesn't get to wade very often. He doesn't seem to care about the wading pool.

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My first two were never really around water but Rex and Buck both loved it in any form! They both loved the water access into the lake at the dog park and my siggy before the change had Buck sleeping in his kiddie pool. If it was raining but not thundering he'd go outside and just stand in it.

Here most of them are raised in outside runs in fairly hot climates so they make good use of their wading pools growing up.



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Guest Samantha

I live n the north east of the UK, and it rarely hot here :lol:. Weve had afew hot (well hot for us) days lately and we got Maddison a wading pool, she goes and has a quick sit down in it now n again.

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Guest NeroAmber

I'm quite surprised at the poll so far, I always thought greys hated water until I joined GT and saw quite a few pics of greys in pools :eek So I pretty quickly reversed my assumption that they all hated it! I should listen to my mother more- "Never assume anything!" :lol

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My two girls LOVE LOVE LOVE the water!! We have two wading pools - a small 8" deep one and a larger one that's probably a foot deep or so. Both my girls will wade in and play, paw around, spin, and lay down with just their head out of the water. Toni will do this whenever we have the pools out, rain or shine. Then she likes to go lay in the dirt! Cash likes to blow bubbles and seems into splashing more than Toni. I caught Cash standing in the drinking water bucket last year on a day I was cleaning the pools out.


The two boys like to drink water. (They also don't care for the rain too much!)

Chris - Mom to: Felicity (DeLand), and Andi (Braska Pandora)

52592535884_69debcd9b4.jpgsiggy by Chris Harper, on Flickr

Angels: Libby (Everlast), Dorie (Dog Gone Holly), Dude (TNJ VooDoo), Copper (Kid's Copper), Cash (GSI Payncash), Toni (LPH Cry Baby), Whiskey (KT's Phys Ed), Atom, Lilly

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Guest SpicyMom

No rhyme or reason with my girls. Love their showers/baths, hate the rain (we're melting!!!), love the snow. Won't step a toe in a wading pool but happy as pigs in you know what to cavort, lay, swim, play etc in ponds and streams, especially the ones at my friends house in the Shenadoah (nice and wet and MUDDY). One loves the ocean, the other is convinced its where the devil lives.

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Guest greytgreys

I had a greyhound (lost him last month to liver cancer) who accidently walked into the pool! He just stood on the bottom. I immediately jumped in (fully dressed) and walked him over to the steps. His feet just dangled...he never tried to swim!! After that, he stayed glued to the fence when at the pool.

Last night, my girl accidently walked into the pool. She immediately started swimming. I was so proud of her! I had her swimming all over the pool...but she really didn't care for it.

Here is my darling girl Gianna.


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Guest Heehoo

Pipi-Francine loves the pool any time of the year. She loves baths, she loves to be hosed down while running around the yard. I have a video on my phone of her hitting every water puddle while its raining in the backyard. The girl is a hoot!


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Guest Heehoo


I had a sweet brindle boy named Racer....the day he died, he spent a lot of time laying in the wadding pool in the back yard. He was so content, then about 3pm that afternoon he came in the house, got on the couch & laid down & died in my arms.

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Guest zombrie

Mira LOVES the water. She gets so excited once the pool is open for the summer. She goes swimming every day :rolleyes:

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Guest NeroAmber

Wow, there are some really lovely pics on here, I love hearing about the hounds who just can't get enough of it! I'd love to go to the beach with my two, but I'm not convinced they won't completely balk at it- but its nice to see other people and greys enjoying it!

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Guest FastDogsOwnMe

Most of mine love it, and can't get enough. One of mine goes in on hot days, and I have one who hasn't seen the beach yet but HATED being bathed :lol

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