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Sherman Has Cancer.

Guest Shermanator

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Guest bigorangedog

Thanks for your support. I don't know about another but time will tell. I have lost other puppies before but Rhett has my whole heart and sole,

Am waiting to hear from my vet to confer on what the surgeon said. Our home is a tri-level and he can barely manage stairs now but with a rear leg missing it will be impossible and he will have to be alone on the first floor. He cries when he is lonely and now he cries in pain.


Sorry to be so sad but I am so distraught in knowing I have to make the best decision for my boy- but I want to keep him forever.


Not to get off topic here, but just wanted to add that if Rhett could do stairs pre-amp, he will almost certainly be able to do them post-amp. Especially the short flights of a split level home. Talk with Dr Couto about it. My boy Apollo (4-mo post-amp) can do the very long, very steep flight down to our basement -- I wish he wouldn't and I hold my breath, but he can do it.

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Guest greyheart123

Thanks for your support. I don't know about another but time will tell. I have lost other puppies before but Rhett has my whole heart and sole,

Am waiting to hear from my vet to confer on what the surgeon said. Our home is a tri-level and he can barely manage stairs now but with a rear leg missing it will be impossible and he will have to be alone on the first floor. He cries when he is lonely and now he cries in pain.


Sorry to be so sad but I am so distraught in knowing I have to make the best decision for my boy- but I want to keep him forever.


Not to get off topic here, but just wanted to add that if Rhett could do stairs pre-amp, he will almost certainly be able to do them post-amp. Especially the short flights of a split level home. Talk with Dr Couto about it. My boy Apollo (4-mo post-amp) can do the very long, very steep flight down to our basement -- I wish he wouldn't and I hold my breath, but he can do it.

Thanks for the thoughts - Rhett learned quickly how to do stairs when he first came to us but as with a lot of greys he has developed corns in his front pads and relies on his rear legs for a lot of power. so hard, he cries when I am not with him but can't get up the stairs to our rooms and is too heavy to carry and I have tried.

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Guest Paige12

We also found our today that our beloved Rhett has osteo and have spent the entire evening crying. We are so devastated and wish we could wake up from this terrible nightmare.

Our boy is not doing well and is off his food and is having a great deal of difficulty walking. We hate seeing him suffer so we have decided to let him go over the Bridge.

This is my first grey and we are so devastated it will probably be our last. He is such a perfect boy no one could replace him.

Hopefully you will have Sherman with you for as long as possible.

I truly do understand your pain.


I am so sorry to hear this. I wish we could wake up from this nightmare, too. Sherman was my first greyhound, too and my heart doggie. I love this dog to death. Such a sweet, stoic, soft, mellow BIG boy. Sherman is also the perfect greyhound, no shenanigans, no bad behavior, just a sweet boy. (Unlike his brother Patton, who is my big, goofy, boy who is always up for everything, and is super silly.) I am going to miss his sweet presence. I know Patton is going to miss him too.


I am fascinated by Patton. He knows something is up. He keeps sniffing the leg where Sherman's cancer is located. I swear that dog knows what is happening.


I will be adopting another greyhound. I think of it this way - NOTHING can replace Sherman, and a new dog will never replace him. But, I can provide a new, happy life for another greyhound in need, it warms my heart, and makes me happy. We need to see how Patton reacts to being alone, but I suspect we will adopt quickly. Not to replace Sherman, but to move forward, remember Sherman, and provide the best home I can to a grey in need.


Thanks for your support. I don't know about another but time will tell. I have lost other puppies before but Rhett has my whole heart and sole,

Am waiting to hear from my vet to confer on what the surgeon said. Our home is a tri-level and he can barely manage stairs now but with a rear leg missing it will be impossible and he will have to be alone on the first floor. He cries when he is lonely and now he cries in pain.


Sorry to be so sad but I am so distraught in knowing I have to make the best decision for my boy- but I want to keep him forever.

I am so sorry for what you are going through. There isn't a day goes by that I don't wish I could have my Paige back. You are in my thoughts.

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Guest Shermanator

I do not want to add Sherman to a signature as my 'angel at the bridge.' <<<Stamps her feet and throws a tantrum>>>

Shermy is having a good day. He's still excited for his leash, so we took a walk this morning. We walked slowly, Sherman slightly tugging on his lead, "come on mommy!" Patton wanted to walk not slowly meander, but he's been such a good boy looking after his brother. We had a little bit of breakfast, and have been resting all day with mommy in my office. :wub: :wub: :wub: Not too big on kibble, so it looks like we may have to move to baby food or hamburger and rice. That's ok, if he wants beer and burgers for the rest of his life, he can have it! :)

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Guest greyheart123

Rhett has gone over the Angel Bridge. Even with pain med he couldn't get up for water or kibbles.


I haven't used the forum in the past but you have all helped me get through one of the longest few days of my life. Maybe over time we will be able to be lucky enough to be adopted by another beautiful grey/


Thanks again

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Guest Shermanator

Rhett has gone over the Angel Bridge. Even with pain med he couldn't get up for water or kibbles.


I haven't used the forum in the past but you have all helped me get through one of the longest few days of my life. Maybe over time we will be able to be lucky enough to be adopted by another beautiful grey/


Thanks again



I am so sorry. Rhett is running pain free. Sweet little angel. Godspeed, dear Rhett.

It hurts, I know.

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Rhett has gone over the Angel Bridge. Even with pain med he couldn't get up for water or kibbles.


I haven't used the forum in the past but you have all helped me get through one of the longest few days of my life. Maybe over time we will be able to be lucky enough to be adopted by another beautiful grey/


Thanks again

I'm so sorry. :grouphug


Jen, CPDT-KA with Zuri, lab in a greyhound suit, Violet, formerly known as Faith, Skye, the permanent puppy, Cisco, resident cat, and my baby girl Neyla, forever in my heart

"The great thing about science is that you're free to disagree with it, but you'll be wrong."

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Rhett has gone over the Angel Bridge. Even with pain med he couldn't get up for water or kibbles.


I haven't used the forum in the past but you have all helped me get through one of the longest few days of my life. Maybe over time we will be able to be lucky enough to be adopted by another beautiful grey/


Thanks again


I am so sorry for your loss. He will be forever in your heart.



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Guest Shermanator

Just checking in on you and Sherman and sending you both a hug . . .


He's a little better, now that I have his pain meds on a schedule. I am finding that I am stuggling- now I do not see him in distess (because of the pain meds,) I am in denial, yet constantly watching him, obsessing over everything. I see him favor his leg- I worry that he's going to decline immediately, or he whines a little- I obsess if he's ok. He is my stoic boy- rarely complains. When he ripped out a declaw, and the other time, he competely tore the webbing out in his foot- he never made a sound, or indicated any pain. He vet said the stoic ones are hard to manage, since they do not always let you know they are in pain. So every little thing form Sherm, I obsess- is he telling me he's in pain.

DH and I also bought materials to make Sherman a stepping stone for remebrance when he passes. We are going to do it this weekend- we want to put Sherman's paw prints in it.

Thanks for checking in on us, its been a hell of a week. :)

Edited by Shermanator
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Just checking in on you and Sherman and sending you both a hug . . .


He's a little better, now that I have his pain meds on a schedule. I am finding that I am stuggling- now I do not see him in distess (because of the pain meds,) I am in denial, yet constantly watching him, obsessing over everything. I see him favor his leg- I worry that he's going to decline immediately, or he whines a little- I obsess if he's ok. He is my stoic boy- rarely complains. When he ripped out a declaw, and the other time, he competely tore the webbing out in his foot- he never made a sound, or indicated any pain. He vet said the stoic ones are hard to manage, since they do not always let you know they are in pain. So every little thing form Sherm, I obsess- is he telling me he's in pain.

DH and I also bought materials to make Sherman a stepping stone for remebrance when he passes. We are going to do it this weekend- we want to put Sherman's paw prints in it.

Thanks for checking in on us, its been a hell of a week. :)

I do the same thing. Have you joined the Circle of Grey yahoo group? It's a support group for people dealing with illness (mostly cancer) in their greys. I was resistant to joining at first, mostly b/c I was in denial, but it has been really helpful for me. Someone posted a msg saying similar things to what you are now and I was relieved to see someone else expressing what I was feeling. It's really difficult to balance hoping for hte best and being happy with how well they are doing with tempering your hope b/c you know something much worse is coming and wanting to make sure they really are doing as well as they seem. Oh, and let's not forget balancing wanting to spend every waking moment at home with your pup and having other responsibilities and some semblence of a life. It's SO hard, and I completely understand what you are going through. Please feel free to PM me if you ever want to chat or vent or anything - I find it really helpful to talk to other people who are going through teh same thing and unfortunately there are far too many. :( Take care of yourself. :grouphug


Jen, CPDT-KA with Zuri, lab in a greyhound suit, Violet, formerly known as Faith, Skye, the permanent puppy, Cisco, resident cat, and my baby girl Neyla, forever in my heart

"The great thing about science is that you're free to disagree with it, but you'll be wrong."

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Guest mhall

I'm so, so sorry. Take things day by day, and enjoy your time with Sherman as much as you can for as long as you can.


We lost Tarmac to osteo last fall. I was really worried about knowing when it was time as I had never needed to make that decision for a pet before, and our guy was also pretty stoic. He made it very clear when he was ready to go though.

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Guest greyheart123

You are as strong as Sherman is and we wish we had the extra time with Rhett that you have with Sherman. I know you are savoring every moment you have and you will know what is right.

Out thoughts and prayers are with you.

I believe that Rhett let us know that it was his time and Sherman will let you know.

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