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Side Effects To A Cortisone Shot

Guest Shermanator

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Guest Shermanator

I have been posting about Sherman's recent issues, here Black spot on wrist found in Sherman's xray Basically, he has been showing intermittent signs of pain through excessive panting.


He got a cortisone shot yesterday in his wrist where the spot was located. It was to help with inflammation. I was not home all day, so I did not get a chance to observe him. When I got home last night, he was fine. However, later that evening, the panting began. At first I thought it was him dreaming; however, I got concerned when he wouldn't stop, and the panting became more heavy. We went to bed, and the panting continued. It was really loud and heavy panting. He did not show any other signs of distress from his wrist. It was 9 @ night on a Saturday night, and I had already taken some medication that makes me drowsy, so I could not drive out to the evet 45 min away. So, I called them, and told them what was happening, and asked it I could give him a tramadol, (leftover from him ripping his dew claw last month.) They said I could, so I gave him a 50 mg. tablet. I made a bed next to his bed, to snuggle with him to try to soothe him, and fell asleep while he was panting softly.


This morning, he seems ok- no panting.


Are there any side effects to the cortisone?

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I hope he feels better this am. Panting can be a side effect of any steroid, as well as drinking more.


Please let us know how he is, I missed the original thread


Missing my little Misty who took a huge piece of my heart with her on 5/2/09, and Ekko, on 6/28/12



:candle For the sick, the lost, and the homeless

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There are many potential side effects to cortisone--which is why my vet won't use injections of steroids casually--once you've given the injection, there is no way to stop the effect of the drug if it doesn't go well.


And I'd say yes, panting could have been from the shot.


I hope he's feeling better now.


Having had many a cortisone shot myself, I can tell you that it doesn't "kick in" immediately, so perhaps the delayed reaction was due to that. I've found it can take up to 24 hours to feel the effects, which typically last for weeks or even months!


Susan,  Hamish,  Mister Bigglesworth and Nikita Stanislav. Missing Ming, George, and Buck

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I have been posting about Sherman's recent issues, here Black spot on wrist found in Sherman's xray Basically, he has been showing intermittent signs of pain through excessive panting.


He got a cortisone shot yesterday in his wrist where the spot was located. It was to help with inflammation. I was not home all day, so I did not get a chance to observe him. When I got home last night, he was fine. However, later that evening, the panting began. At first I thought it was him dreaming; however, I got concerned when he wouldn't stop, and the panting became more heavy. We went to bed, and the panting continued. It was really loud and heavy panting. He did not show any other signs of distress from his wrist. It was 9 @ night on a Saturday night, and I had already taken some medication that makes me drowsy, so I could not drive out to the evet 45 min away. So, I called them, and told them what was happening, and asked it I could give him a tramadol, (leftover from him ripping his dew claw last month.) They said I could, so I gave him a 50 mg. tablet. I made a bed next to his bed, to snuggle with him to try to soothe him, and fell asleep while he was panting softly.


This morning, he seems ok- no panting.


Are there any side effects to the cortisone?


Panting is a common side effect of corticosteroids in dogs. I'm glad he's feeling better today. :)


Side effects of steroids

Cynthia, & Cristiano, galgo
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"It came to me that every time I lose a dog they take a piece of my heart with them. And every new dog who comes into my life, gifts me with a piece of their heart. If I live long enough, all the components of my heart will be dog, and I will become as generous and loving as they are." -- Unknown

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Possibly pain. I don't know for sure how vets do it, but when an MD injects a joint with novicane/marcaine/lidocaine mixed w/steroid, they usually neglect to tell the patient that the pain will be MuchMuchMuch worse for about 24hrs after the number wears off. This is because you've injected extra fluid in to an already swollen irritated bursa sac. While panting is a "reaction" or "side effect" to a cortisone shot, he could also be having worse joint pain for a day or so.

Angie, Pewter, and Storm-puppy

Forever missing Misty-Mousie (9/9/99 - 10/5/15)
Fort Wayne, Indiana

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Guest Shermanator

Possibly pain. I don't know for sure how vets do it, but when an MD injects a joint with novicane/marcaine/lidocaine mixed w/steroid, they usually neglect to tell the patient that the pain will be MuchMuchMuch worse for about 24hrs after the number wears off. This is because you've injected extra fluid in to an already swollen irritated bursa sac. While panting is a "reaction" or "side effect" to a cortisone shot, he could also be having worse joint pain for a day or so.


Wow. Sherman seems to be stressed this morning. I don't know how to soothe him. :(

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when an MD injects a joint with novicane/marcaine/lidocaine mixed w/steroid, they usually neglect to tell the patient that the pain will be MuchMuchMuch worse for about 24hrs after the number wears off.


I'm guessing because this is not always the case. However it should be mentioned as a possibilty


Missing my little Misty who took a huge piece of my heart with her on 5/2/09, and Ekko, on 6/28/12



:candle For the sick, the lost, and the homeless

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when an MD injects a joint with novicane/marcaine/lidocaine mixed w/steroid, they usually neglect to tell the patient that the pain will be MuchMuchMuch worse for about 24hrs after the number wears off.


I'm guessing because this is not always the case. However it should be mentioned as a possibility


I hope it's not always the case. I've never had it done, but every patient I've assisted with has called me the next day just positive the Dr did something horribly wrong because they were in so much worse agony. I made it a point to always tell them before I let the doc in the room because I felt they had the right to know before they decided on the procedure. Most said after the initial day-after agony they were glad they had the procedure done. Hope Sherman feels the same way tomorrow or Tuesday(fingers crossed!)

Angie, Pewter, and Storm-puppy

Forever missing Misty-Mousie (9/9/99 - 10/5/15)
Fort Wayne, Indiana

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I think the panting he's experiencing is most likely do to pain. Yes, panting can be seen from corticosteroid use but, I think it would be a real stretch to see that kind of a reaction from one injection. Not really sure what steroid your veterinarian used--Dexamethasone usually only lasts 48 hours but, something like Depo-medrol is longer lasting. I would put him on tramadol--50 to 100mgs twice daily to see if he can get more comfortable. I would have the radiographs evaluated by a specialist.

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Guest bigorangedog

FWIW - Tramadol can also cause panting/anxiety as a side effect! I'm not sure what other analgesics can be used along with a corticosteroid... maybe Gabapentin? Maybe some DMSO gel? Those are a couple a vet might not normally suggest, but we've had good results with them. You might also think about asking for a little Valium if he seems too stressed (for him, I mean, not for you, tempting as that may be these days!).

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