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Magnets For Arthritis Pain?

Guest Longdog

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Guest Longdog



Introducing everything in an holistic approach to helping Cushtie, raw diet filtered water, new bed, regular massage which he loves. I have just bought him a Bioflow Magnetic collar which claims to help with arthritis and rheumatism. Has anyone had experience of these/success with them?

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I have no idea how effective it may be on a dog.

However, a friend gave me a beautiful magnetic bracelet just before GIG. During the week that I wore it I had a knife dangling from my wrist, then a spoon while doing dishes.wacko.gif In Gettysburg it erased my room key card and stopped my watch when the watch and bracelet were side by side on the dresser. I cannot wear it when at my nursing job as it can interfere with pacemakers.


So, I really cannot wear it enough to evaluate its benefits. But it is a beautiful bracelet.colgate.gif


Will be interested in hearing if it helps.



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I haven't tried the collar but tried the magnets about 9 years ago for my first girl. I don't think it helped at all but it was a fairly new idea then so maybe they've improved.


Acupuncture did help a lot, and if he likes a massage, you may want to look into getting some Traumeel gel and massage it in, it really helped a few of mine.


Hope he's feeling better and you get him in for that ACTH


Missing my little Misty who took a huge piece of my heart with her on 5/2/09, and Ekko, on 6/28/12



:candle For the sick, the lost, and the homeless

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I'm sceptical of things like that, and apart from the placebo effect that will come via displacement activity with the dog's owner thinking they have done something nice for their dog, I can't see it doing anything more than any regular new collar you feel good about might do. People will say happy things about any new collar and the dog benefits from happy people.

I have used an electro-acupuncture (TENS) pen with success on my previous dog's arthritic shoulder, but there are established principles behind this.

Edited by JohnF
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I believe they've done some fairly conclusive studies that magnets don't do anything for human arthritis.


There are safe and effective medications to help with arthritis. Keeping your dog slim and giving him regular gentle exercise to keep his muscle tone up are very important.


That goes for people too, FYI!


Susan,  Hamish,  Mister Bigglesworth and Nikita Stanislav. Missing Ming, George, and Buck

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Guest Bang_o_rama

Other than the utter lack of any actual scientific evidence that magnets do a damn thing except attract ferrous metals and money to the people who hawk them, they are marvelous things.


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Guest EmilyandSioux

I don't use magnets but we use a food supplement called Arthrisoothe Gold it is relatively inexpensive (we buy the horse size powder) it is the same thing in larger amounts. It is asprinkle over their food and they love it. It smells like licorish. I order thru KV Pet/Equine. A bottle will last almost a year and it is about 28$. It won't hurt them it is safe for many conditions. All 5 of my dogs get it all the time and daughter's dogs gets and one of them can't walk if she doesn't get it daily. She runs and plays like a pup and she is 10y. She limps so bas without it she can't hardly move.

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A waste. Get your money back and buy Springtime Inc. Fresh Factors or Joint Health or some other supplement. You and your dog will benefit more from it than the snake-oil salesmen who hawk magnets for health purposes.

Wendy and The Whole Wherd. American by birth, Southern by choice.
"Do not meddle in the affairs of dragons, for you are crunchy and taste good with ketchup!"
****OxyFresh Vendor ID is 180672239.****

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Guest Longdog

Thank you all for your tips, it's amazing what you buy when you get desperate! I do have him on glucosamine and chondroitin supps and jointcare chews also. I will try the gel for massage and will look around for a local acupuncturist I think. He was obviously feeling better yesterday, I have installed a baby gate to stop him attempting the stairs when we are not home. I returned to find he had chewed the wood and flattened the gate and was in his usual position all legs in the air in my bedroom looking very pleased with himself. He had been drinking out of the toilet (telling off for the other half for leaving the seat up)! He had also ripped the toilet tissue up into a million bits to show his disapproval - Cushtie that is, not my other halfcolgate.gif

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Guest BleuDog


Take a look at the write-ups on it.....the Acupuncturist & Vet put my old lady Lab on it, and it kept her OFF NSAIDS for almost 2 years.

It is a Dried Milk Protein, that is NON-prescription....came out for Humans as 'Microlactin', but never caught on due to being Non-prescription!!! It is still a human drug, as well as dogs, cats, horses, etc. I use the Horse Granules....for ME & the DOGS & CATS!!! I order from OMAHAVACCINE.COM...


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Guest Longdog


Take a look at the write-ups on it.....the Acupuncturist & Vet put my old lady Lab on it, and it kept her OFF NSAIDS for almost 2 years.

It is a Dried Milk Protein, that is NON-prescription....came out for Humans as 'Microlactin', but never caught on due to being Non-prescription!!! It is still a human drug, as well as dogs, cats, horses, etc. I use the Horse Granules....for ME & the DOGS & CATS!!! I order from OMAHAVACCINE.COM...



Many thanks, I will order the Duralactin, I have fiound a UK supplier - do you use tabs or liquid? My boy is not good with usual dairy stuff - I wonder as this is milk derived whether it will cause any problems? I will try it for a couple of weeks and see how he goes.

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I have fibromyalgia. When I was in high school we were able to borrow a magnetic mattress pad and it did nothing for me. We started to notice that some days our 10ish y.o. standard poodle had higher energy and seemed to just feel better. After a few weeks we noticed it was only after the nights he slept on my bed. So, I think it depends on who tries it.

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Guest Longdog

I have fibromyalgia. When I was in high school we were able to borrow a magnetic mattress pad and it did nothing for me. We started to notice that some days our 10ish y.o. standard poodle had higher energy and seemed to just feel better. After a few weeks we noticed it was only after the nights he slept on my bed. So, I think it depends on who tries it.


Sorry to hear about the fibromyalgia. My doc thought I may have this (same symptoms) but after extensive tests it turns out to be underactive thyroid which I am trying to control with diet/food combining, it does help when I can stick to it but it is a discipline. I will leave the magnet on, I figure it can't do any harm as its not a drug and if it helps a little that's all good. Take care and thanks.



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Guest Hannah

no success for dogs, but a strong magnet sewn into her collar worked for Fluffy (bridge kitty) for a couple of years.

When she first started to get creaky the I and the vet didnt want to put her on strong drugs so he suggested a magnet. He said I could buy an expensive collar, or, go to the hardware store and buy a magnet and sew it onto her collar. I went the magnet route at £2. It took 2 weeks for the effects to be noticable and while it didnt cure her it did help, she started going up and down stairs again.

After the magnet she moved onto Green Lipped Muscle Extract - smells vile but works really well, buy it from holland and barrat - for another 3 or 4 years and then she moved onto seraquin.


I do remember the magnet conversation because my vet thinks that magnets work on most cats but not very many dogs and even fewer humans. hence the reason why we tried it with Fluffy.

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Guest Longdog

no success for dogs, but a strong magnet sewn into her collar worked for Fluffy (bridge kitty) for a couple of years.

When she first started to get creaky the I and the vet didnt want to put her on strong drugs so he suggested a magnet. He said I could buy an expensive collar, or, go to the hardware store and buy a magnet and sew it onto her collar. I went the magnet route at £2. It took 2 weeks for the effects to be noticable and while it didnt cure her it did help, she started going up and down stairs again.

After the magnet she moved onto Green Lipped Muscle Extract - smells vile but works really well, buy it from holland and barrat - for another 3 or 4 years and then she moved onto seraquin.


I do remember the magnet conversation because my vet thinks that magnets work on most cats but not very many dogs and even fewer humans. hence the reason why we tried it with Fluffy.


Thanks Hannah, I find it interesting because it can't be placebo for them (maybe for us as John F commented)! I will wait and see.

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Guest BleuDog

Ref DURALACTIN...I started with the chewable vanilla flavored tablets, do not know about liquid, and now use the Granules for Horses....as most people I know do so....the cost is MUCH lower! But...try the tablets if you can get them....smaller amount to buy, to see if it works....can take up to a month to really see a Big Difference, but once in the body....I can take it after several months of no use, and within a couple of HOURS...the pain is fading!


Good Luck....

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Guest Longdog

Ref DURALACTIN...I started with the chewable vanilla flavored tablets, do not know about liquid, and now use the Granules for Horses....as most people I know do so....the cost is MUCH lower! But...try the tablets if you can get them....smaller amount to buy, to see if it works....can take up to a month to really see a Big Difference, but once in the body....I can take it after several months of no use, and within a couple of HOURS...the pain is fading!


Good Luck....


Many thanks, I will check with my vet when he goes in for his 3rd round of blood tests because dairy tends to upset his tum. I think it's going to be a long process of trial and error to see what fits his body, my vet says he's a complex case.

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