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Animal Communicator?

Guest BooBooMama

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Guest Energy11
Funny. I am sure you think I am a fool but I have lost so much this past year and now I am battling with the possibility of cancer.


I don't find this funny at all, and anyone who does, has a real problem


NO, it is NOT funny at ALL!


Regardless what we might or might not think, it is one's decision and right to choose how they handle their hound's care ... just like being respectful of someone who chooses amputation, vs. palliative care with Osteo, or vice-versa.


What is right for you and yours, IS RIGHT, period!

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Guest BooBooMama

I feel that the problem with this field is there are so many crack pots out there, and all it takes is for someone to have either a bad experience, or someone who has dealt with one of these nuts to tune out the profession.


I had a communicator, very well known stay with me for a year. I was home on many occasions to hear her sessions with people. This woman was a joke, but she had the ability to soak people in big time. That in itself is a gift.


When a communicator was first suggested to me, I laughed to myself thinking I have not gone off the deep end yet.

However, I will tell you I was not laughing when I got off the phone from the session.


That is SO true. I thought I must be crazy thinking about doing this but then who am I to judge something that I have never tried before? Also, there are crackpot doctors out there- complete with medical degrees- but that doesn't stop me from going to ANY doctor. I just need to do a little background check before I try it.

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Connie, let us know how you make out! Hopefully I'll get to check before I leave.


This is like anything else that can't be proven so to speak. It's like religion, we all believe differently and think our belief is the one true belief.

And none of us can prove there is a God.


Missing my little Misty who took a huge piece of my heart with her on 5/2/09, and Ekko, on 6/28/12



:candle For the sick, the lost, and the homeless

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Guest sheila

I don't think Bang O Ramas comment was mean or intended to be hurtful. It was just a joke and perhaps ppl should lighten up a little bit.

All that aside I am somewhat skeptical of pet psychics. I'm not quite a disbeliever but it would take a personal experience with one or more to convince me that it is real. I guess I would say that I'm an 'agnostic'. However if someone can afford such a thing w/o breaking the bank and if it helps them in any way then it couldn't hurt and it might help.

If I were to ever pay for such a thing I think my limit would be $75 and it would have to be a face to face meeting in a neutral location. I would not want to suspect that the communicator was picking up and exploiting cues from inside my home. I really couldn't wrap my head around a session that was conducted over the phone or the Internet.

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Guest BooBooMama
Funny. I am sure you think I am a fool but I have lost so much this past year and now I am battling with the possibility of cancer.


I don't find this funny at all, and anyone who does, has a real problem


NO, it is NOT funny at ALL!


Regardless what we might or might not think, it is one's decision and right to choose how they handle their hound's care ... just like being respectful of someone who chooses amputation, vs. palliative care with Osteo, or vice-versa.


What is right for you and yours, IS RIGHT, period!


@ energy11


Thank you for your support.

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I'm having a brain cramp right now and don't quite remember who recommended Jann Howell to me, but I do plan to contact her for a reading. Wendy, thank God, has no issues, but I certainly like to "hear" what she has to say especially if there is anything she needs to tell me. Anyway, here is her web site.. I am so sorry you are going through this difficult time. :grouphug




Irene ~ Owned and Operated by Jenny (Jenny Rocks ~ 11/24/17) ~ JRo, Jenny from the Track

Lola (AMF Won't Forget ~ 04/29/15 -07/22/19) - My girl. I'll always love you.

Wendy (Lost Footing ~ 12/11/05 - 08/18/17) ~ Forever in our hearts. "I am yours, you are mine".

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Guest barkdogs

I have used a communicator who is wonderful. Her name is Gail Thatcher. She is/was not charging until she reaches a certain number of testimonial letters. She has been very helpful--and compassionate--with many of my animals. By the way, I teach anatomy and I assist in the neuroanatomy course at Penn vet school, in addition to having a master's degree in art. And yes, I do believe in the possibilities of animal communicators. Like any field, I am sure there are scammers out there--it would be a good place for those sorts. But the ones I have worked with have been thorough and compassionate--and they have told me very specific things about my dogs that they could not have known (that was my test, being somewhat of a skeptic)


If Gail is of interest to you, PM me, and I will email her to see if she is interested and then put you in touch (since she is still, as far as I know, not charging I think I owe her that courtesy) I think she is fabulous! Since she has not taken money from me, I donate to a shelter she likes. . . .



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Guest jenznaz

I just heard from the woman from Emma's ARC, we have an appointment for Thursday night at 7pm. She said it would be helpful, but not necessary, if I sent pictures so I just sent her pictures of Kobie, Sheila, Carl & Claire. The only thing I told her about any of the dogs was that Kobie was frightened by illegal fireworks on 7.7.07, ran away, there were two confirmed sightings and that he, nor his collar or tags were ever found. That is the extent of the information I gave her.


Edited to add that I told her Claire's name used to be Doodles.


I'm eager to hear what she may find out about your Kobie. I wish I could remember the name of the communicator of whom I once attended a seminar.


Interesting stuff.

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Guest BooBooMama

I don't think Bang O Ramas comment was mean or intended to be hurtful. It was just a joke and perhaps ppl should lighten up a little bit.

All that aside I am somewhat skeptical of pet psychics. I'm not quite a disbeliever but it would take a personal experience with one or more to convince me that it is real. I guess I would say that I'm an 'agnostic'. However if someone can afford such a thing w/o breaking the bank and if it helps them in any way then it couldn't hurt and it might help.

If I were to ever pay for such a thing I think my limit would be $75 and it would have to be a face to face meeting in a neutral location. I would not want to suspect that the communicator was picking up and exploiting cues from inside my home. I really couldn't wrap my head around a session that was conducted over the phone or the Internet.


Dear Sheila, Let me explain- I did not post "Hey, I am thinking about hiring an animal communicator- what do YOU think?" or "What do you think would be a good price?" I asked if anyone had done so and what I could expect. I asked for information from those who have experienced it not personal opinions on why I should not go in this direction. I am more than certain that Bang O Rama's DID think his post was very funny but that was not what I was requesting. I am sure that there are FAR more people in Grey Talk who feel that animal communicators and holistic medicine are bunk and would not pursue these methods. You are ALL entitled to your opinions. That being said, I would rather not receive personal comments and opinions that do not answer my request. My goal is to do a bit of background research before I decide. I will be the first to admit that I am emotionally very vulnerable at this time. I have another cancer test coming up with my oncologist so I am not strong enough to deal with sarcasm right now and none of this answered my request. My reply post to him was to let him know that. I did NOT 'Flame' him. I think the others understood that and felt they needed to come to my 'rescue'. They have kind hearts and I fully appreciate their support but I had NO intention of rallying a 'cyber attack' on Bang O Rama. I hope this clears things up.



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I don't think Bang O Ramas comment was mean or intended to be hurtful. It was just a joke and perhaps ppl should lighten up a little bit.

All that aside I am somewhat skeptical of pet psychics. I'm not quite a disbeliever but it would take a personal experience with one or more to convince me that it is real. I guess I would say that I'm an 'agnostic'. However if someone can afford such a thing w/o breaking the bank and if it helps them in any way then it couldn't hurt and it might help.

If I were to ever pay for such a thing I think my limit would be $75 and it would have to be a face to face meeting in a neutral location. I would not want to suspect that the communicator was picking up and exploiting cues from inside my home. I really couldn't wrap my head around a session that was conducted over the phone or the Internet.


Dear Sheila, Let me explain- I did not post "Hey, I am thinking about hiring an animal communicator- what do YOU think?" or "What do you think would be a good price?" I asked if anyone had done so and what I could expect. I asked for information from those who have experienced it not personal opinions on why I should not go in this direction. I am more than certain that Bang O Rama's DID think his post was very funny but that was not what I was requesting. I am sure that there are FAR more people in Grey Talk who feel that animal communicators and holistic medicine are bunk and would not pursue these methods. You are ALL entitled to your opinions. That being said, I would rather not receive personal comments and opinions that do not answer my request. My goal is to do a bit of background research before I decide. I will be the first to admit that I am emotionally very vulnerable at this time. I have another cancer test coming up with my oncologist so I am not strong enough to deal with sarcasm right now and none of this answered my request. My reply post to him was to let him know that. I did NOT 'Flame' him. I think the others understood that and felt they needed to come to my 'rescue'. They have kind hearts and I fully appreciate their support but I had NO intention of rallying a 'cyber attack' on Bang O Rama. I hope this clears things up.




Well said


Missing my little Misty who took a huge piece of my heart with her on 5/2/09, and Ekko, on 6/28/12



:candle For the sick, the lost, and the homeless

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I think the reason that most do communicate in your home with your pet or over the phone to your home, is that the animal has to feel comfortable to communicate. Even those who are seemingly very comfortable, may take a while to respond. When Gail was helping me with Fuzzy, he didn't feel like talking, but Paul was telling all. I don't think a neutral territory always works. I have seen communicators at pet events, though, and they are usually about 15 minute experiences.

Irene Ullmann w/Flying Odin and Mama Mia in Lower Delaware
Angels Brandy, John E, American Idol, Paul, Fuzzy and Shine
Handcrafted Greyhound and Custom Clocks http://www.houndtime.com
Zoom Doggies-Racing Coats for Racing Greyhounds

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Both our girls have always been very chatty. Rainy even said that it was ok the vet messed up her spoon splint since it ment she got to 'talk' and she never gets to talk since she's the well behaved one LOL I was a total nonbeliever until we had instant unexplained behavior changes with Rainy 's SA. Also helped instantly when Sunshine refused to be petty trained by using traditional methods (schedule and potty treat parties)




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Guest grey_dreams

Marta Willams is a world-class expert. I haven't utilized her services yet, but I've read almost all her books. I have worked with a communicator who studied under Marta and used her methods.


Marta's services and prices are listed on her website: Marta Williams Animal Communication.


She needs a recent photo especially showing the eyes and face, and she will communicate telepathically.


I hope you are able to get answers and information to help BooBoo.


Good luck. :)

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Guest budsmom

I have also used Jann Howell and was very pleased. I've also used 2 people in WI, and was totally stunned by one of them. I think her name is Kim and she works with a vet clinic. She told me things about both Bud and my cat that there is absolutely no way she could have known unless she was really communicating with them. I hope you have a good experience with whoever you chose and that it helps you with your decision.

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Guest sheila



Dear Sheila, Let me explain- I did not post "Hey, I am thinking about hiring an animal communicator- what do YOU think?" or "What do you think would be a good price?" I asked if anyone had done so and what I could expect. I asked for information from those who have experienced it not personal opinions on why I should not go in this direction. I am more than certain that Bang O Rama's DID think his post was very funny but that was not what I was requesting. I am sure that there are FAR more people in Grey Talk who feel that animal communicators and holistic medicine are bunk and would not pursue these methods. You are ALL entitled to your opinions. That being said, I would rather not receive personal comments and opinions that do not answer my request. My goal is to do a bit of background research before I decide. I will be the first to admit that I am emotionally very vulnerable at this time. I have another cancer test coming up with my oncologist so I am not strong enough to deal with sarcasm right now and none of this answered my request. My reply post to him was to let him know that. I did NOT 'Flame' him. I think the others understood that and felt they needed to come to my 'rescue'. They have kind hearts and I fully appreciate their support but I had NO intention of rallying a 'cyber attack' on Bang O Rama. I hope this clears things up.



and I respect what you are saying and my first comment was not directed towards you. However it dismayed me to see BangORama get piled in for what was really just an off the cuff remark. Maybe I felt compelled to come to his rescue. Was the comment helpful to you? Of course not. Could folks have ignored and an moved on instead of repeated quotes scolding him? I think so. Repeatedly quoting and scolding like this ALSO are not relevant to your question and were more of a distraction then BangORamas little joke was.

At any rate I wish you the best in your search for answers with regards to your dogs health and your own.

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Guest Bang_o_rama



I thank Sheila for her kind support.


This was at worst a very minor pile-on; no profanity, emailed threats, gross personal insults or aspersions upon my Mom's character. As an atheistic, liberal, Democratic skeptic with a fairly large mouth, a bit of my native NJ in my attitude and a disinclination to keep quiet, I have had far worse.


People here are by-and-large quite courteous.



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Guest BooBooMama



I thank Sheila for her kind support.


This was at worst a very minor pile-on; no profanity, emailed threats, gross personal insults or aspersions upon my Mom's character. As an atheistic, liberal, Democratic skeptic with a fairly large mouth, a bit of my native NJ in my attitude and a disinclination to keep quiet, I have had far worse.


People here are by-and-large quite courteous.




That's good

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I used Anita Curtis. My link


10 yrs ago when I lost Topaz, I contacted her 4 months later to ask how Onyx was doing, adapting to her new home.

Anita told me that Onyx was kicked out of her home because she fought. No one told Anita that and actually the adoption group and I didn't believe it. But that's what Onyx's previous owner said.

Also, when I asked if Topaz was coming back, she said she was in the room with the trophy. I drews a blank. I don't remember any trophy. She asked me if I had a mantle that a trophy sat on. I said 'no', I don't even have a fireplace. She insisted there was a trophy. That Topaz had visited me in the room with the trophy. It was like a dog show trophy.

Then it HIT me. Three days earlier, I was in the basement looking thru the dog stuff for Onyx when I came across Topaz's little straw hat that I bought just 2 months before she died. I BAWLED like I never had before. To this day, I still think that was one of the hardest cries I've ever had.



Not 6 inches away was my box of horse show ribbons. And sitting right on top, was a trophy.


I'm still not sure I believe. But I definitely don't disbelieve.

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Hi All,

Anyone that has been following my posts will know that BooBoo has a pinched nerve in her spine. She is on Tramadol, Deramaxx and Gabapentin. She has had two chiropractic/ acupuncture treatments and a Depo-Medrol injection. All that but she still whines nervously- almost as if she is asking for something. It is the same whine she has had in the past whenever she wanted a walk, a cookie, etc. but she does it all night long and sometimes during the day. I can only conclude that it is due to pain but would like to confirm that. One vet said it could be due to her high doses of meds (Tramadol had a hallucinogenic effect.) Another one thought she was picking up on my fears and anxieties. I would like to try an animal communicator. There are two in WI where we live but (of course!) their websites do not list prices. Has anyone used the services of one of these people? How much did they charge? I realize that each of these people will 'name their own price' but if I had a general idea of what others are charging that will give me a better idea of what to expect.

I know it sounds crazy but I want to be sure that I have covered all my basis with her.



This may be off-base but, tramadol causes constipation in people. How have her poops been? Is she having trouble going and how often is she going?

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Guest BooBooMama

Hi All,

Anyone that has been following my posts will know that BooBoo has a pinched nerve in her spine. She is on Tramadol, Deramaxx and Gabapentin. She has had two chiropractic/ acupuncture treatments and a Depo-Medrol injection. All that but she still whines nervously- almost as if she is asking for something. It is the same whine she has had in the past whenever she wanted a walk, a cookie, etc. but she does it all night long and sometimes during the day. I can only conclude that it is due to pain but would like to confirm that. One vet said it could be due to her high doses of meds (Tramadol had a hallucinogenic effect.) Another one thought she was picking up on my fears and anxieties. I would like to try an animal communicator. There are two in WI where we live but (of course!) their websites do not list prices. Has anyone used the services of one of these people? How much did they charge? I realize that each of these people will 'name their own price' but if I had a general idea of what others are charging that will give me a better idea of what to expect.

I know it sounds crazy but I want to be sure that I have covered all my basis with her.



This may be off-base but, tramadol causes constipation in people. How have her poops been? Is she having trouble going and how often is she going?


Since we started all the pain meds her appetite is gone so I have been feeding her anything she will eat. The cooked chicken I have been hand-feeding her gives her soft stools, the Prevacid also gives her soft stools. So, she fluctuates between normal and soft stools- not constipated at all. No gas, no gurgling tummy, no mad dashes to get out to relieve herself, so I do not think she has any stomach pains.


I used Anita Curtis. My link


10 yrs ago when I lost Topaz, I contacted her 4 months later to ask how Onyx was doing, adapting to her new home.

Anita told me that Onyx was kicked out of her home because she fought. No one told Anita that and actually the adoption group and I didn't believe it. But that's what Onyx's previous owner said.

Also, when I asked if Topaz was coming back, she said she was in the room with the trophy. I drews a blank. I don't remember any trophy. She asked me if I had a mantle that a trophy sat on. I said 'no', I don't even have a fireplace. She insisted there was a trophy. That Topaz had visited me in the room with the trophy. It was like a dog show trophy.

Then it HIT me. Three days earlier, I was in the basement looking thru the dog stuff for Onyx when I came across Topaz's little straw hat that I bought just 2 months before she died. I BAWLED like I never had before. To this day, I still think that was one of the hardest cries I've ever had.



Not 6 inches away was my box of horse show ribbons. And sitting right on top, was a trophy.


I'm still not sure I believe. But I definitely don't disbelieve.

Thanks for sharing your beautiful story with me.

I understand. I feel the same way. I am not 100% sure it is true but want to give it a try.

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I have used and can recommend:


Marta Williams - www.martawilliams.com, charges $75 for 1/2 hour. She recommended Mary Baumstark

Mary Baumstark (focuses on energy healing) - I'm not aware of whether Mary has a website, but she charges $60/hour (if you want her contact information, please PM me).

Dawn Wrobel - www.dawnwrobel.com, charges $75 per hour and has incremental rates for partial hours.


Marta and Mary work with my hounds via phone; Dawn has done both phone & in-person work (Dawn and Mary live in IL; Marta in CA).


Good luck!

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Guest kydie

there is nothing silly about this, if you think this will help you feel better, go for it, I have never used one but was at an event that one was there and she charged $30.00 for 1/2 hour and there were lots, and lots of folks, waiting for a session! :)

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