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Animal Communicator?

Guest BooBooMama

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Guest BooBooMama

Hi All,

Anyone that has been following my posts will know that BooBoo has a pinched nerve in her spine. She is on Tramadol, Deramaxx and Gabapentin. She has had two chiropractic/ acupuncture treatments and a Depo-Medrol injection. All that but she still whines nervously- almost as if she is asking for something. It is the same whine she has had in the past whenever she wanted a walk, a cookie, etc. but she does it all night long and sometimes during the day. I can only conclude that it is due to pain but would like to confirm that. One vet said it could be due to her high doses of meds (Tramadol had a hallucinogenic effect.) Another one thought she was picking up on my fears and anxieties. I would like to try an animal communicator. There are two in WI where we live but (of course!) their websites do not list prices. Has anyone used the services of one of these people? How much did they charge? I realize that each of these people will 'name their own price' but if I had a general idea of what others are charging that will give me a better idea of what to expect.

I know it sounds crazy but I want to be sure that I have covered all my basis with her.

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We use Jackie Weaver from over in the UK, and with the exchange rate she charges $55, plus a few dollars cost of the call on my cell phone. Plus she will talk to you as long as you need. There is no time limit. Worth every penny of it for Miss Sunshine! :lol




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I use Patty Summers who is in Virginia and she charges 90.00 for an hour.


Wouldn't use anyone else unless it's for a lost dog, then I use Carol Gurney.


Patty has more than proved her ability to me over the years


Missing my little Misty who took a huge piece of my heart with her on 5/2/09, and Ekko, on 6/28/12



:candle For the sick, the lost, and the homeless

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Guest Bang_o_rama

We just sit Bang down in front of a Ouija board with a treat stuck to the underside of the planchette. Last time she nearly wrote a haiku! Clearly that was Matsuo Basho trying to get through; no other possible explanation!


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I have used two different communicators. One charged $60 and the other $55 an hour. Both did not stop at an hour as the communication with the dog didn't start immediately. I think they were fair with their fee and had good results with both. One I had come to the house and the other was on the telephone. Both knew things I did not tell them prior to the session. For a communicator to really work out, you have to believe in the process as well. Good luck. PS. Both of these people are used by adoption groups as well.

Irene Ullmann w/Flying Odin and Mama Mia in Lower Delaware
Angels Brandy, John E, American Idol, Paul, Fuzzy and Shine
Handcrafted Greyhound and Custom Clocks http://www.houndtime.com
Zoom Doggies-Racing Coats for Racing Greyhounds

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Guest BooBooMama

We just sit Bang down in front of a Ouija board with a treat stuck to the underside of the planchette. Last time she nearly wrote a haiku! Clearly that was Matsuo Basho trying to get through; no other possible explanation!



Funny. I am sure you think I am a fool but I have lost so much this past year and now I am battling with the possibility of cancer. I am not strong enough to face letting her go when I am in this emotional state. That being said, I do not want to keep her going if she is suffering.


We use Jackie Weaver from over in the UK, and with the exchange rate she charges $55, plus a few dollars cost of the call on my cell phone. Plus she will talk to you as long as you need. There is no time limit. Worth every penny of it for Miss Sunshine! :lol


Thank you. Your response gives me hope.


I use Patty Summers who is in Virginia and she charges 90.00 for an hour.


Wouldn't use anyone else unless it's for a lost dog, then I use Carol Gurney.


Patty has more than proved her ability to me over the years


Thank you. I will keep her in mind


I have used two different communicators. One charged $60 and the other $55 an hour. Both did not stop at an hour as the communication with the dog didn't start immediately. I think they were fair with their fee and had good results with both. One I had come to the house and the other was on the telephone. Both knew things I did not tell them prior to the session. For a communicator to really work out, you have to believe in the process as well. Good luck. PS. Both of these people are used by adoption groups as well.


Thank you so much. Would you mind sending me their names and contact info?

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Jackie Weaver http://www.animal-insight.co.uk/JACKIE_WEAVER/Introduction.html Since the time difference we usually chat with her Saturday mornings. She is well aware of Rainy and Sunshine so you can drop our names. Not sure she has many greyhound clients, so we are unique. :blush


Sunshine would have been bounced if it wasn't for Jackie. :lol Darn unpotty-trainable brat!

Edited by jgeiger2006




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Funny. I am sure you think I am a fool but I have lost so much this past year and now I am battling with the possibility of cancer.


I don't find this funny at all, and anyone who does, has a real problem


Missing my little Misty who took a huge piece of my heart with her on 5/2/09, and Ekko, on 6/28/12



:candle For the sick, the lost, and the homeless

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Funny. I am sure you think I am a fool but I have lost so much this past year and now I am battling with the possibility of cancer.


I don't find this funny at all, and anyone who does, has a real problem


:nod Agreed. I don't think it's funny or that you are a fool.


Be respectful folks.

Sunsands Doodles: Doodles aka Claire, Bella Run Softly: Softy aka Bowie (the Diamond Dog)

Missing my beautiful boy Sunsands Carl 2.25.2003 - 4.1.2014

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Guest Bang_o_rama

I don't and didn't call anyone a fool - I am a courteous person and finally enough of a grownup to not do silly things like that. But I will be serious and thus more respectful; it is ill-advised to make important decisions based upon the words of psychics, astrologers, animal communicators and other practitioners of pseudoscience. IMHO, naturally.


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Guest zoolaine

How does an animal communicator work over the phone?


Telepathic communication



So do you put the phone up to the dog's head????? I totally get the in-person animal communication but a bit confused how they can pick up vibes/communicate with them over the phone.

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Guest BooBooMama
Funny. I am sure you think I am a fool but I have lost so much this past year and now I am battling with the possibility of cancer.


I don't find this funny at all, and anyone who does, has a real problem


@SeeBudsHome- Thank you. I expected silly replies but it is so very nice to receive support.

Much love,

Gigi & BooBoo


How does an animal communicator work over the phone?


Telepathic communication



So do you put the phone up to the dog's head????? I totally get the in-person animal communication but a bit confused how they can pick up vibes/communicate with them over the phone.


Since it is telepathic communication they do not always need to be in the dog's presence. Some do, some don't

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Funny. I am sure you think I am a fool but I have lost so much this past year and now I am battling with the possibility of cancer.


I don't find this funny at all, and anyone who does, has a real problem


@SeeBudsHome- Thank you. I expected silly replies but it is so very nice to receive support.

Much love,

Gigi & BooBoo


How does an animal communicator work over the phone?


Telepathic communication



So do you put the phone up to the dog's head????? I totally get the in-person animal communication but a bit confused how they can pick up vibes/communicate with them over the phone.


Since it is telepathic communication they do not always need to be in the dog's presence. Some do, some don't


I think most want a picture of the dog, one where they can see the dog's eyes. if they're doing it over the phone. Easy enough to email.

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Guest BooBooMama

I don't and didn't call anyone a fool - I am a courteous person and finally enough of a grownup to not do silly things like that. But I will be serious and thus more respectful; it is ill-advised to make important decisions based upon the words of psychics, astrologers, animal communicators and other practitioners of pseudoscience. IMHO, naturally.



I am quite intelligent and have gathered information from several professional sources. All have told me to continue with the treatments but if she is in constant pain I feel I have no selfish right to do this to her. I am considering an animal communicator to assist me in determining how much pain she is in. I will not base my final decision on any one source- that WOULD be foolish. All I requested was information from anyone who has tried an animal communicator and what their fees are. All other comments, statements, opinions, jokes and replies I would prefer to not receive. You are free to think whatever you wish about me, but I do not need to know those feelings.



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The one I used most recently is Gail Lubrant. Her email is gailandbarry@bellsouth.net. Her phone number is 404-210-5513. My friend who is a VP of an adoption group in Roanoke VA recommended her. I emailed her photos and we worked over the telephone.

The other is Teri Hyatt. She is used by GHF of NJ, she has found lost animals and works with many police departments to find lost children. This is her website: http://www.petproblem.com/

Again, good luck. I really believe in this and have had success after sessions with the communicators.

Irene Ullmann w/Flying Odin and Mama Mia in Lower Delaware
Angels Brandy, John E, American Idol, Paul, Fuzzy and Shine
Handcrafted Greyhound and Custom Clocks http://www.houndtime.com
Zoom Doggies-Racing Coats for Racing Greyhounds

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Guest isntitgreyt

I too am looking into using an animal communicator. I was recommended to Tina Hasset of Our Animal Allies. I emailed her but haven't gotten a response yet. My issues are not medical that I know of but more one dog beating up another kind of thing. I am so glad you started this thread as I too would like to know who people use. My thought is I'll try whatever I can as you must feel as well. Sending positive thoughts and prayers BooBoo's way. Funny, Glenda's nickname is BooBoo :)

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Guest BooBooMama

The one I used most recently is Gail Lubrant. Her email is gailandbarry@bellsouth.net. Her phone number is 404-210-5513. My friend who is a VP of an adoption group in Roanoke VA recommended her. I emailed her photos and we worked over the telephone.

The other is Teri Hyatt. She is used by GHF of NJ, she has found lost animals and works with many police departments to find lost children. This is her website: http://www.petproblem.com/

Again, good luck. I really believe in this and have had success after sessions with the communicators.



Thank you so much for this information.

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Guest BooBooMama

I too am looking into using an animal communicator. I was recommended to Tina Hasset of Our Animal Allies. I emailed her but haven't gotten a response yet. My issues are not medical that I know of but more one dog beating up another kind of thing. I am so glad you started this thread as I too would like to know who people use. My thought is I'll try whatever I can as you must feel as well. Sending positive thoughts and prayers BooBoo's way. Funny, Glenda's nickname is BooBoo :)


@ isntitgreyt

Yes, those are my feelings. She is such a gentle spirit I owe at least that much to her.

BooBoo got the nickname at the track from the handlers because she was always so accident prone. This is, no doubt, the source of her back promblems now- an old injury. I will let you know how this goes. Please keep me informed on your progess as well.

Much warmth,

Gigi & BooBoo

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A close friend of mine just had an animal communicator over to her house and had some unexpected, yet amazing results. My friend's dog had been hit by a car before she and her family adopted him and has a slight hip problem, the animal communicator picked up on it right away. My friend and her husband were so impressed by her ability that they purchased me a half hour phone consultation. They are hoping that she can make contact with my lost heart dog, Kobie. I've got some very kind and generous friends. I'm not sure what she charges, but her website is Emmas's ARC. I haven't made contact with her yet, but will very soon. Here is her Facebook page.

Sunsands Doodles: Doodles aka Claire, Bella Run Softly: Softy aka Bowie (the Diamond Dog)

Missing my beautiful boy Sunsands Carl 2.25.2003 - 4.1.2014

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I feel that the problem with this field is there are so many crack pots out there, and all it takes is for someone to have either a bad experience, or someone who has dealt with one of these nuts to tune out the profession.


I had a communicator, very well known stay with me for a year. I was home on many occasions to hear her sessions with people. This woman was a joke, but she had the ability to soak people in big time. That in itself is a gift.


When a communicator was first suggested to me, I laughed to myself thinking I have not gone off the deep end yet.

However, I will tell you I was not laughing when I got off the phone from the session.


Missing my little Misty who took a huge piece of my heart with her on 5/2/09, and Ekko, on 6/28/12



:candle For the sick, the lost, and the homeless

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I just heard from the woman from Emma's ARC, we have an appointment for Thursday night at 7pm. She said it would be helpful, but not necessary, if I sent pictures so I just sent her pictures of Kobie, Sheila, Carl & Claire. The only thing I told her about any of the dogs was that Kobie was frightened by illegal fireworks on 7.7.07, ran away, there were two confirmed sightings and that he, nor his collar or tags were ever found. That is the extent of the information I gave her.


Edited to add that I told her Claire's name used to be Doodles.

Edited by ckruzan

Sunsands Doodles: Doodles aka Claire, Bella Run Softly: Softy aka Bowie (the Diamond Dog)

Missing my beautiful boy Sunsands Carl 2.25.2003 - 4.1.2014

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Guest BooBooMama

I just heard from the woman from Emma's ARC, we have an appointment for Thursday night at 7pm. She said it would be helpful, but not necessary, if I sent pictures so I just sent her pictures of Kobie, Sheila, Carl & Claire. The only thing I told her about any of the dogs was that Kobie was frightened by illegal fireworks on 7.7.07, ran away, there were two confirmed sightings and that he, nor his collar or tags were ever found. That is the extent of the information I gave her.


Edited to add that I told her Claire's name used to be Doodles.


My thoughts are with you. Let me know how it goes.

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I too have used an animal communicator to "help" in a difficult decision. It was with our last dog, a black lab mix, LaTanya. This person was recommended to me by my dear friend who passed away a few years ago, and so unfortunately, as I forgot her name, I can no longer ask my friend her name again. Anyways, it too was done over the phone, I sent an email picture, and she charged $60 for the hour, and also did not stick to the hour. Actually she would not let me off the phone until I was OK. I needed to know about letting our dog go to the bridge, I knew it was near time, but kept thinking maybe she has some more months left. I was in agony over this decision, and this communicator helped me feel that LaTanya was ready, and was basically hanging on for me. She told me things that nobody could have know about her, so I am a totally believer. Good luck with finding one, and I am sure it will be helpful.

Mom to Toley (Astascocita Toley) DOB 1/12/09, and Bridge Angel Opie (Wine Sips Away) 3/14/03-12/29/12

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