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Dog Attack, Chai Wasn't Hurt But I'm Concerned

Guest HuggableHound

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Guest Mooogies

Chai hasn't even been with us a week. My son was out with Chai today, she was obviously on her leash and he was taking her for a walk. The neighbour's dog which was off leash ran across the street, tried to sniff, Chai kept backing away from her. She continued to try to sniff, and my son said Chai kept backing up and moving in circles. Then the dog attacked her. Latched on to her butt and my son kicked it away. The owner was there, didn't call his dog, so the dog attacked again. It's a border collie mix. Chai still kept backing away, didn't try to defend herself and when my son tried to take her in the house, she was frozen in her spot. And then she pooped, right there in the street.


I came home tonight, she greeted me with a lot of enthusiasm, I checked her from nose to tail, and she's fine. But I'm concerned that she doesn't know how to defend herself. Not that I want to see her, or any other dog get into a dog fight, but, is this normal greyhound behaviour? I've cautioned my son that in the future he needs to check around to see if there are any dogs off leash and I'm about to go over to the neighbours and have a word with him about his dog. This is the second time I have seen this dog attack. The first time he attacked an 8 year old boy that ran across its property and he was on his leash, but with a very long lead and he just bit the kid.


What I'm really more concerned about though is Chai's behaviour and what I can to do help her.


Thank you!

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Some hounds will fight back and some won't. I have some that would immediately defend themselves and others who would try and hide behind me. There's no way you can teach her to defend herself. I think if this dog is prone to attacking children and dogs I would report it to animal control.

Judy, mom to Darth Vader, Bandita, And Angel

Forever in our hearts, DeeYoGee, Dani, Emmy, Andy, Heart, Saint, Valentino, Arrow, Gee, Bebe, Jilly Bean, Bullitt, Pistol, Junior, Sammie, Joey, Gizmo, Do Bee

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Guest KennelMom

I'm of the opinion that it's not the dog's job to protect itself...it's the human's responsibility. It's honestly best that she didn't do anything in "defense" of herself b/c that could have escalated into a fight that your son might not have been able to handle (not sure how old he is). As a general rule, I don't allow strange or off leash dogs to approach my dogs on leash or otherwise get in their space. If I were to allow it, the first sign my dog was uncomfortable is the instant I'm stepping in to shoo the other dog off. Leashed dogs that appear behaved and under control are allowed to approach if they do so respectfully...but my dogs can always veto wanting to meet another dog and I respect that. They don't have to say hi to every Fluffy we encounter on the street.


Sounds like a pretty typical dog encounter...dog approaches...sniffs your dog...Chai behaved in unsure, insecure and frightened way which was reinforced by the human not doing anything and all this elicited an overt, aggressive reaction from the other dog. Her behavior sounds like it was pretty unbalanced, which other dogs can tend to not react well to.


eta: I'm glad she's ok and seems no worse for wear! I would take things really slowly in terms of introducing her to the big wide world of every day "pet life"

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Guest Mooogies

Just came from the neighbour's and I didn't want to report the dog because accidents do happen however......after having a very brief discussion with him it appears it's Chai's fault. For wearing her pretty pink coat. That's what made his dog attack her. So.....I will be on the phone first thing in the morning, and yes you are right, the next time it could be a small child and he even went so far as to challenge the off leash bylaw. He said "well I'll definately check that out and get back to you.


So I have cautioned my son, who is 18, that if he takes her for a walk, to use extreme caution if a dog approaches that is off leash.


Also....the evil dog ripped her nice new pink coat :( Poor Chai

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Guest DarkHorse

Araley is very much the same way and won't do anything other than trying to get behind me (or whoever is with her). Dexter will chest-check and head-butt but won't bite. I'd definitely be having very strong words with the neighbour and maybe be teaching your son a bit about the safest ways to get himself and Chai away from off-leash dogs. If she's not the sort to defend herself, she likely never will be, or if she is forced to learn to be, it won't be in the way you'd want it to be. The best you can hope for is that she'll stand still and won't back up, but if the dog is outright aggressive, that won't stop it.


Hopefully things get resolved and you don't have to worry about another off-leash dog attack.

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Guest SoulsMom

Awww, my heart hurts for Chai :( Poor bug. I often think Soul would be the same way. He loves everyone and thinks everyone loves him back. Not only would he be scared out of his wits, but his 'feelings' would be hurt.


Sounds like this guy is a real tool, and you can't be assured that he'll keep his dog contained. Aside from calling animal control can Chai be walked on a different route? I would also recommend a big stick and some sort of deterrent like DirecStop.


ETA: you might want to look into a martingale harness for her. Now that she's been attacked she might be more prone to 'spook' and slip out of her collar

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Guest mcsheltie

I would prefer Chai's behavior in that situation. Then you can concentrate on kicking off the attacking dog. Much easier to deal with than two dogs in a frenzy trying to kill each other.


I shouldn't be amazed anymore how stupid people are, but you know... I still am. Ignorant neighbor. :angryfire His dog could have gotten your son seriously hurt. Hope you could get through to him.


How to help your dog... carry a club!

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Guest Mooogies

you are all awesome, thank you so much for the support. Tyler will definately take a club with him next time he walks her and he will make sure there are no off leash dogs. I have to report the dog, if something happened to another dog, worse next time and I didn't report it, I would feel responsible.


As for Chai, I'm cooking boeuf bourgignon for christmas eve dinner with my son and she's lying on her bed, in the entrance to the kitchen, sleeping and hopefully dreaming wintery peaceful dreams.


I will definately look into the martingale harness, she definately needed another little something under the tree after her trying day today!

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That's quite the neighbor you have there--what an attitude. Hope the call with animal control goes well, and I'd consider getting him to replace the pink coat as well. Grrrrr! No, your sweet pupper shouldn't have to defend herself; that dog should have been under control--period. You may have to carry a cattle prod or something when you go out on walks...

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Guest LindsaySF

I am glad Chai was not hurt. grouphug.gif


Call animal control ASAP. Ironic that pit bulls have breed legislation and must be muzzled there, obviously any breed is capable of aggression. It is very concerning to me that this particular dog has now attacked both a dog AND a person. (The owner is not responsible for the first incident if the kid was on their property, but it is concerning nonetheless). Animal control needs to intervene, especially with the owner making excuses and blaming the coat of all things.


Also send the owner the bill for the coat!

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Yep, report to animal control every time you see the dog off leash off its own property. Sending hugs.

Star aka Starz Ovation (Ronco x Oneco Maggie*, litter #48538), Coco aka Low Key (Kiowa Mon Manny x Party Hardy, litter # 59881), and mom in Illinois
We miss Reko Batman (Trouper Zeke x Marque Louisiana), 11/15/95-6/29/06, Rocco the thistledown whippet, 04/29/93-10/14/08, Reko Zema (Mo Kick x Reko Princess), 8/16/98-4/18/10, the most beautiful girl in the whole USA, my good egg Joseph aka Won by a Nose (Oneco Cufflink x Buy Back), 09/22/2003-03/01/2013, and our gentle sweet Gidget (Digitizer, Dodgem by Design x Sobe Mulberry), 1/29/2006-11/22/2014, gone much too soon. Never forgetting CJC's Buckshot, 1/2/07-10/25/10.

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Guest gecko_foot

I'm glad Chai is ok. There's a dog in my neighborhood that does the same thing. I would be careful when using a stick. The dog in my neighborhood is so aggressive that he will attack the stick when you try to run him off. Plus, it sounds like the owner is a moron, there's no telling what he may try to do.


Either way, it sounds like you're doing everything you can, but you might also want to consider pepper spray as a deterrent.


Good luck!

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Guest greytloves

Unfortunately you probably will not succeed in getting this guy to properly contain his dog. I agree with having the handler carry a weapon that can be used as a deterrent and if need be a weapon. But make sure your son knows that if that happens, be prepared for an owner attack. Carry a cell phone, carry a stick, keep your eyes out and know that you just so happen to have a girl that does not like confrontation so that means that YOU are her best defense!


Sounds as if her pink coat will get its very first heart patch!

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I would get some of this or the "Mace" version



Katy....Mom to Retired Racers Hinder, John Carter, Hobsen, and Kodama, Galgo Espanol Gichin, and the Village Idiot...Teko
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Guest TeddysMom

That beautiful pink coat probably was what saved Chai from getting bit, I would put a pretty patch on it and let her wear it proudly. I just hate loose dogs and ignorant people, please call animal control, at least they might come out and talk to him. I'm glad your houndie is OK.

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Guest SueG201

my dogs would not fight back either, it is my job to protect them and I would do anything in my power to protect them even if it meant seriously hurting the attacking dog,Best of luck

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You probably already know this, but bites to greyhounds are much more severe due to their thin skin (which can tear like tissue paper) and can easily need a vet visit. There is no fur, undercoat, or fat to protect them and thankfully Chai was wearing a coat, which took the tear instead of her skin. For yours and everyon else's safety, I'm glad to hear you are reporting the owner.


I always get between an aggressive dog and our pups on approach and don't carry any special "deterrents" other than my willingness to do whatever it takes to protect my dogs. The 'voice of God' (screaming) has scared away all offenders to-date. Hopefully your neighbour smartens up.

Doe's Bruciebaby Doe's Bumper


Follow my Ironman journeys and life with dogs, cats and busy kids: A long road

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Guest GreyFan09

Hi, I had a similar problem earlier this year when we got charged by a pitbull. I posted it on the following thread and received lots of Greyt advice, so check it out:




Our dog Comet is also more of a "flight" instead of "fight", and I also have a idiot neighbor across the street that constantly lets his dog loose to run, poop and do whatever else ever it wants. Several times I have been walking Comet down the street and this guy is out with his dog running around, and it runs up to Comet barking. Comet is not pleased with this and immediately try's to get away. I yell at this Nit-Wit to control his dog and he give ME a dirty look like it's our fault for walking down the sidewalk. I now carry pepper spray on our walks which I haven't had to use yet, but will not hesitate to if our safety is threatened.


I am very glad your Chai wasn't hurt and would immediately report this idiot before someone or some dog gets hurt again. Good luck and keep us informed on what happens.

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Guest Energy11

Any OFF LEAD dog is reported to AC by me! **There are leash laws for reasons, and that is that. REPORT the dog! Also, I'd start carrying Citronella mace with you, and a stick. I used to do this with Energy, as we had no yard, and he had to be walked. An off-lead Dalmation attacked him, but not for long, ... between the mace and the stick. I have ZERO tolerance for off lead dogs. Just an aside, ... this very strange behavior for a border collie, and I can tell you, it had NOTHING to do with the pink coat! Good Luck!

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Poor Chai!!! How awful!!!! Please tell your son to take a weapon with him-at least a stick. Trash dogs like your neighbors can be too much to handle without a weapon. Many greyhounds are like that. I personally consider it an attribute- they are simply "above" the bar brawl behavior of the commoners if you know what I mean. Two of my sweet hounds were like that and Goldie was attacked twice, both times by 2 neighborhood dogs running loose together. The second time I had a weapon(I learned)- a Phillipine fighting stick. I came down hard on the head right between the eyes of a big black rogue dog which took him down and then kicked the smaller dog solidly on the ribs and knocked it back several feet. The black dog then was able to get back up on his feet and then they both ran back home-where they should have been in the first place instead of attacking innocent greyhounds on the sidewalk. Later I adopted Slim and I could not believe he was a greyhound he was so aggressive. I didn't think greyhounds could even be that way due to their genetics. Anyway he was a sentry dog in a greyhound suit and while he was here we were all safe and sound-HE did the protecting. Other dogs NEVER even tried to attack him- they knew better. I learned in martial arts there is something called sai-it lets others know you are not to be messed with. He was a fearless protector and one day defended me from a dirty filfthy trashy 150# St. Bernard that was growling and aggressively coming after ME- not Slim -while I was walking him. Just like the trashy owner you describe this owner also watched without doing anything and only intervened after Slim repelled their trash hoodlum dog. I think those kind of trashy people WANT to see a fight. They certainly don't care about their dog or they wouldn't have it running loose in the first place. After this I purchased a 300000 volt stun wand to have in addition to the other weapons I carried for self defense. I didn't want Slim to get chewed up defending me from the trash roaming the streets attacking innocents. Please file a complaint with animal service. If nothing else they will probably make the jerk pay to get the animal vaccinated which it probably isn't right now. And all the documentation you can get will help get something done about the rogue sooner. Please give Chai a big hug and kiss. I hope her pretty pink coat can be repaired. A sweet smart girl like that should have a pretty pink coat. I'd tell animal control about that too. Too bad you can't make the jerk pay for it. I apologize if I come across a little strong but I was a street cop for 8 years and an animal control officer for a year also and I'm sick and tied of nice people and their nice dogs being attacked and sometimes killed by all the trash running around. It just is not safe to go on a walkie without a weapon these days. What a shame.

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Guest Mooogies

I just wanted to give everyone an update. Most importantly, Chai is doing very well, slept well last night (of course snuggled up to me) and seems to be no worse for wear. I called animal control first thing this morning, and the by law police were going to go and see the neighbour today. He will be fined $100 seeing as his dog attacked Chai on public property (the street) and as of today his dog will have to be leashed 24/7 whenever it is outside, whether on his property or on the street, and will have to be muzzled. I came home from work at noon today to find a coat on my front steps, no note, so someone is feeling remorseful (I'm assuming the dogs Mom). Thank you so much Hooked for your support, I will definately be armed in some way, and I will be looking for mace or pepper spray or at the very least citronella. I've learned that I will have to be her protector and I can do that for her! After all she's already done so much for me.....with her pretty eyes and her sweet disposition. I'm hooked already!


Merry Christmas all and all the very very very best for wonderful happy times for all of you and your wonderful greys!



Carole, Tyler and of course the sweet brave Chai.

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Thanks for the update. You've done the right thing, though your dufus neighbour (sounds like the lady of the house is better hearted) will be ticked. He needs only be mad at himself, of course. Let us know if you need any local support :-)

Doe's Bruciebaby Doe's Bumper


Follow my Ironman journeys and life with dogs, cats and busy kids: A long road

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