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Stroke Symptoms...

Guest tiffyks

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Guest tiffyks

I am not sure if she has or not, but I am assuming my ol' 11 yo lady Belle may have suffered a slight stroke today. But it could have been a not spasmatic siezure.

What are the symptoms of a stroke in a dog. Is it more prominent on one side or the other.


She is better than earlier, but I need to know what to do if she did suffer a stroke.

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Guest tiffyks

Oh...Okay....still today, even? Would she show the loss of balance, droopy on the right side, weak on the right side, head tilt to the right side, floppy ear on the right side, and then get a little stronger as the day goes on, but not all the way back to normal...she is very very sleepy...but will NOT leave my side....

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Go see a vet, preferable a cardiologist or neurologist. If the stroke is caused by high blood pressure, she needs to be put on meds immediately. They handle these meds well and it lowers the BP.

My Pearl has hypertension (and a mini stroke in Jan, she was ALREADY on aspirin at that time).

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Guest Energy11

We now are pretty sure Curfew's presumed stroke 18 months ago, was caused by undiagnosed high blood pressure. When he started symptoms last Feb., Dr. Karen did an ECG and checked his BP. ECG was normal, BP, EXTREMELY high. He has been on Enalapril 20 mg/daily since, and Thank God, fine. I take his BP regularly here with an infant cuff. I also give 1/2 of an 81 mg aspirin daily. Good Luck and lots of love!

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Guest Maddison

Maddie was falling over to one side and we thought it was a stroke. She rebounded just fine and several months later, same thing, walking like she was drunk falling to one side. We did an x-ray and she has a compressed disk and she was in pain. The head tilt to one side means something else, I can't think of what it was. I would talk to your vet, they will know. There were a lot of things that her falling over could have been and I remember how stressful it was waiting to see if it would come back to normal for her. She's fine now. Some days she has a little panting and we know her back is bothering her so we give her pain pills and it stops. I hope you find a solution soon!

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Since we just lost Wally last week to a stroke, I am really hoping for a positive update on Belle.


Freshy (Droopys Fresh), NoAh the podenco orito, Howie the portuguese podengo maneto
Angels: Rita the podenco maneta, Lila, the podenco, Mr X aka Denali, Lulu the podenco andaluz, Hada the podenco maneta, Georgie Girl (UMR Cordella),  Charlie the iggy,  Mazy (CBR Crazy Girl), Potato, my mystery ibizan girl, Allen (M's Pretty Boy), Percy (Fast But True), Mikey (Doray's Patuti), Pudge le mutt, Tessa the iggy, Possum (Apostle), Gracie (Dusty Lady), Harold (Slatex Harold), "Cousin" Simon our step-iggy, Little Dude the iggy ,Bandit (Bb Blue Jay), Niña the galgo, Wally (Allen Hogg), Thane (Pog Mo Thoine), Oliver (JJ Special Agent), Comet, & Rosie our original mutt.

tiny hada siggy.png

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My 10 year old greyhound had a stroke about a month ago. I emailed OSU describing the symptoms and they replied within an hour and recommended 2- 10mg of pepcid and 1- 81mg of asprin daily. The first night was touch and go. She slept for 14 hours straight and we thought each breath was her last. But, the next morning she was able to stand up. For about a week, she was still doing the circles to the right with left side weakness. Now she is about 90% better. So, I hope your baby has a speedy recovery. I was wondering if someone would tell me how to take her BP? My vet says he does not have the equipment to take her BP. Thanks,

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My 10 year old greyhound had a stroke about a month ago. I emailed OSU describing the symptoms and they replied within an hour and recommended 2- 10mg of pepcid and 1- 81mg of asprin daily. The first night was touch and go. She slept for 14 hours straight and we thought each breath was her last. But, the next morning she was able to stand up. For about a week, she was still doing the circles to the right with left side weakness. Now she is about 90% better. So, I hope your baby has a speedy recovery. I was wondering if someone would tell me how to take her BP? My vet says he does not have the equipment to take her BP. Thanks,


You can buy the BP monitor at any medical store, but make sure you get the infant cuff. Not child or toddlers. It has to be the smallest.

Place it on the base of the tail or front leg while dog is laying down. Pump it up and slowly let the air out. Watch the needle. When it starts to bounce in rhythm to the heartbeat that's the number you want. It does not bounce a lot, you have to watch it carefully. It may take a little practice to see it. This is NOT very precise, but it may give you an idea if the BP is soaring or near normal.

Most vets don't do a BP, you need to go to a Univerity hospital or cardiologist....some specialty clinic. Pearl's cardiologist does it every 6 weeks but her BP is not under control. We were checking it every 6 months to start until she had her stroke.

Edited by MP_the4pack
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