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Everything posted by dken105

  1. I think if you explained your problem and talked directly with Dr. Radcliffe, he would see you soon. He loves all animals, but has a real soft spot in his heart for greyhounds.
  2. My vet in Wheeling, WV is very knowledgeable about greyhounds.Wheeling is about one hour from Pittsburgh. He did some sort of stem cell treatment a while ago for something related to the back. Maybe you would like to call and speak to him about your greyhound's problem. His vet practice is Town and Country and his name is Dr. James Radcliffe. You can look him up on the internet. Just a suggestion. Don't know if will help you. But wishing the best for your boy!
  3. BeBe, my greyt friend, is absolutely crazy about Peanut Butter. Every evening she gets a Kong with Jiff Creamy PB in it as her treat. She starts reminding us about 7PM by staring and yipping at us as we watch Jeopardy. She never tires of this routine and it seems to agree with her. No digestive problems!
  4. Just takes time. Our most recent adopted greyhound was frightened of many things in our home. Even though we had another greyhound who was very calm, it took BeBe several months before she would come into the living room. The flashing of the TV screen scared her so much, more so than the noise. We coaxed her with treats and soft voices for several months before she would come into the living room and lay on a pillow with her sister. Fast forward today 3 years later. She is so lovable and is our Velcro dog. She still has some issues with noises and flying objects above her like flags and hanging signs, but now trusts us to help her cope with the unknown. She is getting braver everyday. Just be patient.
  5. When we brought home our last girl, she had really bad diarrhea off and on for several weeks. The vet gave us some kind of charcoal tablets that helped. Slowly, she got over it. We feed her Iams mini chunks with added cooked chicken or hamburger, but not too much. We still worry about causing her to have runny BM's and we have had her for 4 years. It seems to me that greyhounds have really sensitive digestive systems. Most of the time everything runs through OK, but sometimes someone will give her something that causes a couple days of diarrhea. Hope your baby feels better soon.
  6. Look up warble fly on line. We see holes similar to this in squirrels in Ohio. Just thought I would mention this. Probably not related, but might be worth mentioning to vet.
  7. Welcome! My grey is half sister to yours. My girl was named Gabe Amy , now called BeBe. They look so much alike. In fact most of Trent Lee's offspring are look a likes with wonderful personalities. Don't you just love the flip flop ears? We have had BeBe for 4 years. She will be 8 years old tomorrow and she is wonderful. Outside she is a little shy around strangers, but at our home, everyone is her friend. Have fun with your new friend and give her plenty of time to get used to her new life.
  8. Congratulations. I was wondering where do you go on the internet to look for broodies? I am interested in a certain one and hope someone?? will let me know when she can be adopted. I do have a contact at the farm where she is, but he told me it would be a couple of years before she would be available. So I am wondering if certain kennels post their broodies for adoption or if there is a rescue group that may specialize in broodies?. Thanks for any info you can share.
  9. My black greyhound (age 6) had a bout with limping on his left front leg in July. I had him X-Rayed right away and it was found to be an old racing injury. He is on Rimadyl and still lets out yelps occasionally. Last week, he came in from outside carrying his left back leg up and whimpering. We checked it immediately and it was really swollen by his ankle. It was Friday night and he carried it up all evening long. By Sat. he was bearing weight on it and it was less swollen. By Monday, it seemed OK. Just wanted to let you know, we always worry when our babies are hurting, but many times it is something minor and that is hopefully what Nattie has experienced.
  10. My 10 year old greyhound had a stroke about a month ago. I emailed OSU describing the symptoms and they replied within an hour and recommended 2- 10mg of pepcid and 1- 81mg of asprin daily. The first night was touch and go. She slept for 14 hours straight and we thought each breath was her last. But, the next morning she was able to stand up. For about a week, she was still doing the circles to the right with left side weakness. Now she is about 90% better. So, I hope your baby has a speedy recovery. I was wondering if someone would tell me how to take her BP? My vet says he does not have the equipment to take her BP. Thanks,
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