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Need Help With Boy Parts

Guest greytbookert

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Guest Energy11
This concludes "Penis Watch 2009"


You know, it even happened on an election day. I betcha you could have put your updates on the CNN ticker. :rolleyes::lol:

Thanks for the laugh!!! :lol:lol:lol

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Guest greytbookert
:o No, don't let it end :lol:


Well, if I must update, I guess I can do that. Eric's penis is still in its normal position. He has been licking quite often but there is no discharge. Even while on our walk today, he kept looking at it. I don't know if he was just checking to see if it was still there :lol


I'm optimistic that he just got stuck somehow and there isn't anything horribly wrong with him and his man parts!


Erection day..... :rofl

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Guest Energy11
This concludes "Penis Watch 2009"


You know, it even happened on an election day. I betcha you could have put your updates on the CNN ticker. :rolleyes::lol:

Thanks for the laugh!!! :lol:lol:lol


Did you mean "erection" day? :unsure:eek:lol

You guys are BAD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :-)))) :rolleyes::rolleyes::lol:lol

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Guest jettcricket
This concludes "Penis Watch 2009"


You know, it even happened on an election day. I betcha you could have put your updates on the CNN ticker. :rolleyes::lol:

Thanks for the laugh!!! :lol:lol:lol


Did you mean "erection" day? :unsure:eek:lol

You guys are BAD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :-)))) :rolleyes::rolleyes::lol:lol

Bad, but funny!!!! :lol

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Guest greytbookert

An update for today.. the licking continued and today I noticed a pussy discharge. A call to the vet and antibiotics were prescribed. Hopefully, this is just an infection and 2 weeks of meds will clear it right up. my poor boy... at least he wasn't poked and prodded in his privates today...

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Guest Energy11

Curfew was licking and licking his "boy parts," off and on this week. I had DH lure him and keep him occupied with food. I told a look at his penis and noticed a thick white discharge. Called the vet, and was told to put him on either, Cipro or Doxycycline. My Doxy was expired by over six months, so I started the Cipro. He is doing much better.


Hope your guy feels better soon!

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An update for today.. the licking continued and today I noticed a pussy discharge. A call to the vet and antibiotics were prescribed. Hopefully, this is just an infection and 2 weeks of meds will clear it right up. my poor boy... at least he wasn't poked and prodded in his privates today...


Oh dear :lol You just discovered there's not a nice way to spell pus as an adjective (the way to say something is full of pus for example). At work it's a newbie question..how do you spell pus (sy)? The answer was P-U-R-U-L-E-N-C-E.


P---y. Tee-hee. I need to grow up, but I keep thinking P----y Hoo Hoo. I sometimes think I'm actually a 12 year old boy.


I hope he feels better soon, poor boy.



Cathy (and Jackie who is embarassed right now)

Blank 500 x 150.jpg
Suzie aka  CBJ Fly Sonic (b. 07 Feb 2015) and missing:
Homer aka Atoscocita Homer (05 Oct 2010- 16 Nov 2021)
Xena the Galgo aka Xene the Bean (? 2009- 6 Sep 2018)
Jackie aka Katie aka Sun Blaze (16 April 2001- 14 April 2014)
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Guest greytbookert

Last night before bed, I noticed that Eric's rear leg from the knee down is all bruised. I don't know if it is related or if he just bruised himself during a zoomie session.


His boy parts are still located where they should be, thank goodness!


JackieDog, I didn't even realize what I had written, I was typing so fast because my mom was here.... totally horrified now that I read it... off to bury my head in shame :lol Oh man, I'm never going to live that one down! Purulence, purulence, purulence... there now the correct term should be locked into my brain!


Deb - turning all shades of red :blush

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Guest PhillyPups

So contrary to my fears, the Greyt Penis thread still runs rampant on GT. :rotfl


Glad to hear Erik is keeping his rocket in its pocket!! And hope the pussy discharge clears up quickly.


Did he lick his parts so hard he may have bruised his leg while doing so?


Ironically not only did this happen on erection day, but I have been helping people this weekend tring to get a dog up here from JCKC - his name is WW Out Rocket - :lol :lol

Edited by PhillyPups
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Guest greytbookert
So contrary to my fears, the Greyt Penis thread still runs rampant on GT. :rotfl


Glad to hear Erik is keeping his rocket in its pocket!! And hope the pussy discharge clears up quickly.


Did he lick his parts so hard ha may have bruised his leg while doing so?


Ironically not only did this happen on erection day, but I have been helping people this weekend tring to get a dog up here from JCKC - his name is WW Out Rocket - :lol :lol





WW Out Rocket :hehe


Pat - I'm sure this thread will go away because there just can't be anything really wrong with Eric, he just has to be ok! I'm at the stage, where if I don't laugh, I'm going to cry, so I'm taking the laughing road at this point in time! I hope, really hope that he wasn't licking so hard that he bruised his leg. That would be one serious licking session!

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Guest greytbookert
All joking aside, are you able to get this poor boy to a vet over the weekend? It all must be very uncomfortable for him.


He was started on an antibiotic, yesterday. The vet didn't need to see him yesterday, just filled the script. His parts are where they belong, no swelling, and he isn't acting as if he is in pain. He was seen earlier this week, where they did a full exam and I mean full, the poor kid. If this course of antibiotics doesn't do the trick, we will have him scoped and possibly and ultrasound to see if there is anything suspicious going on. If his condition changes, our vet (co-worker of DH) lives just down the street and he'll take a looksee.

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Guest SoulsMom
An update for today.. the licking continued and today I noticed a pussy discharge. A call to the vet and antibiotics were prescribed. Hopefully, this is just an infection and 2 weeks of meds will clear it right up. my poor boy... at least he wasn't poked and prodded in his privates today...



Oh man, that will live on forever!!! Hahahaha!!!


How's he doing tonight? Now that Soul's gone is the sulking over with or is he still acting out of sorts?

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Guest greytbookert
An update for today.. the licking continued and today I noticed a pussy discharge. A call to the vet and antibiotics were prescribed. Hopefully, this is just an infection and 2 weeks of meds will clear it right up. my poor boy... at least he wasn't poked and prodded in his privates today...



Oh man, that will live on forever!!! Hahahaha!!!


How's he doing tonight? Now that Soul's gone is the sulking over with or is he still acting out of sorts?


Oh man, I can't believe that I typed that. I'm so incredibly embarrassed! You are right though, I'll never live it down! Even if folks here forget, I will always remember what an idiot I am!


Eric did ok last night, he was still sulking but a frozen yogurt treat and a beef ribbon perked him up.. no pun intended, so get your mind out of the gutter. He is still a little bit "out of it" but he was better this morning.


The leg bruise spread a bit but is not worse and seems to be lightening! At least we have that going for us.



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pussy discharge

this thread is cracking me up. glad your boy is ok!

puss-y is reminding me of a time that i posted a topic in H&M about Banjo's "pussy discharge" ... and being that she's a girl, some actually were offended and shocked that i would use such language, and my topic was edited. it wasn't until HOURS later, that i checked in for replies that i realized what i had typed :blush:lol


i meant puss-y/ish/filled/ing. you know. ugh. :lol


a "puss-like discharge from her vaginal region" :rolleyes: oyyyme.

Edited by deanna
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Guest greytbookert
pussy discharge

this thread is cracking me up. glad your boy is ok!

puss-y is reminding me of a time that i posted a topic in H&M about Banjo's "pussy discharge" ... and being that she's a girl, some actually were offended and shocked that i would use such language, and my topic was edited. it wasn't until HOURS later, that i checked in for replies that i realized what i had typed :blush:lol


i meant puss-y/ish/filled/ing. you know. ugh. :lol


a "puss-like discharge from her vaginal region" :rolleyes: oyyyme.


I'm so glad that I'm not the only one! I read it, reread it and I still couldn't understand what was so funny. But now the thread is famous :lol

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Hurley has 2 similarities with Eric right now:

1.) his penis has issues.....after his surgery on 11/7, it is swollen and red, swollen and hanging DOWN more than usual

2.) his bruising from the incision and in 2 other spots is worrisome so he will have to get testing to see if he has problems clotting


All in all, though, these dogs do have some humorous issues!!


Greyt thread!!!

Bow Wow Wow Yippie Yo Yippie Yay :)


Johanna with hounds: Woodie (Molly's Marvin) (Grenade X Kh Molly) and Petra (Make Her a Pet) (Dodgem By Design X Late Nite Oasis)

and forever missing Hurley (Jel Try Out) (Gable Dodge X Kings Teresa) with Kalapaki Beach in Kauai as the background

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Guest SoulsMom
pussy discharge

this thread is cracking me up. glad your boy is ok!

puss-y is reminding me of a time that i posted a topic in H&M about Banjo's "pussy discharge" ... and being that she's a girl, some actually were offended and shocked that i would use such language, and my topic was edited. it wasn't until HOURS later, that i checked in for replies that i realized what i had typed :blush:lol


i meant puss-y/ish/filled/ing. you know. ugh. :lol


a "puss-like discharge from her vaginal region" :rolleyes: oyyyme.



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