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Periodic De-worming

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I'm thinking of giving my dogs an all-purpose wormer every 6 months. Fosters come and go, we're out and about, I assume worms are going to show up occasionally, so I thought that doing a twice yearly purge can't hurt.


I'm pretty sure that I've read that others do this, or something like it.


What brand of med's should I use? I'd like to order from Pets Megastore (in Oz). I bought Frontline through them and was quite happy.



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I keep panacur on hand for when Enza picks up buggies. It's the same stuff as I pick up from the vet and as 9 times out of 10, the buggies don't show in fecals and they just de-worm her anyways.....


I buy it from Entirely Pets and doesn't need a prescription. I don't do it regularly - more when she gets the big D with no reason I can think of.

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Guest mcsheltie

We alternate between Panacur or Safegaurd and Drontal Plus. If we've been somewhere that I suspect Giardia we use Panacur. I do it quarterly, as we have a lot coming and going.

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