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Prayers And Good Thoughts For A Good Friend.

Guest Energy11

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Guest Energy11

This thread was locked in Health and Medical. Ash is not gone yet, but I wanted to move it here, so more could see it. She has an appointment at the vets this afternoon, 2:45 EST. to be sent to The Bridge. Bernie will write a memorial for this page, when she is able. Thank you for all your kind thoughts. Dee


Hello, everyone.


Below is an email I received earlier from my friend in Florida, Bernie. Her 10 yr old girl, Ash, has Oseto, and they've been trying to keep her comfortable until it is time for her to go to The Bridge.


Today is the day. Any comforting thoughts and prayers would be appreciated to help God speed Ash, and help her parents and sister, Karal. Just three months ago, they had to send their Tory to The Bridge, and her Daddy, Paul, had a stroke, just two days later. These people are the wonderful, caring folks, who love their greys!


Thanks very much! Dee



Today is Ash's day to go to be with Tory. We have an appt. with Dr. at 2:45 today. She has been in pain and can't sleep for 36 hours. She now will not even eat her frosty paws. Poor Karal is so lonely already. If the twins are staying with Kit that is a good thing. If they come back we'd like to foster them again. If they stay there maybe Paul can go to the farm with someone and pick out a dog to foster and maybe adopt. We need another little girl for us and Karal.

Thank you all for your support this is going to be a hard one to get over. We've all been thru it, so I know you all understand.


Lots of love to you all Bernie

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:candle May this little candle light the way for you Ash, and all our Angels will be there to greet you.


God speed baby girl


Here is a photo of Tory and Ash


Edited by cbudshome


Missing my little Misty who took a huge piece of my heart with her on 5/2/09, and Ekko, on 6/28/12



:candle For the sick, the lost, and the homeless

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Guest Energy11
:candle May this little candle light the way for you Ash, and all our Angels will be there to greet you.


God speed baby girl

Thank you from us here, and of course, for Bernie, Paul, and their girl Karal, who will be without her sister, soon!

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Guest Energy11
I know the time is close at hand, please tell your friend that my thoughts are with her and her dear pup Ash. May his passing be a peaceful one.


Thank you! I am sitting here now, looking at the time. Thank to ALL of you for being there. It means a lot to know, they are not alone! Love you all! Dee

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Guest Energy11

Ash is with the other Angels, at The Bridge, and, of course, My Bob, who went there, seven years ago, Sept. 15th. I "made him" one of the "Official Keepers" of The Rainbow Bridge, so he is there, greeting all of them when they arrive! I am sure he isn't the only human keeper there.


To Bernie and Paul ... we met five years ago. We were with one rescue group, then, went onto to help the seniors at GPA Senior Sanctuary of Fla. You have helped sooo many seniors yourselves, and still do on a daily basis. No one could have been better parents for Tory or Miss Ash! ... We are glad you want to help another senior brood mom from the farm, and take her into your home! You are two of our best friends, and we love you very, very, very much, and now, ... really feeling your loss and your pain!


All our love, Dee, John, Curfew, Goldie, Oakly, Staggerlee, and Cari. Bob, Energy, Dasher and Max, greeting your Ashley (Ash), at The Bridge. :f_pink:f_pink:f_pink:f_pink:f_pink:f_red:f_red:f_red:f_red:gh_run2:angelwings:brokenheart

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Guest Energy11



This was so hard a thing to do. The office was really nice with it all. They cried with me. She looked so peaceful like she was sleeping with no pain. Yes, it was necessary but it doesn't make it any easier to take. Paul is still crying like his heart is broken. He went to bed early. For the first time in almost 2 years he is sleeping upstairs in the bed. He slept on the couch with Tory and when Tory passed Ash couldn't go upstairs so he slept down here with her. The house is so empty. Poor Karal is looking all over for Ash. They were so close before Ash got sick. I asked if Paul could go to the farm and get another brood mom soon. He even asked today if they would take him and let him pick a mom. Karal needs another dog around and so do we. I don't want a young one like Karal because we don't have the energy for a young one. The brood moms are gentle and lay-back.



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Guest Energy11


This was so hard a thing to do. The office was really nice with it all. They cried with me. She looked so peaceful like she was sleeping with no pain. Yes, it was necessary but it doesn't make it any easier to take. Paul is still crying like his heart is broken. He went to bed early. For the first time in almost 2 years he is sleeping upstairs in the bed. He slept on the couch with Tory and when Tory passed Ash couldn't go upstairs so he slept down here with her. The house is so empty. Poor Karal is looking all over for Ash. They were so close before Ash got sick. I asked if Paul could go to the farm and get another brood mom soon. He even asked today if they would take him and let him pick a mom. Karal needs another dog around and so do we. I don't want a young one like Karal because we don't have the energy for a young one. The brood moms are gentle and lay-back.

OMG ... this is just breaking my heart!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :brokenheart:brokenheart:brokenheart:brokenheart:brokenheart


I hope they find the perfect broodie :hope They sound like such a loving family

Both of them are in their mid-late 60s. Paul is one of THE kindest people I have ever met... I mean, sleeping downstairs with his two sick girls, ... until tonight! Bernie is the same ... God love them, and find them a broodie who needs them, as much, as they need her!

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Please forward my heartfelt condolences to Paul and Bernie. I am so very sorry for their loss.


Cindy with Miss Fancypants, Paris Bueller, Zeke, and Angus 
Dante (Dg's Boyd), Zoe (In a While), Brady (Devilish Effect), Goose (BG Shotgun), Maverick (BG ShoMe), Maggie (All Trades Jax), Sherman (LNB Herman Bad) and Indy (BYB whippet) forever in my heart
The flame that burns the brightest, burns the fastest and leaves the biggest shadow

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Guest Energy11
Please forward my heartfelt condolences to Paul and Bernie. I am so very sorry for their loss.

Thank you, I will ... Bernie says she will call me tomorrow, when she is able to talk ...



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Guest Energy11
:candle May this little candle light the way for you Ash, and all our Angels will be there to greet you.


God speed baby girl


Here is a photo of Tory and Ash




:candle May this little candle light the way for you Ash, and all our Angels will be there to greet you.


God speed baby girl


Here is a photo of Tory and Ash


Thank you, Claudia, for helping me add this wonderful photo of the two Hitchins Girls to this post! They are together again! Love you! Dee

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