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Kody & Zoey Saying Hello From Hot, Hot Austin

Guest kodywyoming

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Guest kodywyoming

Hello all! I'm Kody, a college student recently relocated to Austin, Texas. I lost my cat in June and knew my first act once I got moved and settled was going to be to adopt a greyhound. Well, as of today, I have! I adopted from the awesome AGA and my new companion was dropped off just this evening.


Zoey is a 7 year old brindle female. She raced 88 times and had a litter of puppies before being retired and offered up for adoption. Based on the dates of her racing career and her only litter, it would seem she's been waiting for a home for several years. I know it'll be awhile before I get to know her true personality, but so far she seem to be a very calm, quiet (though not scared) lovebug. Though she had a disagreement with another one of the foster greyhounds while she was waiting to get spayed, etc, over the last week and a half, she has pretty much ignored my roommate's feisty Boston Terrier.


I consider Zoey pretty much the first dog I've had while on my own, even though I did have a husky/GSD mix briefly when I first moved out (unfortunately, she was a Houdini and managed to get through/over a fence to take a jog on a busy highway -- I'd only had her for about a month at the time). When I was a kid, my family did adopt a younger greyhound (2 years old; he broke his leg in his maiden race and was offered up for adoption once it had healed) that we had for quite some time, so I am familiar with living with one if not caring for one. I've always said greyhounds are the only dogs I could ever really love. :)


Anyway, PICTURES! Excuse the quality; I lost the USB cord for my camera during the move, and am currently relying on cell phone pictures.





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:welcome2 Hello from NY. Your broodie is gorgeous. I love the white tip on her tail. :wub: You'll find a lot of good info here :wubsite



Mimi- mom to Burdette (KB's Burdette), Sophie (LL's Stupid Is) and bridge babies Kelsey (Kelso's Logo), Sterling (Cold B Tiger), Fritz, Tasha, Chloe and Molly

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Guest kodywyoming
She is pretty - congratulations! Are you from Wyoming? My husband is from Casper, WY.


No, I'm from Kansas originally. :) When I was a kid "Kody Wyoming" was what my grandfather called me. It didn't mean much until after he died, but since then it's been my alias of choice.


Zoey is doing pretty well, despite me having a rough day -- I got a (rare) migraine and have been too sick to play. She gave herself a bit of a scare, though; while I was napping, she was sleeping on the floor next to my bed, and (I assume) started rolling around scratching her back...and inadvertently knocked my full-length mirror onto the floor, where it crashed into a million pieces and scared the bejeebus out of her. Now that I cleaned it up she seems to have decided that her kennel is a safer place to lay.


She is really a beautiful girl -- my camera phone doesn't do her justice at all. She's a different dog depending on which side you're standing on, too. One side (pictured) has a lot of black striping, while the other has significantly less and pretty big patches of golden fawn showing through.


Thanks for the warm welcome, everyone. I'm still gushing about my new lady friend, as you can see!

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Greetings from Gainesville, FL and welcome Kody and Zoey.

Zoey is gorgeous! Congrats and welcome to GT!! :welcome2

Rita, mom to Dakota (Dakotas Dream) & Wish (Kiowa Wish Wish) and my angels

Toby (Sol Marcus) and Robin (Greys Robin Hood)

Forever missing our beloved Robin and Toby

"Until one has loved an animal, a part of one's soul remains unawakened." Anatole France

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Guest houndstooth4

Zoey is one pretty girl! You might check greyhound data from time to time. She may have a second litter of puppies that hasn't been registered yet. Our Lilac retired not long after her second litter was weaned, but they didn't show up in the registry for a while after we adopted her. Not that it's really important or anything, but if you like to follow that sort of info, it's a nice thing to know. :welcome

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Guest kodywyoming
Zoey is one pretty girl! You might check greyhound data from time to time. She may have a second litter of puppies that hasn't been registered yet. Our Lilac retired not long after her second litter was weaned, but they didn't show up in the registry for a while after we adopted her. Not that it's really important or anything, but if you like to follow that sort of info, it's a nice thing to know. :welcome


The adoption group are the ones who initially told me she only had one litter of 6 pups, and they work very closely with the farm she came out of, who know all of their dogs very well (despite there being like 350 of them on site!)...so I'm pretty sure the single litter is pretty accurate. Zoey herself didn't do too badly on the track, but based on her puppies' results, I can see why they didn't bother to breed her again. :lol Only 3 of the 6 made it to the track at all, and there were only 14 starts between those 3.


If you can guess, I do like to follow/know that sort of thing. :P Looking for her race record, I even found photos and info about one of her puppies that had been neglected and starved half to death and had to be RE rescued. He was a beautiful boy (at least in the after pictures) and it was fun to see what a pretty babies Zoey could make...even if they were a little slow.

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Guest widowcali

Very pretty. I just think we are all amused at the empty crate in the background while she lays on your bed. Get used to that sleeping arrangement. :lol

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