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Nail Clipping

Guest patti909

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Guest patti909

omg, is it just me or is $10.00 to clip one dog's nails too much?

that would be $40 just for nails, which takes about 10 minutes.


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Guest Energy11

That is about right... My vet USED TO charge $7, but that was a year ago. I would pay ANYTHING if Goldie would let ANYONE cut her nails! She is almost nine, and has to be sedated again! I HATE IT!



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Guest patti909

I got spoiled, my daily dog person used to do nails twice a month for $20, thats $5 a dog.

I just calle dher and I am driving to her house this week to have them done, its a 14 mile drive.

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PetSmart charges $9 to trim, $11 to grind. If the dog is getting a bath, nail trimming is included, but nail grinding would be the additional $11.


(If you try PetSmart, take proof that your dogs are up-to-date on rabies; take vet paperwork, since most rabies tags do not have expiration dates on them.)

Kathy and Q (CRT Qadeer from Fuzzy's Cannon and CRT Bonnie) and
Jane (WW's Aunt Jane from Trent Lee and Aunt M); photos to come.

Missing Silver (5.19.2005-10.27.2016), Tigger (4.5.2007-3.18.2016),
darling Sam (5.10.2000-8.8.2013), Jacey-Kasey (5.19.2003-8.22.2011), and Oreo (1997-3.30.2006)

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Guest SpicyMom

I would pay ANYTHING if ANYONE else could clip my Spicy's nails. Even the vet declares defeat. I have to sneak 1-2 nails when she's sleeping. Even the prospects of dried liver treats (for which she will do anything else) will not work when it comes to nails. k

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Guest Greensleeves

I'm fairly certain that price is meant to encourage owners to do it themselves. It sounds pretty standard.


I have a couple I bring to the vet for nails, though, just b/c they're fussy.

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I do Lexie's myself. Our vet charges 10 dollars for all 4 paws.


hmm I should start my own dog trimming business. I could make a mint..lol..When my dachsie was alive I would give her one cheerio per nail and she let me trim them..lol. Lexie is real good. she even lets me use a nail file after to round em out..lol. I guess I am lucky.

Lexie is gone but not forgotten.💜

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We've only ever had one dog through here that really minded having his nails cut. That was our most recent foster- a wonderful dog, but touchy about his feet.


I figured out that if his eyes were being rubbed while his nails were cut- no problem! Laying on his side, rubbing his eyes so he can't see what's going on- SNIP! And then repeat.

Coco (Maze Cocodrillo)

Minerva (Kid's Snipper)

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Guest Dillymom

That's why I have a child...slave labor! She dremel's the dogs nails and all she wants in return is to be allowed to paint them when she's done :)

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Guest ronansmom

My vet charges $15 and that's with my multiple animal discount. I cut Chloe's clear nails but Ronan's are black with a long quick so I let the vet do it. I don't want to be the "bad guy."

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Our vet charges $24 (up from $18 just 6 months ago) for clipping and $45 for the Dremel!!!! No thank you. We found someone who does a fab job, better than we do for sure, for just $7.



Dog mama to angel-boy Ewan (racing name Atascocita Ewan), 3/26/10 to 8/23/20, and angel-girl Asta (racing name Pazzo Asta), 6/16/01 to 9/7/13.

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We had to Muzzle Lando to cut his Nails, I tried the dremel and clipping... He just didn't like his feet touched at all. When I first got him I would have them surgically cut along with his dental, but as he got older and I got wiser, I didn't have him under anesthetic.

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Guest LashandRed

We dremel the kids nails every other Saturday in the back yard. I hold them still while my husband sands down the nails. It is become a ritual. Initially they were a little shy of the procedure but now, they just stand there very stoically and wait for it to be over. Of course they get a treat once it is all finished so it isn't so bad in the end.

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