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Getting A 2-person Job Done With Only One

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Dandi was diagnosed yesterday with an ear infection. The vet cleaned out his creeping crud (with loud and demonstrative protests on Dandi's part) and put antibiotics drops in. I need to continue to do both steps at home, but am a whopping, impotent failure at doing this. There's no way this is a one-person job, but this is a one-person household.


Background: Dandi is an 86-lb whopping galgo who has seen a lot of trauma in his life; he has anxiety disorder and fear aggression. His aggression has never been directed toward humans, except when he feels threatened, and then he lets out the most pitiful growl/whine/cry that breaks your heart, because you know it comes from a very sad past. It's taken 3 years for Dandi to trust me enough to know that I will never hurt him, and that's been undone in 2 days.


To try to get the eardrops in, I have to muzzle him, get a collar/lead on and get within shooting distance of his ear. It's not happening, and he's becoming increasingly agitated, and trying to snap through the muzzle. I can't even touch the top of his head or ear without him freaking out. Frankly, he's intimidating the cr*p out of me and I know this has to get done or he'll continue to be in pain.


I had a co-worker (a former vet tech) willing to come back with me after work to help me do this, but I was stuck at work late and she couldn't wait. I tried to get it done by myself, but it did not go well.


What can I do? What do YOU do if you're facing this kind of situation without help available? I plan to call my vet's office tomorrow to see if someone might be willing to come over (for $$) to help me out, or frankly I'll just bring him over there. My vet lives around the corner from me, but she's so overworked right now, I really don't want to ask.


I've never felt so ineffective. Any suggestions are gratefully welcomed. Oh, and I do have anxiety meds available (xanax) but I took them and they didn't do a thing. ;)

Edited by houndznigz


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You should both take the Xanax!!! Truly I'm only slightly kidding, as much as you likely don't want to, he may need mild sedation to get the job done. I've had to Ace my cat before to groom him because it's like trying to comb a Barracuda. Since you're on your own, he may need a little Happy Pill about 30-40 minutes before ear cleaning time. I know they're sensitive to drugs, but you simply may not have a choice for the mental and physical well being of Both of you.

Angie, Pewter, and Storm-puppy

Forever missing Misty-Mousie (9/9/99 - 10/5/15)
Fort Wayne, Indiana

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Oh no Jordan, I am sorry to hear that Dandi is having a hard time, maybe the vets can give you some meds, pain meds to calm him, he must be in pain and frightened. I can just imagine w/his fear issues trying to give him ear drops. :bighug

Roberta & Michael with Furkids- Flower (Shasta Flowers 6/7/06) & Rascal the kitty - Missing our sweet angels - Max(M's Mad Max) 10/12/02 - 12/3/15, Sara (Sara Raves 6/30/01 - 4/13/12) Queenie & Pandora the kitties - gone but never forgotten

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Guest Energy11

Wow! Sounds like us trying to do Goldie's nails!!!! She will not LET you come near her with clippers or a drammel and muzzling makes it worse. I "doctor" my dogs, and have vet tech and paramedic experience, but cannot but her nails!!! We have to take her to the vets and get her sedated, which I HATE!!


I THINK you can do your dog's ears with two people. Muzzle, and have one hold the head tight, by the collar. The other, do the ears. Dandi might get used to it eventually, or, try asking the vet for Valium ... That is about all I can suggest, other than what you recommended ... taking him to the vets to get it done, but it has to be done, as you said.


Good Luck ... poor baby!

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I've been there, only once, but have been there. But never with a dog who has had the trauma that this poor guy has had in his life.

I had one of the vet techs from my vet's office come everyday to help me. I had the choice to bring my girl in everyday but it was summer time and I wasn't bringing her out in the heat everyday.

Good luck!! It's tough sometimes when we're alone


ETA: If you can get a tech out to help, let them be the one who puts the drops in vs you.

Edited by cbudshome


Missing my little Misty who took a huge piece of my heart with her on 5/2/09, and Ekko, on 6/28/12



:candle For the sick, the lost, and the homeless

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Pretty much what you did, but start with the attitude that you're going to get it done. Yes, it'll traumatize him, but you will get it done. Keep in mind that he probably won't like it no matter what you do, so don't worry about his feelings.


Stick the eardrops and the best treat in the world in your pocket.


Assuming you are right handed: Muzzle dog, leash dog, "Time for eardrops!", with dog standing crossways in front of you, head pointing right, tail left: Pick up the eardrops with your right hand. Stick dog's head under your right armpit to immobilize, your free left hand folds earflap back and holds head still enough, semi-free right hand squirts eardrops in, "Good boy!" and treat. You can try it other way round, but this way probably works best for most people?


Helps if you Muzzle dog, leash dog, "Time for eardrops!", just give a scritch, "Good boy!" and treat several times per day.

Star aka Starz Ovation (Ronco x Oneco Maggie*, litter #48538), Coco aka Low Key (Kiowa Mon Manny x Party Hardy, litter # 59881), and mom in Illinois
We miss Reko Batman (Trouper Zeke x Marque Louisiana), 11/15/95-6/29/06, Rocco the thistledown whippet, 04/29/93-10/14/08, Reko Zema (Mo Kick x Reko Princess), 8/16/98-4/18/10, the most beautiful girl in the whole USA, my good egg Joseph aka Won by a Nose (Oneco Cufflink x Buy Back), 09/22/2003-03/01/2013, and our gentle sweet Gidget (Digitizer, Dodgem by Design x Sobe Mulberry), 1/29/2006-11/22/2014, gone much too soon. Never forgetting CJC's Buckshot, 1/2/07-10/25/10.

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Wow, thanks Batmom! I'm trying to envision the whole maneuver in my head before attempting. I'm also trying to envision doing this and coming away with two arms. :lol At this point, he's becoming conditioned enough to know when I'm reaching for the muzzle or lead, and at that point, he begins to act out. I do very much like your counter-conditioning technique, getting him to associate ear drops w/treats.


I do (seriously) have sedation for him - 2mg xanax. Dandi has a vet behaviorist (actually, he has a posse: regular vet, vet acupuncturist, vet behaviorist, neurologist and cardiologist) and I'm going to e-mail her to see what she thinks and how to approach this behaviorally. I do think that the safest and best way of getting this done quickly and painlessly is with someone helping me, definitely with me doing the holding and the 2nd person doing the ear work! I'd like someone who is experienced with ear cleaning to get that job done ASAP, so then all he'll need is the antibiotic drops.


I can't explain what a tough cookie Dandi-Lion is, but he's such a cowardly lion inside. The big brute is on the right, so you get an idea of how massive he is, though he's compared with bitty Mafi, who's only 45 lbs.






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I have no advice except that I used to "pin" my fosters b/w me and the bathroom cabinets when I had to do their nails to make it harder for them to move around. My bathroom is narrow and sort of pressing them gently b/w me and the cabinet kept them still enough for me to get the nail clipping done by myself without totally stressing them. Thought I'd mention it if you do opt for doing it yourself and just going for it. That's a really tough situation though. I know how infrequently I do Neyla's nails despite the fact that I know they need to be done b/c she's really fearful of it and a former spook so I do feel your pain, although you're in a much tougher situation. Glad you're able to keep a sense of humor about it at least. I know that's not much. :blush


Oh, and if he has frequent ear infections, you might want to consider a raw diet.


Jen, CPDT-KA with Zuri, lab in a greyhound suit, Violet, formerly known as Faith, Skye, the permanent puppy, Cisco, resident cat, and my baby girl Neyla, forever in my heart

"The great thing about science is that you're free to disagree with it, but you'll be wrong."

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Thanks for suggestions, Neyla's mom. As far as I know this was Dandi's first ear infection -- and hopefully his last!


Maybe I just get one of those water blasters that the kids use in the pool, fill it up with the cleaning solution and antibiotic drops, and let 'er rip! I could get him from way across the room :)


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Something I found very effective for a grey we had that was shy about the nail clippers- the first one we've ever had, amazingly enough.


If he didn't see what you were doing, you could clip his nails if you were fast enough. So, he'd be lying down and I'd rub his face and eyes with one hand, and get the clipper on the nail and- SNIP- with the other. Then I'd stop, and (amazingly) he'd ask for more. So, I'd go back to rubbing his head and chin, then briskly move to the eyes- and SNIP. Repeat until all done.


I confess it requires a bit of agility, but getting drops in the ear might be do-able if he enjoys the rubbing, and you act fast enough.

Coco (Maze Cocodrillo)

Minerva (Kid's Snipper)

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Guest sorenkkg

I had this with Haka when he got his first ear infection (1.5 months after we got him...sigh...) and my husband was traveling a lot-- usually when Haka was sick, hmmm...


We did have to do prednisone first to get the swelling down to where we could put in drops-- and while we didn't muzzle at home (we did at the vet b/c he was so new) the vet gave us a piece of advice:


put a towel over his eyes


like they do on tv with wild animals? it helps a lot. Not saying he won't notice that you're doing drops of course, but it's a start.


Next-- pin the dog if you can-- I do a thing with my leg and my body and my arm-- sort of get him in the crook of my arm and armpit?


Lift an ear straight up-- you need a clear shot down the canal (and it's all twisty) and put the bottle down there and give a big squirt (assuming the liquid is a bit thick)


Then quick, switch and pin him on the other side, pull the ear up, and squirt.


Now fold his ears over and massage, moving the ears around at the base... 20 seconds... sometimes, mine twitches a bit, I think the drops are just hitting the target-- then you can let go, and he'll shake of course.




Haka still runs when he sees the bottle come out, but he's had a lot of ear infections (knock wood, it's actually a lot better than before, we're down to maybe 1 per year now?) but while I sometimes use my DH to help, I actually find it easier doing ear stuff myself now that I have a system.


HTH! :)


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A couple of other ideas--only you can decide how far you want to push your boy, though.


1. Desensitize him to muzzle distress: put a glob of peanut butter (or another sticky treat--cream cheese?) in his muzzle, put the muzzle on him, and let him eat his treat. Take the muzzle off when he's done. Do this a couple of times a day...and on one of those times, do the ear meds, too.


Also be sure that the other dogs stay out of things. Maybe try treats-in-muzzles for everyone so they're all busy. And you can do treats for all every time you're trying to desensitize Dandi: muzzles on everyone before you get to muzzling Dandi. He might feel less like a target if he sees his buddies getting muzzled...and blissfully licking good stuff off the muzzles.


2. Remember that you can immobilize his head if you hook a leash to his collar and then tie the leash to something. It needs to be something heavy-duty (i.e., not a piece of furniture he can toss around): maybe tie the leash to a doorknob or even close the leash in a door so it's held secure. Or do the whole thing outside with him tied to a fence or post or some other immobile object. (Close the leash in your car door?) Less mess if he slings his head outside.


3. I know he's big--and probably tall--but are you tall enough to straddle him? Once his head is secured, can you pin him between your legs to keep him from throwing his body around? Then you're approaching his ears from behind his head, so he can't entirely see what's coming.


4. Afterwards (note how I blithely assume this is gonna work?), big treat for Dandi, muzzle comes off, but don't fuss over him, apologize to him, poor-doggie him. Try for a brisk, matter-of-fact "this is how it's gonna be" attitude ("All done, Dandi!"): lots less guilt for you, and the sooner you can act like nothing drastic has happened, the sooner he might accept things.


If you don't have a poop guard on the inside of his muzzle (to facilitate step 1, and to keep him from snapping at you through the muzzle), put duct tape on the outside of the muzzle.


For yourself: make sure you're wearing long pants/jeans. Put on a sweatshirt--something thick, long-sleeved, and not form-fitting. He may paw at you, kick at you, and the pants and long sleeves will help. And if he's getting snappy, the baggy sleeves may have him nipping at fabric rather than skin. (Decent shoes, too: no bare feet or sandals, so that when those big feet of his stomp down on your foot, you've got some protection.)


Oh, and make absolutely sure his collar fits properly. Last thing you need is for him to slip the collar...

Kathy and Q (CRT Qadeer from Fuzzy's Cannon and CRT Bonnie) and
Jane (WW's Aunt Jane from Trent Lee and Aunt M); photos to come.

Missing Silver (5.19.2005-10.27.2016), Tigger (4.5.2007-3.18.2016),
darling Sam (5.10.2000-8.8.2013), Jacey-Kasey (5.19.2003-8.22.2011), and Oreo (1997-3.30.2006)

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Guest kydie

If this situation is that stressful for both of you, go to the vet, or call the vet's office and talk to one of the techs, they are a great resource, and can help with this, maybe one of them can stop on their way home from the office and help, it would be worth the $$$$$$ Good Luck

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Hi, guys. Thanks so much for a lot of GREAT suggestions! I'm at work, and this morning's ear routine did not go well. TO compound the problem, I know I'm not getting enough medication deeply enough into his ear canal to clear the infection, so this is an exercise in futility.


I did call my vet's office, as you suggested, Kydie. Spoke with one of the techs who did ask my vet, and I'm still waiting to hear back with what she suggests. The biggest problem is getting help in the morning; in the evening after work, I can run him over to her office so he can be treated. She does live around the corner from me, but I haven't wanted to bug her because the office is so short-staffed, and she's been out flat for months now.


From what I've been reading, often a dog with otitis needs to be sedated for the ear canal to be properly irrigated and cleaned out, but it would be worth it if it meant his ear would be fully cleaned and the infection would resolve faster. I know anything I do around his ear right now has got to be terrifically painful.


The one thing that you can't appreciate is the horrifying scream/wail. There's just a defenselessness, anger overcome by fear of people after all that's been done to him, just a cry out for help. I haven't heard this wail in a couple of years, and I think it traumatizes me as much as it does him.


BTW - I've used a muzzle on him frequently without any problem at all. He's muzzled every two weeks at the vet acupuncturist. This is the first time he's fought back against it, and it's clearly because he now associates it with painful things happening to his ear.


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Guest sorenkkg

What about getting anti-inflammatory so that it's less painfull for him? a couple days can reduce the inflammation and make it easier for you to treat the infection properly.


also-- what about a local dog walker? Maybe schedule the "after work" time and explain you just need help with this for a couple weeks-- maybe they'd give you a reduced rate like $5 a visit or something? Might be worth it?

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Guest kydie

Hope it works out , I feel bad for both of you, I can tell in your thread this is very upsetting for you, and your houndie must be in pain :nod

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I think this bit of advice is useless in light of the severity of what you're dealing with, but I remembered it and thought I'd share nonetheless. I've stopped bothering with treats during nail clipping as it only prolongs it and the longer it takes, the unhappier Neyla gets. She often won't take food during anyway b/c she's too scared. Instead I now do it immediately before a meal. I feed raw so it's a pretty good reward. Food goes into bowls beforehand so she knows what's coming. As soon as we're down, the muzzle comes off, there's lots of happy praise from me as I run to get the bowl and put it in her crate. She gets waggy immediately after the muzzle comes off now. I hope with time and more consistency from me it will make the process even more bearable.


Anyway, the problem here is that you don't have a long period of time to desensitize and while nail clipping is important, it's not absolutely necessary on a daily basis so like I said, not sure how helpful this is for you. But maybe after this ordeal is over, you can do gradual desensitization to having certain parts of his body handled in case something like this pops up again. :dunno


Jen, CPDT-KA with Zuri, lab in a greyhound suit, Violet, formerly known as Faith, Skye, the permanent puppy, Cisco, resident cat, and my baby girl Neyla, forever in my heart

"The great thing about science is that you're free to disagree with it, but you'll be wrong."

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Guest sorenkkg

Neylasmom-- we do the same thing a lot-- if we always do ear drops or whatever in the same place in the house (our foyer has good light and space) then when we approach the dogs, they know something is up.


But if we call them for food, and sneak in the ear drops and then give the food right away, they seem to forget (and forgive) :)


if I have to call them, I give the treat for coming when called, then do the thing (ears, nails, whatever) then give a treat after-- not during though, like you.

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Well, I'm still inept. :lol: Spoke with vet, and she'd prefer to do a good exam under sedation (I neglected to ask if she meant Dandi or me :lol ) to evaluate this herself. Doesn't want to suggest a treatment plan until she knows he actually needs it. Dandi has not been shaking his head, scratching at his ear, and there's no discharge or odor, so she'll determine if this is indeed infection, and whether it's fungal or bacterial, or simply inflammation.


This will be done next Wed (8/5), and, so it shouldn't be a total loss, he'll also have his dental and removal of a skin lesion at the same time. Sounds like a good strategy to me. :)


Thanks for many great suggestions -- the peanut butter in the muzzle trick is a keeper!


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