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Pet Medications

Guest wjamg

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Guest wjamg

My girl is on Osteo3 for joint pain and cystolamine daily for urinary incontinence. I need to reorder her meds and I see online that the Osteo3 is 20 dollars cheaper than the vet and the cystolamine is almost half the price. I checked into both petmeds and amazon. My vet of course discourages gettting medication from anyone else. advice? opinions?

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I don't. There are other options sometimes--I get one of Patrick's meds through Target, 50% cheaper, the other I have my vet order 1 year's worth at a time, saves a lot of money, and hassle.

Beth, Petey (8 September 2018- ), and Faith (22 March 2019). Godspeed Patrick (28 April 1999 - 5 August 2012), Murphy (23 June 2004 - 27 July 2013), Leo (1 May 2009 - 27 January 2020), and Henry (10 August 2010 - 7 August 2020), you were loved more than you can know.

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Guest BlackandBrindle

I wouldn't purchase from 1800petmeds but I have purchased heartguard plus and denamarin online.


If it's something that doesn't need a prescription, I'll order online (although heartguard does need a prescription).


I'll have to go and find the sites... I think Dr. Fosters and Smith and Omaha Vaccine are reputable companies that I would not mind ordering from...

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I order my Frontline and Heartguard through deadfleaz.com and so far, so good. I also order panacur online as well just to keep around the house. Since so many fecals come back negative for Enza - it took four to find the hookworms last time and three for the giardia - and she was rather sick at that point - I like to keep it handy in case the exact same symptoms return. Then take the fecals in just in case vs waiting.

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Since my vet's office stopped price matching, I'm back to using petscriptions.com. I have used them many many times over the years.

I wouldn't use 1-800-petmeds, they've had their hands slapped too many times

Edited by cbudshome


Missing my little Misty who took a huge piece of my heart with her on 5/2/09, and Ekko, on 6/28/12



:candle For the sick, the lost, and the homeless

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Guest Energy11

I live on a mountain, and order ALMOST EVERYTHING for my greys online! No problems at all. My vets write me scripts, and I fill them online. I DO use USA sites, though.

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We just started our boy Faster on Cosequin DS a couple of weeks ago. I got a VERY GOOD price from entirelypets.com -- the same price that 1800petmeds charges for its look-alike product. It would be worth checking to see if they carry the product that you want. They also frequently have coupons-- google entirelypets and coupon if you don't see one on the site.


I have not ordered any prescription items from them as we generally need those when we need them!



Greyhound Fleece Jackets


Greyhound Pack: EdWin, Jethro. and Lucky; Foster Jinks; Angels Janet, Faster, Blake, Navarre, Murray, and Festus.

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I use an actual pet pharmacy--but I'm guessing neither of those things are prescription of Amazon has them. Your vet should not have an issue if you use a real pharmacy. And if they do? I'd be vet shopping. It's unethical to require you to buy your medications from them, IMHO. And for me, price is an issue.


I would NEVER buy a supplement such as glucosamine from my vet--they charge WAY too much. Prescription meds I get a written script from the vet and send it to Omaha Vaccine. (www.omahavaccine.com--not the slickest website, but they've been around a long time, and are wonderful people)


I just purchased a bottle of Dermaxx for George for $198--but it has 90 tablets and he only gets 1/2 a day. I think the vet charged me $45 for 5 pills split in half. Soooooooo...


Many vets will price match if you call them on their prices.


I don't begrudge my vet making a profit on meds, but they charge 100% more, and even higher! The $500 of Baytril I needed to cure George's mystery infection would have cost me $1,200 at the vets.


Susan,  Hamish,  Mister Bigglesworth and Nikita Stanislav. Missing Ming, George, and Buck

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Guest wjamg

thanks everyone for the advice, I appreciate everyone's opinion. I decided to go ahead and order the glucosamine supplement online and will probably do the same for the cystolamine. I was surprised to see how much the vet marked up the costs of both the meds. I did talk to my vet again today and she said she understands saving on both. Peace has bloodwork done every six months with the cystolamine so any issues should be evident

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