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Do You Brush Your Grey's Teeth?

Guest Ashley

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Guest Ashley

When I asked Sadie's foster mom if we should brush her teeth, she said that we don't need to due to her diet. The vet just gave her an all clear on her teeth (he actually was shocked at how good they were) so I want to keep that up.

What should I do? Get a tooth brush for her, or just stick to bones and necks?? Thanks for your advice!

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Bone are great for keeping the teeth clean. I use marrow bones with mine, they absolutely love them and all of my pups have really good teeth.

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Guest Energy11

Bones are GREAT, but Staggerlee and Oakly have some Gingivitis, so I brush THEM daily, and use Clorhexidine rinse... the other three... I brush them every other day.

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I had George's teeth cleaned when I adopted him, and have been giving him marrow bones on weekends since, and the vet checks his teeth every time we go in, and she's says they're fantastic. I do not brush them--although I have a brush and doggy toothpaste!

Edited by GeorgeofNE


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Guest kydie

I had my Mr. Bob's teeth cleaned when he came to me, and I brush his teeth daily, and give bones, I brush the other 3 pup's teeth daily too

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Yup. I have a brush and chicken-flavored toothpaste for dogs. If I were diligent, I would brush them every single day, but I often forget and end up brushing them about 3-4 times a week. Thankfully both my hounds are very good when I brush their teeth.


Kerry with Lupin in beautiful coastal Maine. Missing Pippin, my best friend and sweet little heart-healer :brokenheart 2013-2023 :brokenheart 
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Bones and such are fine for three of mine, but Copper needs brushing (more than I do it) and a teeth cleaning about every 18 months. I don't know why his teeth get so dirty as he gets exactly the same stuff as the others.


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DH and I are really bad about brushing our greys teeth. I honestly don't even remember the last time we did it. :blush That being said, we do give them Greenies and Bully Stix on a regular basis. Our vet thinks they all have good teeth - haven't had to have any of them professionally cleaned since we adopted them.

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Every vet will tell you that there's no substitute for brushing their teeth. I give mine raw bones, though. It's more fun for them.

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I brush every day (evening) and also usually give Wysong Denta-Treat in the morning. Raw bones once or twice a week -- but Beth has a slight cross-bite and doesn't chew evenly on both sides, I've realized! I recognize I'm being fairly neurotic/compulsive about it, but the vet who did her pre-adoption dental said she had fabulous teeth and I am determined to keep them that way.

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Guest Ashley

Well, it looks like I should go out and buy some toothpaste and a brush for Sadie. And I'm sure she will love chicken flavor.

It sure will be interesting to see how it goes. I wonder how long she will tolerate me in her mouth for :lol

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Guest Energy11
Well, it looks like I should go out and buy some toothpaste and a brush for Sadie. And I'm sure she will love chicken flavor.

It sure will be interesting to see how it goes. I wonder how long she will tolerate me in her mouth for :lol

ALL of mine LOVE getting their teeth brushes! They lick their lips when I come out with the toothpaste! :-))) WISH they liked getting their nails cut, equally well! " )

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Guest Ashley
Well, it looks like I should go out and buy some toothpaste and a brush for Sadie. And I'm sure she will love chicken flavor.

It sure will be interesting to see how it goes. I wonder how long she will tolerate me in her mouth for :lol

ALL of mine LOVE getting their teeth brushes! They lick their lips when I come out with the toothpaste! :-))) WISH they liked getting their nails cut, equally well! " )

Oh good! That is a relief. Sadie likes pretty much everything, so that should be fine.

Aadil and I have yet to venture into cutting her nails ourselves, I hear that she is a bit of a drama queen when she is at the groomers getting it done!

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Guest RocketDog

I feed a raw diet so they crunch bones 4-5 days a week. Rocket's teeth are perfect, but Cassie's tend to get a little dirty unless I step in and do some scrubbing a few times a week. I keep meaning to buy a scaler to get off the little bit of calculus that's formed on her canines, but haven't done it yet. The vet doesn't think they're TOO bad, but both she and I agree that they're not perfect...

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Guest eaglflyt

Yes, we brush with Petzlife Oral Care Gel. This stuff works even on teeth that have extensive tartar buildup. I wouldn't have believed it unless I'd used it and seen it work (our vet was hesitant to do dentals with anesthesia on our elderly dogs due to their age). Our elderly Aussie and oldest Dachshund no longer need dentals done! All the dogs have sparkling teeth with less than 30 days use. They don't seem to mind the taste at all, either. Once all the tartar is gone, you just use as needed for maintenance. The product also tells you how much to use based on your dog's weight.


We also use Dentabones on occasion and Buly Stix, as well as CET Hextra Premium chews.


We don't feed raw diet here due to immunosuppression of household member. We still have 6 dogs with healthy mouths. :D

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I don't brush Anna's teeth, but I do rub a wet wash cloth over the outside of her teeth after every time I feed her.

While her teeth are not perfect, they have not gotten worse over the 2+ years since we adopted her.

She HATED the tooth brush, so I do this instead.

And, I do not use tooth paste, just a thin wash cloth and cool water.

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Guest MyBoys

I actually brush my boys teeth daily with an occasional knuckle bone, I am a little pranoid though because so many of my boys over the years had teeth and gum issues.

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Guest brucejy

Lots of great advice! Whatever you can do to help keep those teethers clean is important. Having a pup with bad teeth is no fun for anyone - especially the pup. ;)

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Guest Javagirl
Well, it looks like I should go out and buy some toothpaste and a brush for Sadie. And I'm sure she will love chicken flavor.

It sure will be interesting to see how it goes. I wonder how long she will tolerate me in her mouth for :lol



I think it its just a good habit to get in to. I probably brush Ladd's teeth once a week and I know I should do it more but life gets busy. She will most likely love licking the chicken flavor toothpaste off the brush and in the meantime, you might even get some plaque off. It does build up quite quickly and anything you can do to push back your next dental will help your budget!

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Guest luvdogs

I brush my girls teeth almost every day. It took her about 2 weeks for her to let me do it - when I got her I couldn't even get near her mouth, she wouldn't let me. She even let me scale them the other day, I did one side one night and the other side the next evening (based on what side she was laying on at the time!) and I couldn't believe the amount of tartar she had. It came off in chunks, they said she got her teeth scaled when she was "processed" at the track, so she is either a builder or they didn't get it all. Her gums look much better now, not so red and raw.

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Guest UESBrindle

We brust nightly with a kiddie tooth brush and vanilla flavored toothpaste. William has a receeding gum line, so we have to make sure no food is caught in the little nooks and crannies.


We brust nightly with a kiddie tooth brush and vanilla flavored toothpaste. William has a receeding gum line, so we have to make sure no food is caught in the little nooks and crannies.

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We brush every night. Our older girl never liked the bones too much and though our boy liked them, they used to make him sick (even small ones). They actually wait by the bathroom door after we let them out at night, waiting for the tooth-brushing to commence (though...they do get small treats after brushing!).

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Guest ArtysPeople

I firmly believe it depends on the individual dog whether brushing is needed or not. We brush, and have gone 2 years with out a dental, but probably will need one within a year or two.


An aside, Arty is very enamored of the seafood flavor toothpaste. He has even learned a new language because of it -- if we ask if he wants "fruits de mer" he gets all excited and rolls over into the tooth brushing position. :lol


I also add Oxyfresh to Arty's water. I haven't noticed it making a big difference with him, but when I started using it with my cats, I noticed a huge decrease in their bad breath. I figure it's not hurting him, and it might help, so why not.


My conviction of "it depends on the animal" comes from my experience with my cats. They're purebred siamese and littermates who have spent every day of their lives together. They have eaten the same food, drunk the same water, even gotten the same treats. Yet, at 12.5 years old, one has perfect teeth, and the other one has had most of her removed due to decay. It really just comes down to body chemistry.



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