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Can We Go Over Diarrhea One More Time Please.

Guest 3greysinPA

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Guest TurnerMiller01

Lilly is over her antibiotic for her UTI and she was doing fairly well,

However the last 5 days she has had complete liquid diarrhea which we though we resolve now that they antibiotics are over and complete.

However, Her Diarrhea actually IS worse now... she is pooping like 4 -5 times a day...its very light yellow poop.. complete liquid poop.

HOw can we get her intestines back on the right track... i gave her yogurt(Fiber ONe Vanilla), didnt help at all.

any other suggestions...

i know someone mentioned psyllium fiber (spelling?),, where do you get that?


any help.. ?? thoughts.. ??


thank you.

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Guest boondog

Have you talked to your vet? What are you feeding? Normally, I would fast and then feed boiled chicked & rice. However, she may very well be dehydrated since she's had diarrhea for several days. She may need fluids. I would talk to your vet.

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Guest TurnerMiller01
Have you talked to your vet? What are you feeding? Normally, I would fast and then feed boiled chicked & rice. However, she may very well be dehydrated since she's had diarrhea for several days. She may need fluids. I would talk to your vet.

Yep... going to do that right now...

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Guest TurnerMiller01

Ok... just talked to the vet... she said to make her boiled chicken and rice for a few days..

And,, to stop by the vet office on my way home ... to pick up a medication for her...

Wonder what that is?? She didnt say the name??

wonder what it is?


I hope this helps Lilly she looked pretty sad this morning when i left for work... i could tell she was not feeling too well. :(


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Probably Flagyl, aka Metronidazole. Hope it helps. :goodluck


Don't be afraid to fast her for 24 hours, give her poor gut a rest before starting the rice diet. And make sure she has plenty of water.

Edited by ZoomDoggy

~Aimee, with Flower, Alan, Queenie, & Spodee Odee! And forever in my heart: Tipper, Sissy, Chancy, Marla, Dazzle, Alimony, and Boo. This list is too damned long.

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Guest KennelMom

Here's my approach to Big D.


Vet visit for fecal, blood work yada yada. Rule out anything obvious. Keeping in mind that some buggers like giardia and worms may not show up in a fecal, our protocoal would be:


1) Worm with a good, all purpose wormer like Drontal/Droncit

2) A course of flagyl/metronidizole

3) *IF* you think there's a food allergy, start on a bland diet (single protein/single carb source) though I really don't like to do this step b/c eventually you have to switch them over to kibble, which can cause upset stomach again. Best to get them on/keep them on the food they are supposed to be eating as soon as possible.

4) If no food allergy suspected, start them back on kibble but add in some extra fiber like metamucil (possibly fast to give the gut a chance to rest). I don't generally like to give dairy to dogs b/c many of them are lactose intolerant as adults. Giving them dairy can add fuel to the intestinal fire. Soak kibble well before serving.

5) Wait and see how that goes.


Food can be a big culprit with greyhounds...some of them just don't do well on an all-kibble diet or on some of the kibbles that are out there.

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Guest TurnerMiller01
Probably Flagyl, aka Metronidazole. Hope it helps. :goodluck


Don't be afraid to fast her for 24 hours, give her poor gut a rest before starting the rice diet. And make sure she has plenty of water.

You know what...

the Vet did not mention that ... but i am going to do that...

I am going to wait until breakfast tomorrow morning to feed her again..


i usual give my hounds a cup of food in the morning and then 2 more cups of food at dinner time..

so,, she has not eaten since this morning.. and so now I will FAST her until tomorrow morning..

DOES THAT sound OK to you????

Let me know..

thank you very much.


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Guest chaoran22

poor lilly. that happens to my dogs often where even after whatever triggered the diarrhea is long gone, the diarrhea won't get better. boiled rice and chicken will kind of give her a "clean start" as will fasting, but just be careful she doesn't become too weak. make sure it's not too hot in the house and basically make it as easy on her system as you can since fasting is taxing her body (in addition to days of diarrhea before) so make sure nothing else (like heat or long walks) tax her body in addition to that. don't know how hot it is in PA but just quick short walks and let her sleep the rest of the time comfortably. just let her be comfortable and rest and the medication should help. good luck!

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Guest TurnerMiller01
Here's my approach to Big D.


Vet visit for fecal, blood work yada yada. Rule out anything obvious. Keeping in mind that some buggers like giardia and worms may not show up in a fecal, our protocoal would be:


1) Worm with a good, all purpose wormer like Drontal/Droncit

2) A course of flagyl/metronidizole

3) *IF* you think there's a food allergy, start on a bland diet (single protein/single carb source) though I really don't like to do this step b/c eventually you have to switch them over to kibble, which can cause upset stomach again. Best to get them on/keep them on the food they are supposed to be eating as soon as possible.

4) If no food allergy suspected, start them back on kibble but add in some extra fiber like metamucil (possibly fast to give the gut a chance to rest). I don't generally like to give dairy to dogs b/c many of them are lactose intolerant as adults. Giving them dairy can add fuel to the intestinal fire. Soak kibble well before serving.

5) Wait and see how that goes.


Food can be a big culprit with greyhounds...some of them just don't do well on an all-kibble diet or on some of the kibbles that are out there.

hi heather.. thank you for the replying... i am so concerned for Lilly,, she has been plagued with one thing after another lately... UTI, Bad Cut on her leg, and now this Big 'D'... and... :eek Wow.. is it the big 'D'... i feel so bad for her...

so, i will give her gut a rest... and try the metamucil too.

just a quick question about the metamucil?? plain ?? powedered?? just mix in the kibble??


so, you dont think i should switch her to the chix and rice becuz of having to switch back?? :huh

Let me know what you would do...

I need the help...

thank you !!!!



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Guest KennelMom

Oh...and are you sure she hasn't eaten anything that's not digestable? Obstructions are always dancing in the back of my mind if BigD comes out of nowhere in a hound. Keep an eye out for pale gums, dehydration and belly tenderness.

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Your vet should give you guidance, but yes, I would fast her 24 hours. But allow as much water as she wants.


So skip tonight's meal, and go ahead and start the Flagyl/Metronidazole tonight. Rice/chix breakfast tomorrow, and stay on that for a couple of days. Then SLOWLY ease back into the kibble diet, gradually replacing just a few tbsps of rice/chix with kibble per meal over the course of a week, until you're back to all-kibble.


This is all assuming her fecal tests were negative, of course.

~Aimee, with Flower, Alan, Queenie, & Spodee Odee! And forever in my heart: Tipper, Sissy, Chancy, Marla, Dazzle, Alimony, and Boo. This list is too damned long.

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Guest chaoran22

ps - keep checking her gums. sometimes when my dogs don't eat, they don't drink either. periodically pull up her lips and press against her gums with your finger firmly. it'll go white from the pressure of your finger and if it takes a long time to return back to pink, then she's too dehydrated. you can also grab her scruff and pull it up (slowly so she doesn't think you're punishing her) then let go and see how long it returns back to normal (flat and no longer wrinkled from you pulling it up) - if it takes too long, she's dehydrated. if she's not drinking on her own, pour some chicken broth into her water to make her drink more. just keep a really good eye on her. she should be fine but never hurts to be safe. if she has been eating up to this point, then fasting her for 24 hrs should not be a problem so until tomorrow morning should be fine. if she hasn't eaten much all week, i would be very careful about fasting her further.

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You should not fast the dog if you are planning to give a bland diet. If your dog doesn't eat, she may start vomiting bile from having an empty stomach. And, this would end up making the situation worse.


I respectfully disagree.


But OP, of course confirm any treatment plan with your vet before starting. :)

~Aimee, with Flower, Alan, Queenie, & Spodee Odee! And forever in my heart: Tipper, Sissy, Chancy, Marla, Dazzle, Alimony, and Boo. This list is too damned long.

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Guest TurnerMiller01
Oh...and are you sure she hasn't eaten anything that's not digestable? Obstructions are always dancing in the back of my mind if BigD comes out of nowhere in a hound. Keep an eye out for pale gums, dehydration and belly tenderness.

I can not say that for certain she has not eaten something she shouldnt have... because she is into everything... she countersurfs the minute you turn your back.. She steals shoes out of the closet... She is into everything.. so maybe she ate something...

I will keep an eye out for pale gums, NO pee and belly tenderness...

so, far she seems ok.


thank you Heather! :)

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Lots of good advice! The only thing I don't do is fast my dogs. However, skipping dinner tonight certainly won't hurt her. Have you taken a sample to your vet for testing? You don't have to take the dog since she has been in recently, just the poop. (My vet's techs just love seeing me come in holding the stinky bag :lol ) I hope she starts to feel better soon!

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Guest Stargirl

Well, I have had some similar problems a few weeks ago. My hound had diarrhea that went from yellow to brown to purple. I fed the boiled rice and chicken and bought metamucil and started with pumpkin......none of it was really a magic cure for her. She went for over a day with barely eating as she just wasn't interested. She finally ate some of her kibble (Wellness Core reduced fat), but she still never got solid poops. I finally took the plunge and thought I would try some raw food. The bones are supposed to really firm up the poopies, so I didn't think I had much to lose. I started simple with just raw chicken drumsticks. One a day for a few days, and then I threw in some raw ground turkey with the Birkdale Pet Mix (mainly dried vegetables that you mix with water and the ground turkey or beef). Anyways, it seems to be helping quite a bit. She has made some nice solid, easy to pick up droppings, although every once in awhile a soft one will show up. Probably because I still feed her more kibble than raw.

This is just a thought that you might want to try some raw food. I don't think I can switch over 100%, but even at the little I am feeding my dog, I see an improvement. I have to admit that at first I thought it was kind of gross and dangerous, but after doing reading/research, it is really more of a natural diet for them, more so than kibble.

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One other thing you might try is giving acidophilous (probiotics) in a pill. You can get them from the healthfood store & ask for ones with as many cultures as possible. The antibiotic has probably messed her up & giving yogurt is not enough to repopulate the gut.


Deirdre with Conor (Daring Pocobueno), Keeva (Kiowa Mimi Mona), & kittehs Gemma & robthomas.

Our beloved angels Faolin & Liath, & kittehs Mona & Caesar. Remembering Bobby, Doc McCoy, & Chip McGrath.

"He feeds you, pets you, adores you, collects your poop in a bag. There's only one explanation: you are a hairy little god." Nick Galifinakis

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Here's my approach to Big D.


Vet visit for fecal, blood work yada yada. Rule out anything obvious. Keeping in mind that some buggers like giardia and worms may not show up in a fecal, our protocoal would be:


1) Worm with a good, all purpose wormer like Drontal/Droncit

2) A course of flagyl/metronidizole

3) *IF* you think there's a food allergy, start on a bland diet (single protein/single carb source) though I really don't like to do this step b/c eventually you have to switch them over to kibble, which can cause upset stomach again. Best to get them on/keep them on the food they are supposed to be eating as soon as possible.

4) If no food allergy suspected, start them back on kibble but add in some extra fiber like metamucil (possibly fast to give the gut a chance to rest). I don't generally like to give dairy to dogs b/c many of them are lactose intolerant as adults. Giving them dairy can add fuel to the intestinal fire. Soak kibble well before serving.

5) Wait and see how that goes.


Food can be a big culprit with greyhounds...some of them just don't do well on an all-kibble diet or on some of the kibbles that are out there.

I agree with Heather.

Our vet will issue Flagyl for diarrhea and Cerenia to calm the intestines.


Freshy (Droopys Fresh), NoAh the podenco orito, Howie the portuguese podengo maneto
Angels: Rita the podenco maneta, Lila, the podenco, Mr X aka Denali, Lulu the podenco andaluz, Hada the podenco maneta, Georgie Girl (UMR Cordella),  Charlie the iggy,  Mazy (CBR Crazy Girl), Potato, my mystery ibizan girl, Allen (M's Pretty Boy), Percy (Fast But True), Mikey (Doray's Patuti), Pudge le mutt, Tessa the iggy, Possum (Apostle), Gracie (Dusty Lady), Harold (Slatex Harold), "Cousin" Simon our step-iggy, Little Dude the iggy ,Bandit (Bb Blue Jay), Niña the galgo, Wally (Allen Hogg), Thane (Pog Mo Thoine), Oliver (JJ Special Agent), Comet, & Rosie our original mutt.

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I use pumpkin straight from the can on top of dry kibble with 1 immodium & this usually works for my 2 right away. Only if it is persitant that I move on the rice with boiled chicken. Zim had chronic diarrhea on & off when I first brought her home. This regimen worked well for her.

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Guest greytloves

I'm not a big fan of additives (especially fiber) when they have diarrhea. Seems that can backfire pretty easily.


BTW, what food did you end up switching to and how long has that been going on in relation to the Big D? I seem to remember a thread about switching foods. If your food is high in startch, you could be having a bad reaction to that.


Personally, I think Kennelsmom has great advice on what to do, I would add that the probotics seems to help put the gut back in balance and some greys do not tolerate fasting very well, I had one once like that, but I would attempt going down the exact path you are heading.


Was a fecal float done? When its mine, I try to discover what caused it and then that helps make the plan. Like food elimination, worming, antibotics, probotics, poop eating. Really, there are so many things it can be.

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Guest TurnerMiller01
I'm not a big fan of additives (especially fiber) when they have diarrhea. Seems that can backfire pretty easily.


BTW, what food did you end up switching to and how long has that been going on in relation to the Big D? I seem to remember a thread about switching foods. If your food is high in startch, you could be having a bad reaction to that.


Personally, I think Kennelsmom has great advice on what to do, I would add that the probotics seems to help put the gut back in balance and some greys do not tolerate fasting very well, I had one once like that, but I would attempt going down the exact path you are heading.


Was a fecal float done? When its mine, I try to discover what caused it and then that helps make the plan. Like food elimination, worming, antibotics, probotics, poop eating. Really, there are so many things it can be.

We ended up switching to Pro Plan Chx and Rice Shredded blend.. the vet recommended it... and unfortunately it was right around the time she started on the antibiotics for the UTI... :(



So, We did get the Metronidazole from the Vet.... and i did not give her dinner tonight... she looks awful sad....

She has not pooped yet tonight....

She is drinking

And her gums pink up pretty fast..

she does not seem to be tender in her belly..

and is her usual self.


any ideas??

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Guest greytloves

So, you have to wonder if its the food switch or if the switch is helping to aggrevate the situation.


You are on the right track. Sometimes with stuff like this taking little steps is much better then doing too much at once. I would do the antibotic course, do the chix and rice home cooking (use brown rice!) and not add anything else at this time.



eta: I would still consider using the chix and rice proplan but maybe weed out the shredded chix part and just go to their chix and rice blend. I'm sure it would be more cost effective and considering its not even the real stuff, think I would omit it! I also would start slowly adding back kibble until she can tolerate only kibble and that could take as long as the antibotic course. Just don't bombard her little upset system with a lot. Think simple.

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Guest TurnerMiller01
So, you have to wonder if its the food switch or if the switch is helping to aggrevate the situation.


You are on the right track. Sometimes with stuff like this taking little steps is much better then doing too much at once. I would do the antibotic course, do the chix and rice home cooking (use brown rice!) and not add anything else at this time.



eta: I would still consider using the chix and rice proplan but maybe weed out the shredded chix part and just go to their chix and rice blend. I'm sure it would be more cost effective and considering its not even the real stuff, think I would omit it! I also would start slowly adding back kibble until she can tolerate only kibble and that could take as long as the antibotic course. Just don't bombard her little upset system with a lot. Think simple.

Thank you ... yes.. that sounds like a good idea... esp if its not 'real' chx anyway...


thank you. :):)

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