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Swollen Muzzle, Swollen Glands On Neck, Trouble Swallowing

Guest Siriusly

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Guest Siriusly

I'm hoping someone will have some suggestions for what's happening. Last week we took Orion to the vet because his muzzle was all swollen, he was drooling like mad and had trouble eating. The vet said it looked like inflamed lips (or something like that) that could have been caused by him getting into antifreeze or some other chemical or an electrical burn. We don't keep any chemicals out and don't have any antifreeze at the house. Most are in the basement and he doesn't do stairs. He doesn't chew on cords and we don't have any loose wires anywhere. Checked our yard and neighbor's yards. Nothing. Thought he might have been stung by something but the swelling was completely uniform. Vet perscribed Prednisolone and Clindamycin (antibiotic). Blood work was in normal ranges. I should say this vet is very grey savvy. I have no doubts about her expertise or that of the entire office with greys.


First couple days seemed to help. Swelling down, eating a little more, more energy. Then the last day or so he's gone downhill. We can't get him to eat or drink so he's lost a ton of weight. He was down to 63 last week at the vet (normally 68) and has probably lost at least another 5 pounds. He was always really lanky but now he looks skeletal. The glands just under his jaw bone feel (and look) like small eggs. The swelling is still down on his muzzle but he has trouble opening his mouth and trouble swallowing. You can tell it hurts him to do either. He won't drink on his own so last night and this morning I took a small syringe and squirted water between his teeth to at least moisten his mouth and he'll swallow some of it. He's peeing normally, not overly dark. Gums and tongue are pink, no blood in stool.


I'm waiting for a call back from the vet but here's my problem. My husband is laid off and we cannot afford a bunch of expensive tests plus the treatment. I'm hoping someone will have some suggestions I can take to my vet to narrow down what needs tested. We got Orion as a puppy (found on these boards, in fact) and he's not even three yet. It brings me to tears every time I look at him right now. We want to do what's best for him but we can't fall much further into debt. I really appreciate any help or advice.


Thanks in advance.

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I'd guess a vet would maybe try a needle aspirate of the swollen lymph nodes in the neck? I don't really know, but beyond telling you to go to the vet (which you obviously already know) I don't think I can help. :sad1

~Aimee, with Flower, Alan, Queenie, & Spodee Odee! And forever in my heart: Tipper, Sissy, Chancy, Marla, Dazzle, Alimony, and Boo. This list is too damned long.

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I wonder if he got stung or bitten by something? Please let us know what the vet has to say, we'll be hoping for the best


Missing my little Misty who took a huge piece of my heart with her on 5/2/09, and Ekko, on 6/28/12



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Guest TheUnrulyHound

Maybe swollen salivary glands? GALT had a dog like that once..... let me find a pic. Can you post a pic of it?


ETA, they removed the pic I was going to post :( but the swelling was just under the jaw behind the chin, does this swelling that Orion has include the upper and lower jaw?

Edited by TheUnrulyHound
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Guest oldNELLIE

I don't have anything to add, but that I will be thinking of you. I have been in this hard place, and the only thing I can say is be upfront with your vet. She should be able to help with a payment plan or something. Maybe she can treat the acute symptoms (work to reduce the swelling or whatever) and try to figure out the actual problem at a later time.


When Nellie was sick the last time I had to say, "please test for the things that it could be that would kill her", for example, kidney or liver failure. When we knew she wasn't acutely dying, then we could take out time running other tests to find out what the actual problem was.

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Guest Siriusly

Just got off phone with vet and sitting in my office bawling. She said he has a really unusual combination of symptoms but the lymph nodes concern her. She's afraid it may be lymphoma. I was up front and let them know we can't afford extensive treatment. We're going to take him in and see if they can do a needle aspiration. From what I told her, she doesn't think he'd survive the anesthesia for a full biopsy. I'll let you know how it goes.


Thank you so much for the support.

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Guest Siriusly
Maybe swollen salivary glands? GALT had a dog like that once..... let me find a pic. Can you post a pic of it?


ETA, they removed the pic I was going to post :( but the swelling was just under the jaw behind the chin, does this swelling that Orion has include the upper and lower jaw?



I'll mention it. From what I described to her, the vet thinks it is the lymph nodes. Thank you.

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Guest Energy11
I wonder if he got stung or bitten by something? Please let us know what the vet has to say, we'll be hoping for the best

MY thoughts, exactly, Claudia!


Might want to try 50 mg of Benedryl on him, OR get the liquid, based on his condition.


Oakly laid in some red fire ants, when we lived in Florida, and by evening, HIS HEAD looked like a GREAT DANE! His face, glands, etc. were totally swollen. I had a key to my former vet/employer's office, and got some Epi and injectable benedryl. Had we not done this, he might have lost his airway.


Yes, I'd at least TRY the Benedryl. The children's version does come in a liquid, and you can give 50 mg, every four hours as needed.


Wow! Good luck on this one ... VERY hard to call.

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I'm so sorry that this is happening ...


Some other thoughts .... Did you use any bleaches or cleaning products in the house or the yard? Did the carpets get cleaned recently? Did you use any ant killer sprays in the house or if you have roses outside, did you dust them. Did you change his dog food recently?



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Guest Siriusly
Might want to try 50 mg of Benedryl on him, OR get the liquid, based on his condition.


We tried that last week when the swelling was just in his muzzle and thought it may be a sting. Tried two doses but no effect.


I'm so sorry that this is happening ...


Some other thoughts .... Did you use any bleaches or cleaning products in the house or the yard? Did the carpets get cleaned recently? Did you use any ant killer sprays in the house or if you have roses outside, did you dust them. Did you change his dog food recently?



Bleach in the tub cleaner but he doesn't get in there and is rarely allowed in the bathroom. The cleaner stays there too. No carpets clean, don't spray anything or use any fertilizer for fear of something like this :(


Haven't changed dog food but we did just buy a new bag. My other two greys haven't had any problems.

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Guest Energy11
Just got off phone with vet and sitting in my office bawling. She said he has a really unusual combination of symptoms but the lymph nodes concern her. She's afraid it may be lymphoma. I was up front and let them know we can't afford extensive treatment. We're going to take him in and see if they can do a needle aspiration. From what I told her, she doesn't think he'd survive the anesthesia for a full biopsy. I'll let you know how it goes.


Thank you so much for the support.

Good Luck, My Dear!! We ARE thinking about you!

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Guest Judynyc

With his glands so swollen, I hope that your vet gave you antibiotics to, at the very least, try for him.

Did your vet run any blood work yet?


sending all of you ((((healing thoughts.))))

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Guest Siriusly
With his glands so swollen, I hope that your vet gave you antibiotics to, at the very least, try for him.

Did your vet run any blood work yet?


sending all of you ((((healing thoughts.))))


Yep, on antibiotics since Thursday. Blood work came back in normal ranges.

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Guest koolaidnconner
I wonder if he got stung or bitten by something? Please let us know what the vet has to say, we'll be hoping for the best


This was my first thought a bee or wasp sting. Please let us know how he is doing.

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I wonder if he got stung or bitten by something? Please let us know what the vet has to say, we'll be hoping for the best


This was my first thought a bee or wasp sting. Please let us know how he is doing.


I thought the same thing, but multiple stings...stinging ants, multiple bees, wasps, etc.


Sending healing thoughts to Orion.

Sunsands Doodles: Doodles aka Claire, Bella Run Softly: Softy aka Bowie (the Diamond Dog)

Missing my beautiful boy Sunsands Carl 2.25.2003 - 4.1.2014

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Some other thoughts ...


Did they do a differential on the CBC and if yes, what was the Eosinophils (Eos) count? That's a particular type of white cell that when increased might indicate allergic reactions/immune conditions.


If he is not drinking, is he on fluids?


From your post, it sounds like the swelling has not increased since last week -- is that correct?


Also, did he have tick, heartworm, other worming or any other treatments lately? Was he exposed to other dogs that were sick? Did they do a blood culture?


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Is there another vet you can see today for a second opinion?


The swollen parts really need to be aspirated. Could be something as simple as blocked/infected salivary glands. Not likely to be simple insect sting at this point.

Star aka Starz Ovation (Ronco x Oneco Maggie*, litter #48538), Coco aka Low Key (Kiowa Mon Manny x Party Hardy, litter # 59881), and mom in Illinois
We miss Reko Batman (Trouper Zeke x Marque Louisiana), 11/15/95-6/29/06, Rocco the thistledown whippet, 04/29/93-10/14/08, Reko Zema (Mo Kick x Reko Princess), 8/16/98-4/18/10, the most beautiful girl in the whole USA, my good egg Joseph aka Won by a Nose (Oneco Cufflink x Buy Back), 09/22/2003-03/01/2013, and our gentle sweet Gidget (Digitizer, Dodgem by Design x Sobe Mulberry), 1/29/2006-11/22/2014, gone much too soon. Never forgetting CJC's Buckshot, 1/2/07-10/25/10.

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Guest Siriusly
Some other thoughts ...


Did they do a differential on the CBC and if yes, what was the Eosinophils (Eos) count? That's a particular type of white cell that when increased might indicate allergic reactions/immune conditions.


If he is not drinking, is he on fluids?


From your post, it sounds like the swelling has not increased since last week -- is that correct?


Also, did he have tick, heartworm, other worming or any other treatments lately? Was he exposed to other dogs that were sick? Did they do a blood culture?


Eos came back 0.16 K/uL or 2.8% Does that sound like the right numbers? I have the numbers in front of me but not sure what all the acronyms mean.


Not on fluids but I'm sure she'll put him on some when we take him in today.


Swelling on muzzle itself is down, except for the very edges of the corner of his mouth. Only other swelling we can see is the lymph nodes.


He got his regular heartworm pill the first week of June. Could that do something? Same as he's always gotten and out of the same box as last month. Hasn't been around any sick dogs.

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