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Is Your Dog Sick? Read What I Just Found Out!

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Dan just found this web site and if you take the time to read it, it is truly scary ! Please read the article and them check the labels on the dog food you are feeding to YOUR dogs. The article says that almost all dog foods contain "meat meal". When your read just what meat meal really is, it will make you sick too! and preservatives too! it said they can use preservatives that are BANNED from human food because they cause

Kidney cancer

Bladder cancer

Skin cancer

Stomach cancer

Spleen cancer


Liver dysfunction

Major organ failure

Immune system collapse

Severe allergic reactions

Birth Defects


Chronic Diarrhea

Hair Loss and

Behavior problems, including increased aggressiveness --> very dangerous if your dog is around children.


PLEASE go to this site and read this article. I have checked out the food we feed and it is actually free of "meat meal"


We feed our Diamond Maintenance and K/D for our Maggie, because she is in kidney failure. That too is free of meat meal.


Read this article and please post YOUR opinion, ok? Dan & Sharon




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Looks like an ad for a book to me!


Now, I am not saying that I advocate feeding dogs crap. However, one should do the research from sources not biased to their own agenda.


My biggest reason for not feeding my dogs a food that contains "meat" or "meat meal" or "meat byproducts" is that I have no idea what they are. Are they getting chicken, pork, beef, road-killed skunks? And how much does it vary from batch to batch? no thanks! I want to KNOW what I am feeding my dogs!

Sarah, the human, Henley, and Armani the Borzoi boys, and Brubeck the Deerhound.
Always in our hearts, Gunnar, Naples the Greyhounds, Cooper and Manero, the Borzoi, and King-kitty, at the Rainbow Bridge.

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Guest Greensleeves

What Sarah said. Also, I'm not sure how objective and reputable a website called "Secret Dog Conspiracy" could be.

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Guest KennelMom

I really hope you didnt' give those people any $$. It's an ad.


What Sarah said. Also, I'm not sure how objective and reputable a website called "Secret Dog Conspiracy" could be.


All the public dog conspiracies were taken. :sad1




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I dont put any stock in it. If all of that stuff, causing all of those cancers, was really what they said it was, there wouldn't be any dogs left. Anywhere. Clinical references please....

The more I see of man, the more I like dogs. ~Mme. de Staël
Missing my Bridge Angels Ryce, Bo, Jim, Miss Millie, Miss Rose, Gustopher P Jones (Pimpmaster G), Miss Isabella and Miss Star

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It is a sensationalized ad that has been around forever it seems. It's full of lots of exaggeration, half truths and downright false information.




well if that is what you think, then you should google "What is meat meal made of" and you will be shocked! sharom

PS I just did!


It is a sensationalized ad that has been around forever it seems. It's full of lots of exaggeration, half truths and downright false information.




well if that is what you think, then you should google "What is meat meal made of" and you will be shocked! sharon

PS I just did!

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Meat and bone meal is not a pretty thing, but it does not include every euthanised dog and cat in Los Angeles (who happened to be wearing flea collsrs). That practice was stopped years ago. The magic of the internet lets legends live on. I think Aaron did some research on phenobarb in pet food on a similar thread. Meat and bone meal is everything left in the rendering plant scraped together and boiled down, but not bulk companion animals. As stated above, if every dog that ate Pedigree, 'Ol Roy and the like died there wouldn't be many dogs left.

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Guest sheila

Often when men stumble over the truth they tend to pick themselves up and hurry off as if nothing happened. -Winston Churchill


The truth is that this is indeed all propaganda and hyperbole. Believe what you want though, it's not against the law.

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