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Amitriptylene For Storm Phobia

Guest budsmom

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Guest budsmom

Twister has awful storm phobia, and I'm almost at the end of my rope. I've tried all the natural things - Rescue Remedy, DAP, melatonin, none of them do anything for her. I've talked to my vet about it, and he suggested amitriptylene. I'm not familiar with this at all, and was wondering if anyone here has used it? Did it help, were there side effects, anything I really need to know before trying this?



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Amitriptylene or elavil is something Red was on when he came to me. It's a med that has to build up in her system and be given daily. It isn't a dose that gives instant relief. If she only needs it for storms, I would not use it if she were mine.


It also is ued as a pain reliever. Vinnie took it for that.

Edited by VinnieAndRexsMom

Tonya, mom to May, and my angels Vinnie, Rex, Red, Chase, and Jake.

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Guest budsmom

Thanks - I was wondering about that. I would really prefer something that I can just give her before the storm hits. I'm looking for something more "instant".

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Guest greytwannabe

I just know a little goes a long way...it like sends the greyhound into la-la-land. Be careful with the dose unless you want your grey comatose. I now use Children's Benadryl liquid, 2cc, Valentine prefers bubblegum flavor but that's hard to find...she also loves the grape and cherry flavor...but be sure it does not also contain Tylenol. Good luck.


P.S. I noticed you have a Maine Coon...I also have four Maine Coon cats. Greyt cats!

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Guest budsmom

Thanks for the info! We actually have 2 Maine Coons, we've had the second just over a year now. They are awesome cats, even though my younger female is a little troublemaker! She's sure way more active than my male ever was.

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Guest Energy11

Elavil (amitriptylene) It is one of the older Tricyclic Antidepressants (for humans, at least), and it takes a while to work ... a few weeks. I wouldn't use it.


I use Bach's Rescue Remedy with pretty good success, BUT when the storms are REALLY BAD, I give Cari and Staggerlee 5 mg. of Valium.. take about 30-40 minutes to work, but REALLY HELPS! I also put t-shirts on both ... cuts down on the static electricity.


Also, radios on loud, lights, blinds closed so they don't SEE the lightening... all help.


Good Luck! I feel your pain! D :-)

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Has he thyroid been tested?


Try xanax instead of elavil. I know with Tootsie, valium was worthless as was melatonin & rescue remedy. My vet makes a combination of bach flowers that works better than just rescue remedy and if you want herbal, Calm Spirity by Health Concerns takes the edge off. It must be ordered by a vet or MD.

Diane & The Senior Gang

Burpdog Biscuits

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Try xanax instead of elavil. I know with Tootsie, valium was worthless as was melatonin & rescue remedy. My vet makes a combination of bach flowers that works better than just rescue remedy and if you want herbal, Calm Spirity by Health Concerns takes the edge off. It must be ordered by a vet or MD.


Xanax is what we used for thunderstorms, and it worked well.


Elavil is long-term anxiety meds, not a once and a while sort of thing.

With Buster Bloof (UCME Razorback 89B-51359) and Gingersnap Ginny (92D-59450). Missing Pepper, Berkeley, Ivy, Princess and Bauer at the bridge.

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Guest ProudGreyMom

One thing that I do with my guys (and gal) are make the storms a non-issue. I will say things like "uh-oh boom" in a silly voice, play games with them etc. Act like nothing is happening. There was a really good article about a month or so ago in Bark Magazine. You might be able to read it online. I think the website is thebark.com


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Mandy has the double-whammy of separation anxiety and thunder/loud noise phobia. We have her on 50mg Amitriptyline 2x per day year round and .25 mg Xanax starting (if possible) at least 20 minutes before a storm or other noise situation (fireworks, major construction--our roof is being replaced) and about every 3-4 hours as needed. It makes a difference for her, she is not thrilled when I leave (and we do alone training frequently) or with noises, but she doesn't panic. When a storm pops up unexpectedly, it's rough and she gets very upset until the Xanax kicks in (takes about 15 minutes). A warning--Xanax can make you loopy, I am careful with Mandy on the stairs until it wears off.

Beverly. Missing my happy toy-flinging boy Sammy (Where's Mandrill), (8/12/2009-9/30-2021) Desperately missing my angel Mandy (BB's Luv) [7/1/2000 - 9/18/2012]. Always missing Meg the Dalmatian and Ralph Malph the Pekeapoo.

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Guest CDNgreys

Not proud of this but I was on amitriptylene myself. It does take a few weeks (in humans, anyway) to start easing the anxiety.

I hope you can find something to help Twister.

Gee, with a name like Twister you'd think storms wouldn't bother her! :lol:


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Amitriptyline is an older anti-depressant.


I would not medicate my dog round the clock for storm phobia unless the dog was physically injuring itself. This drug will not be effective at all unless she is on it all the time.


Susan,  Hamish,  Mister Bigglesworth and Nikita Stanislav. Missing Ming, George, and Buck

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If you've gone through the gamut of all other remedies, Elavil would not be my next step. It needs to be taken for a while an the level kept up in the bloodstream to work.


If she's fine at other times and has no other anxiety issues you should go with something more like valium, which is faster acting an can be given in one dosage. Even the Xanax (alprazolam - which we have one of ours on now) usually needs several doses before it becomes effective, though many do use it in single doses.


Good luck!

greysmom :D

Chris - Mom to: Felicity (DeLand), and Andi (Braska Pandora)

52592535884_69debcd9b4.jpgsiggy by Chris Harper, on Flickr

Angels: Libby (Everlast), Dorie (Dog Gone Holly), Dude (TNJ VooDoo), Copper (Kid's Copper), Cash (GSI Payncash), Toni (LPH Cry Baby), Whiskey (KT's Phys Ed), Atom, Lilly

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My Renie takes 25mg of Anitriptyline twice a day for anxiety, she has done well with it. Anitriptyline is Elavil, prescribed to people for depression, anxiety, and/or chronic pain. In dogs it is usually prescribed for anxiety.

Greyhound angels at the bridge- Casey, Charlie, Maggie, Molly, Renie, Lucy & Teddy. Beagle angels Peanut and Charlie. And to all the 4 legged Bridge souls who have touched my heart, thank you. When a greyhound looks into you eyes it seems they touch your very soul.

"A dog is the only thing on earth that loves you more then he loves himself". Josh Billings


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Valium or acepromazine are the standard storm/fireworks treatment from our Vet.

Rugrat's Rebel (Simon) 09/03/1995-03/22/2010, Silly Savannah 05/14/1995-02/13/2009, Isabella de Moreau the Sloughi 05/15/1993-10/14/2008, Hammy the IG 06/11/04 and ChiChi the Chihuahua 2003

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Propranolol was literally a lifesaver for Kody, who had the worst case of storm phobia I've yet to hear of. In the mid-90's I brought him to Nicholas Dodman at Tufts - we tried Prozac, xanax, valium, desensitization, conditioning, and nothing would keep him from trying to break through windows or burst through a 6' stockade fence.


What finally proved to be the winning combination was propranolol an hour (if possible) before a storm, together with melatonin. He fared much better being in an enclosed area without windows and with some type of "white noise", like the bathroom vent or a clothes dryer.


I've never heard from anyone else who's used propranolol and I'm kind of surprised. In human medicine, it's used for performance anxiety or stage fright. It didn't take away Kody's fear response, but it did moderate his "fight or flight", escape compulsion, and that's what threatened to kill him.


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Guest DebR

Bizzy is extremely storm phobic..and it has generalized to just rain and even just loud noises (including people raising their voices). I bought the storm defender cape, and believe it or not , it has helped. It's not 100%, but he is MUCH better with it on than without it. We actually are afraid he'll have a heart attack from his fear, he shakes so hard he moans. It's really upsetting to see him like that. The cape at least helps control some of it. Valium doesn't help at all.

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I am on Amitriptyline. I have fibromyalgia and chronic fatigue syndrome. It is to help me sleep and I wouldn't use it for my dog unless absolutely necessary. I know how I feel if I stay up too long on it. The world spins, I can't see straight, I can't walk straight and my motor skills and brain function are limited.

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Guest budsmom

Thanks for the feedback everyone. I was kind of concerned when a physician friend of mine told me that amitriptylene was an older tricyclic antidepressant, as I don't want her on anything all the time. I do have a storm defender cape, and that doesn't really do much, either. She doesn't have any SA, but loud noises like fireworks are awful, too. I've also noticed that over the 3 1/2 years we've had her, her fear seems to be getting more generalized. A couple weeks ago we had a heavy rain without much lightning/thunder at all and she was so terrified it was horrible. I think I'll talk to the vet about Valium, what kind of dosage would a 59 lb dog need?


ETA: Burpdog - her thyroid was tested when I got her, and it's fine.

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