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Pooping Problems

Guest SandOSU98

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Guest SandOSU98

Colby continues to do great. He's back at his full energy level and did a pancake poop today (a step up from watery diarrhea!) I spoke to the vet yesterday and she seemed pretty surprised that he had recovered so quickly. It appears this was the result of a very bad worm infestation, and his immune system was compromised from the UTI from which he had just recovered. That said, the vet agrees with me that it would be a good idea to get him on a homecooked diet and she is getting me some recipes. Our goal at this pint is to get some nice solid poops and get some weight back on him. He's was at 75 when I took him to the vet; I'm thinking we need to get about 2 or 3 more lbs on him. What do you guys think of his body condition? I think he has already gained a little weight back.


PS--that chain in the pictures is NOT for my dog! My neighbor shares a yard with me and uses it when she's sitting outside with her sweet little pit mix. And yes I have a polka-dot collar on a boy dog but I think he's man enough to wear it :colgate






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Guest SandOSU98
What wonderful update. Colby sure his handsome :wub: I loves me the big, black boys


Thank you for helping me stay sane through all this!! I love the big black boys too :wub: I can't wait to get him a girlfriend (or boyfriend, it is Massachusetts after all :) )!

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Guest SoulsMom
What wonderful update. Colby sure his handsome :wub: I loves me the big, black boys


Thank you for helping me stay sane through all this!! I love the big black boys too :wub: I can't wait to get him a girlfriend (or boyfriend, it is Massachusetts after all :) )!


:lol Next time Soul is driving me batty I'll send him over

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Guest TexasGreytMom

Awwwww! It's so nice to see him all happy and feeling well! He's gorgeous (oops - I mean handsome). I'm just so thrilled for both of you that things turned out so wonderfully! Awesome!

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Guest SandOSU98

OMG when are the worms going to stop?? :huh2 I gave him his last dose of Panacur yesterday and he is STILL pooping out roundworms. Is this normal? He's been on dewormer for 2 weeks. I still have the second dose of Pyrantel that was initially prescribed, so I'll give him that tomorrow when he's due, but it wasn't very effective the first time around so I don't have much faith in it. Not to mention he's on Interceptor. I'm wondering if I should ask the vet for another round of dewormer, but I don't want to deworm *too much* and somehow poison Colby or something. It just seems like if he's still pooping out worms he must still need the dewormer.


To add insult to injury, Frontline has decided to stop working and Colby is picking up ticks like crazy. He has the Lyme disease vaccine but I'm still concerned. I live across from one of the two wooded areas in Springfield, and apparently mine is the one infested with worms, ticks, and other parasites. Ooooh I hate this city so much (for other reasons, but the parasites don't help!).

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Guest greytkidsmom

Sometimes it takes several treatments to get rid of the worms. I think we had to de-worm Tiel a total of 5 times before we got rid of them all. I am sure your vet told you but it is important to pick up every poop and throw it out right away. A weak solution of bleach and water (1 part bleach, 10 parts water) should be sprayed on top of where the poop was. That makes sure all of the worms and eggs are dead and there are no re-infestations. You also mention a neighbor dog - has she made sure her dog is worm-free? If not, Colby and your neighbor's dog may be sharing with each other.


Sure hope Colby gets better soon. Having a sick dog sure is stressful but totally worth the fuss.

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Sometimes it takes several treatments to get rid of the worms. I think we had to de-worm Tiel a total of 5 times before we got rid of them all. I am sure your vet told you but it is important to pick up every poop and throw it out right away. A weak solution of bleach and water (1 part bleach, 10 parts water) should be sprayed on top of where the poop was. That makes sure all of the worms and eggs are dead and there are no re-infestations. You also mention a neighbor dog - has she made sure her dog is worm-free? If not, Colby and your neighbor's dog may be sharing with each other.


Sure hope Colby gets better soon. Having a sick dog sure is stressful but totally worth the fuss.


Oh, yes, everything she said plus extreme emphasis on the neighbor dog. The little buggers could be in the ground now.............


Worm infestations are very exasperating! Hope you can get a handle on this for Colby. He's such a handsome dude -even if he does wear a polka dot collar!


Linda, Mom to Fuzz, Barkley, and the felines Miss Kitty, Simon and Joseph.Waiting at The Bridge: Alex, Josh, Harley, Nikki, Beemer, Anna, Frank, Rachel, my heart & soul, Suze and the best boy ever, Dalton.<p>

:candle ....for all those hounds that are sick, hurt, lost or waiting for their forever homes. SENIORS ROCK :rivethead

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Guest SandOSU98
Sometimes it takes several treatments to get rid of the worms. I think we had to de-worm Tiel a total of 5 times before we got rid of them all. I am sure your vet told you but it is important to pick up every poop and throw it out right away. A weak solution of bleach and water (1 part bleach, 10 parts water) should be sprayed on top of where the poop was. That makes sure all of the worms and eggs are dead and there are no re-infestations. You also mention a neighbor dog - has she made sure her dog is worm-free? If not, Colby and your neighbor's dog may be sharing with each other.


Sure hope Colby gets better soon. Having a sick dog sure is stressful but totally worth the fuss.


Oh, yes, everything she said plus extreme emphasis on the neighbor dog. The little buggers could be in the ground now.............


Worm infestations are very exasperating! Hope you can get a handle on this for Colby. He's such a handsome dude -even if he does wear a polka dot collar!


I had told the neighbor immediately and she just went straight to the dewormer without getting her dog tested... I have been picking up the poop immediately but unfortunately she is not, even though I've reminded her several times :angryfire She's one of my friends which makes it a bit of a delicate situation. I've just been picking her dog's up too because I can't take it. I'll have to try that bleach thing. I heard the sun also helps to kill them, and fortunately our yard is really sunny.

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Guest SandOSU98

The saga continues... no more diarrhea, but now he's constipated! WTH?!?! His stools are VERY firm and there is not a lot (only a "stick") coming out. He's still on the bland diet. I've heard pumpkin can help, but how much should I use? My vet isn't in until tomorrow so I can't call her.

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Try giving him a full teaspoon of pumpkin... good luck!!!


Kerry with Lupin in beautiful coastal Maine. Missing Pippin, my best friend and sweet little heart-healer :brokenheart 2013-2023 :brokenheart 
Also missing the best wizard in the world, Merlin, and my sweet 80lb limpet, Sagan, every single day. 

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Wow. Just read about poor Colby. Gosh, sounds like you've been through so much.


Just a few comments / suggestions: When I adopted Indy at age 3-1/2 (now 11), he had hookworms (was on Panacur, if I recall correctly), then I observed little segments of tapeworms in his poop and on the next re-check he was diagnosed with round worms. Then Indy had giardia. Oh man, what a mess he was. Took about four months post-adoption to get him squared away, so it takes time. :wacko:


Several of you made mention of adding more fiber to your pup's diet. Just a few ideas: I mix a little warm water in with kibble at breakfast and lunch. Water definitely helps to keep things moving! For dinner, I add assorted mixed vegetables at dinner. Natural, inexpensive, low-fat, convenient. Usually cooked frozen or fresh vegetables.


It varies but I add approx 1/4 or so of green beans, peas, carrots, spinach, broccoli, kale, white potato (no skin), sweet potato (no skin), brown rice, and/or a few plain pasta noodles with a some of the vegetable water as well. I would introduce slowly, a little at a time.


My hounds might poop a little more than most dogs, but their bowel movements are easy, they never have gas, and are never constipated. So it's all good! :lol:


Good luck - hope Colby feels better soon.

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Guest oldNELLIE

In an earlier post you mentioned cottage cheese. When we fed that to Nellie in a situation where she was eating a bland diet it made her so constipated. Are you still feeding the dairy?


Won't it be nice when you have this all figured out :) Good luck with continued improvement!

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Guest SandOSU98
In an earlier post you mentioned cottage cheese. When we fed that to Nellie in a situation where she was eating a bland diet it made her so constipated. Are you still feeding the dairy?


Won't it be nice when you have this all figured out :) Good luck with continued improvement!


Yes, I am still feeding him that! Do you think that could be it? I was attributing it to all the meds. Maybe I can replace it with the pumpkin... the vet had told me to put it in there "to bind everything together." He's had yogurt in the past and that hasn't made him constipated, though. Maybe it's one and not the other? :blink:

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Guest Energy11

I use about 1/2 cup of pumpkin DAILY in all five of mine's food. TRUST ME, they poop regularly :-) All solid, just lots :-) I also like adding 1/2 cup, give or take, of plain, unflavored fat free yogert to their food a few days a week, too.


Good luck! Poop problems are NEVER fun! :-(

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Fletcher, who has IBD, gets about a TB of pumpkin and a TB of yogurt each meal. I don't measure, just use a regular spoon and scoop it out :)


The cottage cheese could be the culprit, it doesn't necessarily have to do with being intolerant to dairy.


I also agree, it can take months to get them completely clear of worms! I hope Colby feels better soon.

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Oh, poor Colby! Just can't find a happy medium! Hope the pumpkin works! Sending prayers.

Linda, Mom to Fuzz, Barkley, and the felines Miss Kitty, Simon and Joseph.Waiting at The Bridge: Alex, Josh, Harley, Nikki, Beemer, Anna, Frank, Rachel, my heart & soul, Suze and the best boy ever, Dalton.<p>

:candle ....for all those hounds that are sick, hurt, lost or waiting for their forever homes. SENIORS ROCK :rivethead

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Guest houndlover

Casey has had problems in the past with constipation and I have given him unprocessed bran in his food and it works great. If you were going to try the bran then I would start off with 2tbsp per day but the vet had said that I could give him up to 1/4C per day. I wouldn't give him 1/4C to start though in case it is too much and he ends up with the big D again!


Pooping problems stink! :P

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Just another comment: in light of all the suggestions and things that you've tried, perhaps you might go back to basics and do a process of elimination. Re-introduce one food at a time for a week or so. Give Colby's gut and bowels a chance to adjust. :getwell


Although some dogs obviously do fine with dairy, it seems to give my hounds some grief. I treat them to an occasional lick of pumpkin and yogurt, but skip the cottage cheese.


I would go slowly with this. Poor pupper.


Sorry, in my earlier post I forgot to say 1/4 cup of vegetables!

Edited by IndyandHollyluv
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Guest oldNELLIE
In an earlier post you mentioned cottage cheese. When we fed that to Nellie in a situation where she was eating a bland diet it made her so constipated. Are you still feeding the dairy?


Won't it be nice when you have this all figured out :) Good luck with continued improvement!


Yes, I am still feeding him that! Do you think that could be it? I was attributing it to all the meds. Maybe I can replace it with the pumpkin... the vet had told me to put it in there "to bind everything together." He's had yogurt in the past and that hasn't made him constipated, though. Maybe it's one and not the other? :blink:



Fletcher, who has IBD, gets about a TB of pumpkin and a TB of yogurt each meal. I don't measure, just use a regular spoon and scoop it out :)


The cottage cheese could be the culprit, it doesn't necessarily have to do with being intolerant to dairy.


I also agree, it can take months to get them completely clear of worms! I hope Colby feels better soon.


Sorry! I was being lazy in my typing...I should have said cottage cheese instead of dairy above. It could be the cottage cheese, but not a dairy intolerance like Remolacha said. We don't feed Nellie any dairy because it gives her gas, but it was the cottage cheese specifically made her constipated.

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Guest SandOSU98
In an earlier post you mentioned cottage cheese. When we fed that to Nellie in a situation where she was eating a bland diet it made her so constipated. Are you still feeding the dairy?


Won't it be nice when you have this all figured out :) Good luck with continued improvement!


Yes, I am still feeding him that! Do you think that could be it? I was attributing it to all the meds. Maybe I can replace it with the pumpkin... the vet had told me to put it in there "to bind everything together." He's had yogurt in the past and that hasn't made him constipated, though. Maybe it's one and not the other? :blink:



Fletcher, who has IBD, gets about a TB of pumpkin and a TB of yogurt each meal. I don't measure, just use a regular spoon and scoop it out :)


The cottage cheese could be the culprit, it doesn't necessarily have to do with being intolerant to dairy.


I also agree, it can take months to get them completely clear of worms! I hope Colby feels better soon.


Sorry! I was being lazy in my typing...I should have said cottage cheese instead of dairy above. It could be the cottage cheese, but not a dairy intolerance like Remolacha said. We don't feed Nellie any dairy because it gives her gas, but it was the cottage cheese specifically made her constipated.


I bought some pumpkin and gave him a couple heaping tablespoons instead of the cottage cheese. I'll give you all a poop report tomorrow :lol

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Guest SandOSU98

Poop report! :lol: Things seem to be uh... moving a little bit better today. Not as much as I like to see, but definitely more than yesterday. I just started the pumpkin for last evening's feeding so I'm guessing it might just take a little time.

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