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Pooping Problems

Guest SandOSU98

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Thanks for the update! Let's hope it's just a parasite infection... :goodluck :goodluck :goodluck


Keeping you and Colby in my thoughts!


Kerry with Lupin in beautiful coastal Maine. Missing Pippin, my best friend and sweet little heart-healer :brokenheart 2013-2023 :brokenheart 
Also missing the best wizard in the world, Merlin, and my sweet 80lb limpet, Sagan, every single day. 

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Guest SandOSU98

This couldn't be HGE, could it? How would I know? He has had some blood in his stool, but I thought that was due to worms. None in his vomit though.

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Guest SandOSU98

Ugh does it ever end?? Just got back from the e-vet because he started throwing up dark, foul-smelling vomit. They gave him lots more meds and another liter of camel-back fluids. I was told again it's not HGE or a blockage, and that it was safe to bring him home. I just want him to get better!!

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Guest SoulsMom

Has he been given Flagyl? How much blood in the stool? Did you vet extensive blood tests to look for Addisons? And did they suggest putting him on a prescription diet for a while?


HGE typically presents as blood in the stool, but sometimes vomiting as well. When Soul's was severe he started with the bloody stool, but he also vomited very dark stuff a handful of times.


Gentle hugs to you both :grouphug

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Guest SandOSU98
Has he been given Flagyl? How much blood in the stool? Did you vet extensive blood tests to look for Addisons? And did they suggest putting him on a prescription diet for a while?


HGE typically presents as blood in the stool, but sometimes vomiting as well. When Soul's was severe he started with the bloody stool, but he also vomited very dark stuff a handful of times.


Gentle hugs to you both :grouphug


I had been reading your threads about Soul's HGE before I went to the e-vet, and I thought to ask about it, but the e-vet told me she is certain he doesn't have it. He hasn't had any bowel movements whatsoever since 9:30 am yesterday. The blood that was in his diarrhea when he had it looked streaky, like you would see with a dog that has worms. As for the Addison's, my regular vet did the full blood panel and said there was no indication of Addison's from that, but that it may be atypical so if he isn't showing an improvement by Monday, the vet will want to look into doing a more conclusive test. She also wants to do an ultrasound if there is no improvement.


He has been given Cerenia, Sucralfate, Metronidazole (I think that's Flaygl??), Panacur, and Pepcid. He's stopped vomiting but as of this morning is still listless and panting whenever he isn't laying down. He's on a bland diet but I can't even get him to eat that :( Which makes it doubly frustrating because I can't give him the Panacur unless he eats because it's in powder form. He is drinking water of his own volition so at least we have that going for us. If and when he gets better, I am going to look into doing the raw diet.


I was so afraid to sleep last night because I was worried he would be gone when I woke up. I know I'm probably overreacting but I'm just so frustrated that I can't help my baby. We've spent so much money on this issue so far, and we are finding out nothing conclusive. The e-vet has also told me that "sometimes dogs have GI problems, they go away, and we'll never know why they had them." :headwall

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Guest SoulsMom

I think an ultrasound would be a good idea. I'm so sorry I know how scary it is :(


Flagyl is what is typically used to treat GI issues. You said he's been on it, but it he on it now? Before Soul's HGE blowout he was dxd with worms and given Panacur, Flagyl, and a bland diet rx. . . . .


RE~bland diet. . . . you're cooking for him, right? It might help if you tried one of the intestional health diets. Royal Canine makes one, as does Science Diet. I hate the contents, but it helps Soul. . . . .has any discussion been had about fiber in his diet?


I really, really hope the Panacur works for you :grouphug I'm a little surprised it wasn't given to begin with as it it typically the 'cure-all' for any kind of worm

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Sending more good thoughts for Colby!




Kerry with Lupin in beautiful coastal Maine. Missing Pippin, my best friend and sweet little heart-healer :brokenheart 2013-2023 :brokenheart 
Also missing the best wizard in the world, Merlin, and my sweet 80lb limpet, Sagan, every single day. 

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Guest SandOSU98
I think an ultrasound would be a good idea. I'm so sorry I know how scary it is :(


Flagyl is what is typically used to treat GI issues. You said he's been on it, but it he on it now? Before Soul's HGE blowout he was dxd with worms and given Panacur, Flagyl, and a bland diet rx. . . . .


RE~bland diet. . . . you're cooking for him, right? It might help if you tried one of the intestional health diets. Royal Canine makes one, as does Science Diet. I hate the contents, but it helps Soul. . . . .has any discussion been had about fiber in his diet?


I really, really hope the Panacur works for you :grouphug I'm a little surprised it wasn't given to begin with as it it typically the 'cure-all' for any kind of worm


He started the Flagyl last night. I'm cooking for him, but he will not eat anything (no matter how enticing). He will drink water, but the only thing he's had to eat today are the peanut butter balls I had to make him to get the Panacur down, and I pretty much had to smear those in between his teeth to get him to digest them. His stools have been all brown water and he's panting a lot. He's still lethargic. The e-vet told me yesterday that I can wait until Monday unless he vomits or diarrheas blood. His gums look okay and the capillary refill is fine. The panting is disconcerting but it seems to subside after he's been laying down awhile. All in all he is acting like he has a pretty serious hangover.


I'm hoping that if parasites are the problem the drugs are starting to do their magic and he'll improve by tomorrow. I'm just praying for some positive sign. I want my big silly boy back. He's not vomiting, but he has not really improved nor gotten worse today. If and when he gets through this, I am going to seriously evaluate his diet and possibly switch to raw or at least homecooked. I keep telling myself he's only 3 and he's strong enough to pull through this, but it's so so scary...



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Guest SandOSU98

I forgot, no talk of the fiber in the diet but the vet wants to discuss what we can do once this GI issue is resolved. She's not a fan of the raw. If there's a problem that the ultrasound will show, will I know right away? I really can't handle waiting for results anymore. He's obviously in pain and I'm sure his immune system is compromised from having the UTI then the worms.

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Guest FordRacingRon
I forgot, no talk of the fiber in the diet but the vet wants to discuss what we can do once this GI issue is resolved. She's not a fan of the raw. If there's a problem that the ultrasound will show, will I know right away? I really can't handle waiting for results anymore. He's obviously in pain and I'm sure his immune system is compromised from having the UTI then the worms.


I don't know about dogs but with people the radiologists can pretty much tell right away if something is wrong with an ultrasound (having had many myself). Although they can't officially tell you whats wrong,,they've been there and done that so I am sure a vet can tell right away.


I will say a few prayers for your pup.

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Guest TexasGreytMom

I'm so sorry that you and your boy are going thru this! Be sure to get some rest yourself ... when he naps, please catch a nap, too. I have no experience with this, but prayers and hugs are sent your way!

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Guest SandOSU98
I'm so sorry that you and your boy are going thru this! Be sure to get some rest yourself ... when he naps, please catch a nap, too. I have no experience with this, but prayers and hugs are sent your way!


Thank you... Colby and I did manage to nap together on the couch for a couple of hours today. My husband had something really boring on History Channel so that helped :rolleyes:. I went outside to have a drink on the back porch for a half hour and when I came back in I could tell he had been licking his butt quite a bit. Maybe it's the worms. At this point I would be really happy if it was just the worms. I never thought I would be praying for my dog to have a bad parasite infestation! :blush



How about trying some Nutritional Yeast on her food? Here is a thread about it, lots of people have had great success using it when their dogs won't eat.


There's an organic store down the street from me. I'm going to see if they carry it. I would do just about anything at this point to get him to eat.

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Guest SandOSU98

Yay! I got him to eat a slice of pepperoni and a little bit of raw ground beef. No interested in the rice. I am going to heat some more ground beef up and see if he will eat the two mixed together.

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Guest SoulsMom

Deep breaths . . . if he's not wanting to eat, follow his lead. I know when my tummy is upset I don't want to eat. Peanut butter and pepperoni might not be the best way to go for a dog with a disturbed GI tract. Maybe call the vet tomorrow for a few cans of the prescription diet to hide his pills in? When Soul was sick he didn't want to eat either and I had to pill him :( But after 24hrs of fasting he devoured his food (I/D)


And yes, the ultrasound (unless there are morons reading it) should show right away if something is abnormal. Soul's showed a slight thickening of the lower intestines, which wasn't surprising given how sick he had been.


I mentioned the fiber because that is something my vet speculated Soul might need more of in his diet. And I think he's right. Soul does wonderful on the prescription I/D diet, but relapses if I try to change it. When I compared the fiber content of the I/D to 'regular' kibble, it is much higher . . . . .so I am considering adding metamucil to his food (I'm trying to get him back to grain free, the I/D diet is causing his Lupus to flare up)


And like other have said, take care of yourself too :grouphug

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Guest TexasGreytMom

Fingers crossed that he's interestedin the beef and rice! Would definitely stay away from the pepperoni, though. Please let us know how he does!

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Guest SandOSU98
Deep breaths . . . if he's not wanting to eat, follow his lead. I know when my tummy is upset I don't want to eat. Peanut butter and pepperoni might not be the best way to go for a dog with a disturbed GI tract. Maybe call the vet tomorrow for a few cans of the prescription diet to hide his pills in? When Soul was sick he didn't want to eat either and I had to pill him :( But after 24hrs of fasting he devoured his food (I/D)


And yes, the ultrasound (unless there are morons reading it) should show right away if something is abnormal. Soul's showed a slight thickening of the lower intestines, which wasn't surprising given how sick he had been.


I mentioned the fiber because that is something my vet speculated Soul might need more of in his diet. And I think he's right. Soul does wonderful on the prescription I/D diet, but relapses if I try to change it. When I compared the fiber content of the I/D to 'regular' kibble, it is much higher . . . . .so I am considering adding metamucil to his food (I'm trying to get him back to grain free, the I/D diet is causing his Lupus to flare up)


And like other have said, take care of yourself too :grouphug


You're right, I kind of overdid it :blush My husband was telling me not to give him the pepperoni too :blush After he ate it, he suddenly decided he was ravenously hungry, so shortly after i followed up with a little hamburger, I gave him about a cup total worth of bland diet and he ate it all! He wasn't having the rice before, but once my husband brought home the fat free cottage cheese to mix in, he RAN across the room and inhaled it :) I was just so excited to see him finally perk up and get excited about food. What a diva. So I'm going to end it on a good note tonight and not give him any more. He's done with all his meds today and is dozing on the couch.


I'll mention the fiber thing to the vet tomorrow. Strange thing is, he was completely fine on kibble and had a nice shiny coat for 7 months. Not sure what happened there, but I think it's time to re-evaluate his diet.

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Guest TexasGreytMom

Awwww! That's so good to hear! And, good plan to leave well enough alone - I would do the same. So glad that he's on the mend - I know you'll rest much better tonight, too!

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Guest SandOSU98

Colby is a different dog today! :yay He's 99% back to his normal self. He got up in bed this morning to spoon with me while my husband was showering, and RAN to the kitchen to get his food. He devoured all of his bland diet, even with the Panacur mixed in, then became a velcro hound, following me around and asking for more. He's stopped panting. This is such a relief. Now all I have to do is get a solid poop out of him!


One thing I noticed when he was going out yesterday is that there were lots of little white flecks in his stool (about half the size of a grain of rice). When he passed those, he had had nothing to eat for about 36+ hours. I'm wondering if they were another type of worm. He had been passing the roundworms but they were fully grown and about 5 inches long. These had a different look. I'm wondering if he's infected with a second parasite that the Pyrantel wasn't getting.

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White flecks could = tapeworms, which need Drontal/Droncit to kill.


Glad he is better!!!

Star aka Starz Ovation (Ronco x Oneco Maggie*, litter #48538), Coco aka Low Key (Kiowa Mon Manny x Party Hardy, litter # 59881), and mom in Illinois
We miss Reko Batman (Trouper Zeke x Marque Louisiana), 11/15/95-6/29/06, Rocco the thistledown whippet, 04/29/93-10/14/08, Reko Zema (Mo Kick x Reko Princess), 8/16/98-4/18/10, the most beautiful girl in the whole USA, my good egg Joseph aka Won by a Nose (Oneco Cufflink x Buy Back), 09/22/2003-03/01/2013, and our gentle sweet Gidget (Digitizer, Dodgem by Design x Sobe Mulberry), 1/29/2006-11/22/2014, gone much too soon. Never forgetting CJC's Buckshot, 1/2/07-10/25/10.

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