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Mild Cases Of Kennel Cough... I Think

Guest jessicaksu125

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Guest jessicaksu125

Both of my babies are coughing. I'm debating if I should get them to the vet right away or try some home remedies first.


I will absolutely take them to the vet if its necessary... but in the past I've spent a lot of money at the vet for something that I could have taken care of on my own, so I'd like to see if there's something I can do on my own first. Right now it does not seem that serious... of course I won't bring them around other dogs until this is resolved.


Here's the situation:


Pulitzer has had a cough for awhile -- but it was always whenever she overexerted herself playing or ate too fast, so I didn't really worry other than to keep her from running around after she ate (living room zoomies can get exhausting!)


Her cough got worse, though in the last week and she seemed to be eating on and off.


I started to get really concerned this weekend when Gigi started coughing too, and that's what lead me to believe it could be kennel cough.


Neither of them ate their food Thursday night through Saturday. This morning (Sunday) I put pumpkin in it and they both ate, but then were coughing after. Over the weekend I did give them treats but did not see if there was a correlation between them coughing and getting the treats -- there probably was.


Tonight I gave them boiled hamburg and rice, which they both ate happily and haven't coughed since. I plan on feeding them this for a few days.


They've also been drinking a lot of water.


There are a few recent changes that could be at play:


*Most importantly I'm in the process of switching foods from Pro Plan sensitive systems to California Natural. Each week I shift the mixes by 25%... on Friday I went from half and half to giving 75% california natural and 25% pro plan. Pro Plan was working fine, so I'd have no problems switching back, I opted for California Natural because of the shorter ingredient list.


*A month ago I started giving them Natural Balance sweet potato treats, and then just this week I got a sampler of Eukenuba (sp?) treats from Petco so I've been giving those too.


*The weather has broken so they've been getting more exercise. Neither of them pull.


It seems like some over the counter remedies might work, according to some research I'm doing. Any suggestions?

Edited by jessicaksu125
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Guest jessicaksu125
Do you have cause to believe that your dogs were exposed to another dog with bordetella?


I doubt it.


How long would it take to show symptoms?


Occasionally they say hello to other dogs on walks... I guess that would be the most likely option. I have taken them to the kennel with me to do turnout -- the last time was a month ago, at least. I don't recall any dogs there with bordetella, I don't know much about it but if it's contagious I'd assume they'd keep them off by themselves so the rest of the kennel doesn't catch it.


Since it's winter, they haven't had any playgroups or anything like that. Last time they had a long exposure to other dogs was at Christmas while at my parents' house, with their two dogs, but they haven't had any problems, either.


I think I did get them vaccinated for bordatella, but again I'm not sure.

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Guest reyes

I would get them checked out. Not eating and coughing is something I would take seriously. It would be hard to treat the cough by yourself without knowing what is causing it. Hope they get better soon!

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Guest jessicaksu125

Here's an update: Following the first meal of hamburg and rice there was no coughing all night. Fed them the mix again this morning. Gigi coughed a little while eating but not much. Pulitzer is currently whining and going nuts because the neighbor's dog is out, and no coughing there, either.


I called the vet this morning. They said it could be an allergy to the new food... keep them on the boiled hamburg/rice for a few days and then go back to the old food and see what happens. If it doesn't get better bring them in. Seems weird that they both would have the same allergy, though...


I have some leftover pumpkin... I think later I'll blend it with some ice and make a disgusting looking pumpkin smoothie... it'll be soothing for their throats and they'll love it.


Also, Pulitzer has been vaccinated against bordetella, gigi hasn't.

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Guest luckydog

The bordetella vaccine needs to be updated. It's not a 'one shot cures all' type of vaccine. When I board dogs, they demand that the dog be vaccinated within the past 6 months, so typically I get 2 Bordetalla/year.


Also, years ago I had adopted a mutt from a shelter who turned out to have contracted kennel cough there. She would only 'cough' overnight.

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Guest jessicaksu125

They haven't coughed all day! They didn't cough at all last night either... I've been reading and I am leaning toward food allergy now... just weird that they both would have the same allergy...

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I'm sorry to hear this! I hope it's just a food issue. Just a reminder that, if you're planning to attend any of the Portland playgroup's activities this coming spring/summer, you will need to get Gigi inoculated against bordetella first, and Pulitzer should be up to date on her shot too.


I hope your girls feel better soon! :goodluck


Kerry with Lupin in beautiful coastal Maine. Missing Pippin, my best friend and sweet little heart-healer :brokenheart 2013-2023 :brokenheart 
Also missing the best wizard in the world, Merlin, and my sweet 80lb limpet, Sagan, every single day. 

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Guest jessicaksu125
I'm sorry to hear this! I hope it's just a food issue. Just a reminder that, if you're planning to attend any of the Portland playgroup's activities this coming spring/summer, you will need to get Gigi inoculated against bordetella first, and Pulitzer should be up to date on her shot too.


I hope your girls feel better soon! :goodluck


will do:) I'm so happy the weather is breaking! At least this hasn't affected their energy level! I just managed to throw their favorite orange ball into the water bowl... it was so funny watching them fish it out. I'll have to recreate the situation again and get it on video!

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Oh PLEAAAAAAAAAASE do! I'm looking forward to seeing that one! :rofl :rofl


Kerry with Lupin in beautiful coastal Maine. Missing Pippin, my best friend and sweet little heart-healer :brokenheart 2013-2023 :brokenheart 
Also missing the best wizard in the world, Merlin, and my sweet 80lb limpet, Sagan, every single day. 

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You cannot cure kennel cough at home, if that's what they have, but you can get rid of it quite simply with proper medication.

You 'know' me well enough to know that I'm not one from shying away from the vets but I need to tell of a tried and tested home remedy for kennel cough (disclaimer - as long as you KNOW it's kennel cough).


Liquorice root (sticks).


You can buy it from good health food stores here so I assume you can overseas too.


You boil a kettle of water and pour into dogs water bowl. When the water is still hot, add one spoon of honey (which helps coughs anyway, plus is disguises the rather strange liquorice taste), stir it round and then add one stick. Leave to infuse until the water is cold enough for dogs to drink and then fish the stick out.


Once that bowl is down for the dog(s) to drink, get another batch on the go. I actually used a stick twice and then threw it away and started over with a new stick.


I did the above for about a week.


The two dogs of ours who had KC recovered without any medication and none of the other dogs got the KC.


I've shared this with many people over the years (funnily enough though, this is the first time I've seen the topic come up here) and virtually everyone has had the same success with it.


Disclaimer - any young pup, elderly dog or otherwise unwell dog must see a vet.


Oh I need to add another bit :rolleyes:


When our dogs had KC, they had not been in direct contact with any dog who had been coughing. However, *I* had and I firmly believe that I carried the virus home on my clothing and it was dead on ten days later when my dogs started to show symptoms.

Deerhounds Darcy, Duffy, Grace & Wellington, Mutts Sprout & Buddy, Lurchers Ned & Jake plus Ella the Westie + cats. Remembering Del, Jessie, Maddison, Flo, Sally, Stanley, Wallace, Radar, Mokka, Oki cat, Tetley, Poppy & Striker.


Please visit our web store at http://www.dogsndubs.com for our own range of Greyhound related clothing for humans!

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