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Been At The Vets Today.. Brain Tumor Is Suspected

Guest Alexandra_W

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Guest Alexandra_W
I don't know how things work there, but do you think there's a chance that your vet will allow you to make payments for the tests?

I just have a hard time digesting the fact that this is needed for him and they'll let money stand in the way!!


I dont know actually. In general - no way. They don't even let you out the door without paying the entire bill. You dont even get an invoice sent home. But MAYBE maybe I can talk them into it. The dog is one of their much valued blood donors (and they says he is the sweetest, best behaved they got.. makes mom happy anyway *s*)

And actually yesterday, my insurance company (they can telefax the bill to the insurance company when you wait at the clinic, and then the insurance company tells the clinic how much they will pay out, and then the owner just have to pay his och her parts) started arguing, and didnt accept the bill without getting the entire journal notes of the dog. So the clinic said they would send the insurance company the journal notes and then when the company had answered how much they would pay (they should pay 90% of the amount) they would send me an invoince for the rest of the sum.


That is something they normally DO NOT do, and I guess it is all because I am a 'trusted' owner, as he is a regular blood donor. So maybe I can talk them into splitting the bill in several payments. BUT still, it is a HUGE amount of money, and splitting it in 2 - 3 and pay 1/3 every month actually don't make much of a difference, sadly =/


Another possibility, but that is a really long shot and the chances are SMALL, but in theory there MIGHT be a minimal possiblily that the clinic - that is a university hospital, every single vet in Sweden is educated there, feels it is of a great interest, and wan't to do the brain scan for research/ducational purposes, on their cost. But as said, that is really a one in a million chance..


So, atm I more than ever hope it will point to an issue of underlying pain. Because a PET-scan MAYBE they will pay for, and there you have the possibility to put some pressure on the insurance company. If he is back on metacam, and for two entire weeks is better, it strongly suggests underlying pain as the cause. But the dog is VERY stoic, and noone has so far been able to locate ANY pain at all. Therefore the PET-scan, were you can look at the entire dog at the same time, and both skeletal, tendons and ligaments, and some of the soft tissue. If they refuse to pay for PET-sacn, then we can start taking ordinary X-ras from head to tail. It will be like a ziljon shots, and cost a smaller fortune. And if we do not find anything on X-ray, then we can ultrasound from head to tail, and that will cost another small fortune, and in comparison the PETscan probably will be cheaper.. (Yes, I am evil - I know..)

Edited by Alexandra_W
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He's a blood donor????????????

They really need to take care of this boy!!

Oh how I wish you were here in the states close to Ca.!!!!

I'm praying very hard that this will turn out well and he will soon have comfort as he so deserves. SOON!!!!!

He's got a great mom, that's for sure


Missing my little Misty who took a huge piece of my heart with her on 5/2/09, and Ekko, on 6/28/12



:candle For the sick, the lost, and the homeless

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Guest Alexandra_W
He's a blood donor????????????

They really need to take care of this boy!!

Oh how I wish you were here in the states close to Ca.!!!!

I'm praying very hard that this will turn out well and he will soon have comfort as he so deserves. SOON!!!!!

He's got a great mom, that's for sure


Yes, and by what they say, one of their most valued ones. He is a darling when he donate. He is all tail wagging and happy faces, jumps up the table by himself, and falls ASLEEP during the time when they take the blood. Then comes the part he loves - when he gets canned CATfood for a reward. And he is DEA negative, ie he is a universal donor, he can donate blood to any dog. Actually yesterday, the nurse that is resposible for drawing the blood heard we were there, and she came by to say hi and wish good luck. And the vet that we met is the vet that is resposible for the blood bank, so she is WELL aware that it is one of their top donors. Feel the pressure.. *s*


On the other hand, the same moment they find the reasons, he can be an ex-donor.. Depends on what we find...


I felt horrible yesterday, he has never once been in the clinic for anything else than to donate blood. So he went all enthusiastic when we went in therough the door. And the entire time was like 'is it time for my reawrd now? Not? Ok' and after next exam 'but now it is time for it?'. If I had been using my brain I had been taking some canned catfood with me and given him. I bought some on the way home, but really not the same.. NEXT time I will bring it and serve it to him after the exams, so he still feels it is all happy yay yay to go there =)

Edited by Alexandra_W
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Hoping against hope that the diagnosis is wrong. Prayers for your baby and you.

Mary, mom to kitty Rebel.
Always missing Sherri (SO DELICIOUS) (12/6/2005-8/29/2018) kitties Marley (4/2000-12/3/2015) and Beady (4/1998-2/24/2006) and Dalmatian Daisy (7/25/1984-5/13/1999).

The democracy will cease to exist when you take away from those who are willing to work

and give to those who would not - Thomas Jefferson

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Guest Alexandra_W

The vet called me this evening (its 8,30 pm here now) and the labresults for the blood and urine was - peachy fine. What a surprise.. Or not.


So, he is back on the meloxicam (metacam) from tonight, and we will watch him closley the following week to see if the symptoms gets better or not. Ie if it points toward pain or towards neurological issues. Or why not both? *sigh*


The vet booked us in with an neurologist at 10 of March to be sure we had an appt asap if we needed it. So if the symptoms don't go away and stays away with meloxicam we put him off in next weekend and meet the neurologist for an exam and decision about MRI/CT-scan the 10th.


If symptoms goes away and stays away with meloxicam, he will be refereed to an otrhopedic, and probably a PET-scan..


So, the next week or so is just a waitinggame and strictly observing.


Today it was a bad morning, but a good afternoon. It just goes up and down.

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Guest Alexandra_W

And now I am crying actually. The insurance issue just went from bad to worse.


The insurance company rejected the 240$ bill, and refuse to pay any of it (they should/I expected they to pay 80% of it). They have an exklusion for behavioural changes without medical cause in their policy. I knew that, it is so you shouldn't be able to put down your dog and cash in the lifeinsurance just because you do not wan't it anymore, and say the dog has behavioural changes). But no way I could believe it would cause this kind of situation.


The situation were they will refuse to pay for ANY examinations whatsoever until the day we have an diagnosis explaining the behavioural changes. To get that diagnosis (hopefully), the dog needs further exams. Wich they will not pay for. I have to pay the exams all by myself, but if/when we solve the mystery and get a diagnosis, then they will pay for all the exams that has been done.


Ie, if he responds to the meloxicam and underlying pain is clearly the issue, and Utter will be referred to an orthopedic, they will NOT pay for that visit. If the otrhopedic wants to do x-rays, ultrasound, PETscans or whatever to find the source of the pain, they will NOT pay for that unless it shows a clear source. Same with the neurologist.


So, I have to pay it all by my own. And IF they find the cause, I get my money back. If not - the money is all gone down the drain. And the hugest problem is - I can not afford that kind of exams and investigations. THAT IS WHY I HAVE THE DOG INSURED from top to tail.


So, the insurance company do not pay a cent until a diagnosis of what is the underlying problem is made. To even have a chance to make that diagnosis, it needs exams. That the company won't pay for and I can not affort to pay all by my own.


And I just can't stop crying. At the moment this stupidity from the insurance company can mean that a five year old dog, that hasn't had been sick, injured or anything in his entire life (except for broken dew claws) will have to be put down, without even being able to try to find out what is wrong and help him. It could be the simpliest thing in the world, easy fixable in two weeks. But we might never get the possibility to find out..

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Oh jeez. I can't imagine your frustration and pain at going through that. Perhaps there is something your vet and the specialists can do to help -- different coding for the insurance company, payment plan for you, perhaps some more thinking through the test plan for your sweet doggie .....


Will be keeping you and your dog in my prayers.

Star aka Starz Ovation (Ronco x Oneco Maggie*, litter #48538), Coco aka Low Key (Kiowa Mon Manny x Party Hardy, litter # 59881), and mom in Illinois
We miss Reko Batman (Trouper Zeke x Marque Louisiana), 11/15/95-6/29/06, Rocco the thistledown whippet, 04/29/93-10/14/08, Reko Zema (Mo Kick x Reko Princess), 8/16/98-4/18/10, the most beautiful girl in the whole USA, my good egg Joseph aka Won by a Nose (Oneco Cufflink x Buy Back), 09/22/2003-03/01/2013, and our gentle sweet Gidget (Digitizer, Dodgem by Design x Sobe Mulberry), 1/29/2006-11/22/2014, gone much too soon. Never forgetting CJC's Buckshot, 1/2/07-10/25/10.

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This whole situation really sickens me. I wish your vets would help, after all this is one of their blood donors!!

I wish I could help.

Edited by cbudshome


Missing my little Misty who took a huge piece of my heart with her on 5/2/09, and Ekko, on 6/28/12



:candle For the sick, the lost, and the homeless

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Guest Alexandra_W

I have e-mailed the vet about the fact that the insurance company won't pay, but sent it to late to expect a reply before monday. (Its past midnight friday night here now). But as it is a big university hospital I guess there is little the vet can do.


Code the diagnosis different won't help much. The insurance company will read every single journal from now on, I promise. And won't pay before we have a confirmed diagnosis =/


But maybe if he responds to the meloxicam for the entire two weeks, then that can call it 'undefined pain' or similar, and then even if the insurance company reads the journal notes, it would be stated black och white there that the dog was almost symptom free when on meloxicam so it IS pain. But I doubt the darn insurance company will 'buy it' as they have said that no confirmed diagnosis explaining the behavioural issues - no pay outs.


So the road is pretty closed down except if the hospital feels like working pro bono, and it is like a million to one that it would happen. I think the vet really would WAN'T that - but she is just another employee and cannot make those kinds of decision.


A payment plan won't help, it will make me go bankrupcy to get a 1000$ bill even if it is split in 2, 3 or even 5...


But we'll se what the vet answers my e-mail, and maybe maybe maybe the fact that it is a valued blood donor, who actually have saved several lives with his blood, can make magic happen.


In the meantime I just cry (and thats not often it happens), and try to understund how on earth this could happen with a fully insured dog, with add on insurances and covered from nose to tail, and when I pay terrible amounts of money each year to have that cover, and the first time ever I really NEED it, they fail on me.. I guess Im still in shock..

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Sending more prayers for you and Cannon. :grouphug


Patti-Mommy of Lady Sophia 7-28-92 - 8-3-04... LaceyLaine 8-2-94-12-5-07...

Flash Gordon 7-14-99 - 8-29-09... BrookLynne...Pavé Maria... and 18 Bridge Kids.




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Guest Alexandra_W
What insurance company are you using?


Swedish one, so dunno if it say you guys anything?


My vet answered the e-mailt today. Said she was sorry for the way the insurance company looked at it, and that a neurologist or orthopedic visit would be around 200$ without any tests taken. Nothing else.. =/

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Guest Alexandra_W

He is doing much better on the metacam and today has been a real good day, happy, active and - cheeky. The last is always a good sign ;)

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He is doing much better on the metacam and today has been a real good day, happy, active and - cheeky. The last is always a good sign ;)


Excellent!! You're both always in our thoughts. Many many more good days!!


Missing my little Misty who took a huge piece of my heart with her on 5/2/09, and Ekko, on 6/28/12



:candle For the sick, the lost, and the homeless

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Guest Alexandra_W
Checking in on your handsome boy, how's he doing?


Still doing fine on the metacam. Will call the vet tomorrow and discuss things further.


Atm he is a bit sad though, I have to separate the boys for 24 hours, to measure the other dogs water intake, and Utter lies on the other side of the gate with his legs and nose pushed underneat it, and looks abadoned and heartbroken..

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Guest Alexandra_W

One week on metacam now, and he is almost as good as new. Today he actually tired out my 'puppy' (soon to be eight months) - and THAT is something that takes some effort, so to speak ;)


E-mailed with his vet today, and he has an appt with a orthopedic veterinarian on tuesday the 12th.

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