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It Has Been One Month

Guest EmbersDad

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Guest EmbersDad

sigh....can you believe it has been one month since ember left for the bridge? my heart still aches, but jed and althea are quickly becoming the glue that fixes a broken heart. they are smart dogs, before they started patching, they made sure to stick in there a boatload of memories.



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:grouphug :grouphug


I know how you feel. It's still odd to come home to an empty house... and what am I supposed to do with the extra rice - that little bit of pork gristle? What happened to the muddy feet-print? ... I randomly discover the white Spiff hairs on my clothes - strangely, one appeared on my calendar at work...


It's the little things that remind us how much a part of our lives our hounds had become.


But I have to say, it's a bittersweet - yeah, it's sad, but on the other hand, I have to smile when I think of Spiff, because he was just such a treasure. The sadness I feel now is so totally overwhelmed by all the happiness that he brought me over the years. I imagine you feel the same about Ember too?


:grouphug :grouphug

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It is always hard to believe that time can move on and pass when you've lost someone you love. But soon those heart aches will turn to warm & sweet thoughts of your girl without the pain. You'll always miss her - but Althea and Jed will give you many new days filled with laughter and adventures and moments that you fondly remember the things you did with Ember.


Hobbes - April 2, 1994 to April 9, 2008-----Tasha - May 23, 2000 to March 31, 2013

Fiona - Aug 29, 2001 to May 5, 2014-----Bailey - March 22, 2001 to Jan 20, 2015

Zeke - June 1, 2004 - Jan 26, 2016----Callie - July 14, 2006 to July 27, 2019

Forever in my heart: Chooch, Molly, Dylan & Lucy

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Time moves fast and time moves slow. Next month will be a year since Molly became a star.

I know she and Ember are tossing down little hearts & kisses today from above.


There is an old Gene Pitney song that comes to mind. (showing my age again)


Only love can break a heart only love can mend it again



CAROL & Molleigh (Queen Molly)
My Angel Girl (Slippy's Molly) ~ Thank you for sending me your namesake ~

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I can't believe it's already been one month, Tom...


:grouphug :grouphug :grouphug


Kerry with Lupin in beautiful coastal Maine. Missing Pippin, my best friend and sweet little heart-healer :brokenheart 2013-2023 :brokenheart 
Also missing the best wizard in the world, Merlin, and my sweet 80lb limpet, Sagan, every single day. 

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Tom I too know how you feel, its been a year since Dear died, it's been almost a year since BuyCut died. When they left, it was like the world kept going, but my life stopped. Everyone else kept living, kept going on...but my world seem to just crash. Then I slowly crawled out of the fog & tried to catch up.

The pups left behind have really helped me get through a lot of muck...its funny how the ones who go away, leave that door open so that another can step in & start a new journey with us.


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Time does move slowly and time does indeed move quickly....sometimes minutes seem to go by in agony and then sometimes you look back and think, has it been that long already???


Time has a way of smoothing out the knife's jagged edge that pierces your heart when someone you love so much is taken from you....it still hurts but the blow is a little softer, and more softer over time...


with it, the pain that you feel is gradually softened and more and more you feel the love and the sweet memories of them .... and that is how they would want us to feel about them, not pain or sadness but love, just like we showed them and they gave back mulitplied one hundred times.


the hole in your heart will be healed because it is filled with their love and the love you will always and forever have for them ....and that love will never go away -- it will just only grow as you remember them and as you open your heart to other souls in need.


I think that losing someone you love so much -- makes you appreciate every minute with those you still have -- and will have -- even that much more.


sending hugs to you, Tom :bighug :bighug :bighug

Kim and Bruce - with Rick (Rick Roufus 6/30/16) and missing my sweet greyhound Angels Rainey (LG's Rainey 10/4/2000 - 3/8/2011), Anubis (RJ's Saint Nick 12/25/2001 - 9/12/12) and Zeke (Hey Who Whiz It 4/6/2009 - 7/20/2020) and Larry (PTL Laroach 2/24/2007 - 8/2/2020) -- and Chester (Lab) (8/31/1990 - 5/3/2005), Captain (Schipperke) (10/12/1992 - 6/13/2005) and Remy (GSP) (?/?/1998 - 1/6/2005) at the bridge
"Always do sober what you said you'd do drunk. That will teach you to keep your mouth shut." -- Ernest Hemmingway

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I lost my Max just a year ago. He was an Airedale / wolfhound mix. I cried the whole month of February. On 1 March 08 I opened my home to a new breed of dog I had little knowledge of. That breed was the Greyhound. She has become a very special place in my life. She has changed so much in this first year. I love her so much and I know it will be extremely hard to let her go when her run here on earth is over. I do know we will be together in the end though. For me one chapter of my life ended but, a new beautiful blossom of a flower is unfolding before my eyes. I know for the remainder of my years on this earth I will not live without a Greyhound in my home. I hope your grief is short and your memories of happy times stay strong in your heart forever. Joe & grythound Bea.

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I remember when my mom died (killed instantly in a car crash). I was out to eat with my then, inlaws and everyone in the resturant was chatting and happy. I wanted to scream out. WHAT IS THERE TO BE HAPPY ABOUT? WHAT IS WRONG WITH ALL OF YOU- HOW CAN YOU BE LAUGHING AND TALKING AND HAPPY?


At that time, I had a co-worker who I hardly knew and I said to him. I just can't F'ing believe this and he said (best thing I heard throughout my mourning period) "you will never F'ing believe it, you will just learn to live with it".


And I did.


We all do, somehow in our own way.


Hugs to you Tom.



ROBIN ~ Mom to: Beau Think It Aint, Chloe JC Allthewayhome, Teddy ICU Drunk Sailor, Elsie N Fracine , Ollie RG's Travertine, Ponch A's Jupiter~ Yoshi, Zoobie & Belle, the kitties.

Waiting at the bridge Angel Polli Bohemian Ocean , Rocky, Blue,Sasha & Zoobie & Bobbi

Greyhound Angels Adoption (GAA) The Lexus Project

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Guest greytfulhounds
I remember when my mom died (killed instantly in a car crash). I was out to eat with my then, inlaws and everyone in the resturant was chatting and happy. I wanted to scream out. WHAT IS THERE TO BE HAPPY ABOUT? WHAT IS WRONG WITH ALL OF YOU- HOW CAN YOU BE LAUGHING AND TALKING AND HAPPY?


At that time, I had a co-worker who I hardly knew and I said to him. I just can't F'ing believe this and he said (best thing I heard throughout my mourning period) "you will never F'ing believe it, you will just learn to live with it".


And I did.


We all do, somehow in our own way.


Hugs to you Tom.


I understand exactly what you mean. I have had those same feelings during times of grief........like you are in a vacuum and all of this happiness is swirling around you but you can't seem to get out! And you do learn to live with it but it never goes away. I lost my bestfriend 11 years ago to cancer......43 years old.....I have learned to live with it and smile most times that I remember her. But, just yesterday I was on the phone with a dear friend who I have known since grade school. She called to tell me her aunt had lost her battle with cancer yesterday morning at the age of 56. This aunt & my friend were extremely close......only 10 years apart.......we all new her. My friend was telling me what this last week had been like and she said something that reminded me of Patti's battle with cancer and I just started to sob.......could not stop myself because even though it has been 11 years, in that moment, the memories & grief were so strong it was like yesterday.


Tom, it does get easier & you do learn to smile more but your heart will forever miss your beautiful girl. Make new memories with Althea & Jed and try to put Ember's memories in a place in your heart that you can go to when you need peace & warmth. The love the two of you shared will eventually bring you comfort when you remember.


Hugs to everyone who is missing someone special. :bighug


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Guest HeatherDemps

I understand.... It's been almost 6 months since we said goodbye to Dempsey.... A friend had to put her dog to sleep last week and all the harder memories have become fresh in my mind again. It sucks bad... Most of the time, I can smile and even laugh about some Dempsey stories. Then there are nights when I just sit by myself and cry until I can't cry anymore. There are times when it still stuns me that he truly isn't here with me anymore. There will be other dogs someday, but never another Demps..... I guess this pain we feel is the price we pay for loving them so much....

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Guest EmbersDad
I understand.... It's been almost 6 months since we said goodbye to Dempsey.... A friend had to put her dog to sleep last week and all the harder memories have become fresh in my mind again. It sucks bad... Most of the time, I can smile and even laugh about some Dempsey stories. Then there are nights when I just sit by myself and cry until I can't cry anymore. There are times when it still stuns me that he truly isn't here with me anymore. There will be other dogs someday, but never another Demps..... I guess this pain we feel is the price we pay for loving them so much....



and for that pure pain, i would not have it any other way.

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Guest SoulsMom
I understand.... It's been almost 6 months since we said goodbye to Dempsey.... A friend had to put her dog to sleep last week and all the harder memories have become fresh in my mind again. It sucks bad... Most of the time, I can smile and even laugh about some Dempsey stories. Then there are nights when I just sit by myself and cry until I can't cry anymore. There are times when it still stuns me that he truly isn't here with me anymore. There will be other dogs someday, but never another Demps..... I guess this pain we feel is the price we pay for loving them so much....



and for that pure pain, i would not have it any other way.


:grouphug I can't believe it's already been a month. . . . I'm so glad Jed and Althea are there to help you pick up the pieces.


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