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Mango's Had A Setback

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When my Onyx had his leg amputated the bruising was horrific ... his whole chest, stomach, and leg area were red. He also had some bad moments the morning after the surgery as his temperature went sky-high and we thought we were going to lose him. Is there any chance that Mango's temperature went up? That might possibly explain the dehydration and the kidney values ...


As a side note, when I got him home after one of the chemo sessions, his temperature also went sky high and I used cold towels with ice packs to bring his temperature down. I had to do it at home because he would not have made it to the hospital. The vet and I determined later that it could have been a bad reaction to one of the drugs that used to calm him down ..... Needless to say, we were very careful later with any type of tranquilizers used to keep him calm during treatments

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Hi, everyone,

Thanks for the continued good thoughts. And thanks, Sherry, for posting the midday update for me.


Those healing vibes seem to be working. I went down to see Mango a couple hours ago and she didn't look so dire tonight as she did last night. She sat up and drank a little water for me, and the wonderful techs let me put a quilt that I'd brought from home in her cage. She was using it as a pillow when I left.


Even my untrained eye could see improvement on the bruising, a very little bit, but it was there. She was alert to what was going on around her, even though I didn't get so much as a tail thump in greeting. I figure she's pretty mad at me right about now. ;)


Turns out she's been amusing the staff with her contortions - she apparently likes to lay with her head hanging out of the cage during the day while there are people there. I assured them that was a normal position for her!


Diane, I'll ask tomorrow what they had her on just after surgery. I know they were knowledgeable about the NSAIDs, because they did a blood test anticipatory to extending the round of Rimadyl before we discovered the cancer. But that's not to say that they didn't use it just after surgery. They began weaning her off pain meds Friday evening because they thought it might have had something to do with her not eating. She was fine on Saturday, but they hadn't taken the pressure bandage off yet at that point.


I have had a response from one of Dr Couto's collegues about the chemo, and also about possible side effects from the Amicar, of which they've experienced none. I will pass that info on to my vet.


Guarded optimism is the catch phrase for tonight. I'll talk to Dr D tomorrow and will see when he thinks she might come home now.




I just saw this about Mango! Kate, I am so sorry you are having such scary things happening with her.


Will be sending many healing thoughts her way.


How is Takoda handling her being away?


-her buds in Edom.



Hi, Greytloves,

Takoda is a lot confused right now. He doesn't know where Mango is, but I come home every night smelling of her. He keeps going to the door to the garage, which is where Mango and I left from last week. He's never done that before. Poor guy - I wish I could take him to see her, but my vet doesn't think it would be a good idea.


Takoda and I will just keep hanging on until we can have her back with us again.

Kate, with Nedra and Holly
Missing Greyhound Angels Mango, Takoda, Ruger, Delta, and Shiloh, kitty Angel Hoot, cat-tester extraordinaire, and Rocky, the stray cat who came to stay for a little while and then moved on.
Greyhounds Unlimited

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Awww, Takoda big guy! It's gonna be OK. Mango will be home soon - just hang in there for Mom, OK? Glad to hear about Mango's slow but steady improvement! Sending many, many more prayers for all!

Linda, Mom to Fuzz, Barkley, and the felines Miss Kitty, Simon and Joseph.Waiting at The Bridge: Alex, Josh, Harley, Nikki, Beemer, Anna, Frank, Rachel, my heart & soul, Suze and the best boy ever, Dalton.<p>

:candle ....for all those hounds that are sick, hurt, lost or waiting for their forever homes. SENIORS ROCK :rivethead

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Guarded optimism is okay. And we'll take any improvement--- however small, it's a step in the right direction. Once that starts, I think you'll see her making more progress in her recovery every day. Please let us know how she's doing---and we'll keep the prayers coming!

Nancy, Mom to Evangelina and Kiva
Missing Lacey, Patsy, Buster, my heart dog Nick, Winnie, Pollyanna, Tess, my precious Lydia, Calvin Lee, my angel butterfly Laila, and kitties Lily, Sam and Simon
My Etsy shop: http://www.etsy.com/shop/Catsburgandhoundtown

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Guest vahoundlover
Guarded optimism is okay. And we'll take any improvement--- however small, it's a step in the right direction. Once that starts, I think you'll see her making more progress in her recovery every day. Please let us know how she's doing---and we'll keep the prayers coming!


My thoughts too.

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Diane, I'll ask tomorrow what they had her on just after surgery. I know they were knowledgeable about the NSAIDs, because they did a blood test anticipatory to extending the round of Rimadyl before we discovered the cancer. But that's not to say that they didn't use it just after surgery. They began weaning her off pain meds Friday evening because they thought it might have had something to do with her not eating


I'm glad she is a little better!


So, she was on Rimadyl and perhaps received more NSAIDs at operation time. They can affect the kidneys. Good news is that the kidneys rebound after removing the drug. There is a very good chance they gave her a shot of rimadyl or metacam (shots not good) which could have affected her kidneys.


I don't see how she can go without pain meds. She won't need a lot, but probably some. She may do well on some stomach meds.


Sending more prayers!

Diane & The Senior Gang

Burpdog Biscuits

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Guest greytfulhounds

I got the below e-mail from Kate this afternoon. Although she is working from home, Kate is unable to get on to GT when she is logged into her work system. Kate's boss has her working tonight too on a conversion and she is trying to find time to go visit Mango so until she is able to get on again I thought I would share this update.


Hope, love the pictures of Mango!! :wub:


Just talked to Dr D - she's continuing to improve. BUN's down to 62 today, Creatinine down to 3.7. Still a little ways to normal, but also still coming down. He said they keep laying her down on her good side and she keeps turning over onto her incision side - you would think that would hurt. You don't supposed she's embarassed by her scar, do you? :-) He wants to keep her there for another couple days yet, but to come on down and visit her.


I also sent an email earlier to a Veterinary Cancer group that OSU gave me the name of. One of the oncology vets there is pictured with her own dog that looks an awful lot like a greyhound, but I emailed asking about their experience with the breed, and whether they would be comfortable working with OSU on the chemo. It's still premature, but I figured it wouldn't hurt to start gathering information. And oh, drats - I forgot to ask Dr D if the biopsy was back yet....

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Yeah Mango!!! Keep getting better, your momma needs you home!



~Beth, with a crazy mixed crew of misfits.
~ Forever and Always missing and loving Steak, Carmen, Ivy, Isis, and Madi.
Don't cry because it's ended, Smile because it happened.
Before you judge me, try to keep an open mind, not everyone likes your taste.

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Keep getting better and better sweetie. Sending more prayers and hugs too. :grouphug


Patti-Mommy of Lady Sophia 7-28-92 - 8-3-04... LaceyLaine 8-2-94-12-5-07...

Flash Gordon 7-14-99 - 8-29-09... BrookLynne...Pavé Maria... and 18 Bridge Kids.




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HI, everyone, thanks for your continued prayers, good wishes, and advice. We're still making

baby steps - I wish they were a little better, but I'll take any improvement I can get.


(Thank you, Sherry, for posting updates when I couldn't, and Hope for posting pretty pics of my girl from happier days!)


Blood tests today showed BUN at 49, Creatinine at 3.1. She's still on IV fluids, although she is drinking water on her own as well. If they let her drink too much, she throws it back up, though.


She took a treat from one of the techs today, but didn't eat it. She did take a few licks of canned Science Diet K/D, her normal food at home, but that was all. (I guess I'd better insert here that yes, her kidney values were ever so slightly elevated prior to the surgery - I don't have the original counts - and Dr D was treating that for most of the past year with diet only. They were more than aware of that as we started down this path but now I wonder if that had anything to do with what is happening now.)


The bad news today is that there is a 2"x2" spot of skin along the incision that had gone necrotic. I will post some pics allllll the way at the bottom of this because they are rather gruesome looking. There is drainage from that spot - as you can see on the pics - everytime she gets herself upright. The vets are going to lift that dead skin tomorrow and cut it away, leaving the area open to the air to heal and scar over. (What was that honey that was recommended here for treating scars? Looks like I'm going to need some!) Since the skin is dead, Dr Bowe, Dr Darbro's partner, said they would not anesthetize her to do this - there should be no pain with the removal.


She seems to be comfortable enough - I haven't seen the signs of pain that I'm familiar with - but she also doesn't respond much to me. She was roaching in her cage when I got there tonight, and then one of the techs rolled her over to show me what was going on with the incision. She stayed that way until I left; I stopped on the way out to talk to the techs, within sight of Mango's cage, and when I looked back, she had sat up, ears perked. Not sure whether that meant she was glad I was leaving :rolleyes: or what, but hey, it was a reaction. Better than nothing.


Given the treatment tomorrow for the necrosis, they will keep her through this weekend yet, and we'll reevaluate on Monday. The day-to-day hoping to get her home is killing me, but I understand their desire to keep her there until they are comfortable that she is stabilized.


And, now, for the pictures. Look if you dare...













The usual sight of Mango when I arrive to visit...




You can still see the bruising up at her neck but it's better - it was dark purple earlier this week.


The incision (Dr Bowe said that was actually serum draining from under the skin):



Close up:



Thank you all again for warm wishes and welcomed advice. I wish could get on more often because, as so many have said before me, it is a comfort to know you are all here.



Kate, with Nedra and Holly
Missing Greyhound Angels Mango, Takoda, Ruger, Delta, and Shiloh, kitty Angel Hoot, cat-tester extraordinaire, and Rocky, the stray cat who came to stay for a little while and then moved on.
Greyhounds Unlimited

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Thoughts and prayers to you and Mango. I still remember meeting her (and you and the GUR)


I do, too! That was my first GUR, but you taught me well and I've done a few solo since then. (And still in the x-Box that I've come to love! :P )


Thank you for your prayers.

Kate, with Nedra and Holly
Missing Greyhound Angels Mango, Takoda, Ruger, Delta, and Shiloh, kitty Angel Hoot, cat-tester extraordinaire, and Rocky, the stray cat who came to stay for a little while and then moved on.
Greyhounds Unlimited

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Thanks for the updates. I know we are all eager to know how she is doing. Every little improvement is a step forward. This must be stressing you out tremendously. We can only hope and pray that she continues to take those baby steps towards recovery. I know this is a cliche, but it really does seem to get worse before it gets better, and I'm visualizing you looking back at this as just a small period of time in a much larger scheme of things.

Thanks also for the pictures---before and after. She is beautiful with 4 legs, and she will be beautiful with 3 legs!

Nancy, Mom to Evangelina and Kiva
Missing Lacey, Patsy, Buster, my heart dog Nick, Winnie, Pollyanna, Tess, my precious Lydia, Calvin Lee, my angel butterfly Laila, and kitties Lily, Sam and Simon
My Etsy shop: http://www.etsy.com/shop/Catsburgandhoundtown

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