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Mac Needs Some Help!

Guest tobinhr

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:grouphug :grouphug I would find an Acupuncture Vet and get him in promptly.

Agree with this.......acupuncture helped our old girl Tess who had trouble with her spine. MARVELOUS NEWS Mac is making a good recovery. Give him a hug from us.

Run free our beloved Sir Snowy, Pip, Queenie, Sadie, Tess & Rosie until we meet again......I would rather feel the thorn than to never see the rose

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Guest greydogluvr
:grouphug:grouphug I would find an Acupuncture Vet and get him in promptly.

Agree with this.......acupuncture helped our old girl Tess who had trouble with her spine. MARVELOUS NEWS Mac is making a good recovery. Give him a hug from us.


I third this. Acupuncture is amazing. We have used this for our non-grey who lost hind leg control. It was amazing!!!

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I don't have any experience with the medical challenge but if you need something for the slippery floors we bought the mats pictured below from Lowe's. They weren't too expensive, $17 or $18 for 4, but they might help you get through this if you need an easier surface for him to walk on. They are pretty cushy and have made our tile floors tons easier for King to maneuver. Feel better very soon Mac! Best of luck!



Edited by KingsMom

TNT Star Wars X Oshkosh Enigma King's Pedigree
King's sisters: Oshkosh Updraft, Dazie and forever in our hearts Oshkosh Ultra, Lily (3/7/03-2/18/13)


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Mac keep feeling better and better sweetheart. :grouphug


Patti-Mommy of Lady Sophia 7-28-92 - 8-3-04... LaceyLaine 8-2-94-12-5-07...

Flash Gordon 7-14-99 - 8-29-09... BrookLynne...Pavé Maria... and 18 Bridge Kids.




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Guest BlackandBrindle

Sending Mac lots of prayers and good thoughts :grouphug


I'm so glad he got up to pee, and am hoping for a good morning update too! :grouphug

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Good Morning, Jan!


Was going to call you, but then saw the time marker on your last post here, and didn't want to take a chance on waking you up! ;)


I don't know why I didn't think of it, but Dr. Taylor does acupuncture, too, besides the chiropractics. It was very helpful for my cairn terrier, Roxanne, too! AND...if you want to try the pads that Kingsmom mentioned (with the picture), I have an unopened package of those that you are welcome to borrow if you want to try that route...I think there are 8 or 12 in the package, 24 or 30-inch squares.


My cell phone's on the charger right now, but I should be within earshot...







...sharing the journey with my best friend, Kevin, and our four greyhounds:
Littermates Sweetie* & Spicy (Possible Betsy, Possible Edna),

Moody* (Jr's Moody Man), and Dragon (Kiowa Dragonfire)

*Gone to wait for us at the Rainbow Bridge

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Guest tobinhr

GT'ers rock! Just knowing there are people out cheering Mac on makes me feel so much better.


This morning: Mac got up and walked out the front door on his leash. He walks like a drunken sailor, but it SUCH an improvement from yesterday. No whimpering either. He pulled me around a bit outside before determining where HE wanted to pee.


I fed him half a (big) can of dog food. It tends to run through him so he won't have to strain to poop at all. He resting now and then I'll take him out this afternoon.


I will be calling soon, Lisa!


P.S. My DH came upon Jonno and I sitting in the hot tub. I was soaking my poor, sore body--all that lifting, the nip mark on my face, the bruises on my legs--and said, "You look like hell, sweetheart." I cracked an eye and said, "thanks. I think I've been there." I think he is worried with how unhinged I can become about Mac.


I have NO idea how those of you with pups with chronic illness cope. I'm a wreck. I'm drinking soda by the gallon and inhaling Motrin. If I were a drinking woman, I'd be...waitaminute. Now THAT sounds good! :P


Jan, off to get a marguarita


Mac, snoozing and improving

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Guest BlackandBrindle

So glad he's improving!!!!!!



I always took it for granted that I had happy healthy pups. When I've been forced to deal with illness or injury, my first five minutes I fall apart. :blush

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I'm so glad Mac is doing better. I well know what you mean about falling apart but hey it's what we do - after, right?



Jack, in my heart forever March 1999-Nov 21, 2008 My Dancing Queen Jilly with me always and forever Aug 12, 2003-Oct 15, 2010

Joshy I will love you always Aug 1, 2004-Feb 22,2013 Jonah my sweetheart May 2000 - Jan 2015

" You will never need to be alone again. I promise this. As your dog, I will sing this promise to you, and whisper it to you at night, every night, with my breath." Stanley Coren

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way to go Mac :yay


when Sugar started having her back end problems last year, the steroid shot (pred, I think) got her mobile, shaky, wobbly, staggering, but mobile fairly quickly. I helped her with a sling, but she HATED it. Acupuncture is what really helped long term, and pain meds. Luckily, she was small enough (60 lbs) that I could carry her up and down our three steps if I had too.

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Good wishes to Mac! I would also recommend checking out acupuncture, when Bell's back end gave out earlier this year, it was a lifesaver for her.

Melissa, Penelope (LC's Wild Rose)

Missing sweet Bell (EMK Bolivar Bell). I'll never forget you.

"If you pick up a starving dog and make him prosperous, he will not bite you. This is the principal difference between a dog and a man."

- Mark Twain

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Guest tlterrynva

So glad that Mac is feeling a bit better - :yay We ended up carrying Skim when he hurt his back this past week - he wouldn't do the sling. However, our vet gave us a soft stretcher to carry him because we were carting him back to the vet every day for treatment & observation...it helped us out with getting him around at home too.


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Wow, just seeing this. Sounds a lot like Koda when she was diagnosed with FCE. She was 4 years old and suddenly went down on me after coming in from a pee break out back. She had instant paralysis of her left limbs and could not stand at all. There is no pain associated with FCE so I am not certain that is what you are dealing with but it does sound similar. Koda was treated with acupuncture every 3 days for 2 weeks and miraculously made a full recovery. She started to show signs of improvement after the initial 24 hours and then slowly kept improving more and more. The knuckling of her left hind was the longest to correct...took about 2 months before that corrected 100%. The vet was worried it wouldn't correct...but it did. Glad to hear there are improvements right away in your pupper...that is a very very good and promising sign. :goodluck :goodluck

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Oh, and to add....what i did for Koda with the paralysis:

When my arms got too tired of carrying her myself in/out...2 of us would carry her in/out. I would then sling a blanket under her...spread out wide so that it supported her everywhere rather than all of her weight placed in just one area of her abdomen. Greyhounds are very front heavy so I found I had to support the front more so than the rear. Once she started to walk a bit...very wobbly but walking nonetheless....I would just quietly walk right beside her so that she could lean on my leg. She would often lean while peeing for extra support. I was always close to grab her collar to hold her up too cuz she would just lose her balance and fall over...or fall into the fence.


For in the house, I bought her baby socks....the ones that have grippies on the bottom. I had her wear those when coming in and out for that extra slip support (she had to go through the kitchen to get to the back door)....she needed these for a good month or so afterwards since she was still a bit weak/wobbly. I also placed runner carpet through the kitchen leading to the door. And my back door was down 5 steps so I would carry her up and down the steps but let her walk the rest once she could.

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Guest tobinhr

One of the vets called me this morning at work. He almost positive it's FCE. It seems like, based on the massive amount of improvement Mac has had in the last 24-36 hours that we got him treated before any damage became permanent.


I have a call into a vet that does acupuncture, so I'm hoping he will make as complete a recovery as Koda did. :thumbs-up The baby socks are a great idea.


Now, how do I go about getting back the ten years off my life? :P I was soooooo freaked out!


Mac went out today and peed and pooped. He was strong enough to poop without falling backward and sitting in it. :rolleyes: So he's back on his regular diet.


Whew. I'm still exhausted and I slept all night last night. For the first time in my adult life, I completely missed the time change thing. I forgot about it!




Mac, the stronger

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:yay:yay Way to go Mac!! As for getting the 10 years off your life back? If you figure out how to do that, please do let me know because I sure can relate! Continued prayers for continued good news


Missing my little Misty who took a huge piece of my heart with her on 5/2/09, and Ekko, on 6/28/12



:candle For the sick, the lost, and the homeless

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