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Guest EmilyAnne
thank you very much to anyone of you for such a great welcome.


I wish more people here could love galgos and greyhounds the way they are, but unfortunately every day we get new cases of galgos in so bad conditions. we try our best to make everything we can for them, to let them know what a couch is, how it feels to be loved and live in real homes.


wish more galgos could be re-homed andlive free and happy. About the adoptions in Germany i know a few organizations there working with galgos but it's true by working together we could do more. Many greyhounds travel to France, but i think the quarantine has a lot to do with this matter.


Hey Galgomum, yes i have read and watch about that news, in fact there are a couple of videos on the net about their rescue where you can see police men with greyhounds. These are running on the net and being known worldwide what it's good to know about the galgo's situation here. Unfortunately this is just one case of many others.


In example, i am still in shock, because i few days ago we did hear about a galgo's case, very injured in the neck, he had no skin and all you can see was the neck's muscle. In spite of being a hard image to see, he could've get healed, many other greyhounds in similar circunstaces were. we were moving really fast to find foster homes and adopters, we already had the foster home for that lovely white boy, when we received a call letting us know the vet put him to sleep, we could not believe it he wasn't that bad. Both, the vet and the person that took the dog there, commited a mistake a very big one. and yes, it's sad, but in so many cities and communities galgos are nothing, they do't deserve a chance.


"I am really sorry my good boy, i tried to find you the best place for you. you had a foster family waiting for you, people donating to get you healed very soon, but someone decided you were nothing, you mean nothing, but let me tell you boy you mean everything, our fight is up just because of you and your brothers we'll never give up, we can't do that as long as there are so many people hurting you"


if just so many organizations could stop fighting between them and care about what's really important. When you live in a place where you never stop receiving new cases of abused greyhounds, you get to appreciate so much those people like you that love them so much. seeing your pictures is so nice, seeing their beds or even sleeping in your own beds, being part of the family, etc.


They are sooooooooooooooooooo greyt!!!!! :P

That is very sad. :sad1 I used to work in an animal shelter, and it broke my heart when a dog could not be saved, and there were a few that really found a way in the deepest places of my heart and it saddened me greatly when they were put to sleep. (I was not in charge of who was put to sleep) This was how I coped~ Though I could not adopt them in life here on earth, I still 'adopted' them anyways. I would pray as that dog was in the back room being put to sleep, and tell God that this was indeed my dog and to please put this dog in the special wonderful place with all my other dogs. This way, in heaven, they still have a human here on earth who loves them and is looking forward to seeing them again someday. I had a hard time wording it, as I often do in prayer, but I know God always knows what I mean. My Uncle says when I get to heaven, I will be run over by a stampede of dogs. :lol


Welcome to GT! :colgate


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Guest artur_ganate

Hi James,


a very warm welcome.

I know your website well and I am pleased to meet you here.

I estimate, that about 1000-1200 Galgos are rehomed in germany each year.

There are a lot rescue organizations looking for good owners here, but it's not easy...



Edited by artur_ganate
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Guest greyhidden
:welcome:bounce8:gh_runner:offwall James, I can't say what all the info U gave us about the galgos situations. I commend U on all your efforts to rescue them; just don't stop doing all that loving, and giving, and hoping; Oh, God! I wish I could adopt a grey, but I can't, no money to support them. But welcome to this GreyTalk site, don't stop threading on it. We all enjoy stories GOOD AND BAD about greys. I am from Des Plaines, IL, USA. I got as far as Belgium and the Netherlands in 2002. I meet with some friends in Elmhurst once a month for a MeetNGreet with all their greyhounds. Just being around them, I mean, the 4-leggers, is just enough feeling to leave inside my soul for the day, knowing that they were all rescued and R taken good care of. God bless U, James! Your heart is where God wants it to be. Don't stop.
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Your family is just absolutely beautiful. I have just started getting involved with the Galgos in Spain/G.R.I.N.



ROBIN ~ Mom to: Beau Think It Aint, Chloe JC Allthewayhome, Teddy ICU Drunk Sailor, Elsie N Fracine , Ollie RG's Travertine, Ponch A's Jupiter~ Yoshi, Zoobie & Belle, the kitties.

Waiting at the bridge Angel Polli Bohemian Ocean , Rocky, Blue,Sasha & Zoobie & Bobbi

Greyhound Angels Adoption (GAA) The Lexus Project

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Welcome James,

You have a wonderful family. I loved the pictures and thier stories as well. Your Prince stole my heart! Such a sweet, handsome boy. You are all doing greyt things. Keep up the good work! I have 2 Greys and look forward to the day I can adopt more. Maybe a Galgo one day. Have a Joyous Holiday. :Peace


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  • 4 weeks later...

Hi once again:


Sorry for the delay on reply, too much going on these xmas days hehehehe


Thank you very much for your messages :) it's such a pleasure to enter here, read your messages and share our love for greyts.


Must've been very hard to be working on a shelter, and see there those sweet boys waiting to be adopted very soon not to be put to sleep. It's so sad, really, it breaks my heart to see their eyes and faces in those small kennels. if i had the time, money and space i would take them all.

Sounds crazy maybe, but just if i could afford to buy a small percentage of that about 70% of spanish acres just used for hunting, i could create like a giant agility field for all dogs. but as i told, unfortunately in spain 70% of national territory is reserved for hunting, acres and acres.


So sad

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