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Praise For Cosequin

Guest BLIsStillFlying

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Guest BLIsStillFlying

Has anyone else tried this supplement pill for arthritis? It's simply amazing (at least in my case). Bradley has some pretty bad arthritis, as the adoption agency warned he would have when I got him due to many injuries. I put him on a lower glucosamine pill (the highest I could find at the time) and Deramaxx, but if anyone followed my kidney scare I had to scale back on the painkillers.


I was going to try Glycoflex when I saved up some more money, but then found Cosequin in a local pet store on sale. It's the only one FDA certified for levels of glucosamine, chondrotine and other vitamins and supplements--after around three weeks on it I've been able to scale the painkillers back to an 'as needed' basis and he's back on his marathon walks with his brother again.


Anyone else tried Cosequin? I'd recommend it, but I'm the only story period I've heard using it. Any other arthritis suggestions other than acupuncture (my hound is very...touchy with pokey implements and has little patience for holism due to his upbringing...he has a very radical ideology)?


Kaile (Bradley and Melvin)



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I've been using Cosequin DS for my two for about three years. I wouldn't say it's miraculous, but on the other hand, Renie shows little sign of any joint problems and she'll be ten in December.


Jack is quite arthritic and does need Metacam - and because it does affect his stomach we can only use it three days on and four off, even with acid reducers. So maybe the Cosequin really is helping him to remain mobile. Certainly, he does have little gallops and romps over the fields, though he's rather stiff, and he IS over thirteen now.


Cosequin and Cosequin DS are the same, except DS is for larger dogs.


The plural of anecdote is not data

Brambleberry Greyhounds My Etsy Shop

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Guest BLIsStillFlying

Yeah, I'm using DS made for the big 'uns. I'm hoping the 'miraculous' happenings of Cosequin aren't also because of his love of fall and stoicism to stay out longer (he knows mummy takes him in when he limps). Still, before this he still tried to run in fenced in areas and ended up crying out when he could only trot, so I'm assuming it at least feels much better than that. He looks a lot happier too--he's always had grouch moments, but he was starting to snap at my husband a little more if he was touched while he was sleeping, and he's pretty much stopped doing that altogether.


Another question: how much glucosamine and other joint-healthy supplements can they absorb in one day? I want to maximize the effectiveness by maybe adding others but not give him too much.

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I don't know the numbers of what the maximum they can absorb would be, but I believe Cosequin to be one of the better supplements, so on the basis that the manufacturers would like to sell you as much as possible of their product (naturally!) I would imagine that the top dose they recommend might well be near that maximum.


If you want to maximise your supplements, you might be better to add something different in, like a good quality antioxidant vitamin and omega 3/6/9 oil mix, and maybe something like Green Lipped Mussell - which neither of mine will actually eat, but is supposed to be very good.


The plural of anecdote is not data

Brambleberry Greyhounds My Etsy Shop

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Guest FullMetalFrank

We give glucosamine chondroitin (it's not Cosequin, but another brand that costco sells) and it has worked wonders for Frank, who would cry out in pain when getting up from his bed after a good run. Now he is so much better, no more painful getting up or lying down and his "old age' aches and pains have all but disappeared.

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I started giving my whippet Rickie Cosequin DS (now Flexadin here) in 2004 after partial carpal fusion surgery in one leg, as one of the long term side effects is arthritis. Rickie turned 10 in June, and this fall developed a limp. Had the leg x-rayed, there is arthritis. I like to think the arthritis didn't set in sooner, or worse, because of this supplement.


I have Metacam but worry about it for long term use. Consulted a trusted holistic vet - he recommended Wobenzym and Zeel. They can be used in conjunction with all the other stuff.


So our current protocol is Flexadin, Metacam (I am weaning him down from the standard dose to 1/2 and then 1/3 the amount) and we just started the Wobenzym and Zeel, so it's too soon to say. If he improves sufficiently I will cut out the Metacam altogether for now.

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Yep, Patrick's taken it for 4 years. He needs medicine now (tramadol), but I really think the cosequine helped put it off for several years. He still takes it--our vet says it helps keep his joints from degenerating even further. Patrick currently takes 2 DS capsules a day, one with each meal.

Beth, Petey (8 September 2018- ), and Faith (22 March 2019). Godspeed Patrick (28 April 1999 - 5 August 2012), Murphy (23 June 2004 - 27 July 2013), Leo (1 May 2009 - 27 January 2020), and Henry (10 August 2010 - 7 August 2020), you were loved more than you can know.

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Guest heidihvt

A helpful hint to those that are interested....Cosequin DS is also available @ a variety of drugstores (including online) for humans too. It's under the name Cosamin DS. Same exact ingredients and I use it personally. I'm a runner and it has done wonders for my knee. Nutramax Site


Even more, we no longer carry Cosequin @ our vet hospital and refer pet owners to CVS, Meijer, etc. to purchase the product. It's much cheaper for the client and we don't have to keep it in stock. It's cheaper because it's on the human side of things and with a larger market there's no need to up the price as much. In addition, stores tend to run "deals" (2 for 1 or half off) which makes it even cheaper. So next time you're @ the drugstore see if they carry Cosamin DS and compare the prices, it may be worth the switch.

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I used Cosequin DS with my first girl Scarlett for the last 5 years of her 19.5 years. It did a great job. So great that we took long walks in Central Park, up and down hills and rock formations. I'm not sure if the Cosequin was a miracle, or if Scarlett was a miracle, or maybe both. All I know is that it worked.

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Guest Greensleeves

I'm guessing the human version isn't a tasty chewable. ;)


We've had various luck with various supplements on various dogs in this house--oral glucosamine supplements (of different brands) did nothing for Nelly, who had severe arthritis from a break as a puppy--but she absolutely blossomed on Adequan. Two of her daughters had started to scale back their crazy jumping, and we noticed they were licking joints (shoulders, hips), so our vet checked them out. No arthritis *yet* (they're 7), but he started them on Cosequin DS. The crazies are back, and we're seeing a lot less licking. And still no arthritis!

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Darius was 15.3 and did not show any signs of arthritis, I started him when he was 8 yo. I did use Cosequin for many years, I got a deal once from them since our product is in it :)

"To err is human, to forgive, canine" Audrey, Nova, Cosmo and Holden in NY - Darius and Asia you are both irreplaceable and will be forever in my heart beatinghearts.gif
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