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Update On Trixie

Guest HoustonGreys

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Guest HoustonGreys

DD just called and Trixie is coming home tonight and will be going to our vet in the morning for full body xrays. The evet ruled out a thrown blood clot --- thank the good Lord! --- but at the same time does not know what is wrong. They think possibly a pinched nerve. They said she was obviously in a lot of pain and gave her an injection and are sending her home with an anti-inflammatory and Tramadol. They offered to keep her overnight but DD felt Trixie would be more comfortable at home and DD will be more comfortable with her here. So, it's not all bad :blush but we'll all feel better when we have a diagnosis.


Please continue to keep Trixie in your prayers and I will update as we have news. I could not update the original post --- guess I need to be a GT supporter. :blush I wanted to be sure y'all saw this one but now I can tell you I'll do all the updates in this post since I hate to keep starting new ones --- feel like I'm hogging the board. So I hope you don't mind to scroll along to see what's happening. Thanks again so very much.

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I hope she has a quiet and comfortable night. Much better for her to be home. :heart Sending more prayers... :hope

Jeanne with Remington & Scooter the cat
....and Beloved Bridge Angels Sandee, Shari, Wells, Derby, Phoenix, Jerry Lee and Finnian.....
If tears could build a stairway, and memories a lane, I'd walk right up to heaven
and bring you home again.

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Poor baby. I'm glad she gets to come home.



Jack, in my heart forever March 1999-Nov 21, 2008 My Dancing Queen Jilly with me always and forever Aug 12, 2003-Oct 15, 2010

Joshy I will love you always Aug 1, 2004-Feb 22,2013 Jonah my sweetheart May 2000 - Jan 2015

" You will never need to be alone again. I promise this. As your dog, I will sing this promise to you, and whisper it to you at night, every night, with my breath." Stanley Coren

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I agree...I think that you all will do better with Miss Trixie at home. Sending prayers for a good night and a much improved Trixie in the morning. :grouphug


Patti-Mommy of Lady Sophia 7-28-92 - 8-3-04... LaceyLaine 8-2-94-12-5-07...

Flash Gordon 7-14-99 - 8-29-09... BrookLynne...Pavé Maria... and 18 Bridge Kids.




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Guest greyt2love

I missed what happened because I am in a hotel and my connection was not good yesterdasy so I gave up ! I hope Trixie is better today. I'm sure you are all feeling better with her at home !

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Guest HoustonGreys

Thank you all so very much for the prayers. Trixie was able to sleep last night which was a blessing for her and my daughter. Stacey had her at the vet's before 9:00 AM and he thinks it's either a pinched nerve in the neck or a pinched disc in the vertebrae.

They kept her for xrays as they are going to have to sedate her to get her neck in the position they need. He may not get to the xrays before noon (surgery time) and will call when Stacey can pick her up. Stacey didn't ask what the protocol for treatment is for either of those two problems and I suppose it's best to wait and see what we're dealing with. I would appreciate continued prayers until we have a diagnosis and treatment plan. Of course, then I'll be asking for prayers until she's completely healed. :blush



edited to do spell check :colgate

Edited by HoustonGreys
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For sure...more prayers for the pretty little girl. :grouphug


Patti-Mommy of Lady Sophia 7-28-92 - 8-3-04... LaceyLaine 8-2-94-12-5-07...

Flash Gordon 7-14-99 - 8-29-09... BrookLynne...Pavé Maria... and 18 Bridge Kids.




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Lots of good thoughts going to Trixie. We are all hoping she'll be on the mend soon.


Hobbes - April 2, 1994 to April 9, 2008-----Tasha - May 23, 2000 to March 31, 2013

Fiona - Aug 29, 2001 to May 5, 2014-----Bailey - March 22, 2001 to Jan 20, 2015

Zeke - June 1, 2004 - Jan 26, 2016----Callie - July 14, 2006 to July 27, 2019

Forever in my heart: Chooch, Molly, Dylan & Lucy

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Lots of prayers coming from here. I'm so glad they were able to get a good night's sleep. Hoping for good news later today! Also praying that Ike decides to miss you all!



Edited by cbudshome


Missing my little Misty who took a huge piece of my heart with her on 5/2/09, and Ekko, on 6/28/12



:candle For the sick, the lost, and the homeless

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Guest HoustonGreys

*****UPDATE Wednesday, 1:00 PM


The vet just called --- he had sent the xrays to a radiologist to read and the news is not too bad. Trixie does have a narrowing between C5 and C6 and her spine is out of line. He does not feel any surgery is necessary at this point because she has not lost any neurological function. She will be on muscle relaxers and start Cortisone Saturday. This will be something we'll continue to watch.

Thank you all again for the prayers and good thoughts. Stacey will pick her up at 3:00. So Trixie can be removed from the "critical prayer list" and we can concentrate on the others on the list --- there seem to always be too many, poor babies. If things go sour for her I'll be asking to be put back on the list.



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:yay:yay Good to hear that the news isin't too bad Jackie. I bet her brother will be glad to have her home. Maybe think about acupuncture. That helped Tanner quite a bit.We'll keep Trixie in our prayers!!


Missing my little Misty who took a huge piece of my heart with her on 5/2/09, and Ekko, on 6/28/12



:candle For the sick, the lost, and the homeless

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Guest HoustonGreys

Thanks for the suggestion of acupucture. I'm going to mention it to Stacey. She and I have a total different opinion on what's going on --- I'm beginning to think I'm in denial of the real situation.


I thought: This is just a flair up and will be treated and she'll be OK. The narrowing could've been a birth defect, not necessarily something that's new and only time will tell.


She thinks: This is the beginnine of worse things to come and how long can we keep her comfortable.


What do y'all think? I don't think she asked enough questions and she didn't even find out if surgery could correct it.


Straighten me out, please!

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