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Foster Dog Licking Herself Raw-- Help Please

Guest LolaNLucy

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Guest Dillymom


A week ago today she woke up and had a spot on her leg that she had licked the fur off during the night. I spend 10-15 minutes each night snuggling with each dog and going over them so I know for certain that there was nothing on her leg the night before. And she sleeps in my room with the door closed and there is nothing in my room that she could get into. So Sunday I noticed this spot on her leg and I cleaned it and put antibiotic ointment on it and wrapped it up. I kept her from licking by putting a long sleeve tshirt on her.


As the week wore on the spot was showing no sign of improvement so I called the adoption agency. They had me take her to a vet they use yesterday. The vet couldn't figure out what's causing her to lick and put her on an antihystimine and a topical steriod. She told me to continue keeping it wrapped, clean and dry as I have been doing.


So this morning I went to change her bandage and it's worse than before. First off the smell is awful- it smells like something rotting and secondly the top layer of skin is coming off and there is a vein that is now exposed.


I'm putting some pics in here- I can't get them any clearer b/c my camera sucks. Sorry


Any ideas of what this is? Or what else I can do? I feel so bad for this dog.





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Guest ChasesMum

I'd be taking her back to the vet or see if there is a derm close by, but poor baby! YOWZA!


What about a food allergy? What about putting her on a novel protein food, lamb and rice or fish and potato or something, see if it helps at all?



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Guest Greytminds

If you have your own vet I would try that first. It could be an allergy. Change of diet, Have you bathed the dog or there bedding recently. Open wounds should have creme on it but should also be open to the air as well.Try wrapping at night and airing during the day. Dont have the wrap to tight.


There is also a spcial honey found in health food stores and Whole Foods the name escapes me but it has healing properties in it. There was a special on the discovery channel about it. If I can remeber the name I'll post later.



Good Luck hope it heals real soon.



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Somewhere that honey is mentioned in a thread. I think it may be in the Ranch thread(EE) but I'm not sure.

Edited by cbudshome


Missing my little Misty who took a huge piece of my heart with her on 5/2/09, and Ekko, on 6/28/12



:candle For the sick, the lost, and the homeless

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I agree with the above posters but want to add, if it smells like something rotting and is worse she should also be on an antibiotic. I would get her to another vet, preferably a dermatologist, but if none are available then how about your own vet.

Greyhound angels at the bridge- Casey, Charlie, Maggie, Molly, Renie, Lucy & Teddy. Beagle angels Peanut and Charlie. And to all the 4 legged Bridge souls who have touched my heart, thank you. When a greyhound looks into you eyes it seems they touch your very soul.

"A dog is the only thing on earth that loves you more then he loves himself". Josh Billings


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Guest Dillymom

I asked if it could be an allergy and the vet said it didn't look like one but I will give her boiled chicken and rice tonight. And she said there was no sign of an infection but I asked her for an antibiotic prescription anyway. I didn't fill that yet but will today and start her on it.


I'll look into that honey. I have the bandages off right now and just have her wearing a tshirt to keep her from licking at it.


My vet isn't open today so I'll call them tomorrow and see if I can get her in. The adoption agency wants me to stick with their vets b/c they get the exams at a discount. But after a day on the medications they prescribed this looks worse than before and the smell is terrible. I feel awful for this poor pup

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I agree their is def. something wrong I would get her to another vet and get her on a antibotic right away. You don't want that to get worse it could get really bad. We will be praying for her.

Darlene Mom to: Aladdin, Sophie ,Pongo, Jasmine, Relic Forever in our Hearts Champ at the Rainbow Bridge.

Let a greyhound race into your heart Adopt

Bay Area Greyhound Adoptions INC. Naples/ Fort Myers Chapter

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I would keep it unwrapped when you can watch her and she's not outside (so it can't get dirty). Having access to air will really help with healing.


We had a similar issue with Mayhem when we first got him (unknown what caused it). The vet gave us antibiotics and recommended epsom salt soaks/compresses twice daily. We did compresses because it was around his "elbow" joint so we couldn't dip it into a bucket. But if it's lower on her leg then soaking may be an option. I would put a folded up towel under his leg, put the cloth soaked in epsom solution on top, and give him belly rubs to keep him still. :)


We had to resort to using the elizabethan collar as Mayhem would keep removing bandages and re-opening the wound. BTW, while it was still fresh and oozing we laid towels/sheets on the dog beds to keep them from getting too messy.

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Guest Dillymom

I'm going to go up to the grocery store and get the prescription filled and get some epsom salts. It's just below the joint so soaking isn't an option either but I will soak some towels and put them on there.

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Guest DorasMom

I'm assuming that she has been spayed recently? I've seen this quite a few times in dogs that have been recently vetted. It's always the same place, front paw. This is the spot where the injection is given to put them to sleep for their vetting. Between my group and my vet we have come to the conclusion that some dogs find it a bit more bothersome when they wake then others. If any of the fluid seeps out during the shot it burns a bit and they pick at it.

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If they placed in IV catheter then that can be your culprit. It's not from the cath itself but, the itching is caused by the hair growing back. It's EXTREMELY common but, you need to stop the licking so it can heal.

I would leave it uncovered so the air can get at it and place a longsleeved tee shrit on her to stop the licking. You might even have to resort to an e-collar for a few days.

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I can't really tell by the picture, but I'm wondering if she doesn't have some necrotic (dead) tissue there-the black area. That might account for the bad smell. If she does, she may need to get it debrided so that the healthy tissue can grow back. I think she needs a second opinion for sure.........ASAP.

Carol-Glendale, AZ

Trolley (Figsiza Trollyn)

Nevada 1992-2008...always in my heart

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I can't really tell by the picture, but I'm wondering if she doesn't have some necrotic (dead) tissue there-the black area. That might account for the bad smell. If she does, she may need to get it debrided so that the healthy tissue can grow back. I think she needs a second opinion for sure.........ASAP.


My thoughts, too. If there is black dead tissue, I think it would be worth giving the E vet a call now. You can't play with that stuff, if that's what it is things can go south FAST.

Sunsands Doodles: Doodles aka Claire, Bella Run Softly: Softy aka Bowie (the Diamond Dog)

Missing my beautiful boy Sunsands Carl 2.25.2003 - 4.1.2014

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Looks like from the anaesthetic catheter.

Long sleeve teeshirt and taped/poop cup on her muzzle. Whenever she's not eating, she's wearing the muzzle.


Keep a good antibacterial ointment on it (2x daily) and use water therapy (syringe clean cool water on it before you apply ointment).


As long as she can't get to it, she won't make it worse. It'll heal faster if you do this now than if you leave it. I've seen them go right to the bone if left unchecked. <Blech>

Edited by Jiffer

Jennifer and Beamish (an unnamed Irish-born Racer) DOB: October 30, 2011


Forever and always missing my "Vowels", Icarus, Atlas, Orion, Uber, and Miss Echo, and Mojito.

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I'm assuming that she has been spayed recently? I've seen this quite a few times in dogs that have been recently vetted. It's always the same place, front paw. This is the spot where the injection is given to put them to sleep for their vetting. Between my group and my vet we have come to the conclusion that some dogs find it a bit more bothersome when they wake then others. If any of the fluid seeps out during the shot it burns a bit and they pick at it.

That's interesting - Mayhem was neutered only a couple of days before we got him, and the leg wound appeared within a week after that. You may have just solved our mystery!

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Guest Dillymom

How do I keep the muzzel on her?? She is like Houdini with this thing and is out of it in 2 seconds flat. She takes her head and rubs it on the floor until she gets it off.


I've got her antibiotic and we did an epsom soak. She's having the antibiotic with her dinner right now.

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How do I keep the muzzel on her?? She is like Houdini with this thing and is out of it in 2 seconds flat. She takes her head and rubs it on the floor until she gets it off.


I've got her antibiotic and we did an epsom soak. She's having the antibiotic with her dinner right now.

I'm glad you got the antibiotic, sounds like it's needed.Be careful if you muzzle because the muzzle can do damage to an open wound like that.Poor little girl, that must hurt and be uncomfortable. Please keep us posted and a big hug to Lola from her friends here in the desert


Missing my little Misty who took a huge piece of my heart with her on 5/2/09, and Ekko, on 6/28/12



:candle For the sick, the lost, and the homeless

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Guest Dillymom
I'm glad you got the antibiotic, sounds like it's needed.Be careful if you muzzle because the muzzle can do damage to an open wound like that.Poor little girl, that must hurt and be uncomfortable. Please keep us posted and a big hug to Lola from her friends here in the desert



This is our foster dog Kiss not Lola that's having this problem.


I feel really horrible for this but the only way I can get the muzzle to stay on is a little piece of tape on the strap. It's medical tape so it's not super sticky and comes off her fur pretty easy. I'm keeping an eye on her and she seems to have given up the battle of getting the muzzle off and trying to lick herself. She's laying on a bed giving me a major stink eye and looking really pathetic.



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I'm glad you got the antibiotic, sounds like it's needed.Be careful if you muzzle because the muzzle can do damage to an open wound like that.Poor little girl, that must hurt and be uncomfortable. Please keep us posted and a big hug to Lola from her friends here in the desert



This is our foster dog Kiss not Lola that's having this problem.


I feel really horrible for this but the only way I can get the muzzle to stay on is a little piece of tape on the strap. It's medical tape so it's not super sticky and comes off her fur pretty easy. I'm keeping an eye on her and she seems to have given up the battle of getting the muzzle off and trying to lick herself. She's laying on a bed giving me a major stink eye and looking really pathetic.

I knew it was your foster, I just couldn't resisit sending Lola a hug. :colgate


Missing my little Misty who took a huge piece of my heart with her on 5/2/09, and Ekko, on 6/28/12



:candle For the sick, the lost, and the homeless

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