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Liver Problem?

Guest RooBabies

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Guest RooBabies

I'm freaking out right now because Ronnie has been peeing dark orange for 3 days now. He also can't hold it at night and has accidents. I took him to the vet yesterday and they ran some tests that told us nothing and then sent lab work out that should be back today. The vet told me that it's probably his liver and I should "be prepared for this to be very serious and expensive."

What does that mean? :unsure

I'm so scared that whatever is wrong I won't have the money to fix it.

My DH called her and asked her what she meant and she just said that she can't say till the tests come back. He doesn't like her and thinks we should seek a second opinion.

Ronnie is 8 yrs old and I'm just really worried that this is serious. Has anyone had this happen?

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I agree with the second opinion. Even dealing with Bonnie's lymphoma and chemo, our vet didn't say anything like what you've mentioned. I think that's terrible. Ask for copies of the results so you can have some control over the situation if you do seek another opinion.


Also, don't forget about Dr. Couto at OSU. He is available for consults and will work with other vets in your area to figure out a plan. If it is something serious, I would email with Dr. Couto right away.


Good luck. I know about the waiting game. I'm playing that one right now too. :( Let us know what you find out. :goodluck


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Sending my many prayers. Please contact Dr. Couto. :grouphug


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Guest RooBabies

Who is Dr. Couto? How can I contact him.

I've been reading about the sam-E but I don't know where I can get that around here. Also I'm going to try the cranberry thing.

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Dr. Couto is a top-notch vet at Ohio State University who specializes in retired racing greyhounds. He is amazing. You could email him with Ronnie's symptoms and lab results to see what he says. This is done at no charge. Also, it's sometimes possible to get medications at no charge, but I don't know the specifics about that.


The email is couto.1@osu.edu and the program website is http://vet.osu.edu/1872.htm


Let us know what you find out.

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My guy used to have pretty dark orange urine, and it was just really concentrated. My vet just told me to encourage him to drink more water. He's completely fine. PLEASE try not to freak out before the tests come back! But if you don't like your vet, you should look for someone else. It's so important to have someone you can trust and talk to.


Susan,  Hamish,  Mister Bigglesworth and Nikita Stanislav. Missing Ming, George, and Buck

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has Ronnie been on any medications lately...ones that list liver problems as a side effect? you could start giving him milk thistle every day...it helps the liver. you can generally buy it anywhere they sell vitamins. :hope :hope



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Guest boondog

Has he been under any extreme stress lately? The last time we had to leave Boon at the vet's office, he became so crazed that it actually elevated his bilirubin level. It looked like he was peeing iced tea for a couple of days. All we could attribute it too was his extreme agitation.

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Guest RooBabies

The results are in:

These are the things that are elevated


Bilirubin is .9 should be .1-.3

AST (SGOT) is 72 should be 15-66

GGTP is 13 should be 1-12



Proteins are high (1+)

blood 3+

WBC 4-10

RBC 4-10


She wants to do more tests but she was very mean about it when I asked about cost. I'm calling my old vet (he's an hour away but worth it) and I'm e-mailing Dr. Couto.


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Guest myjazzy

I have dealt with liver issues. The results are elevated but not horribly so. She will probably want to do a bile acid test, which will give a better idea of the liver function. But, if you're not comfotable with this vet I would get a second opinion. If he indeed has liver issues, you want to have a good relationship with your vet and be able to trust what they are telling you.


The bile acid test is not too expensive. Where it starts to get expensive is if that test shows a problem with the liver function, because then, they will have to do other tests to try to zero in on the problem, like a sonogram. If they can't find anything then, they may want to do a liver biopsy and that is expensive. But I would not panic yet. Do get the bile acid test and go from there.

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Guest KennelMom
I have dealt with liver issues. The results are elevated but not horribly so. She will probably want to do a bile acid test, which will give a better idea of the liver function. But, if you're not comfotable with this vet I would get a second opinion. If he indeed has liver issues, you want to have a good relationship with your vet and be able to trust what they are telling you.


The bile acid test is not too expensive. Where it starts to get expensive is if that test shows a problem with the liver function, because then, they will have to do other tests to try to zero in on the problem, like a sonogram. If they can't find anything then, they may want to do a liver biopsy and that is expensive. But I would not panic yet. Do get the bile acid test and go from there.


:nod From my experience with elevated liver values on a blood test, this is how we proceeded. We eventually did get a sonogram that was inconclusive (and expensive!) but declined the liver biopsy (the specialist agreed with that decision) b/c the results would not have changed our course of action: supportive care. Whatever it was resolved on it's own (he was on SamE. milk thistle, some other prescription meds and special liver-friendly food -which he hated- for a while) and Caesar lived without any liver problems for quite a while after.



Another pup of ours had slightly elevated liver values on a routine blood test, we did the bile acid test and it came back within normal limits.


I know it's hard, but try not to freak out yet. I'd be worried about a vet not talking to me about the test results they do have and just, basically, scaring the crap out of me by witholding information. What does "be prepared for something serious and expensive" do other than frighten a dog owner???? Personally, I'd be looking for another vet on that reason alone.

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Guest RooBabies

Well we have an appointment to see a different vet tomorrow night. They told me to continue the antibiotic that the other one gave us and bring in the lab work and we'll go from there. My DH basiclly told the old vet that he was sick of her making me cry and not giving us any answers. In the meantime thanks for all the advice, I at least know there are things I can do to help besides sit here and cry.

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One of my greys had elevated liver blood work and we put him on milk thistle. The next round of blood work was within normal limits. I got the Milk Thistle from The Vitamin Shoppe, not on-line. It came in capsule form and he took it with his customary dab of peanut butter without problems. Thinking of you!


Cindy with Miss Fancypants, Paris Bueller, Zeke, and Angus 
Dante (Dg's Boyd), Zoe (In a While), Brady (Devilish Effect), Goose (BG Shotgun), Maverick (BG ShoMe), Maggie (All Trades Jax), Sherman (LNB Herman Bad) and Indy (BYB whippet) forever in my heart
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Guest ProudGreyMom
Well we have an appointment to see a different vet tomorrow night. They told me to continue the antibiotic that the other one gave us and bring in the lab work and we'll go from there. My DH basiclly told the old vet that he was sick of her making me cry and not giving us any answers. In the meantime thanks for all the advice, I at least know there are things I can do to help besides sit here and cry.



Good luck with the new doctor -- let me know how it goes. At least he knows greys and owns one too!

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Guest paulamariez

I will keep your precious Ronnie in my prayers for a quick and complete healing. Tiger, Bueller and Domino are sending Ronnie some get well doggie kisses too!

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Sending lots of prayers and good thoughts for Ronnie and you. Please do find a vet that treats your dog in the best way possible, and you with kindness and respect.


My vet was formerly a trader so while he doesn't do the "warm and cuddly" bedside manner thing down, he always makes it clear that he will do what is best for the animal and he is truthful and straightforward. There is a big difference between blunt and rude. Your vet sounds rude. You and Ronnie deserve better.

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I am very sorry but I agree I would also change vets, we will be praying and we are sending lots of white light. :hope:hope:hope:candle

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Guest RooBabies

We're back from the vet and things look good! Ronnie has a serious UTI but has been given some pretty big antibiotics for it and it should clear up. She doesn't think the levels are indicating a serious liver problem and it's probably all due to the infection. She thinks we should do 3 weeks of antibiotics, check his urine and see if everything has gone back to normal. She said other than that he is a healthy boy!

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Thank goodness! All fingers crossed that the antibiotics will fix him up 100%.

Star aka Starz Ovation (Ronco x Oneco Maggie*, litter #48538), Coco aka Low Key (Kiowa Mon Manny x Party Hardy, litter # 59881), and mom in Illinois
We miss Reko Batman (Trouper Zeke x Marque Louisiana), 11/15/95-6/29/06, Rocco the thistledown whippet, 04/29/93-10/14/08, Reko Zema (Mo Kick x Reko Princess), 8/16/98-4/18/10, the most beautiful girl in the whole USA, my good egg Joseph aka Won by a Nose (Oneco Cufflink x Buy Back), 09/22/2003-03/01/2013, and our gentle sweet Gidget (Digitizer, Dodgem by Design x Sobe Mulberry), 1/29/2006-11/22/2014, gone much too soon. Never forgetting CJC's Buckshot, 1/2/07-10/25/10.

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