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Looking For Good Thoughts

Guest greytloves

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Guest greytloves

I am having major anxiety right now. So bad that I have given myself charley horses and spent most of the night holding my boy and crying.


Please send me some good thoughts.


Twice now I have seen my precious 4 year old boy lift his back leg while standing. Nothing else, no signs of trauma, no cuts, bruises, nothing. Last time this happened my darling girl was diagnosed with OS. I KNOW that I HAVE to and I will get his full leg x rayed. But Dog help me if its OS. I don't know if I can deal with that again. Am I freakin' out? Could it be a simple oowie? Sure, but at this point the anxiety of the what if is about to make me break.


Please start a chant that it is nothing.



sign me as tearfully trying to manage payroll at work.

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Guest argolola

I will pray for your sweet boy. It's hard not to be anxious, I know.


My girl had some problems and I was so afraid of what it could be. It was her tender greyhound feet being irritated by rough ground, pavement, etc. We put some baby socks on her and it helped.

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Guest greytloves



My vet can do the full leg x ray for me on Monday. Now I just have to try and not stress until then. They said they would call me on friday if they could squeeze him in. I told them I would be at their mercy.


(crap, I've had to edit my typing who knows how many times, which is unlike me. I hope Payroll is not entirely screwed up this week)

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Guest mdituro

Kathy -


Will send TONS of good thoughts & prayers your way!! Just the thought of OS makes me cringe, too. My CRF boy limps from time to time - as it turns out, he also has a compressed disc in his neck that seems to pinch the nerves in his shoulder. The last time he limped, I had him X-rayed from nose to tail as I had just gone with a friend to help one of her girls to the Bridge (due to OS). I remember that sick feeling in my stomach thinking it might be OS (until I found out otherwise) so I have some idea how you are feeling. Orley & I were fortunate - it was just his neck acting up again - so here's your chant:



:hope :hope :hope


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:hope:hope It's NOTHING...It's NOTHING..Prayers for you and your boy. I've had no experience with osteo at all, but I have to admit, since being on GT, everytime one of the dogs favor a leg, my heart skips a beat. How could it not? Hoping your vet cab get you in Friday so you don't have to wait any longer than tht


Missing my little Misty who took a huge piece of my heart with her on 5/2/09, and Ekko, on 6/28/12



:candle For the sick, the lost, and the homeless

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Praying and chanting and fingers...toes and paws are crossed here. :grouphug


Patti-Mommy of Lady Sophia 7-28-92 - 8-3-04... LaceyLaine 8-2-94-12-5-07...

Flash Gordon 7-14-99 - 8-29-09... BrookLynne...Pavé Maria... and 18 Bridge Kids.




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Guest FrostyBottoms
Sending prayers your way! It could be so many things. Don't panic yet :) Mizzy holds her leg up now and then (the one where the hock was broken). Maybe he had an injury at the track you are not aware of.



This happens to both of mine too....Vinny his front right (where his break was) and Frosty's back right. Sometimes they just hit it funny....praying for just hit it funny :hope :hope :hope

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Guest greytloves

I think I may just go home early. I so cannot focus.


I think what is freaking me out is how it MIRRORS what my Jospheine did. She was fine and acted fine, but every now and again would lift her back leg up. And its the same leg. I keep telling myself to stop reliving that, it is probably nothing. But then that UGLY "What if" head rears up.


I sense a glass of wine and some time alone is coming my way.

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Guest Smiley
:grouphug:grouphug:grouphug Big deep breaths . . . you will get through this no matter what, but sending many prayers and good thoughts that this is absolutely nothing!
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Good for you, getting that appointment set up. Better to find out (that it's nothing! :) ) than to keep eating your self up with anxiety (about nothing! ;) )!


So, a chant then! *Stepped on it wrong, that's all. Let's run around like fools, now, Mom!! :bounce: Stepped on it wrong, that's all. Let's run around like fools, now, Mom!! :bounce: Stepped on it wrong, that's all. Let's run around like fools, now, Mom!! :bounce: *


My Inspirations: Grey Pogo, borzoi Katie, Meep the cat, AND MY BELOVED DH!!!
Missing Rowdy, Coco, Brilly, Happy and Wabi.

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Guest greytloves

normally, I am not one to jump on the panic bandwagon, but I am afraid that it stopped and waited for me to jump on. He is my heart dog, for sure. I thought once Jo passed I would not have another one, but he stepped into the spot.


I have to take deep breaths and keep saying that its just a owie, that he just stepped on it wrong.




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