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Tara Potter--strange Behavior-pain?

Guest TarasMom

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Guest TarasMom

I haven't been on here in sometime mostly due to the fact that Tara got so well and has been doing great and life got busy...no excuse but that's just the truth. However I am back at 1 am cause I need help yet again...here is the email I just composed...


Ladies I am emailing you at 12:55am because I don't know what to do. Tara has been doing great. However, today at lunch my husband came home and said when he let her out she ate a lot of grass, (she does this every now and then, usually no big deal). I got home about 3:30 and she seemed fine. Let her out and she went and laid down in the sun for a bit before peeing. Then three different times this eve when laying in the living room she moved around and let out a sudden wine/yelp sound then nothing else. Tonight about 10 she started acting like she was having a hard time moving around and would stand up and just stand like a statue. She tried to shake her head and didn't do it like normal, just a little side to side movement. She did eat a full bowl this eve too. Gagged up a bit of food (like normal) but left it on the floor didn't finish it (like she usually does). She is uncomfortable as she continues to try to lay down and acts like it hurts her, then she sits up and just freezes then she finally get up and move to a different spot and with a lot of effort lay down there. I am totally at a loss and worried. I've never seen this before and don't know what to do for her. I did get her to drink a bit earlier.


Thank you for any help,

Heather & Tara Potter

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My first thought is bloat and get her to the evet immediately.

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Guest longdogs

It is very hard to say what is wrong from your description. It does sound like she has pain somewhere and needs to be checked by a vet. It doesn't sound like bloat to me but if you have any concerns that it might be - if she is standing uncomfortably, is hunched up, attempting to vomit every few minutes or has a swollen and tender stomach - then see a vet ASAP because it needs immediate treatment.

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I think I'd be wondering about neck or back pain.


When a relationship of love is disrupted, the relationship does not cease. The love continues; therefore, the relationship continues. The work of grief is to reconcile and redeem life to a different love relationship. ~ W Scott Lineberry

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Guest TarasMom

Okay so I just managed to sleep for almost 2 hours...so exhausted. I woke up to her little screeches. I went to pet her on the head and she yelpped more. I am just at a loss on this one and am sick to my stomach over not knowning what is wrong or what to do for her...guess I'll be calling the vet in a few hours.

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My first thought is bloat and get her to the evet immediately.

mine, also. i agree that she should be taken to the evet.

Xavi the galgo and Peter the cat. Missing Iker the galgo ?-Feb.9/19, Treasure (USS Treasure) April 12/01-May 6/13, Phoenix (Hallo Top Son) Dec.14/99-June 4/11 and Loca (Reko Swahili) Oct.9/95 - June 1/09, Allen the boss cat, died late November, 2021, age 19.

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Guest mdituro

Vet ASAP would be my recommendation, too. Could be anything from a painful blockage, to bloat, to a rupture or even hemorrhage. Could even be Cardiac related. Who knows?


Please keep us posted & let us know how she's doing - in the mean time I'll be saying some prayers for you & her! :hope :hope :hope

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Guest mdituro

I'm hoping that no news is good news but the silence is deafening & I just have to ask what's happening. I've been saying prayers for Tara & you - I'm hoping they're working. :hope :hope :hope

Please tell us there is good news about this girl.

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Guest adoptagreyhound

The symptoms you describe sound exactly like our Sandy's when she sprained her neck racing with Ani. We took her to the vet the next morning and they gave her something for pain and said not to let her run for several weeks at least. She finally got better on her own but she was extremely uncomfortable. This sounds more like spine pain than tummy pain but you certainly can't rule out some sort of digestive distress. Some of the symptoms sound sort of like when Sandy has a tummy upset.


I'm assuming by now you've been to the vet. I will keep watching this thread and will also be praying for a very good report! Let this be something easy to fix or something that works itself out in a day or two. Please let us know what's happening.

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Sending prayers and hoping for an update. :grouphug


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Guest TarasMom

Sorry for the delayed post. I have been totally exhuasted to say the least. When I had to go out yesterday, Tom stayed home with her as we really didn't want to leave her alone if possible. She's is improving, slowly. We have given her 1 325mg of Ascriptin no less than 14 hours apart. She has "cried" a lot less and moves more than before. She is still peeing and pooping nicely. I did hand feed her two pieces of her dog food at a time yesterday eve and she ate about a cup and a 3/4. The one range of motion she still will not use is to lay on her tummy with legs straight out in front and her head all the way down on to the carpet between her front paws. She can't/won't put her head all the way down to the floor standing either...like if she drops her treat she just stands there until we pick it up for her and give it to her again. She went on the leash with me yesterdayeve to get the mail, slower than normal but overall really good. We are praying for it to all go away quickly! We are so sure that it has to be a neck sprain of some kind due to all the facts of us being with her so much Friday throughout the day/eve and knowing from the point that it started and how she left food gagged up on the floor and has never done that before. She always picks up the food she gags and eats it right away, but not that time. And when she eats too fast and gags up food it's a MAJOR gagging effort for her. I am going to start put less amounts of food into her bowl to see if that helps with the eating too fast thing...we used to wet her food when we first got her but she doesn't eat on a very set schedule so then sometimes the food would get yucky and we would have to throw a lot out. whew...anyway, I am watching her and so far this afternoon her only yelp has been when she went to shake her head from side to side. Thanks for all the support, prayers and advice. We will be going to a new vet whenever our next vet visit is...got his info yesterday from GALT.

I will keep you wonderful people updated. I am going through a lot health wise personally so this has all just added to the stress this weekend. Sorry for the late update.

much thanks,

Heather & Tara

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Guest RavenRacersMom

My Raven once acted this way. She would not "shake" her body. She would just sort of turn her head side to side. She would stumble sometimes...cried when you tried to move her head or move it down. Turned out to be a middle ear problem. They thought she had a stroke because her equilibrium was all off and she could not stand. After being on an IV, an x-ray and some heavy antibiotics, she was OK. My prayers are with you. Please keep us updated.

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