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Cannon's Surgery This Morning

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Sending best wishes to Cannon and his worried Mummy :grouphug

Deerhounds Darcy, Duffy, Grace & Wellington, Mutts Sprout & Buddy, Lurchers Ned & Jake plus Ella the Westie + cats. Remembering Del, Jessie, Maddison, Flo, Sally, Stanley, Wallace, Radar, Mokka, Oki cat, Tetley, Poppy & Striker.


Please visit our web store at http://www.dogsndubs.com for our own range of Greyhound related clothing for humans!

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Drake - Fortified Power x Cajun Oriel

Janney - Ronco x Sol Happy

Waiting at the bridge: Sirocco - (Reko Sirocco) - Trojan Episode x Reko Princess; Nikki - (MPS Sharai) - Devilish Episode x MPS Daisy Queen;
Yukon - (Yak Back) - Epic Prince x Barts Cinnamon

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Tania's update from 10:30 last night:


"I went to see Cannon right after work. What can I tell you, except my boy was out of it and he looks so strange without his beautiful white leg. Dr G gave me a few moments alone to swallow it all in. He was on heavy antibiotics, a patch for pain, and morphine. He did not recognize me at all but I had the opportunity to talk to him, to tell him I loved him, and pet his head. The surgery looks like a clean one."


On behalf of Tania, thank you so much for your prayers and good thoughts for Cannon.



Cleo (Golddust Cadilac 83484 Blazing Desire X Greys Blu Fox)

Cole (Hallo Jeremy 88778 My Rooster X Bahama Tango)

Athena (R and a Peach 93839 Coldwater Guv X R and a Lady)

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And one more update:


"we called Dr G. at 8am this morning and they told us that Cannon already went for his morning walk!"


:yay :yay Way to go Cannon!!! :yay :yay



Cleo (Golddust Cadilac 83484 Blazing Desire X Greys Blu Fox)

Cole (Hallo Jeremy 88778 My Rooster X Bahama Tango)

Athena (R and a Peach 93839 Coldwater Guv X R and a Lady)

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Sending healing prayers to both of you. I hope Cannon can come home soon~holding you both in my heart. :grouphug


Patti-Mommy of Lady Sophia 7-28-92 - 8-3-04... LaceyLaine 8-2-94-12-5-07...

Flash Gordon 7-14-99 - 8-29-09... BrookLynne...Pavé Maria... and 18 Bridge Kids.




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Call me if you need anything Tania, I'm right down the street.



The more I see of man, the more I like dogs. ~Mme. de Staël
Missing my Bridge Angels Ryce, Bo, Jim, Miss Millie, Miss Rose, Gustopher P Jones (Pimpmaster G), Miss Isabella and Miss Star

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Guest cannonsmom

Hi everyone!

Thank you so much for all the wonderful words, thoughts and prayers. Jen (cleosmom) thanks for being such a wonderful friend. I wish I had you here in the states closer to me so I could go over and hug you just because you are such a ROCK.

Leslie (ryzesmom) thanks for being who you are! there is nothing better than a greyhound-loving-feisty-nurse! A woman after my own heart! thanks for all the medical advice.

Patricia thanks for the inspiring email, like many of us on here, I know you felt my pain.

Lene...youre just the greatest! always there.....

and whomever else I missed, even those who dont know me personally, dont think for one second that I dont cherish your compassion for a dog you dont know. We are all one here...with the same cause-LOVING OUR GREYHOUNDS AND EVERYONE ELSES.


CANNON IS HOME, and I wouldnt want him to be anywhere else but here with us.

its [the amputation] is still so hard to look at. I just keep saying, I hope he forgives me for taking his leg, I just want him to be free of pain.

it does seem like he is back to normal except for the meds which are keeping him pretty dopey.

Every once in a while he pops up from his bed and just stands there panting and then lays back down on the amputation side? Why does he do that?

I tried to flip him over to the left side but he is not having it.

The great thing is that his appetite is as good as ever! Tonight he ate Chicken Kitchen (a local favorite here in Miami) totally healthy yellow rice and chicken. He DID NOT share with his sister.

......I want to say that the fact that he was his usual GREEDY self, was a good sign.

another great sign is that as soon as he came home, he went straight to his bed and he even let Divine lay down next to him. This is something he NEVER allows......I think it was the meds----he was delirious for that moment. Divine was pretty shocked too but didnt care, she was just beside herself with joy that her brother was finally back from wherever she thought he went.


so......this is how I feel: if the fact that amputating his leg and taking away his pain from the bone cancer may give me just another day, another week, another year with him, I dont regret my decision for second. he has to know how very much I love him....after all I am "CANNONSMOM"


Thanks again to everyone on here.




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Oh sweetie...every day will get better and better. Soon you will be doing zoomies in the yard with a big grin. You are strong...you are an inspiration. You have such a wonderful and caring Mommy who will take each and every step of this journey with you. :grouphug My prayers and the most gentle hugs. :grouphug


Patti-Mommy of Lady Sophia 7-28-92 - 8-3-04... LaceyLaine 8-2-94-12-5-07...

Flash Gordon 7-14-99 - 8-29-09... BrookLynne...Pavé Maria... and 18 Bridge Kids.




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Guest vahoundlover

YAY!! He's home!!! Cannon, Patty is right..everyday you will feel a bit better and before you know it, you'll be running like the wind :kiss2 Keep eating Sweetie, you need all the strength and nourishment to heal and beat this nasty disease. Lots of prayers coming your way :grouphug

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Again, I say: WAY TO GO CANNON!!!! :yay I'm glad he's home with you and Divine. He didn't waste any time showing that doctor it was time to go home eh?


Divine (gorgeous as always) looks thrilled to have her brother home!


Hugs to Cannon. And slurpy kisses for Auntie Tania from the monsters. :lol




Cleo (Golddust Cadilac 83484 Blazing Desire X Greys Blu Fox)

Cole (Hallo Jeremy 88778 My Rooster X Bahama Tango)

Athena (R and a Peach 93839 Coldwater Guv X R and a Lady)

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Tania, Cannon ROCKS! I know he is glad to be home. Call if you need me.



The more I see of man, the more I like dogs. ~Mme. de Staël
Missing my Bridge Angels Ryce, Bo, Jim, Miss Millie, Miss Rose, Gustopher P Jones (Pimpmaster G), Miss Isabella and Miss Star

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  • 2 weeks later...
Guest Vinnie

I just found this thread after I went looking for an update - Yay Cannon! So glad you are home and that the surgery went well. Vinnie had his right front amputated as well and he loved to lay on that side - I think it is just a subconscious defense mechanism - it always made me cringe as it would seem that it would hurt more to lay on that side. The first week or two is the hardest and then they realize that they can really fly with three legs and that if they milk it just right, there's lots more treats from those magic windows we drive through when we take them back in for check-ups and treatment. Hope you are doing ok as well. I loved the picture of Cannon with his sister, she has a lovely smile. Sending healing prayers and extra scritches for your pups and hugs for you.

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