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New Potential Dallas Grey Owner!

Guest lanielovesgreys

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Guest lanielovesgreys

Hello everyone. What a FANTASTIC forum. I was on the fence about getting a grey until I came here. Hopefully, Stewie will be moving in a week from tomorrow. We can't wait to meet him. Here's a pic (because I know you love the pics!). He's not a full greyhound, the foster mom thinks he's half Lab. Either way, he kept poking me on adoption sites. He kept coming up as a match, even when I wasn't looking for a dog his size. It's like he kept saying "LOOK! I'M HERE! DON'T YOU WANT ME?". And, as it turned out.... yes, I did.




The foster mom said he's broader than her other greys but he's just as tall. So, we're bringing home a big boy. I bought the Greyhounds for Dummies book, but it seems like it's geared toward introducing a dog to a home for the first time. Stewie was rescued from under a mobile home in very very poor condition. The local rescue organization fixed him all up and placed him in a home about 6 months after they found him. That couple moved to an apartment and didn't bring him with! Poor guy. We hope to make up for it though!


Anyway, he will be my first dog, so I'm reading everything I can about training and greyhounds. I'm trying to find a good training method to get behind. The one in greyhounds for dummies sounds ok, but I don't know if it's appropriate for my greyhound... yet.


I'd love to hear all of your suggestions about obedience. He's housebroken and doesn't jump, but we'd like to teach him some manners and some fun tricks when he's ready.








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Sounds like you are doing all of the right things to prepare. Stewie is gorgeous, congrats! :confetti



2 Hounds Design Martingale Collars | 2 Hounds Design Facebook Page

Alisha, Bob, Livvie (the 2.5 year old!) plus Mia Bella, Tippy, + Wahoo and Diesel the crazy kitties (and missing sweet Iceman, Paradise, Bandit, Cujo & Sebastian) in Indian Trail, NC

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Guest KsFrets

OMG he is a handsome dog! Hello from Kansas and you sound a lot more prepared than we were...Stewie will guide you, so don't sweat it, just enjoy those big good morning kisses and helicopter tail :paw:beatheart

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what a precious face your Stewie has, and I love the name. welcome and ask any questions you have.



Pam with greys Avril, Dalton & Zeus & Diddy the dachshund & Miss Buzz the kitty

Devotion, Jingle Bells, Rocky, Hans, Harbor, Lennon, NoLa, Scooter, Naomi and Scout at the bridge

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Guest SillyIzzysMom

I have MET Stewie (his name is Stevie on GU site right?) We just adopted a hound a couple weeks ago--and at a meet and greet to check out the dogs, I met your boy and he seemed very sweet. And he does, indeed look very greyhound. His non-grey parent didn't leave much behind in him as far as I could tell!


When I met Stevie, he seemed VERY focused on his foster mom and wasn't giving any of the visiting potential adopters much attention. At first that kind of put me off until I started thinking about it. . .I'm sure that he would be that way with whoever he had lived with for awhile. I'm thinking that after he settled into a home and started to love and trust his new family he would be extra devoted. Of course, for all I know he may just love all over you when you meet him, who knows? But I figured that you should know that even if he doesn't immediately seem to "bond" with you at a meet and greet, you probably shouldn't worry. Those meet and greet situations in the pet stores are overwhelming for a lot of the dogs. Stevie just seemed nervous about "losing" his foster mom in the crowd--and after losing his first home, who could blame him?


Anyway--congratulations. Stevie sure sounds like an easy, laidback boy and I know for a fact that he is very big and handsome in person. It's sad that he lost his first home--I hope you get him and give him a great new one.



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Welcome from Plano, as Greytmuse said, we'd love to meet you for a playdate with Stewie.

~Beth, with a crazy mixed crew of misfits.
~ Forever and Always missing and loving Steak, Carmen, Ivy, Isis, and Madi.
Don't cry because it's ended, Smile because it happened.
Before you judge me, try to keep an open mind, not everyone likes your taste.

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Hi from Maryland & congratulations on Stewie!!


A great book that's been recommended to me by several people on GT is The Other End Of The Leash by Patricia McConnell. I finally read it a few weeks ago & it's really enlightening! (Especially if this is your first dog!) Cody was my first dog too & she was a great dog!!


We'll expect LOTS of pix of Stewie!!

Jeannine with Merlin, the crazed tabby cat and his sister, Jasmine, the brat-cat

With GTsiggieFromJenn.jpgAngel Cody(Roving Gemini), and Weenie the tortie waiting at the Bridge

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Guest lanielovesgreys

Hi all! Thank you so much for your warm welcome. We brought him home last night and he's been nothing but easy. He came home a little freaked out and is still pretty unsure of his surroundings.


We've got two kitties who are very interested (don't worry, we've kept him muzzled) but they may as well be furniture to him. He just doesn't seem to notice or care at all.


Anyway, here's some pictures of him at home. He's pretty attached to that bed. :D




I hope he gets less scared, but I'm sure he will. He ran around the backyard (which was pretty eye opening), but that's about the extent of his activity so far.

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Guest SillyIzzysMom

Yeah, I'm so glad you got him! He definately needed a forever home.


That's such a cute photo of him on his bed. I need to take some photos of Izzy and post them (I'm terrible about photos with fur and skin kids).


We've had Izzy for about 2 and a half weeks and with the exception of her having to go to the vet for TERRIBLE diahrea, there have been no troubles. And that's better, thank goodness. . .they started her on a treatment for Giardia and put her, temporarily, on some high-fiber food--enormos poops but at least they're not puddles! Although it did seem funny leaving the vet with this prescription food for Overweight pets with my little string-bean on the end of the leash! haha!


Give your sweet boy a scritch behind the ears for me :P


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Hi, and welcome!


The Greyhound books really are geared towards adopted ex-racers.


For a mixed breed dog, any general training and care book will do!


My last dog was a mutt--smartest, best looking dog I've ever known! Your new buddy looks like a doll! Enjoy.


Susan,  Hamish,  Mister Bigglesworth and Nikita Stanislav. Missing Ming, George, and Buck

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Guest greytloves

I agree with the advice on taking to a class. It will help you bond really quick and teach him some manners! Remember to love him every day and to have patience as he and you learn to live life together!


But most of all......Have fun with him!


By the way, HI from East Texas! Look forward to seeing you at GU events!

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Guest jvilches

Hi! :) We're brand new adopters in the DFW area too. It's just been a week or so, and we're ihead over heels n love with our two girlies.


I'll be looking for a good obedience class as well.



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