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A Happy Hound With Increased Panting

Guest couchpotato

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Guest couchpotato

I have been pouring through the forum looking for similar cases and mostly finding posts about LS, Arthritis and Osteo, but the symptoms do not match well enough for me to believe it is any of those. This is for our 11 year old male Jazzy.



It does not take much for him to start panting, but will return to normal breathing soon after relaxing. I do not think the panting is a response to pain. It's this panting that really has me puzzled.


He is a bit more whiney these days.


Does not exhibit any problems lying down getting up, certainly no real problems running around or jumping on and off the bed. The only exception is more recently it seems he does not have the same grip level on his rear /pads, when he charges around a corner sometimes his feet will slide out a bit and I do not recall seeing that before.


Tempted to try Dasuquin, does not seem as though it would hurt. Not much posted about his stuff here.


He is very playful and a little more demanding of our attention since we lost our other grey a couple months ago, which I could attribute the whining to (he sitting behind me as i write this and whining a bit because I am not paying attention to him :rolleyes: )


Or is it simply a sign of old age?

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I would definitely opt for a visit to the vet. Excess panting could mean he is uncomfortable.



ROBIN ~ Mom to: Beau Think It Aint, Chloe JC Allthewayhome, Teddy ICU Drunk Sailor, Elsie N Fracine , Ollie RG's Travertine, Ponch A's Jupiter~ Yoshi, Zoobie & Belle, the kitties.

Waiting at the bridge Angel Polli Bohemian Ocean , Rocky, Blue,Sasha & Zoobie & Bobbi

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Guest SillyDog

I'm not clear why you're ruling out pain as the source of panting. I've got a guy with multiple joint pain and sometimes his only "tell" is that he pants a lot. It isn't until he's really bad that I see other changes in his behavior. A vet visit might be a good idea to assess him. Good luck!

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Guest beerdogs31

I agree, panting can be the only sign of pain these guys give. A few years ago, my grey was panting a lot and I took him to the vet. After an in depth exam and x-rays, it turned out he had a chipped bone in his foot. Always best to get them checked out. Good luck!

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Guest couchpotato

We were at the vet a few weeks ago for a physical and we talked about all the issues outlined in my first post. So I thought I would see what the collective here would say.


He is due for a dental cleaning, at which time we (the vet and I) decided we would take a few x-rays and look for any signs of respiratory problems before proceeding with the dental cleaning.


I have not completely ruled out pain; I just assume he would at least slow down a little bit, but it almost seems like he has more energy now a days. That is why I am considering the use of Dasuquin...

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That's a tough one. My Jack from the day I got him at age 4 pants for everything. He pants when he's happy;when he's excited; when he's scared or nervous; when he's hot; when he's intent on arranging his bed just so..... I am going to be in real trouble if he adds panting with pain into his repertoire.


Trying to figure these guys out sometimes is so tough. I hope it's nothing serious at all for your fellow.



Jack, in my heart forever March 1999-Nov 21, 2008 My Dancing Queen Jilly with me always and forever Aug 12, 2003-Oct 15, 2010

Joshy I will love you always Aug 1, 2004-Feb 22,2013 Jonah my sweetheart May 2000 - Jan 2015

" You will never need to be alone again. I promise this. As your dog, I will sing this promise to you, and whisper it to you at night, every night, with my breath." Stanley Coren

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I was just thinking this morning, I have now learned to differentiate between four types of panting with Sugar. There is nervous/stress panting, "I'm hot" panting, "I hurt" panting, and bad heart panting.

x-rays can tell your vet if he has arthritis or (sometimes) heart problems. Good luck, panting van be hard to "read"!

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It does sound like old age to me because it reminds me of when Huggy Bear started to get old. He started loosing "grip" in the rear end and eventually got to the point where his feet would totally slide out from under him while standing still. That problem got that way because of extreme weight loss and pain and muscle atrophy in the hind quarters. His problems started very gradually between 10 and 11 yo then got really bad at 13yo. And he didn't stop jumping up onto things (like beds and couches) until his last 6 months. In retrospect I think he had LS but I'm not 100% on that. Either way, he was in severe pain in his rear end.


Buggie also panted quite easily when just walking around the house and that part didn't bother me because he was pretty old and because he even did it when he was younger... just out of pure excitement. For your pup I wouldn't worry about it too much if its from light exercise. But I would worry if he starts panting while just lying down and not doing anything. That's a sign of pain. Boy, I wish I knew then, when he was just starting to get old, all the things I know now.


Anyway, I'd just keep an eye on his rear end stability. Watch his weight. And if you start to suspect that he is in any type of pain in the hip area try acupuncture. It's great for pain management with out having to medicate your pup every day. That's one of the things I would have done differently with Huggy Bear. I would have started acupuncture about a year earlier when I started noticing his instability and weight loss was getting worse.


Hope this helps. :)



Dasuquin (glucosamine and condroitin) won't hurt either. You want to start that stuff sooner than later because joint supplements are proven to prevent further damage but do not reverse existing damage.

Edited by caro
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Just wanted to pipe about the difficulty of telling if a grey is in pain. I thought that Spiff was not in any pain from his LS, but when the vet decided to try treating him with Rimadyl, he was like a new dog. His eyes got brighter, he got bouncier and ran around the garden more. I wonder if he was really in pain, and I just couldn't tell.


It would be nice to know if there is something going on to cause the panting -- is it a pain reaction? Or something else?


Sometimes, I wish our pups could talk, so they could tell us what is up!!

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  • 3 weeks later...
Guest couchpotato

We have a vet appointment for Jazz tomorrow to screen for arthritis (or osteo or Lumbosacral Stenosis too I guess).


He has been ever so slightly favoring his left rear leg, something only an owner would notice.

The first few hours of our day before we head out for work he is always fine. It is the afternoon when we come home and through out the evening he tends to pant a lot.


Like all of us, I cannot stand not knowing if he is in fact in some kind of pain. :blink:

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Guest jurishound

Glad you're headed to the vet. One of my greys began panting a lot and in retrospect, I believe it was a sign that she was in pain. On the other hand, it could be related to - virtually anything. Best to have it checked out!

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Guest dwolfe711

When our 13yo Allie started panting a lot this spring so we took her for blood work and included a lyme test as we had found a deer tick on her a few weeks earlier - it was lyme - and she's gone through the cycle of meds twice now - after the first cycle of meds she started the panting and other unusual activity about 2 weeks after finishing the meds - so we did another cycle - she seems to be fine now - but panting is definitely not her norm - unless she is hot or has run and played excessively - good luck - I hope he is okay -



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Guest couchpotato

Vet did attribute Jazzy's panting to pain... though could not pin-point what the source could be.

All the x-rays taken today showed no signs of any serious joint problems (on a previous x-ray from a few months ago there was some indication of an inflammation in his lower spine, but that was not present today). So all good news really. :colgate

At the doctors recommendation we have started him on a joint health supplement (Glucosamine HCI + Chondroitin Sulfate) - were starting out with the product from Costco, and will likely switch to one of the other brands that seem popular with the forum members here.


I can rest easier now with this information and hope our hound doesn't mind his humans freaking out over his every move :lol

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Guest couchpotato

our vet indicated the costco brand (Kirkland) is a good brand. Two pills a day equals the recommended 1500mg/1200mg dosage. Jazz has no problem eating them, we just drop it in his food bowl and serve!

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  • 2 months later...
Guest couchpotato

Update: it's been just over two months since we started administering the Glucosamine HCI + Chondroitin Sulfate, the excessive panting has subsided. So that has been a relief.


The bummer is Jazzy is favoring his left rear leg much more. So about a month ago we brought him in again for more x-rays, still nothing bad showed up so we now also have him on Rimadyl. Though none of this has slowed him down much at all, it's both inspiring and infuriating! :rolleyes:

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Monty was a return around his 10th birthday and was able to go completely off of NSAIDs (Deramaxx) after 3 months on glucosamine chondroitin. He's now pushing 13 and runs like a puppy :) Hopefully the Rimadyl for Jazz is 'as needed' vs daily, and you can move him off of it completely at some point.

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Guest couchpotato

I'd like to take him off it completely too. Right now we are down to just one pill in the morning, plus more if he seems to need it... but he really does not want to put weight on that leg at all.

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Guest bandit

Hi everyone this is my first time on your site. I need some advice on what to do for Bandit who is 12years old. He had come down with a supposively neurological problem, which happened within a few weeks time which is so not like his personality to slow down AT ALL. This grey was never sick a day in his 10+ years with me.

It started after a jump out of a SUV which injured his hind leg. He favored this by not putting weight on it and in time I noticed him draging it when he walked. Maybe a week later he started this with the front paw on the same side. I also feel he cannot see out of the same side eye. This could be a result of him scatching his cornea 8 months ago ( my guess ).

Took him to the neurologist recommeded by my vet but he feels he would not subject a 12 year old grey to general anesthesia for an MRI. He had some blood tests and came up + for lymes which he was treated with AB's. He started more frequently with the panting and we are going back to the doctors tomorrow because I am very worried.

Tomorrow I will ask him to do any test possible to see if it could be any other contributing factors causing the physical changes and the panting. He was also noted with a heart arrythemia but they felt it was the severe stress he exhibits when I take him into the vet hospital.

I would appreciate any help at any level.


MaryBeth and Bandit

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Guest HeatherDemps

Mary Beth,


You may want to start a new topic for your post- I'm sure you'll get a lot of responses. :)




Hi everyone this is my first time on your site. I need some advice on what to do for Bandit who is 12years old. He had come down with a supposively neurological problem, which happened within a few weeks time which is so not like his personality to slow down AT ALL. This grey was never sick a day in his 10+ years with me.

It started after a jump out of a SUV which injured his hind leg. He favored this by not putting weight on it and in time I noticed him draging it when he walked. Maybe a week later he started this with the front paw on the same side. I also feel he cannot see out of the same side eye. This could be a result of him scatching his cornea 8 months ago ( my guess ).

Took him to the neurologist recommeded by my vet but he feels he would not subject a 12 year old grey to general anesthesia for an MRI. He had some blood tests and came up + for lymes which he was treated with AB's. He started more frequently with the panting and we are going back to the doctors tomorrow because I am very worried.

Tomorrow I will ask him to do any test possible to see if it could be any other contributing factors causing the physical changes and the panting. He was also noted with a heart arrythemia but they felt it was the severe stress he exhibits when I take him into the vet hospital.

I would appreciate any help at any level.


MaryBeth and Bandit


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Mary Beth,


You may want to start a new topic for your post- I'm sure you'll get a lot of responses. :)




Hi everyone this is my first time on your site. I need some advice on what to do for Bandit who is 12years old. He had come down with a supposively neurological problem, which happened within a few weeks time which is so not like his personality to slow down AT ALL. This grey was never sick a day in his 10+ years with me.

It started after a jump out of a SUV which injured his hind leg. He favored this by not putting weight on it and in time I noticed him draging it when he walked. Maybe a week later he started this with the front paw on the same side. I also feel he cannot see out of the same side eye. This could be a result of him scatching his cornea 8 months ago ( my guess ).

Took him to the neurologist recommeded by my vet but he feels he would not subject a 12 year old grey to general anesthesia for an MRI. He had some blood tests and came up + for lymes which he was treated with AB's. He started more frequently with the panting and we are going back to the doctors tomorrow because I am very worried.

Tomorrow I will ask him to do any test possible to see if it could be any other contributing factors causing the physical changes and the panting. He was also noted with a heart arrythemia but they felt it was the severe stress he exhibits when I take him into the vet hospital.

I would appreciate any help at any level.


MaryBeth and Bandit


I agree, you should start a new topic in Health & Medical, and you'll get a better response rate.


I wonder if it's possible you're dealing with a minor stroke...?

Edited by ZoomDoggy

~Aimee, with Flower, Alan, Queenie, & Spodee Odee! And forever in my heart: Tipper, Sissy, Chancy, Marla, Dazzle, Alimony, and Boo. This list is too damned long.

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